A historical film on hitler

bigrebnc, you aren't the judge of anything. You are generally illiterate, you have a terrible time with analysis, you have no concept of objectivity. You think if you post a piece of evidence, the door then closes. It does not; it must be judged against itself and against other evidence.

You have no idea what socialism really is, do you? Or fascism, for that matter?

Epic fail. Insulting me does not change that you are one of the most glaring, colossal failures on the Board.

You're the one that mention judge. you're blathering again. The doors? They have been busted through. no matter no proof no win. Besides your opinion do you have any? I ask again Besides your opinion do you have any? I ask again Besides your opinion do you have any? I ask again Besides your opinion do you have any? I ask again Besides your opinion do you have any? I ask again Besides your opinion do you have any? I ask again Besides your opinion do you have any?
That's right. Your proof fell apart. I and many others have pulled your "proof" apart over and over. We clearly showed how your proof actually showed that Hitler was not a socialist.

That your stubborn means absolutely nothing.
That's right. Your proof fell apart. I and many others have pulled your "proof" apart over and over. We clearly showed how your proof actually showed that Hitler was not a socialist.

That your stubborn means absolutely nothing.
I see YOU'RE having comprehension problems. I said YOU must provide proof without proof YOU no win. But if YOU wish to continue blathering by all means procede, YOU will one day make a valuble chew toy.
No, I don't have to provide any proof, kiddo. See, that's what I mean; you don't have a clue. You have to provide proof that stands up. You didn't. Your own evidence fell apart under examination. Any judge would have given your opponent summary judgment against you, then told the bailiff "to take bigrebnc by the scruff of his neck and turn his sorry ass out into the alley." :lol:
bigreb argued poorly. Badly.


You are as incompetent as the Dem leadership in Congress, kid.
Why does this argument keep coming up, and is continually brought up by the retards?

Here's a repost of what I said in yet another thread on this same subject:

Hitler was really a dictator. Just like Stalin. But unlike Stalin, he went the fascist route instead of the communist route.

Basically, in 1920's Germany, there was a heavy socialist and communist sympathetic bent among the public, but not with the President and his cabinet. The Pres and his cabinet saw the socialists and communists as a threat to their power. The funny thing is, the majority of the German people didn't even know what socialism or communism really was. They just knew it was against the current form of government, which in their opinion sucked balls.

So what Hitler did was use the existing anti-government, pro-socialist sentiment among the people of Germany to create a new party, the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
(notice that they have the word "national", bringing the whole nation together. The word "socialist", which was meant to capitalize on the existing pro-socialist sentiment...even if the majority of the people didn't know what socialism really was. And the word "workers", meaning it was for the common man). There was already a National Socialist Democrat Party, and a Communist Party, but Hitler was telling people that his was teh shit cause it hated evil jews and other left-wingers.

(side note: One of Hitler's main jobs prior to starting the Nazi party was to report back to the military any Socialist or Communist sympathizer-type meetings so they could be squashed).

Well, elections weren't going so well for the Nazi's. They had some support, but not enough as they thought. They were winning some seats, but not too many. The National Social Democrats (NSD) and the German Communist party were winning more seats than the Nazi's in the governing body. Kinda like our congress, they called it the Reichstaag. Well, Hitler had some of the Nazi's beat up the communists a few times, but it wasn't working. So he came up with a different plan.

He had a fire started in the Reichstaag, and blamed it on communists and the NSD's. Hoo-boy. That got the German population all riled up. They were teh pissed at communists and the NSD's now. So they were all willing and shit when Hitler had the rest of the communists rounded up and executed, along with a ton of the NSD's. Thus eliminating a potential source of rivalry for his power very cleverly.

Soon after the President of Germany died, and since Adolf was Chancellor, he declared the office voided and placed himself as dictator.

Very abbreviated history lesson. But no...Hitler was not a "socialist" by any stretch of the imagination.
bigreb argued poorly. Badly.


You are as incompetent as the Dem leadership in Congress, kid.

Now this is a keeper son
You are as incompetent as the Dem leadership in Congress
What you are doing is uncovering your lies from other threads. The rest of your reply is wishful thinking a failed dream of yours.
bigreb, you have lost. Read RadiomanATL above, swallow your inflated pride, and learn.
Why does this argument keep coming up, and is continually brought up by the retards?

