A group of NC voters have filed a lawsuit seeking to disqualify Cawthorn from the ballot under the 14th Amendment, because of his support for DC riot!

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A group of North Carolina voters told state officials on Monday that they want Republican congressman Madison Cawthorn to be disqualified as a congressional candidate, citing his involvement in the 6 January attack on the Capitol.

Cawthorn questioned the outcome of the presidential election during the “Save America Rally” before the Capitol riot later that day that resulted in five deaths.

At the rally, Cawthorn made baseless claims that the election had been stolen from Donald Trump, and has been accused of firing up the crowd, many of whom went on to storm the Capitol.

Lawyers filed the candidacy challenge on behalf of 11 voters with North Carolina’s board of elections, which oversees a process by which candidate qualifications are scrutinized.

The voters say Cawthorn, who formally filed as a candidate last month, cannot run because he fails to comply with an amendment in the constitution ratified shortly after the civil war.

The 1868 amendment says no one can serve in Congress “who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress … to support the constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same”.

A group of North Carolina voters told state officials on Monday that they want Republican congressman Madison Cawthorn to be disqualified as a congressional candidate, citing his involvement in the 6 January attack on the Capitol.

Cawthorn questioned the outcome of the presidential election during the “Save America Rally” before the Capitol riot later that day that resulted in five death

At the rally, Cawthorn made baseless claims that the election had been stolen from Donald Trump, and has been accused of firing up the crowd, many of whom went on to storm the Capitol.

Lawyers filed the candidacy challenge on behalf of 11 voters with North Carolina’s board of elections, which oversees a process by which candidate qualifications are scrutinized.

The voters say Cawthorn, who formally filed as a candidate last month, cannot run because he fails to comply with an amendment in the constitution ratified shortly after the civil war.

The 1868 amendment says no one can serve in Congress “who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress … to support the constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same”.

The only way Dems have a chance is to prevent MAGA candidates from running.

Good luck.
View attachment 586449

A group of North Carolina voters told state officials on Monday that they want Republican congressman Madison Cawthorn to be disqualified as a congressional candidate, citing his involvement in the 6 January attack on the Capitol.

Cawthorn questioned the outcome of the presidential election during the “Save America Rally” before the Capitol riot later that day that resulted in five deaths.

At the rally, Cawthorn made baseless claims that the election had been stolen from Donald Trump, and has been accused of firing up the crowd, many of whom went on to storm the Capitol.

Lawyers filed the candidacy challenge on behalf of 11 voters with North Carolina’s board of elections, which oversees a process by which candidate qualifications are scrutinized.

The voters say Cawthorn, who formally filed as a candidate last month, cannot run because he fails to comply with an amendment in the constitution ratified shortly after the civil war.

The 1868 amendment says no one can serve in Congress “who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress … to support the constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same”.

A group of North Carolina voters told state officials on Monday that they want Republican congressman Madison Cawthorn to be disqualified as a congressional candidate, citing his involvement in the 6 January attack on the Capitol.

Cawthorn questioned the outcome of the presidential election during the “Save America Rally” before the Capitol riot later that day that resulted in five death

At the rally, Cawthorn made baseless claims that the election had been stolen from Donald Trump, and has been accused of firing up the crowd, many of whom went on to storm the Capitol.

Lawyers filed the candidacy challenge on behalf of 11 voters with North Carolina’s board of elections, which oversees a process by which candidate qualifications are scrutinized.

The voters say Cawthorn, who formally filed as a candidate last month, cannot run because he fails to comply with an amendment in the constitution ratified shortly after the civil war.

The 1868 amendment says no one can serve in Congress “who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress … to support the constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same”.


So bitter and frustrated!
Typically in a protests there aren't 100 plus cops injured. Plus 4 death.

So your naming seems inappropriate there.

Best case scenario in your case is calling it a riot it requires 3 or more people carrying out an act of violence that present a clear and present danger to property or people. Both do obviously apply.

An insurrection requires a few more things. It requires the motive for the disturbance being to overthrow the established government and taking the powers for yourself.

The stated goal was to stop the certification of Biden as president in favor of Trump. I don't think proving it rose to the legal definition of insurrection is a slam dunk case but it isn't an impossible one either. In any case anyone calling it an insurrection is a hundred times more accurate than someone calling it a protest.

The real rub will be able to prove that someone who was present and spoke at the rally beforehand can be considered part of that insurrection. It would probably depend on his exact wording

Reichstag Fire

I think Nancy will flee overseas to a country with no US Extradition after the midterms but before the new Republican dominated Congress is sworn in
Its 90% white, they will vote him in, unless he gets kicked out of running, which he should be.
Sadly, I believe you're right.

This is why the New York Mayor is fighting white supremacy, it's a big problem.
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1. Take a look at the voter fraud details and then, in NYC how the democrats want non-citizens to vote, and try to tell us no one "stole" the election.

2. Since Xiden "won" have you been proud how he's run the country? Maybe a few details would be a welcome reminder?
Everything Xiden touches turns to shit, here's a partial list:
The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT
The French pulled their ambassador
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline
He sold us out to Putin by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military. That's why Xiden is "Putin's Whore".
Hope he enjoys the $3,500,000 the Moscow Mayor's wife sent the Bidens
Hope he enjoys the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest"
Open borders is a catastrophe. Trump had it SOLVED. Now its infected migrants & fentanyl sent all over
Runaway inflation will just get worse if the dems pass their "BBB" bill. That will be Solyndra on steroids, not to mention the $200,000,000 for Nancy’s park in San Francisco.
Xiden is ruining the US energy sector with his stupid Eos, he wants Russia to pump more oil?? WTF?
Xiden is so dumb he can't even do fake press conferences to answer "ice cream" questions.
Xiden is a gaffe machine, his brain is defective, and he has the nuclear football, WTF???
Xiden surrendered AFG leaving Americans, $billions of equipment, and interpreters to be slaughtered
Xiden’s DOJ sent the FBI after parents (domestic terrorists) who ask questions at school board meetings.
China just passed the US out with their new hypersonic missile.
Stupid Joe wants to pay MIGRANTS $450,000 for breaking US immigration LAWS??????
After promising we would have more than enough Covid testing kits, Joe LIED and FAILED.
I could go on and on, but you see Trump was at least 1,000,000x better as president than stupid Joe

3. The real coup de'tat...
View attachment 586481

4. If the 1/7/21 protesters wanted a coup the would have had guns instead of flags.
View attachment 586482

5. The real question abo7ut 1/7/21 is why when three agencies (FBI, Homeland, & NY) warned Nancy and the Capital police that there would be trouble, AND Trump offered National Guard troops, why Nancy refused to fortify the Capital? Why refuse troops when more than 1-million protesters would be in DC?

Your list is damn near all lies.

It was an insurrection and people had guns.

Don't try comparing an insurrection over nothing to people tired of being killed police for 100 years.

CHAZ/CHOP actually took over several square blocks of a city and prevented normal law enforcement and government services for months.

THAT is an insurrection.
In NYC? White Supremacy?

He should be fighting against the ordinary criminals that are making a comeback thanks to progressive policies.
Yes white supremacy in NYC. Giuliani , Kerik, Trump used to live there, there are plenty of them in NYC.
Let’s see how this ends up playing out.

The former President is still the archetype of the Republican Party.

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