'A holy war on sprawl': States seek to shape new housing development by limiting local control

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind

There is NO shortage of homes and apartments.

Just like there was NEVER any shortage of eggs, NO shortage of food, NO shortage of oil/gas.......etc....

The problem is real estate landlords DOUBLING RENT and mortages every year for the past two-three years because they CAN ABUSE the economy problems!!

Instead of HELPING people, they are ABUSING people and the situation!!!

These landlords and bankers are only slitting their own throats, because this means these places will stay EMPTY LONGER.......causing them to LOSE MONEY by not having tennants!!

If a property is more than 20-30 years old, then there's a 99.99% chance it's been paid off, and what they are doing is just raking in PURE PROFIT margins. Sure they take out money for repairs and upkeep, but they aren't paying that much more for it, as they can get stuff CHEAP because they get discounts and specials because they are businesses. Do they pass those savings on to the tennants?

I live in an apartment complex that has ALWAYS had a long waiting list of people wanting to live here. And now, there are two empty apartments just sitting there........EMPTY, with NO PAYING TENNANTS IN THEM!

WHO is losing at this point?

But this is what the Dems and their oligarchy masters want. This is all part of their plan to control everything.
The Dems and Oligarchies they serve only want THEIR class and a slave class. They want everybody else GONE! This is why they are allowing an influx of illegals across the borders.....they are going to be the slave class. All the "middle class" will become extinct by the oligarchies hands.

It's called GENOCIDE.
The ignorance of the public regarding simple Economics is stunning.

EVERYBODY selling a product or service wants to get as much as possible for it. A landlord who sets rents "too high" will have to deal with vacant properties, or lower the rent to fill them. Simple as that. Renters will seek out the cheapest acceptable accommodations possible, given their ability to pay.

Renters who decide to make sacrifices to be owners will have to deal with the high costs of getting started (downpayment, remodeling costs, furnishing costs) as well as the extra costs of being an owner (taxes, upkeep, unexpected repairs).

Life ain't easy. Deal with it.
Even using bold type doesn't change the housing shortage ... Oregon's draconian zoning laws are specifically designed to limit housing ... we don't want people moving here ... "Come visit beautiful Oregon often, just leave the U-Hauls at home" -- Gov. Tom McCall ...

Are there buildings everyplace ... yes ... do these buildings meet standards of habitability? ... well, no ... legal standards are expensive, thus higher rents ... simple math ... do we want to ease these damned habitability requirements? ... you'll get the landlord vote ... [ka'ching] ... damn them civil rights, we landlords need to make MORE MONEY off the sweat of YOUR brow ... ha ha ha ha ha ...

Get your ass to work and pay MY fair share of the tax load, commoner ...
The ignorance of the public regarding simple Economics is stunning.

EVERYBODY selling a product or service wants to get as much as possible for it. A landlord who sets rents "too high" will have to deal with vacant properties, or lower the rent to fill them. Simple as that. Renters will seek out the cheapest acceptable accommodations possible, given their ability to pay.

Renters who decide to make sacrifices to be owners will have to deal with the high costs of getting started (downpayment, remodeling costs, furnishing costs) as well as the extra costs of being an owner (taxes, upkeep, unexpected repairs).

Life ain't easy. Deal with it.

After reading threads about economy in this country for the past 20 years now................I've come to the conclusion that none of the "business people" in this country ever took economics, economic history, or economic maths. They have NO FUCKING CLUE how to run a PROFITABLE business.

They know how to RUN THEM INTO THE GROUND, but they don't know the first thing about running an ethical, profitable business.
Even using bold type doesn't change the housing shortage ... Oregon's draconian zoning laws are specifically designed to limit housing ... we don't want people moving here ... "Come visit beautiful Oregon often, just leave the U-Hauls at home" -- Gov. Tom McCall ...

