A historical film on hitler

Guess who said this?

"What luck for the rulers that men do not think."

And this

"Society's needs come before the individual's needs."

Sounds like socialism again... in practice
Funny...to me it sounds like someone from the moral majority said those things. Jews: bad for society. Gays: bad for society. Single mothers: bad for society. Mexicans: bad for society.


Jews: bad for society.

The left is not part of the moral majority. This is a view of the left.

Single mothers: bad for society
Any single parent is bad for society it takes a mother and a father to grow a child.

Mexicans: bad for society.

The left seems to alwayes get this view wrong. ILLEGALS is bad for the American society.

Gays: bad for society.
The gay life style is not the norm, people try as hard ass they can to make it the norm but it isn't. Adam and Steve, Adreian and Eve if it was intented for same sex relationships everybody would be asexual.
The nice thing about all of this is that the bigrebs and pixies have very little influence in the world, and based on their postings here, that will continue.
Guess who said this?

"What luck for the rulers that men do not think."

And this

"Society's needs come before the individual's needs."

Sounds like socialism again... in practice
Funny...to me it sounds like someone from the moral majority said those things. Jews: bad for society. Gays: bad for society. Single mothers: bad for society. Mexicans: bad for society.


The left is not part of the moral majority. This is a view of the left.

Any single parent is bad for society it takes a mother and a father to grow a child.

Mexicans: bad for society.
The left seems to alwayes get this view wrong. ILLEGALS is bad for the American society.

Gays: bad for society.
The gay life style is not the norm, people try as hard ass they can to make it the norm but it isn't. Adam and Steve, Adreian and Eve if it was intented for same sex relationships everybody would be asexual.
Thanks for proving my point.
Guess who said this?

"What luck for the rulers that men do not think."

And this

"Society's needs come before the individual's needs."

Sounds like socialism again... in practice
Funny...to me it sounds like someone from the moral majority said those things. Jews: bad for society. Gays: bad for society. Single mothers: bad for society. Mexicans: bad for society.


The left is not part of the moral majority. This is a view of the left.

Any single parent is bad for society it takes a mother and a father to grow a child.

Mexicans: bad for society.

The left seems to alwayes get this view wrong. ILLEGALS is bad for the American society.

Gays: bad for society.
The gay life style is not the norm, people try as hard ass they can to make it the norm but it isn't. Adam and Steve, Adreian and Eve if it was intented for same sex relationships everybody would be asexual.

Your opinion on these matters are no longer the norm in society. Social culture has been changing the last fifty years, and you are not mainstream.
Funny...to me it sounds like someone from the moral majority said those things. Jews: bad for society. Gays: bad for society. Single mothers: bad for society. Mexicans: bad for society.


The left is not part of the moral majority. This is a view of the left.

Any single parent is bad for society it takes a mother and a father to grow a child.

The left seems to alwayes get this view wrong. ILLEGALS is bad for the American society.

Gays: bad for society.
The gay life style is not the norm, people try as hard ass they can to make it the norm but it isn't. Adam and Steve, Adreian and Eve if it was intented for same sex relationships everybody would be asexual.

Your opinion on these matters are no longer the norm in society. Social culture has been changing the last fifty years, and you are not mainstream.

You alwayes have this thing about others opinions but continue to give your own. Mexicans are not the only illegals in America. wasn't some Russians busted a few months back?
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I have no trouble with anybody's opinions as long as they reflect matters as they are. Your opinions on those matters above are no longer mainstream. The world is changing all the time. Plenty of illegals in America are here, and the majority are probably from Mexico.
I have no trouble with anybody's opinions as long as they reflect matters as they are. Your opinions on those matters above are no longer mainstream. The world is changing all the time. Plenty of illegals in America are here, and the majority are probably from Mexico.

LOL as long as it agrees with your wrong opinion you have no problem with it. I see:clap2:
My opinion is not wrong concerning who was not a socialist, but you are a fascist without a doubt. Your race ideology is part of it.
My opinion is not wrong concerning who was not a socialist, but you are a fascist without a doubt. Your race ideology is part of it.

No your opinion is wrong. Again larkey (note the spelling)
What do you have when you join a liar with a starkey a larkey

Are these views of a socialist?

total confiscation of all war profits.

nationalization of all trusts.

profit-sharing in large industries.

generous increase in old-age pensions.

creation and maintenance of a sound middle-class, the immediate communalization of large stores which will be rented cheaply to small tradespeople, and the strongest consideration must be given to ensure that small traders shall deliver the supplies needed by the State, the provinces and municipalities.

agrarian reform in accordance with our national requirements, and the enactment of a law to expropriate the owners without compensation of any land needed for the common purpose. The abolition of ground rents, and the prohibition of all speculation in land.

ruthless war be waged against those who work to the injury of the common welfare. Traitors, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished with death, regardless of creed or race.

Roman law, which serves a materialist ordering of the world, be replaced by German common law.

The conception of the State Idea (science of citizenship) must be taught in the schools from the very beginning. We demand that specially talented children of poor parents, whatever their station or occupation, be educated at the expense of the State.

The State has the duty to help raise the standard of national health by providing maternity welfare centers, by prohibiting juvenile labor, by increasing physical fitness through the introduction of compulsory games and gymnastics, and by the greatest possible encouragement of associations concerned with the physical education of the young.


In order to carry out this program we demand: the creation of a strong central authority in the State, the unconditional authority by the political central parliament of the whole State and all its organizations.
Did Hitler nationalize industry? This is the only question that can reveal if Hitler was a socialist.

