A historical film on hitler

One cannot help but think it odd that SO MANY CAPITALISTS contributed to the socialist NAZIs.

Doubt that?

Lookie here...

By 1919 Krupp was already giving financial aid to one of the reactionary political groups which sowed the seed of the present Nazi ideology. Hugo Stinnes was an early contributor to the Nazi Party (National Socialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei). By 1924 other prominent industrialists and financiers, among them Fritz Thyssen, Albert Voegler, Adolph [sic] Kirdorf, and Kurt von Schroder, were secretly giving substantial sums to the Nazis. In 1931 members of the coalowners' association which Kirdorf headed pledged themselves to pay 50 pfennigs for each ton of' coal sold, the money to go to the organization which Hitler was building.3

Hitler's 1924 Munich trial yielded evidence that the Nazi Party received $20,000 from Nuremburg industrialists. The most interesting name from this period is that of Emil Kirdorf, who had earlier acted as conduit for financing German involvement in the Bolshevik Revolution.4 Kirdorfs role in financing Hitler was, in his own words:
In 1923 I came into contact for the first time with the National-Socialist movement .... I first heard the Fuehrer in the Essen Exhibition Hall. His clear exposition completely convinced and overwhelmed me. In 1927 I first met the Fuehrer personally. I travelled to Munich and there had a conversation with the Fuehrer in the Bruckmann home. During four and a half hours Adolf Hitler explained to me his programme in de tail. I then begged the Fuehrer to put together the lecture he had given me in the form of a pamphlet. I then distributed this pamphlet in my name in business and manufacturing circles.
Since then I have placed myself completely at the disposition of his movement, Shortly after our Munich conversation, and as a result of the pamphlet which the Fuehrer composed and I distributed, a number of meetings took place between the Fuehrer and leading personalities in the field of indus. try. For the last time before the taking over of power, the leaders of industry met in my house together with Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess, Hermann Goering and other leading personalities of the party.5

The critical point is that the German industrialists financing Hitler were predominantly directors of cartels with American associations, ownership, participation, or some form of subsidiary connection. The Hitler backers were not, by and large, firms of purely German origin, or representative of German family business. Except for Thyssen and Kirdoff, in most cases they were the German multi-national firms — i.e., I.G. Farben, A.E.G., DAPAG, etc. These multi-nationals had been built up by American loans in the 1920s, and in the early 1930s had American directors and heavy American financial participation.
One flow of foreign political funds not considered here is that reported from the European-based Royal Dutch Shell, Standard Oil's great competitor in the 20s and 30s, and the giant brainchild of Anglo-Dutch businessman Sir Henri Deterding. It has been widely asserted that Henri Deterding personally financed Hitler. This argument is made, for instance, by biographer Glyn Roberts in The Most Powerful Man in the World. Roberts notes that Deterding was impressed with Hitler as early as 1921:
...and the Dutch press reported that, through the agent Georg Bell, he [Deterding] had placed at Hitler's disposal, while the party was "still in long clothes," no less than four million guilders.7

Date American Bankers
and Industrialists U.S. Affiliated Firm German Source Intermediary for
Funds/Agent 1923Henry FORDFORD MOTOR