Are there buildings everyplace ... yes ... do these buildings meet standards of habitability? ... well, no ... legal standards are expensive, thus higher rents ... simple math ... do we want to ease these damned habitability requirements? ... you'll get the landlord vote ... [ka'ching] ... damn them civil rights, we landlords need to make MORE MONEY off the sweat of YOUR brow ... ha ha ha ha ha ...

Get your ass to work and pay MY fair share of the tax load, commoner ...

Bold print is easier to read. Thats why I do it so much. There's a lot of oldies like me on here.
I don't know if everybody has problems reading small print, but when I make a thread, I usually do it in bold, so nobody has a problem reading it.

As for buidlings everywhere, yes, there are empty buildings everywhere.

As for habitability, no, not all of them are........and not all of them were built for living purposes. BUT.....it doesn't take much to update, convert, or rezone them for habitat usage, unless they are so old they are decaying.

Even one empty parking garage no longer being used, could house a couple of hundred "tiny homes" for people. A safe place, in town, near jobs, near shopping, and on bus routes. A place to live, an area to get a job in, and an area to be a working part of, instead of living in an alley in a tent.

Most empty warehouses are cheaply and easily converted to apartments. Empty warehouses could also be converted to liveable "tent towns"........where people can live in tents safely, with access to jobs and shopping......and not have to be worried about everything being stolen or having to pick up and move every couple of days. An easy way to help some people get back on their feet.

Not EVERYTYHING has to be big homes, with lush yards, or big aparments with sprawling living rooms and bedrooms. A SAFE place to live for a while until you can get your life back on track is all that is needed for most people in need.

For the working class, we only want a decent place to live at a reasonable price for what we can afford, and to not be used, abused, and taken advantage of.

There is NO shortage of homes and apartments.

Just like there was NEVER any shortage of eggs, NO shortage of food, NO shortage of oil/gas.......etc....

The problem is real estate landlords DOUBLING RENT and mortages every year for the past two-three years because they CAN ABUSE the economy problems!!

Instead of HELPING people, they are ABUSING people and the situation!!!

These landlords and bankers are only slitting their own throats, because this means these places will stay EMPTY LONGER.......causing them to LOSE MONEY by not having tennants!!

If a property is more than 20-30 years old, then there's a 99.99% chance it's been paid off, and what they are doing is just raking in PURE PROFIT margins. Sure they take out money for repairs and upkeep, but they aren't paying that much more for it, as they can get stuff CHEAP because they get discounts and specials because they are businesses. Do they pass those savings on to the tennants?

I live in an apartment complex that has ALWAYS had a long waiting list of people wanting to live here. And now, there are two empty apartments just sitting there........EMPTY, with NO PAYING TENNANTS IN THEM!

WHO is losing at this point?

But this is what the Dems and their oligarchy masters want. This is all part of their plan to control everything.
The Dems and Oligarchies they serve only want THEIR class and a slave class. They want everybody else GONE! This is why they are allowing an influx of illegals across the borders.....they are going to be the slave class. All the "middle class" will become extinct by the oligarchies hands.

It's called GENOCIDE.

Or an argument can be made for empty apartments are a investment. If the government starts taking land those people will have to go somewhere.

And if the current administration, banks and globalists have their way people will lose their land. And what can happen is with a combination of inflation, along with a weak dollar they can take your land by taxing you out of it. They won't take it with guns, they will take it with tax forms.

That affords them several benefits.

1 globalists, rich, banks and so on buy your land for themselves.

2 the middle class, poor and very poor are all herded so to speak together and kept separated.

3 we then switch from working to live, to living to work. We will become serfs that work just to be able to afford a small apartment and something to eat and not much else. It will be a constant struggle just to hold just enough to get by.
And if the current administration, banks and globalists have their way people will lose their land. And what can happen is with a combination of inflation, along with a weak dollar they can take your land by taxing you out of it. They won't take it with guns, they will take it with tax forms.

The problem is real estate landlords DOUBLING RENT and mortages every year for the past two-three years because they CAN ABUSE the economy problems!!