Here's a repost of what I said in yet another thread on this same subject:

Hitler was really a dictator. Just like Stalin. But unlike Stalin, he went the fascist route instead of the communist route.

Basically, in 1920's Germany, there was a heavy socialist and communist sympathetic bent among the public, but not with the President and his cabinet. The Pres and his cabinet saw the socialists and communists as a threat to their power. The funny thing is, the majority of the German people didn't even know what socialism or communism really was. They just knew it was against the current form of government, which in their opinion sucked balls.

So what Hitler did was use the existing anti-government, pro-socialist sentiment among the people of Germany to create a new party, the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
(notice that they have the word "national", bringing the whole nation together. The word "socialist", which was meant to capitalize on the existing pro-socialist sentiment...even if the majority of the people didn't know what socialism really was. And the word "workers", meaning it was for the common man). There was already a National Socialist Democrat Party, and a Communist Party, but Hitler was telling people that his was teh shit cause it hated evil jews and other left-wingers.

(side note: One of Hitler's main jobs prior to starting the Nazi party was to report back to the military any Socialist or Communist sympathizer-type meetings so they could be squashed).

Well, elections weren't going so well for the Nazi's. They had some support, but not enough as they thought. They were winning some seats, but not too many. The National Social Democrats (NSD) and the German Communist party were winning more seats than the Nazi's in the governing body. Kinda like our congress, they called it the Reichstaag. Well, Hitler had some of the Nazi's beat up the communists a few times, but it wasn't working. So he came up with a different plan.

He had a fire started in the Reichstaag, and blamed it on communists and the NSD's. Hoo-boy. That got the German population all riled up. They were teh pissed at communists and the NSD's now. So they were all willing and shit when Hitler had the rest of the communists rounded up and executed, along with a ton of the NSD's. Thus eliminating a potential source of rivalry for his power very cleverly.

Soon after the President of Germany died, and since Adolf was Chancellor, he declared the office voided and placed himself as dictator.

Very abbreviated history lesson. But no...Hitler was not a "socialist" by any stretch of the imagination.

Why does this argument keep coming up, and is continually brought up by the retards?
Let's talk about retarded.
Did anyone place a gun to your head and click on this thread?
Did anyone put a gun to your head and read this thread?
Did anyone pout a gun to your head and force you to comment?
If they did not then that is the most retarded thing anyone could ever do, click on, read, comment on a thread they thinks retarded, and continue doing it.
But rock on retard.:clap2:
Why does this argument keep coming up, and is continually brought up by the retards?

Here's a repost of what I said in yet another thread on this same subject:

Hitler was really a dictator. Just like Stalin. But unlike Stalin, he went the fascist route instead of the communist route.

Basically, in 1920's Germany, there was a heavy socialist and communist sympathetic bent among the public, but not with the President and his cabinet. The Pres and his cabinet saw the socialists and communists as a threat to their power. The funny thing is, the majority of the German people didn't even know what socialism or communism really was. They just knew it was against the current form of government, which in their opinion sucked balls.

So what Hitler did was use the existing anti-government, pro-socialist sentiment among the people of Germany to create a new party, the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
(notice that they have the word "national", bringing the whole nation together. The word "socialist", which was meant to capitalize on the existing pro-socialist sentiment...even if the majority of the people didn't know what socialism really was. And the word "workers", meaning it was for the common man). There was already a National Socialist Democrat Party, and a Communist Party, but Hitler was telling people that his was teh shit cause it hated evil jews and other left-wingers.

(side note: One of Hitler's main jobs prior to starting the Nazi party was to report back to the military any Socialist or Communist sympathizer-type meetings so they could be squashed).

Well, elections weren't going so well for the Nazi's. They had some support, but not enough as they thought. They were winning some seats, but not too many. The National Social Democrats (NSD) and the German Communist party were winning more seats than the Nazi's in the governing body. Kinda like our congress, they called it the Reichstaag. Well, Hitler had some of the Nazi's beat up the communists a few times, but it wasn't working. So he came up with a different plan.

