A gun control proposal

I know plenty .

I know facts are kryptonite to the gun nut crowd . I know the gun nuts are intellectually dishonest when the point to chicago constantly . Chitown has. A serious gang problem , but the gun crowd tries to hold it up as some liberal Capitol .

Why not bring up San Fran or Boston ? Two very lib cities in states wh tough gun laws .
Rural America has incredibly low gun violence, and many more guns than people with relaxed gun laws.

So, dumb a$$ ITS NOT THE GUN!!!

Rural America lives 10 miles from the next guy . U wanna compare that with millions of city folk on top of each other ?!

Any of u cowards want to take my challenge ? I don't know the results . Maybe im wrong ?!? Let's give it a go!
Tell me a gun control law that will help all of America, and will not threaten any part of America???
I know plenty .

I know facts are kryptonite to the gun nut crowd . I know the gun nuts are intellectually dishonest when the point to chicago constantly . Chitown has. A serious gang problem , but the gun crowd tries to hold it up as some liberal Capitol .

Why not bring up San Fran or Boston ? Two very lib cities in states wh tough gun laws .
Rural America has incredibly low gun violence, and many more guns than people with relaxed gun laws.

So, dumb a$$ ITS NOT THE GUN!!!

Rural America lives 10 miles from the next guy . U wanna compare that with millions of city folk on top of each other ?!

Any of u cowards want to take my challenge ? I don't know the results . Maybe im wrong ?!? Let's give it a go!
Memphis and Nashville have similar population densities. Memphis exceeds Nashville in crime by a factor of nearly 50%.
You lose.
I know plenty .

I know facts are kryptonite to the gun nut crowd . I know the gun nuts are intellectually dishonest when the point to chicago constantly . Chitown has. A serious gang problem , but the gun crowd tries to hold it up as some liberal Capitol .

Why not bring up San Fran or Boston ? Two very lib cities in states wh tough gun laws .
Rural America has incredibly low gun violence, and many more guns than people with relaxed gun laws.

So, dumb a$$ ITS NOT THE GUN!!!

Rural America lives 10 miles from the next guy . U wanna compare that with millions of city folk on top of each other ?!

Any of u cowards want to take my challenge ? I don't know the results . Maybe im wrong ?!? Let's give it a go!
My point... ITS NOT THE GUN!
I know plenty .

Any of u cowards want to take my challenge ? I don't know the results . Maybe im wrong ?!? Let's give it a go!
Tell me a gun control law that will help all of America, and will not threaten any part of America???

Background checks n gun titles for all purchases .

What's the big deal? Good people get thier guns and u control bad people from getting them .
I know plenty .
I know facts are kryptonite to the gun nut crowd . I know the gun nuts are intellectually dishonest when the point to chicago constantly .
It is impossible for you to soundly argue any of your positions regarding gun control.

Is that so? Then why not take my challenge ? Obviously u will prove me wrong since I'm soooo stupid .
I know plenty .

I know facts are kryptonite to the gun nut crowd . I know the gun nuts are intellectually dishonest when the point to chicago constantly . Chitown has. A serious gang problem , but the gun crowd tries to hold it up as some liberal Capitol .

Why not bring up San Fran or Boston ? Two very lib cities in states wh tough gun laws .
Rural America has incredibly low gun violence, and many more guns than people with relaxed gun laws.

So, dumb a$$ ITS NOT THE GUN!!!

Rural America lives 10 miles from the next guy . U wanna compare that with millions of city folk on top of each other ?!

Any of u cowards want to take my challenge ? I don't know the results . Maybe im wrong ?!? Let's give it a go!
Memphis and Nashville have similar population densities. Memphis exceeds Nashville in crime by a factor of nearly 50%.
You lose.

I don't get your point . I asked to compare gun nut vs gun control states . U give me two cities in the same state .
Still not one law that will help stop these shootings and black on black crime??

Because there isn't one...
Tactic #4. Respond with ridiculous memes.
Tactic # 5 make baseless claims about gun confiscation.
How about a real conversation about the gun issue .

Here's what I think .

Background Checks, no private sale or gun show loopholes . Gun registration so we can follow the gun and prevent straw purchases. Local gun licenses thru the police Those things would help keep guns away from criminals and kooks . That's the majority of the gun problem.

In return . The law abiding can buy all the guns they want . U can only shoot 2 at a time at best . U want a 20 round clip, go ahead and have a party . License to carry, ok with me .

What's the down side ?

All it does is create the basis for confiscation by creating the database you so obviously want.

Why not enforce the laws we have now, commit the insane and get them the treatment they need and punish crimes committed with firearms by adding a 10 year mandatory term to whatever the punishment for the crime is?
Still not one law that will help stop these shootings and black on black crime??

Because there isn't one...

What are u talking about ? These laws help to keep guns out of the hands of dumb ass teens looking to settle scores .

Hey, maybe u are for guns being available out of vending machines . Is that what u want?
Still not one law that will help stop these shootings and black on black crime??

Because there isn't one...

What are u talking about ? These laws help to keep guns out of the hands of dumb ass teens looking to settle scores .

Hey, maybe u are for guns being available out of vending machines . Is that what u want?

You are aware that Federal law prohibits handgun ownership by any person under the age 18 so teens aren't allowed to possess pistols now, right?
Still not one law that will help stop these shootings and black on black crime??

Because there isn't one...

What are u talking about ? These laws help to keep guns out of the hands of dumb ass teens looking to settle scores .

Hey, maybe u are for guns being available out of vending machines . Is that what u want?
They steal their guns... All criminals steal the guns they use in crimes.

There fore no following laws... Duh!!!
Still not one law that will help stop these shootings and black on black crime??

Because there isn't one...

What are u talking about ? These laws help to keep guns out of the hands of dumb ass teens looking to settle scores .

Hey, maybe u are for guns being available out of vending machines . Is that what u want?

You are aware that Federal law prohibits handgun ownership by any person under the age 18 so teens aren't allowed to possess pistols now, right?
They steal them... Duh!
Still not one law that will help stop these shootings and black on black crime??

Because there isn't one...

What are u talking about ? These laws help to keep guns out of the hands of dumb ass teens looking to settle scores .

Hey, maybe u are for guns being available out of vending machines . Is that what u want?

Hey, maybe u are for guns being available out of vending machines

Speaking of dumbass memes
Here's a couple of stats... 10yrs old, but gives a pretty clear picture


  • gunmap.png
    29.1 KB · Views: 85
But this says very clearly that it is the culture that defines the death rate, not gun numbers. Check Brazil...


  • 10-gun-ownership.jpg
    54.8 KB · Views: 81

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