THYSSEN250,000 RM Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart N.V. (Subsidiary of August Thyssen Bank)1932-3Flick
(a director
of AEG)Friedrich
FLICK150,000 RM Direct to NSDAPFebruary-
March 1933NONEEmil
KIRDORF600,000 RM "Nationale Treuhand" a/c at Delbrück Schickler BankFebruary-
March 1933Edsel B. FORD
I.G.I.G. FARBEN400,000 RM "Nationale Treuhand"February-
March 1933NONEReichsverband der Automobilindustrie100,000 RM "Nationale Treuhand"February-
March 1933Gerard SWOPE
ELECTRIC25 percentA.E.G.60,000 RM "Nationale Treuhand"NONEDEMAG50,000 RM February-
G.m.b.H.40,000 RM "Nationale Treuhand"February-
March 1933Sosthenes BEHN I.T.T.Telefunken35,000 RM "Nationale Treuhand"February-
March 1933NONEKarl
Herrman300,000 RM "Nationale Treuhand"Februa ry-
March 1933NONEA. Steinke
(Director of
BYBUAG)200,000 RM "Nationale Treuhand"February-
March 1933NONEKarl Lange
industry)50,000 RM "Nationale Treuhand"February-
March 1933NONEF. Springorum
(Hoesch A.G.)36,000 RM "Nationale Treuhand"February-
March 1933Edsel B. FORDFord Motor Co.Carl BOSCH
(I.G. Farben & Ford Motor A.G.)1932-1944Walter TEAGLE
Standard Oil
of N.J.94 percentEmil HELFFRICH
Petroleum Co)Heinrich Himmler S.S. via Keppler's Circle1932-1944Sosthenes BEHN I.T.T.Kurt yon SCHRÖDER
Mix & Genest
LorenzHeinrich Himmler S.S. via Keppler's Circle


Yeah know, if Hitler was a SOCIALIST, he must have been one hell of a salesman for the cause.

Because he got the support of one hell of a lot of CAPITALISTS who financed his SOCIALIST revolution.

I find that rather odd, don't you?
One cannot help but think it odd that SO MANY CAPITALISTS contributed to the socialist NAZIs.

Doubt that?

Lookie here...

By 1919 Krupp was already giving financial aid to one of the reactionary political groups which sowed the seed of the present Nazi ideology. Hugo Stinnes was an early contributor to the Nazi Party (National Socialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei). By 1924 other prominent industrialists and financiers, among them Fritz Thyssen, Albert Voegler, Adolph [sic] Kirdorf, and Kurt von Schroder, were secretly giving substantial sums to the Nazis. In 1931 members of the coalowners' association which Kirdorf headed pledged themselves to pay 50 pfennigs for each ton of' coal sold, the money to go to the organization which Hitler was building.3

Hitler's 1924 Munich trial yielded evidence that the Nazi Party received $20,000 from Nuremburg industrialists. The most interesting name from this period is that of Emil Kirdorf, who had earlier acted as conduit for financing German involvement in the Bolshevik Revolution.4 Kirdorfs role in financing Hitler was, in his own words:
In 1923 I came into contact for the first time with the National-Socialist movement .... I first heard the Fuehrer in the Essen Exhibition Hall. His clear exposition completely convinced and overwhelmed me. In 1927 I first met the Fuehrer personally. I travelled to Munich and there had a conversation with the Fuehrer in the Bruckmann home. During four and a half hours Adolf Hitler explained to me his programme in de tail. I then begged the Fuehrer to put together the lecture he had given me in the form of a pamphlet. I then distributed this pamphlet in my name in business and manufacturing circles.
Since then I have placed myself completely at the disposition of his movement, Shortly after our Munich conversation, and as a result of the pamphlet which the Fuehrer composed and I distributed, a number of meetings took place between the Fuehrer and leading personalities in the field of indus. try. For the last time before the taking over of power, the leaders of industry met in my house together with Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess, Hermann Goering and other leading personalities of the party.5

The critical point is that the German industrialists financing Hitler were predominantly directors of cartels with American associations, ownership, participation, or some form of subsidiary connection. The Hitler backers were not, by and large, firms of purely German origin, or representative of German family business. Except for Thyssen and Kirdoff, in most cases they were the German multi-national firms — i.e., I.G. Farben, A.E.G., DAPAG, etc. These multi-nationals had been built up by American loans in the 1920s, and in the early 1930s had American directors and heavy American financial participation.
One flow of foreign political funds not considered here is that reported from the European-based Royal Dutch Shell, Standard Oil's great competitor in the 20s and 30s, and the giant brainchild of Anglo-Dutch businessman Sir Henri Deterding. It has been widely asserted that Henri Deterding personally financed Hitler. This argument is made, for instance, by biographer Glyn Roberts in The Most Powerful Man in the World. Roberts notes that Deterding was impressed with Hitler as early as 1921:
...and the Dutch press reported that, through the agent Georg Bell, he [Deterding] had placed at Hitler's disposal, while the party was "still in long clothes," no less than four million guilders.7