He had a fire started in the Reichstaag, and blamed it on communists and the NSD's. Hoo-boy. That got the German population all riled up. They were teh pissed at communists and the NSD's now. So they were all willing and shit when Hitler had the rest of the communists rounded up and executed, along with a ton of the NSD's. Thus eliminating a potential source of rivalry for his power very cleverly.

Soon after the President of Germany died, and since Adolf was Chancellor, he declared the office voided and placed himself as dictator.

Very abbreviated history lesson. But no...Hitler was not a "socialist" by any stretch of the imagination.

Why does this argument keep coming up, and is continually brought up by the retards?
Let's talk about retarded.
Did anyone place a gun to your head and click on this thread?
Did anyone put a gun to your head and read this thread?
Did anyone pout a gun to your head and force you to comment?
If they did not then that is the most retarded thing anyone could ever do, click on, read, comment on a thread they thinks retarded, and continue doing it.
But rock on retard.:clap2:

Where did I say that I don't like making fun of retards?

Why do you think I make fun of you?
Why does this argument keep coming up, and is continually brought up by the retards?

Here's a repost of what I said in yet another thread on this same subject:

Hitler was really a dictator. Just like Stalin. But unlike Stalin, he went the fascist route instead of the communist route.

Basically, in 1920's Germany, there was a heavy socialist and communist sympathetic bent among the public, but not with the President and his cabinet. The Pres and his cabinet saw the socialists and communists as a threat to their power. The funny thing is, the majority of the German people didn't even know what socialism or communism really was. They just knew it was against the current form of government, which in their opinion sucked balls.

So what Hitler did was use the existing anti-government, pro-socialist sentiment among the people of Germany to create a new party, the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
(notice that they have the word "national", bringing the whole nation together. The word "socialist", which was meant to capitalize on the existing pro-socialist sentiment...even if the majority of the people didn't know what socialism really was. And the word "workers", meaning it was for the common man). There was already a National Socialist Democrat Party, and a Communist Party, but Hitler was telling people that his was teh shit cause it hated evil jews and other left-wingers.

(side note: One of Hitler's main jobs prior to starting the Nazi party was to report back to the military any Socialist or Communist sympathizer-type meetings so they could be squashed).

Well, elections weren't going so well for the Nazi's. They had some support, but not enough as they thought. They were winning some seats, but not too many. The National Social Democrats (NSD) and the German Communist party were winning more seats than the Nazi's in the governing body. Kinda like our congress, they called it the Reichstaag. Well, Hitler had some of the Nazi's beat up the communists a few times, but it wasn't working. So he came up with a different plan.

He had a fire started in the Reichstaag, and blamed it on communists and the NSD's. Hoo-boy. That got the German population all riled up. They were teh pissed at communists and the NSD's now. So they were all willing and shit when Hitler had the rest of the communists rounded up and executed, along with a ton of the NSD's. Thus eliminating a potential source of rivalry for his power very cleverly.

Soon after the President of Germany died, and since Adolf was Chancellor, he declared the office voided and placed himself as dictator.

Very abbreviated history lesson. But no...Hitler was not a "socialist" by any stretch of the imagination.

Why does this argument keep coming up, and is continually brought up by the retards?
Let's talk about retarded.
Did anyone place a gun to your head and click on this thread?
Did anyone put a gun to your head and read this thread?
Did anyone pout a gun to your head and force you to comment?
If they did not then that is the most retarded thing anyone could ever do, click on, read, comment on a thread they thinks retarded, and continue doing it.
But rock on retard.:clap2:

Where did I say that I don't like making fun of retards?

Why do you think I make fun of you?

Wouldn't you agree that if a person thought a thread was retarded yet keeps reading and commenting on that thread is the most retarded thing anyone could do?
After all you did ask the question

Why does this argument keep coming up, and is continually brought up by the retards?
Let's talk about retarded.
Did anyone place a gun to your head and click on this thread?
Did anyone put a gun to your head and read this thread?
Did anyone pout a gun to your head and force you to comment?
If they did not then that is the most retarded thing anyone could ever do, click on, read, comment on a thread they thinks retarded, and continue doing it.
But rock on retard.:clap2:

Where did I say that I don't like making fun of retards?

