CDZ A great idea or maybe not ?


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
What about this - I was thinking about the mandatory evacuation out of Florida in which was ordered to avoid the hurricane, and I thought what if FEMA set it up for the evacuees to have a way to get gas and hotel rooms along the evacuation routes on FEMA's dime ?? Wouldn't this allow for those who might not be so willing to flee for economic reasons, to then flee like everyone else can or would ? Otherwise you have people who are living paycheck to paycheck that might figure that they are stuck, so they just stay behind thinking I will just have to ride it out no matter what happens. It could be that if you have a Florida license plate or tag, and a Florida drivers licence to present while on the evacuation route, and you present that at the supported stations or hotels in the safe zone or along the route, then FEMA would automatically kick in to take care of you and your families accomodations until allowed to return Home. This would level the class situation in which money separates the saved from those left behind because they couldn't get out because of a lack of money. If done in a manageable way, and proper ID along with address and registration to match liscense tag were presented, then you would be excepted to get assistance while in route, and until allowed to return home. The wealthy wouldn't need the assistance, but the unfortunate working class poor who would want to leave also, could definitely get the help if need it on or along the way. Just a thought.
Good idea, but the execution would be a nightmare to enforce.

A better thing would be for buses to be designated as refugee buses and allow THOSE buses to get free gas along the evacuation route. Designated drivers with specially issued ID's would be better and a lot easier to enforce.

Of course, then people are going to say they don't want to leave behind their vehicles.
Good idea, but the execution would be a nightmare to enforce.

A better thing would be for buses to be designated as refugee buses and allow THOSE buses to get free gas along the evacuation route. Designated drivers with specially issued ID's would be better and a lot easier to enforce.

Of course, then people are going to say they don't want to leave behind their vehicles.
. After the designated route or routes are agreed upon, then FEMA could designate and choose the stations, hotels that would participate. The reason the buses aren't a good idea, is because people fear for their families safety, and so they would rather keep their family separate from strangers for whom would be found in groups of people on buses that are not known.
Good idea, but the execution would be a nightmare to enforce.

A better thing would be for buses to be designated as refugee buses and allow THOSE buses to get free gas along the evacuation route. Designated drivers with specially issued ID's would be better and a lot easier to enforce.

Of course, then people are going to say they don't want to leave behind their vehicles.
. After the designated route or routes are agreed upon, then FEMA could designate and choose the stations, hotels that would participate. The reason the buses aren't a good idea, is because people fear for their families safety, and so they would rather keep their family separate from strangers for whom would be found in groups of people on buses that are not known.
FEMA is not for that reason. It is a fantasy name and acronym for covering its real purpose. It is vested with authoritative power what is not the characteristic of any agency what is for just helping.
Good idea, but the execution would be a nightmare to enforce.

A better thing would be for buses to be designated as refugee buses and allow THOSE buses to get free gas along the evacuation route. Designated drivers with specially issued ID's would be better and a lot easier to enforce.

Of course, then people are going to say they don't want to leave behind their vehicles.
. After the designated route or routes are agreed upon, then FEMA could designate and choose the stations, hotels that would participate. The reason the buses aren't a good idea, is because people fear for their families safety, and so they would rather keep their family separate from strangers for whom would be found in groups of people on buses that are not known.

Are you sure about that? Because there are LOTS of people currently hunkering down in shelters with lots of other people that they don't know.

I don't think riding on buses would be much of a problem.
Could set up make shift camps quickly along the route where gas would be distributed, food served, and information on sleeping accommodations would be given upon departures. The military could execute this action by setting up these stations/camps in farmers fields or abandoned wharehouses, old factories or large rest areas outside the danger zones or outside the path of the storm.
Good idea, but the execution would be a nightmare to enforce.

A better thing would be for buses to be designated as refugee buses and allow THOSE buses to get free gas along the evacuation route. Designated drivers with specially issued ID's would be better and a lot easier to enforce.

