A Hawaii woman got 3 months in prison sentence just for taking classified docs to her hotel room...will Trump get 3 WEEKS in prison?

Are you trying to be stupid with your post it note question? All the president has to do is say that something is declassified, and then his staff are responsible for creating the memos stating the material in question, date it was declassified, and the reason why (and yes, the president can say "just because I want to" if he so desires), but nonetheless, a memo HAS to be sent to all the other agencies/military commands holding copies of said information themselves so that they know it is declassified as well.
That sounds like your description of how you think it should be, not a description of how it is.
No, his staff cannot say they won't do it, but, if other agencies determine that some of the information would do harm to the US, it can still be released as a declassified document, with the material that could do harm being redacted.
What if the president sees the redacted document and says, "you're wrong. I, your president, have determined that none of the information would do harm to the U.S. so release it forthwith!"

So it your description what you think should be the rule, or what the rule actually is? Your answer to my second question will tell me which it is.

Let's look!
As far as giving you a link? Kinda hard to do, as it was a whole instruction kept in the personnel office concerning classified information, and I no longer remember the exact instruction number. But, it is out there, and you can look it up yourself if you wish.

Just as I thought. You're making it up.

Thanks for playing . . .
That sounds like your description of how you think it should be, not a description of how it is.

What if the president sees the redacted document and says, "you're wrong. I, your president, have determined that none of the information would do harm to the U.S. so release it forthwith!"

So it your description what you think should be the rule, or what the rule actually is? Your answer to my second question will tell me which it is.

Let's look!


Just as I thought. You're making it up.

Thanks for playing . . .

Here's a link if you wanna wade through it, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.............................

As far as the president knowing if something can do harm to this country or not? No, they don't know everything, and that is the reason they have advisors, who advise them of stuff that shouldn't be declassified and the reasons why. Now, if your scenario of the president ever saying that they knew better than their advisors, and decided to release it anyway, that could possibly cause a constitutional problem. Thankfully, we haven't had to cross that bridge (yet).

But like I said, during my 20 year career in the Navy, handling a lot of classified information over those years, yes, there was a big instruction that we had to wade through on occasion to make sure what we were doing was correct. Been 20 years since I've retired, maybe procedures have changed, but I seriously doubt it. No, this isn't how I think it should be, but rather the way it had to be done while I was in.
How did the burden of proof shift from the prosecutor to the target? They haven't even indicted him for anything, and grand juries have the reputation that they will indict a ham sandwich if the prosecutors tell them to.
The DOJ claims the documents were classified. As proof they produce the documents with their original classification markings, headers, footers, and even exterior folder jackets. All indicating they're classified material. That prima facia establishing the documents are classified.

Trump claims they were declassified, without any markings or indications indicating declassification. Therefore Trump would have to establish the basis under which he claims they were declassified.
Who cares what they say about this... look.... Biden can do anything he wants and you guys don't say boo.... so you can just sit down and relax... what's good for the goose is just fine for the gander.....

Now we hear through court documents that it was indeed Biden that set the raid in motion... so he lied to all of us again..... so the 2nd circuit court can go and F themselves....

This was just like when Obama had surveillance placed into Trump's NY office... illegal as hell... all Joe is trying to do is to take out his main opponent... even you should be disgusted....
Wait? What?

Now we hear through court documents that it was indeed Biden that set the raid in motion... so he lied to all of us again.....

Please point to which court filing, and approximately where this is located.
Is it in the Search Warrant, the search warrant affidavit, the 36 page response for a special master, the manifest

Which court document shows Biden had anything to do with it?
Actually, it is the TDS folks who have switched to the "stolen property" narrative, after the DNC/DOJ/FBI made such a big deal out of "documents with classification marks" (not "classified documents"), and it played out.
The easiest way to put it. Say your young kid got into both the cookie jar, and the laundry jar of detergent pods.

Which do you try to retrieve first, the cookies or the detergent?
Wait? What?

Now we hear through court documents that it was indeed Biden that set the raid in motion... so he lied to all of us again.....

Please point to which court filing, and approximately where this is located.
Is it in the Search Warrant, the search warrant affidavit, the 36 page response for a special master, the manifest

Which court document shows Biden had anything to do with it?
Reported on FOX news earlier yet to be on the biased web.... give it time....
Reported on FOX news earlier yet to be on the biased web.... give it time....
Fox news? Are you sure you want to claim that as a trustworthy source of anti-democratic information.

Fox News is a supporter of "alternative" facts. They even dropped fair and balanced from their motto.
Fox news? Are you sure you want to claim that as a trustworthy source of anti-democratic information.

Fox News is a supporter of "alternative" facts. They even dropped fair and balanced from their motto.
They had it as a chyron on one of their news reports about the raid... you aren't getting the total truth and if I were you I'd be curious enough to look elsewhere for news....
Are you trying to be stupid with your post it note question? All the president has to do is say that something is declassified, and then his staff are responsible for creating the memos stating the material in question, date it was declassified, and the reason why (and yes, the president can say "just because I want to" if he so desires), but nonetheless, a memo HAS to be sent to all the other agencies/military commands holding copies of said information themselves so that they know it is declassified as well. No, his staff cannot say they won't do it, but, if other agencies determine that some of the information would do harm to the US, it can still be released as a declassified document, with the material that could do harm being redacted.

