A Great Example of Obama's Tax Plan

Actually, here's a better example of re-distribution of wealth:

I pay the government $100 in more in taxes. 10 other people get my $100 and buy my products and now I have 10 people paying me $100 each. I give $100 and I get $1000. That's a better return than the stock market!


John McCain sends every single working American a check for $2500 at the end of the year "to go towards health insurance."

$2500 to every single working American and $5000 to married couples filing jointly.

Now THAT's spreading the wealth!

Or just cut taxes across the board... Doesn't that seem the fairest?
Another example...

Our Tax System Explained: Bar Stool Economics

Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:

The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
The fifth would pay $1.
The sixth would pay $3.
The seventh would pay $7.
The eighth would pay $12.
The ninth would pay $18.
The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.

So, that's what they decided to do.

The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. 'Since you are all such good customers,' he said, 'I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20.' Drinks for the ten now cost just $80.

The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free.

But what about the other six men - the paying customers?
How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his 'fair share?'

They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer.

So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.

And so:
The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).
The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33%savings).
The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7 (28%savings).
The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).
The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings).
The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).

Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings.

'I only got a dollar out of the $20,'declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man,' but he got $10!'

'Yeah, that's right,' exclaimed the fifth man. 'I only saved a dollar, too.

It's unfair that he got ten times more than I got' 'That's true!!' shouted the seventh man. 'Why should he get $10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!'

'Wait a minute,' yelled the first four men in unison. 'We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!'

The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.

The next night the tenth man didn't show up for drinks so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!

And that, ladies and gentlemen, journalists and college professors, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.

Does this not make sense?
Yes, but I've stopped hoping for common sense from about 1/2 the US voting population.
THIS IS THE CORPORATIONS MONEY IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!! FYI - The government doesn't make money!!!!! Hello!!!! They only take from others!!!!

so the trillion dollar bailout with our taxes was really not our taxes but ALL THEIR TAXES Kman???? And it was all their money in the first place so we are not being robbed blind as i had thought?

you know that's not true!

Another example...

Our Tax System Explained: Bar Stool Economics

Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:

The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
The fifth would pay $1.
The sixth would pay $3.
The seventh would pay $7.
The eighth would pay $12.
The ninth would pay $18.
The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.

So, that's what they decided to do.

The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. 'Since you are all such good customers,' he said, 'I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20.' Drinks for the ten now cost just $80.

The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free.

But what about the other six men - the paying customers?
How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his 'fair share?'

They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer.

So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.

And so:
The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).
The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33%savings).
The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7 (28%savings).
The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).
The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings).
The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).

Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings.

'I only got a dollar out of the $20,'declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man,' but he got $10!'

'Yeah, that's right,' exclaimed the fifth man. 'I only saved a dollar, too.

It's unfair that he got ten times more than I got' 'That's true!!' shouted the seventh man. 'Why should he get $10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!'

'Wait a minute,' yelled the first four men in unison. 'We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!'

The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.

The next night the tenth man didn't show up for drinks so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!

And that, ladies and gentlemen, journalists and college professors, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.

Does this not make sense?

Makes perfect sense, lets see if a lefty can DIRECTLY counter this ......:doubt:
so the trillion dollar bailout with our taxes was really not our taxes but ALL THEIR TAXES Kman???? And it was all their money in the first place so we are not being robbed blind as i had thought?

you know that's not true!


I thought that wrong too.
Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign that read "Vote Obama, I need the money."

Once in the restaurant my server had on a necktie that read "Obama 08".
When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept. He stood there in
disbelief while I told him that I was going to redistribute his tip to someone who I deemed more in need - the homeless guy outside. The server angrily
stormed from my sight. I went outside, gave the homeless guy $5 and told him to thank the server inside
as I've decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy was grateful. At the end of my rather unscientific redistribution experiment I realized the
homeless guy was grateful for the money he did not earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he earned even though Obama says the
actual recipient deserved money more.
I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier thing to swallow in concept than in practical application. It’s great for the deadbeats but not so great for
those that work.
That's great.
Actually, here's a better example of re-distribution of wealth:

I pay the government $100 in more in taxes. 10 other people get my $100 and buy my products and now I have 10 people paying me $100 each. I give $100 and I get $1000. That's a better return than the stock market!


John McCain sends every single working American a check for $2500 at the end of the year "to go towards health insurance."

$2500 to every single working American and $5000 to married couples filing jointly.

Now THAT's spreading the wealth!
you pay $100 and 10 other people get your $100? loaves and fishes?
$100 divided between 10 people is $10 and that's the point where i stopped reading your sad attempt to tell us that yo-bama is perfect.

Well, Obama IS the Messiah. He can reenact the loaves and fishes story from the Bible with David S's money.:badgrin:


C CORPORATION (Regular “C” Corporations) Genreal Overview
Double Taxation

S CORPORATION (Subchapter “S” Corporations) [URL="http://cpa-services.com/special_sco.shtml]General Overview[/URL]
Pass Thru Taxation

Approximately 60% of US corporations pay NO Income Tax.
Nice rationalization for being too parasitic to tip your waitor.

I wouldn't eat there again if I were you.

I wouldn't eat there again either. He'd probably spit in your food. But it's a great story.
Why is it that only assholes on the right call him the Messiah? Do they know something we don't?:cuckoo:

Well, Obama IS the Messiah. He can reenact the loaves and fishes story from the Bible with David S's money

I guess them McCain is the Anti-Crist?
Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign that read "Vote Obama, I need the money."

Once in the restaurant my server had on a necktie that read "Obama 08".
When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept. He stood there in
disbelief while I told him that I was going to redistribute his tip to someone who I deemed more in need - the homeless guy outside. The server angrily
stormed from my sight. I went outside, gave the homeless guy $5 and told him to thank the server inside
as I've decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy was grateful. At the end of my rather unscientific redistribution experiment I realized the
homeless guy was grateful for the money he did not earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he earned even though Obama says the
actual recipient deserved money more.
I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier thing to swallow in concept than in practical application. It’s great for the deadbeats but not so great for
those that work.

They are the same tax cuts that Clinton used you fricken retard, people didnt mind back then because it helped the economy and they loved Bubba. Your example is stupid and If I was that waiter I would have rung your neck.

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