Of course, then people are going to say they don't want to leave behind their vehicles.
. After the designated route or routes are agreed upon, then FEMA could designate and choose the stations, hotels that would participate. The reason the buses aren't a good idea, is because people fear for their families safety, and so they would rather keep their family separate from strangers for whom would be found in groups of people on buses that are not known.
FEMA is not for that reason. It is a fantasy name and acronym for covering its real purpose. It is vested with authoritative power what is not the characteristic of any agency what is for just helping.
Try that a little slower... Thanks.
Good idea, but the execution would be a nightmare to enforce.

A better thing would be for buses to be designated as refugee buses and allow THOSE buses to get free gas along the evacuation route. Designated drivers with specially issued ID's would be better and a lot easier to enforce.

Of course, then people are going to say they don't want to leave behind their vehicles.
. After the designated route or routes are agreed upon, then FEMA could designate and choose the stations, hotels that would participate. The reason the buses aren't a good idea, is because people fear for their families safety, and so they would rather keep their family separate from strangers for whom would be found in groups of people on buses that are not known.

Are you sure about that? Because there are LOTS of people currently hunkering down in shelters with lots of other people that they don't know.

I don't think riding on buses would be much of a problem.
. Good point on the shelters, but when in route the quarters would be much more cramped and close.
Could set up make shift camps quickly along the route where gas would be distributed, food served, and information on sleeping accommodations would be given upon departures. The military could execute this action by setting up these stations/camps in farmers fields or abandoned wharehouses, old factories or large rest areas outside the danger zones or outside the path of the storm.

Here's another reason why having buses going from one place to another would be a better idea. Infrastructure. You do realize that setting up all those places along the route, probably every 100 to 200 miles or so, are going to have to be fairly large to handle the volume, right? You also realize that the material and supplies as well as the personnel who are handing out the supplies are also going to have to be able to find safety as well, right?

If you have buses running along a route picking people up, you don't have to lay out all that stuff. And while to some your argument about people not wanting to be around strangers might hold water, to the vast majority, it won't matter, because everytime people gather together in a shelter during events like this, they are housed together with a bunch of other strangers.
It would be best if people could help themselves to their preferred destinations if only a little help was offered to see them through. Would be easier managed if the people were kept in some control of their destiny's in the situation.
Could set up make shift camps quickly along the route where gas would be distributed, food served, and information on sleeping accommodations would be given upon departures. The military could execute this action by setting up these stations/camps in farmers fields or abandoned wharehouses, old factories or large rest areas outside the danger zones or outside the path of the storm.

Here's another reason why having buses going from one place to another would be a better idea. Infrastructure. You do realize that setting up all those places along the route, probably every 100 to 200 miles or so, are going to have to be fairly large to handle the volume, right? You also realize that the material and supplies as well as the personnel who are handing out the supplies are also going to have to be able to find safety as well, right?