As far as giving you a link? Kinda hard to do, as it was a whole instruction kept in the personnel office concerning classified information, and I no longer remember the exact instruction number. But, it is out there, and you can look it up yourself if you wish.
You do realize that procedures have recently changed, right?

Your tidbit of knowledge on classified information is outdated.
Here's a link if you wanna wade through it, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.............................

As far as the president knowing if something can do harm to this country or not? No, they don't know everything, and that is the reason they have advisors, who advise them of stuff that shouldn't be declassified and the reasons why. Now, if your scenario of the president ever saying that they knew better than their advisors, and decided to release it anyway, that could possibly cause a constitutional problem. Thankfully, we haven't had to cross that bridge (yet).

But like I said, during my 20 year career in the Navy, handling a lot of classified information over those years, yes, there was a big instruction that we had to wade through on occasion to make sure what we were doing was correct. Been 20 years since I've retired, maybe procedures have changed, but I seriously doubt it. No, this isn't how I think it should be, but rather the way it had to be done while I was in.

OK. I am calling you out on that one. You dropped off the pier with that one. There are no constitutional issues. You are simply making shit up as you go.
FBI agents searched Jerry Chun Shing Lee's hotel rooms in Hawaii & Virginia & found findings of two small books containing secret records.

Is/was she the president?
Here's a link if you wanna wade through it, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.............................

No, I don't want to "wade through it," and I'm not falling for the old "read all of this and you'll know I'm right." That gag's got whiskers. If I say that I didn't see what you're talking about, you'll say "read it again." Yeah . . . no.

If that link supports your argument, quote the relevant part.
As far as the president knowing if something can do harm to this country or not? No, they don't know everything, and that is the reason they have advisors, who advise them of stuff that shouldn't be declassified and the reasons why. Now, if your scenario of the president ever saying that they knew better than their advisors, and decided to release it anyway, that could possibly cause a constitutional problem. Thankfully, we haven't had to cross that bridge (yet).
Whether the president knows more than his advisers or not, the president is still the president.

There would be no constitutional problem at all. The president and the president's staff are all part of the same branch of government and the full power of that branch is vested in the President alone. Again, this is the mis-education that liberals got from the Ukraine phone call hearings. A bunch of whiney staffers testified that Trump didn't listen to them, so he did things that they disagreed with.

The only reason they had a forum for their puling complaints was that another branch of government invited them. Nothing wrong with that, but all one hundred senators did not have the power to promote those staffers over the president.

You may also be confused by the fact that we now have a president who is run by his own staff.
But like I said, during my 20 year career in the Navy, handling a lot of classified information over those years, yes, there was a big instruction that we had to wade through on occasion to make sure what we were doing was correct. Been 20 years since I've retired, maybe procedures have changed, but I seriously doubt it. No, this isn't how I think it should be, but rather the way it had to be done while I was in.
None of those procedures, changed or not, would reduce in any way the president's constitutional powers, one of which is sole power over the classification and declassification of information.
No.... Trump declassified all of the documents.... I don't care what libs say... he didn't have to ask a judge if he could and he didn't have to run it by Pelosi.... he has the right to declassify and not tell a soul.... Trump was the president of the United States not some Parish Counselman....

No he didn't declassify the documents. He's just lying again.
The DOJ claims the documents were classified. As proof they produce the documents with their original classification markings, headers, footers, and even exterior folder jackets. All indicating they're classified material. That prima facia establishing the documents are classified.
They haven't produced the documents. They fooled you again. All they showed was cover sheets, and it you were to look closely at the cover sheets, they would state in the small print, "this cover sheet is unclassified." They produced no evidence that the cover sheets were even in the house they searched. That evidence will come in the form of body cam footage of the agents from the minute they entered the house.

We will never see that footage, and neither will any court. Maybe our great grandchildren will see it, but I doubt that also.
Trump claims they were declassified, without any markings or indications indicating declassification. Therefore Trump would have to establish the basis under which he claims they were declassified.
You are setting the bar mighty low for Trump. The USSC already set the basis, since they ruled that the president has sole power of classification and declassification. Before you get cranked up again, the USSC did not include any set procedure for declassification, so it is however the president decides to do it.
No.... Trump declassified all of the documents.... I don't care what libs say... he didn't have to ask a judge if he could and he didn't have to run it by Pelosi.... he has the right to declassify and not tell a soul.... Trump was the president of the United States not some Parish Counselman....
All the documents belong to the National Archives, not Trump.
They haven't produced the documents. They fooled you again. All they showed was cover sheets, and it you were to look closely at the cover sheets, they would state in the small print, "this cover sheet is unclassified." They produced no evidence that the cover sheets were even in the house they searched. That evidence will come in the form of body cam footage of the agents from the minute they entered the house.

We will never see that footage, and neither will any court. Maybe our great grandchildren will see it, but I doubt that also.

You are setting the bar mighty low for Trump. The USSC already set the basis, since they ruled that the president has sole power of classification and declassification. Before you get cranked up again, the USSC did not include any set procedure for declassification, so it is however the president decides to do it.

All the documents belong to the National Archives.
FBI agents searched Jerry Chun Shing Lee's hotel rooms in Hawaii & Virginia & found findings of two small books containing secret records.

/——-/ What hotel did Trump take secret documents to and leave behind?

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