A Hawaii woman got 3 months in prison sentence just for taking classified docs to her hotel room...will Trump get 3 WEEKS in prison?

Not according to the expert in the matter who was on CNN this morning.... He has advised presidents on both sides of the isle in this very procedure....
He said people who are suggesting a president has to jump through hoops to declassify documents are just plain wrong.....
Now if documents are requested from the archives the president must return them but not at the point of a gun in a home or office raid.....
Highly inappropriate he said....
Which side of the island are you on?

The correct word is "aisle", dumbass!
Trump wanted it out that he declassified the Crossfire Hurricane documents... the point the guy made on CNN is he doesn't have to tell anyone... I didn't know that until I heard this guy say it... and he was introduced as an advisor to outgoing presidents... Maybe Trump should have hired this guy...lol
Maybe Trump should have check the white house records, where Trump ordered the AG to deliver the "redacted" crossfire hurricane documents to the white house AFTER applying the redactions agreed to with the FBI. Dated January 19th 2021.
Maybe Trump should have check the white house records, where Trump ordered the AG to deliver the "redacted" crossfire hurricane documents to the white house AFTER applying the redactions agreed to with the FBI. Dated January 19th 2021.
Maybe you guys should grow up....
We are not talking about pardons... don't argue with me call CNN and ask them.... I didn't know this until I heard it said this morning....
We're talking about any and all presidential powers. None of them can be invoked without telling somebody.
Trump never said it either until AFTER he left office.
In fact those that would have carried out such an order have all said they had no knowledge of the policy.
Chiefs of staff, white house attorneys, national security advisors, even the attorney general. None of them knew of any such policy.
Prove he never said it while president.

There is no "carrying out" of such an order. If Trump says, I'm taking these to my residence, so I'm declassifying them," no action is needed by his staff.

This is the folly that libs have bought into since we saw Trump underlings testifying to congress that in their opinion of Trump did not follow their guidance. The president is the president, he doesn't need permission from his staff to carry out his constitutional powers. Right now, I'm talking about Joe Biden, and it is as true for him as it was for Trump.

Anyway, I'll await the proof that Trump never said it while president.
We're talking about any and all presidential powers. None of them can be invoked without telling somebody.
That's not what the guy on CNN said... I wish I had waited and got his name but I was running late....
It annoys me when the grammar police play their games on this site. I understand people make mistakes daily and we type fast and never proof read our comments, so the teacher who was correcting you need to relax on his nonsense and lecture his class about proper grammar and syntax and leave it out of here.
He does that all the time... I guess it makes him feel smart....
If Trump declassified crossfire hurricane, why did he order the AG to deliver the "redacted" copies to the white house.

Declassified means they don't require any redactions.
He may have only declassified the redacted versions due to names and techniques..... I really don't know... but I do know this ain't going anywhere....
Prove he never said it while president.

There is no "carrying out" of such an order. If Trump says, I'm taking these to my residence, so I'm declassifying them," no action is needed by his staff.
This is where you're wrong, and wrong again.

The burden of proof of when Trump gave that order is upon Trump. There has to be a date such a policy began on. And only Trump can establish when the policy started, and who he informed to carry it out.

And you're wrong about no action is needed by his staff. Every presidential action, order, or command has to be carried out by members of his administration or staff.

Trump can't even get a can of diet coke, without a member of the staff bringing it to him.

Trumps famous order to "take me to the capitol" is an example of orders that don't take effect, until his staff carries them out. And his order to take him to the capitol is a perfect example of his staff not carrying it out. Hence Trump never visited the capitol
That's not what the guy on CNN said... I wish I had waited and got his name but I was running late....
You either heard wrong or misunderstood what he actually said. It's common for the "headline" to imply one thing, and the body of the article (the deails people gloss over) say the opposite.

They talk about the absolute power the president has to declassify, and get cut off before they tell the details of the procedures necessary to actually carry out that power.
You either heard wrong or misunderstood what he actually said. It's common for the "headline" to imply one thing, and the body of the article (the deails people gloss over) say the opposite.

They talk about the absolute power the president has to declassify, and get cut off before they tell the details of the procedures necessary to actually carry out that power.
Or you may be wrong... you may have gotten your information from a bad source.....

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