If you have buses running along a route picking people up, you don't have to lay out all that stuff. And while to some your argument about people not wanting to be around strangers might hold water, to the vast majority, it won't matter, because everytime people gather together in a shelter during events like this, they are housed together with a bunch of other strangers.
. Keeping people in control of their own safety is paramont in a situation I think.. It's like having them help in the managing of the situation, and not strain the resources of man power offered if were to do so much of the task by government workers in which could cause failure much easier... Then the pointing of the fingers towards the government services that failed would be next.
My brother is in Fla. and he heard that all the I-75 rest stops have turned into gypsy camps with people stranded without gas. So what about prior to the evacuation. send gas tanker trucks directly to the rest stops and setting up temporary refueling stations there?
During peace time, why not purchase and designate areas strategic to these states that get hit all the time ???? This would include (3 or 4 areas in total, and are strategically located near the states mostly affected, and are so many miles inland from the states affected).... These areas would include around 3,000 acres per camp, FEMA small trailers set up on site about the size of little apts. or maybe little cabins like is seen at KOA campsites. A fueling station, a huge mess hall, a store, and urgent Care facility.
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My brother is in Fla. and he heard that all the I-75 rest stops have turned into gypsy camps with people stranded without gas. So what about prior to the evacuation. send gas tanker trucks directly to the rest stops and setting up temporary refueling stations there?
. The towns people and local officials near to these rest stops should try to assist the people stranded in these places by taking gas and food out to these people, but do it safely. The local law officials should immediately secure the areas.
What about this - I was thinking about the mandatory evacuation out of Florida in which was ordered to avoid the hurricane, and I thought what if FEMA set it up for the evacuees to have a way to get gas and hotel rooms along the evacuation routes on FEMA's dime ?? Wouldn't this allow for those who might not be so willing to flee for economic reasons, to then flee like everyone else can or would ? Otherwise you have people who are living paycheck to paycheck that might figure that they are stuck, so they just stay behind thinking I will just have to ride it out no matter what happens. It could be that if you have a Florida license plate or tag, and a Florida drivers licence to present while on the evacuation route, and you present that at the supported stations or hotels in the safe zone or along the route, then FEMA would automatically kick in to take care of you and your families accomodations until allowed to return Home. This would level the class situation in which money separates the saved from those left behind because they couldn't get out because of a lack of money. If done in a manageable way, and proper ID along with address and registration to match liscense tag were presented, then you would be excepted to get assistance while in route, and until allowed to return home. The wealthy wouldn't need the assistance, but the unfortunate working class poor who would want to leave also, could definitely get the help if need it on or along the way. Just a thought.
Your idea wouldn't work, for a zillion reasons. Least of which being that Florida is the vacation capital of the world. Slap full of tourists, and foreigners who need to evacuate as well.
What about this - I was thinking about the mandatory evacuation out of Florida in which was ordered to avoid the hurricane, and I thought what if FEMA set it up for the evacuees to have a way to get gas and hotel rooms along the evacuation routes on FEMA's dime ?? Wouldn't this allow for those who might not be so willing to flee for economic reasons, to then flee like everyone else can or would ? Otherwise you have people who are living paycheck to paycheck that might figure that they are stuck, so they just stay behind thinking I will just have to ride it out no matter what happens. It could be that if you have a Florida license plate or tag, and a Florida drivers licence to present while on the evacuation route, and you present that at the supported stations or hotels in the safe zone or along the route, then FEMA would automatically kick in to take care of you and your families accomodations until allowed to return Home. This would level the class situation in which money separates the saved from those left behind because they couldn't get out because of a lack of money. If done in a manageable way, and proper ID along with address and registration to match liscense tag were presented, then you would be excepted to get assistance while in route, and until allowed to return home. The wealthy wouldn't need the assistance, but the unfortunate working class poor who would want to leave also, could definitely get the help if need it on or along the way. Just a thought.
Your idea wouldn't work, for a zillion reasons. Least of which being that Florida is the vacation capital of the world. Slap full of tourists, and foreigners who need to evacuate as well.
And what does individual diversity, race or ethnicity of the individuals got to do with this OP ????? It's mostly to assist native Floridians, and it would accommodate those foriegners and tourist if need be as well. All human beings here, and who need assistance would get that assistance in the emergency.