Instead of HELPING people, they are ABUSING people and the situation!!!
LOL! Hey dumbass, why do you think rent has been going up so much the last couple of years? Aside from general inflation, Donald Trump, the president YOU voted for, instituted an unconstitutional moratorium on rent payments. Landlords got fucked right up the wazoo by him because tenants took advantage of it, whether they needed to or not, and didn't pay. You didn't think that would have any blowback?

These landlords and bankers are only slitting their own throats, because this means these places will stay EMPTY LONGER.......causing them to LOSE MONEY by not having tennants!!
No, landlords aren't in the habit of losing money. They don't just leave places empty for months and months foregoing rent because nobody wants to pay what they're asking. Most landlords aren't rolling around in cash either. Profit margins on rental properties aren't always that high once you consider all of the landlord's expenses involved like property taxes, mortgage payments, utilities in some cases, and repairs due to natural wear and tear and negligent tenants, and tenants who don't pay and end up being evicted.

If a property is more than 20-30 years old, then there's a 99.99% chance it's been paid off, and what they are doing is just raking in PURE PROFIT margins. Sure they take out money for repairs and upkeep, but they aren't paying that much more for it, as they can get stuff CHEAP because they get discounts and specials because they are businesses. Do they pass those savings on to the tennants?
Where are you getting this nonsense that because it's 20 or 30 years old it's probably paid off? You think everybody runs out and buys brand new homes? I used to own three rental properties and one of them was over a 100 hundred years old. I'm not a vampire. I didn't buy it fresh off the lot in 1896, you dipshit. I had a mortgage on it, like my primary resident. And what are these big discounts you're talking about? I paid the same cost as anybody else would for stuff.

I live in an apartment complex that has ALWAYS had a long waiting list of people wanting to live here. And now, there are two empty apartments just sitting there........EMPTY, with NO PAYING TENNANTS IN THEM!

Precisely, YOU ARE A RENTER! Which is exactly why you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Landlords charge what they can get for the unit because why the fuck wouldn't they? Are YOU going to charge less for something if you know you can get more for it? It's basic supply and demand. If you have a lot of demand you charge more. If you can't get anyone to rent the place for what you're asking then you lower the price. It's very cut and dry.

WHO is losing at this point?

You're spouting nonsense based on pure ignorance because you've never owned anything and you probably never will. It always amuses me how you conservatards will squawk about the free market, but the moment it doesn't work in your favor you're parroting Bernie Sanders rhetoric.
Bold print is easier to read. Thats why I do it so much. There's a lot of oldies like me on here.
I don't know if everybody has problems reading small print, but when I make a thread, I usually do it in bold, so nobody has a problem reading it.

As for buidlings everywhere, yes, there are empty buildings everywhere.

As for habitability, no, not all of them are........and not all of them were built for living purposes. BUT.....it doesn't take much to update, convert, or rezone them for habitat usage, unless they are so old they are decaying.

Even one empty parking garage no longer being used, could house a couple of hundred "tiny homes" for people. A safe place, in town, near jobs, near shopping, and on bus routes. A place to live, an area to get a job in, and an area to be a working part of, instead of living in an alley in a tent.

Most empty warehouses are cheaply and easily converted to apartments. Empty warehouses could also be converted to liveable "tent towns"........where people can live in tents safely, with access to jobs and shopping......and not have to be worried about everything being stolen or having to pick up and move every couple of days. An easy way to help some people get back on their feet.

Not EVERYTYHING has to be big homes, with lush yards, or big aparments with sprawling living rooms and bedrooms. A SAFE place to live for a while until you can get your life back on track is all that is needed for most people in need.

For the working class, we only want a decent place to live at a reasonable price for what we can afford, and to not be used, abused, and taken advantage of.