Date American Bankers
and Industrialists U.S. Affiliated Firm German Source Intermediary for
Funds/Agent 1923Henry FORDFORD MOTOR


THYSSEN250,000 RM Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart N.V. (Subsidiary of August Thyssen Bank)1932-3Flick
(a director
of AEG)Friedrich
FLICK150,000 RM Direct to NSDAPFebruary-
March 1933NONEEmil
KIRDORF600,000 RM "Nationale Treuhand" a/c at Delbrück Schickler BankFebruary-
March 1933Edsel B. FORD
I.G.I.G. FARBEN400,000 RM "Nationale Treuhand"February-
March 1933NONEReichsverband der Automobilindustrie100,000 RM "Nationale Treuhand"February-
March 1933Gerard SWOPE
ELECTRIC25 percentA.E.G.60,000 RM "Nationale Treuhand"NONEDEMAG50,000 RM February-
G.m.b.H.40,000 RM "Nationale Treuhand"February-
March 1933Sosthenes BEHN I.T.T.Telefunken35,000 RM "Nationale Treuhand"February-
March 1933NONEKarl
Herrman300,000 RM "Nationale Treuhand"Februa ry-
March 1933NONEA. Steinke
(Director of
BYBUAG)200,000 RM "Nationale Treuhand"February-
March 1933NONEKarl Lange
industry)50,000 RM "Nationale Treuhand"February-
March 1933NONEF. Springorum
(Hoesch A.G.)36,000 RM "Nationale Treuhand"February-
March 1933Edsel B. FORDFord Motor Co.Carl BOSCH
(I.G. Farben & Ford Motor A.G.)1932-1944Walter TEAGLE
Standard Oil
of N.J.94 percentEmil HELFFRICH
Petroleum Co)Heinrich Himmler S.S. via Keppler's Circle1932-1944Sosthenes BEHN I.T.T.Kurt yon SCHRÖDER
Mix & Genest
LorenzHeinrich Himmler S.S. via Keppler's Circle


Yeah know, if Hitler was a SOCIALIST, he must have been one hell of a salesman for the cause.

Because he got the support of one hell of a lot of CAPITALISTS who financed his SOCIALIST revolution.

I find that rather odd, don't you?

All someone has to do is watch Schindler's List. He was a capitalist through and through.
For those who may have forgotten about the video.

The party Hitler joined in 1919 was the Germans workers party
in Feburay 1920 he took control of the party. He then renamed the party National Socialist German Workers' Party

The German Workers' Party name was changed by Hitler to include the term National Socialist. Thus the full name was the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP) called for short, Nazi.
The History Place - Rise of Hitler: Nazi Party is Formed

He gave a speech on February 24, 1920 outlining the Twenty Five Points of the German Workers' Party, its political platform.

10. The first duty of every citizen must be to work mentally or physically. No individual shall do any work that offends against the interest of the community to the benefit of all.

Therefore we demand:

11. That all unearned income, and all income that does not arise from work, be abolished.

12. Since every war imposes on the people fearful sacrifices in blood and treasure, all personal profit arising from the war must be regarded as treason to the people. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

13. We demand the nationalization of all trusts.

14. We demand profit-sharing in large industries.

15. We demand a generous increase in old-age pensions.


25. In order to carry out this program we demand: the creation of a strong central authority in the State, the unconditional authority by the political central parliament of the whole State and all its organizations.

The History Place - Rise of Hitler: The 25 Points of Hitler's Nazi Party

At 2:00 in this video when modern day Germans are reintroduced to Mein Kampf, see how they react.

Of course being a modern day german and a socialist like l.k. eder will do and say anything to show hitler wasn't a socialist

Another historical film about why the germans are so arrogant

Definition of SOCIALISM
1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Definition of Monarchy, Theocracy, Socialism, Communism, Dictatorship
g r u t t y - Socialism vs. Communism vs. Facism vs. Nazism
Socialism = NAZI (Hitler was a socialist)
George Reisman this validates what I started with.