What about this - I was thinking about the mandatory evacuation out of Florida in which was ordered to avoid the hurricane, and I thought what if FEMA set it up for the evacuees to have a way to get gas and hotel rooms along the evacuation routes on FEMA's dime ?? Wouldn't this allow for those who might not be so willing to flee for economic reasons, to then flee like everyone else can or would ? Otherwise you have people who are living paycheck to paycheck that might figure that they are stuck, so they just stay behind thinking I will just have to ride it out no matter what happens. It could be that if you have a Florida license plate or tag, and a Florida drivers licence to present while on the evacuation route, and you present that at the supported stations or hotels in the safe zone or along the route, then FEMA would automatically kick in to take care of you and your families accomodations until allowed to return Home. This would level the class situation in which money separates the saved from those left behind because they couldn't get out because of a lack of money. If done in a manageable way, and proper ID along with address and registration to match liscense tag were presented, then you would be excepted to get assistance while in route, and until allowed to return home. The wealthy wouldn't need the assistance, but the unfortunate working class poor who would want to leave also, could definitely get the help if need it on or along the way. Just a thought.
Your idea wouldn't work, for a zillion reasons. Least of which being that Florida is the vacation capital of the world. Slap full of tourists, and foreigners who need to evacuate as well.
And what does individual diversity, race or ethnicity of the individuals got to do with this OP ????? It's mostly to assist native Floridians, and it would accommodate those foriegners and tourist if need be as well. All human beings here, and who need assistance would get that assistance in the emergency.
The OP mentioned needing a Florida drivers licsene... That would make the plan ineffective.
What about this - I was thinking about the mandatory evacuation out of Florida in which was ordered to avoid the hurricane, and I thought what if FEMA set it up for the evacuees to have a way to get gas and hotel rooms along the evacuation routes on FEMA's dime ?? Wouldn't this allow for those who might not be so willing to flee for economic reasons, to then flee like everyone else can or would ? Otherwise you have people who are living paycheck to paycheck that might figure that they are stuck, so they just stay behind thinking I will just have to ride it out no matter what happens. It could be that if you have a Florida license plate or tag, and a Florida drivers licence to present while on the evacuation route, and you present that at the supported stations or hotels in the safe zone or along the route, then FEMA would automatically kick in to take care of you and your families accomodations until allowed to return Home. This would level the class situation in which money separates the saved from those left behind because they couldn't get out because of a lack of money. If done in a manageable way, and proper ID along with address and registration to match liscense tag were presented, then you would be excepted to get assistance while in route, and until allowed to return home. The wealthy wouldn't need the assistance, but the unfortunate working class poor who would want to leave also, could definitely get the help if need it on or along the way. Just a thought.
Your idea wouldn't work, for a zillion reasons. Least of which being that Florida is the vacation capital of the world. Slap full of tourists, and foreigners who need to evacuate as well.
And what does individual diversity, race or ethnicity of the individuals got to do with this OP ????? It's mostly to assist native Floridians, and it would accommodate those foriegners and tourist if need be as well. All human beings here, and who need assistance would get that assistance in the emergency.
The OP mentioned needing a Florida drivers licsene... That would make the plan ineffective.
. Remember that these are only ideas that are talked about here, and I am just looking for valuable inputs, so trying to take the OP apart on cherry picking for political or other reasons doesn't work or apply here. Add your valued input, and make it a positive input if you will.. Thanks.
What about this - I was thinking about the mandatory evacuation out of Florida in which was ordered to avoid the hurricane, and I thought what if FEMA set it up for the evacuees to have a way to get gas and hotel rooms along the evacuation routes on FEMA's dime ?? Wouldn't this allow for those who might not be so willing to flee for economic reasons, to then flee like everyone else can or would ? Otherwise you have people who are living paycheck to paycheck that might figure that they are stuck, so they just stay behind thinking I will just have to ride it out no matter what happens. It could be that if you have a Florida license plate or tag, and a Florida drivers licence to present while on the evacuation route, and you present that at the supported stations or hotels in the safe zone or along the route, then FEMA would automatically kick in to take care of you and your families accomodations until allowed to return Home. This would level the class situation in which money separates the saved from those left behind because they couldn't get out because of a lack of money. If done in a manageable way, and proper ID along with address and registration to match liscense tag were presented, then you would be excepted to get assistance while in route, and until allowed to return home. The wealthy wouldn't need the assistance, but the unfortunate working class poor who would want to leave also, could definitely get the help if need it on or along the way. Just a thought.
Your idea wouldn't work, for a zillion reasons. Least of which being that Florida is the vacation capital of the world. Slap full of tourists, and foreigners who need to evacuate as well.
And what does individual diversity, race or ethnicity of the individuals got to do with this OP ????? It's mostly to assist native Floridians, and it would accommodate those foriegners and tourist if need be as well. All human beings here, and who need assistance would get that assistance in the emergency.
The OP mentioned needing a Florida drivers licsene... That would make the plan ineffective.
. Remember that these are only ideas that are talked about here, and I am just looking for valuable inputs, so trying to take the OP apart on cherry picking for political or other reasons doesn't work or apply here. Add your valued input, and make it a positive input if you will.. Thanks.
I did... I pointed out one reason, it positively wouldn't work... How is that political?

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