Why do you think I make fun of you?

Wouldn't you agree that if a person thought a thread was retarded yet keeps reading and commenting on that thread is the most retarded thing anyone could do?
After all you did ask the question

Why does this argument keep coming up, and is continually brought up by the retards?

No, I like making fun of retards.

This is a retarded thread. Brought up by a retard, therefore I stop by to make you look like a bigger retard :thup: True story!
Where did I say that I don't like making fun of retards?

Why do you think I make fun of you?

Wouldn't you agree that if a person thought a thread was retarded yet keeps reading and commenting on that thread is the most retarded thing anyone could do?
After all you did ask the question

Why does this argument keep coming up, and is continually brought up by the retards?

No, I like making fun of retards.

This is a retarded thread. Brought up by a retard, therefore I stop by to make you look like a bigger retard :thup: True story!

It's also retarded for someone to continue commenting on a thread that they think is retarded.
But do continue the laugh value you give is greatly appresated.
Yes, Hitler was a fascist. No, Hitler was not a socialist. Yes, you have epic massive fail here.

The following quote is from the National Socialist Party of Germany (NAZI) Sounds pretty socialist to me :eusa_whistle:
"We ask that government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment and earning a living. The activities of the individual must not be allowed to clash with the interests of the community, but must take place within the confines and be for the good of all. Therefore, we demand: ... an end to the power of financial interest. We demand profit sharing in big business. We demand a broad extension of care for the aged. We demand ... the greatest possible consideration of small business in the purchases of the national, state, and municipal governments. In order to make possible to every capable and industrious [citizen] the attainment of higher education and thus the achievement of a post of leadership, the government must provide an all-around enlargement of our system of public education.... We demand the education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents.... The government must undertake the improvement of public health -- by protecting mother and child, by prohibiting child labor -- by the greatest possible support for all groups concerned with the physical education of youth. [W]e combat the ... materialistic spirit within and without us, and are convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the foundation of The Common Good Before the Individual Good."

Oh and by the way
The word Nazi is based on the first two syllables of the German word Nationalialsozialist. :eusa_whistle:

Yes, Hitler was a fascist. No, Hitler was not a socialist. Yes, you have epic massive fail here.

The following quote is from the National Socialist Party of Germany (NAZI) Sounds pretty socialist to me :eusa_whistle:
"We ask that government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment and earning a living. The activities of the individual must not be allowed to clash with the interests of the community, but must take place within the confines and be for the good of all. Therefore, we demand: ... an end to the power of financial interest. We demand profit sharing in big business. We demand a broad extension of care for the aged. We demand ... the greatest possible consideration of small business in the purchases of the national, state, and municipal governments. In order to make possible to every capable and industrious [citizen] the attainment of higher education and thus the achievement of a post of leadership, the government must provide an all-around enlargement of our system of public education.... We demand the education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents.... The government must undertake the improvement of public health -- by protecting mother and child, by prohibiting child labor -- by the greatest possible support for all groups concerned with the physical education of youth. [W]e combat the ... materialistic spirit within and without us, and are convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the foundation of The Common Good Before the Individual Good."

Oh and by the way
The word Nazi is based on the first two syllables of the German word Nationalialsozialist. :eusa_whistle:

We've been over this Pixie.

Nazism was a populist movement among the workers, their demands for small businesses in your post is definitely not a socialist tenant. Neither is employment, or earning a living. What they are advocating is a business takeover of roles that government normally fulfills. Such as education. Ask yourself this. Why would they advocate businesses purchasing the government?

the greatest possible consideration of small business in the purchases of the national, state, and municipal governments.

Businesses purchasing the government. Thats nearly the textbook definition of fascism.

Hitler and his merry band of lunatics co-opted the pro-socialist sentiments of the populace of the time by simply tacking on the word "Socialist" to their party name.

Or, as xot put it. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Neither Democratic, nor a republic. But it sure sounds good.
Guess who said this?

"What luck for the rulers that men do not think."

And this

"Society's needs come before the individual's needs."

Sounds like socialism again... in practice
Pixie, you clearly know not of what you write. And I will leave you all to it.

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