George Reisman: Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism is Totalitarian

Have fun kiddies.
Hitler is one of the worst men who has ever lived. However, he was not a socialist like you, bigrebnc.
You don't have the facts, bigrebnc, that's the point. Your facts and you yourself blew up your OP.

This has been the most epic fail for an OP in at least a year on the Board.
You don't have the facts, bigrebnc, that's the point. Your facts and you yourself blew up your OP.

This has been the most epic fail for an OP in at least a year on the Board.

Blathering and sewage runoff of your mouth does not win an argument. Here are the facts now you can argue with them


The party Hitler joined in 1919 was the Germans workers party
in Feburay 1920 he took control of the party. He then renamed the party National Socialist German Workers' Party

The German Workers' Party name was changed by Hitler to include the term National Socialist. Thus the full name was the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP) called for short, Nazi.
The History Place - Rise of Hitler: Nazi Party is Formed

He gave a speech on February 24, 1920 outlining the Twenty Five Points of the German Workers' Party, its political platform.

10. The first duty of every citizen must be to work mentally or physically. No individual shall do any work that offends against the interest of the community to the benefit of all.

Therefore we demand:

11. That all unearned income, and all income that does not arise from work, be abolished.

12. Since every war imposes on the people fearful sacrifices in blood and treasure, all personal profit arising from the war must be regarded as treason to the people. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

13. We demand the nationalization of all trusts.

14. We demand profit-sharing in large industries.

15. We demand a generous increase in old-age pensions.


25. In order to carry out this program we demand: the creation of a strong central authority in the State, the unconditional authority by the political central parliament of the whole State and all its organizations.

The History Place - Rise of Hitler: The 25 Points of Hitler's Nazi Party

At 2:00 in this video when modern day Germans are reintroduced to Mein Kampf, see how they react.

Of course being a modern day german and a socialist like l.k. eder will do and say anything to show hitler wasn't a socialist

Another historical film about why the germans are so arrogant

Definition of SOCIALISM
1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Definition of Monarchy, Theocracy, Socialism, Communism, Dictatorship
g r u t t y - Socialism vs. Communism vs. Facism vs. Nazism
Socialism = NAZI (Hitler was a socialist)
George Reisman this validates what I started with.

George Reisman: Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism is Totalitarian
Yes, Hitler was a fascist. No, Hitler was not a socialist. Yes, you have epic massive fail here.
That's exactly right, son. The affirmative proof was on you. Every piece of evidence you present was easily negated, your analysis argumentation was easily negated, and then solid proof to the contrary was found in your own documentation, in which we find out that Big Business loved Hitler and that Hitler did not socialize industry.

You receive an F and a solid counseling for being obstructionist in even a junior college history course.

Epic fail on your part.
That's exactly right, son. The affirmative proof was on you. Every piece of evidence you present was easily negated, your analysis argumentation was easily negated, and then solid proof to the contrary was found in your own documentation, in which we find out that Big Business loved Hitler and that Hitler did not socialize industry.

You receive an F and a solid counseling for being obstructionist in even a junior college history course.

Epic fail on your part.

I telling you son no proof no win.
You aren't the judge. The evidence judges your claim, which falls short. Move along. Nothing to see here.
You aren't the judge. The evidence judges your claim, which falls short. Move along. Nothing to see here.

And you aren't the judge,the evidence just shut you down. You're running on balther, you're a socialist without a clue. Thats right move along socialist move along obama has a handout for you.
bigrebnc, you aren't the judge of anything. You are generally illiterate, you have a terrible time with analysis, you have no concept of objectivity. You think if you post a piece of evidence, the door then closes. It does not; it must be judged against itself and against other evidence.

You have no idea what socialism really is, do you? Or fascism, for that matter?

Epic fail. Insulting me does not change that you are one of the most glaring, colossal failures on the Board.

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