I'm an uneducated construction laborer ... I know exactly how much it costs to bring a building up to habitability ... an electrician and their apprentice will cost you $2,000 a day at pre-pandemic prices ... we've seen some inflation since then, costs are even higher today ... an insurance adjuster told me once that 70% of his work was faulty electrical ... bad plugs kill people and burn your home down ...

Best to tear off all the drywall, or plaster ... you want the electrician in and out in as few days possible ... new drywall is always cheapest ... because we'll need plumbers ... human waste must be dealt with immediately ... septic tank or sewer connection ... ha ha ha ... and you thought electricians were expensive ...

Heat? ... how much for a furnace? ... and do we retrofit ceiling and wall insulation ... new windows and doors ... there's limits to how leaky these things can be and still remain within local ordinances and state laws ... "in good repair" is the usual language, check with a lawyer though ... just keep writing checks ...

No such thing as "affordable housing" ... not since Hurricane Katrina made landfall ...


Homeless folks tend towards the "financially irresponsible" type ... taxpayers will have to pay the water bill ... these newly homed won't ... and without water service, toilets don't work ...

... and you'll have a different kind of problem after a few months ...
Dammit man! I was just talking about this yesterday. Somehow they have effectively doubled the cost of housing for everyone over what it was for more than 200 years. That's bullshit!

Just listen to this song:

That reality is no longer possible in America.
I hate that. Somehow I still get by by the old rules, but I know many, probably most people don't, and that's a damn shame. It hurts everyone.

It kills The American Dream; It does.

That's a lot of what MAGA is about.
Dammit man! I was just talking about this yesterday. Somehow they have effectively doubled the cost of housing for everyone over what it was for more than 200 years. That's bullshit!

Just listen to this song:

That reality is no longer possible in America.
I hate that. Somehow I still get by by the old rules, but I know many, probably most people don't, and that's a damn shame. It hurts everyone.

It kills The American Dream; It does.

If someone thinks rent is high, try owning a house. :laughing0301:
I’m still occasionally in touch with my landlord from the last condo my wife and I rented. He’s increased the rent on his two largest units because neither tenant paid a dime during COVID and the state refused to either force them to pay the back rent or evict the tenants easily. He’s hoping the doubled rent will force the tenants to move out.
No, landlords aren't in the habit of losing money.

Can't resist ...

True story ... the day the World Trade Center went day, my insurance premiums doubled, and then doubled again the following year ... landlords are in the same pool ... my insurance agent was suitably apologetic and all I could smile and laugh ... he asked me why I thought this was so great ...

I go home ... double the expense ... and raise rents ... 100% profit margin ... [ka'ching] ... why should only the insurance company profit off the hard work of tenants ... I got my share ... [ka'ching] ...

Insurance premiums went back down after a few years ... no, I didn't lower rents ... [ka'ching ka'ching ka'ching] ...

Landlords are in the habit of wringing every last red penny out of tenants ... 1/3 your take home pay is MINE ... not yours ... MINE ...
Can't resist ...

True story ... the day the World Trade Center went day, my insurance premiums doubled, and then doubled again the following year ... landlords are in the same pool ... my insurance agent was suitably apologetic and all I could smile and laugh ... he asked me why I thought this was so great ...

I go home ... double the expense ... and raise rents ... 100% profit margin ... [ka'ching] ... why should only the insurance company profit off the hard work of tenants ... I got my share ... [ka'ching] ...

Insurance premiums went back down after a few years ... no, I didn't lower rents ... [ka'ching ka'ching ka'ching] ...

Landlords are in the habit of wringing every last red penny out of tenants ... 1/3 your take home pay is MINE ... not yours ... MINE ...

You charged the rate you were able to get for the unit, yes or no?
You charged the rate you were able to get for the unit, yes or no?

As much as the market would bear ... the choice had nothing to do with the tenant's ability to pay ... I could just get more tenants ... and the more I charged, the more financial responsible were the tenants ... 100% margins, buck-o, tenants' money in my pocket ... and I'm turning ten prospective tenants away per week ... so no shortage of folks with money-in-hand ...

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