This is what I will answer you with every time you make the silly assertion that Hitler was a socialist.
I always thought it was interesting Hitler went after socialist democrats and unions. ;)

HUMM.... Strange thing that he would join a new organization called the Germans workers party and within a year take control of that organization and rename it The National Socialist Germans Workers Party.
Not strange, hitler was a socialist and crazy. He killed the socialist leaders in the party to take control himself. Those that deny hitler was a socialist are the same ones that do not believe that obama is a socialist.
What you all seem to be ignoring is that these forms of control, are different paths to the same end, Totalitarian Rule. They all lead to the same place, total control of the People, 24/7, cradle to grave. It is a sickness, a disease, by any brand or name.
I always thought it was interesting Hitler went after socialist democrats and unions. ;)

and intellectuals
and gays
blacks, jews, immigrants

the nazi party (and hitler and his buddies) were strong supporters of;
traditional roles for men and women
the christian religion (catholics and protestants)
the superiority of white aryan men and women

they sound a lot like glenn beck and michael savage

even with gun control....
cons will tell us (mistakenly) that hitler enacted gun control/confiscation...

but that is misleading...(untrue...a lie)

aryan white germans were allowed to keep their guns...
only non aryans had their guns confiscated
Stop being being stupid, hitler killed one million Christians also. To say he was a Christian or did the killings because he was a Christian is a foolish argument. Hitler did things because he was insane. And he was a socialist.
What you all seem to be ignoring is that these forms of control, are different paths to the same end, Totalitarian Rule. They all lead to the same place, total control of the People, 24/7, cradle to grave. It is a sickness, a disease, by any brand or name.
So true.
Yes, Hitler was a fascist. No, Hitler was not a socialist. Yes, you have epic massive fail here.

The following quote is from the National Socialist Party of Germany (NAZI) Sounds pretty socialist to me :eusa_whistle:
"We ask that government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment and earning a living. The activities of the individual must not be allowed to clash with the interests of the community, but must take place within the confines and be for the good of all. Therefore, we demand: ... an end to the power of financial interest. We demand profit sharing in big business. We demand a broad extension of care for the aged. We demand ... the greatest possible consideration of small business in the purchases of the national, state, and municipal governments. In order to make possible to every capable and industrious [citizen] the attainment of higher education and thus the achievement of a post of leadership, the government must provide an all-around enlargement of our system of public education.... We demand the education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents.... The government must undertake the improvement of public health -- by protecting mother and child, by prohibiting child labor -- by the greatest possible support for all groups concerned with the physical education of youth. [W]e combat the ... materialistic spirit within and without us, and are convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the foundation of The Common Good Before the Individual Good."
Oh and by the way
The word Nazi is based on the first two syllables of the German word Nationalialsozialist. :eusa_whistle:


:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle: :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Whats the old Mainer's joke about being a Mainer?

You can put a chicken in a oven and call it muffins, but it's still a just a chicken.
American Horse is a donky if he thinks Hitler was a socialist. He was a totalitarian dictator who got along quite well with the capitalists and big business. Horse, study more carefully, please.
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^^^^^Really? Wanna actually talk about BIG business and how truly low the dems go with them? Phillip Morris has been in bed with the democrats for years lobbying against itself to kill any and all competiton, therefore the tobacco industry is under so much regulation that it is almost dead. Or haven't you noticed? Just one very extreme example, and you wanna talk about the banking industry as well as the insurance and health care industry, Oh yeah and housing?

Tobacco and Food Giant Philip-Morris lobbied Democrats for on got new regulations and taxes on tobacco, but they were done in such a way that Philip-Morris benefited. You see the narrative from politicians and leftist academics is that “regulation is done for the benefit of the people to prevent the excesses of unrestrained capitalism (freedom)”, the reality is that like in this case, the Google case we write about below, Fannie Mae, banks etc etc the regulations are designed to pick winners and losers, they are slanted to help those who make donations and wield influence. The result is corrupt “Chicago Style” regulation that leads to the very excesses that the Democrats used as an excuse to do more regulation and pick more winners and losers which results in more excesses.
^^^^^Really? Wanna actually talk about BIG business and how truly low the dems go with them? Phillip Morris has been in bed with the democrats for years lobbying against itself to kill any and all competiton, therefore the tobacco industry is under so much regulation that it is almost dead. Or haven't you noticed? Just one very extreme example, and you wanna talk about the banking industry as well as the insurance and health care industry, Oh yeah and housing?

Tobacco and Food Giant Philip-Morris lobbied Democrats for on got new regulations and taxes on tobacco, but they were done in such a way that Philip-Morris benefited. You see the narrative from politicians and leftist academics is that “regulation is done for the benefit of the people to prevent the excesses of unrestrained capitalism (freedom)”, the reality is that like in this case, the Google case we write about below, Fannie Mae, banks etc etc the regulations are designed to pick winners and losers, they are slanted to help those who make donations and wield influence. The result is corrupt “Chicago Style” regulation that leads to the very excesses that the Democrats used as an excuse to do more regulation and pick more winners and losers which results in more excesses.

hitler, try to focus.
I always thought it was interesting Hitler went after socialist democrats and unions. ;)

HUMM.... Strange thing that he would join a new organization called the Germans workers party and within a year take control of that organization and rename it The National Socialist Germans Workers Party.
Not strange, hitler was a socialist and crazy. He killed the socialist leaders in the party to take control himself. Those that deny hitler was a socialist are the same ones that do not believe that obama is a socialist.

We are the ones who know that you are loony. No, horse, neither hitler nor obama were or are socialists.

Go back and look up the definitions, please.

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