A House, A Car, $1500 A Month, Plus All The Cameras You Can Use: The Riches Isis Offers Spin Doctor


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
ISIS certainly must have tons of money in the bank to offer this. Maybe those converts who are conducting their Jihad on the Internet because they can't get out should look into this offer.

A house, a car, $1500 a month, plus all the cameras you can use: The riches Isis offers spin doctors to help craft its twisted propaganda

  • Syrian reveals that he was interviewed by Isis to work in their media centre
  • He said that the headquarters in Raqqa was full of modern equipment
  • He was offered perks such as a car and a house, as well as a big salary
    • Some experts believe the group is partly funded through oil smuggling


PUBLISHED: 10:24 EST, 22 September 2014 | UPDATED: 10:36 EST, 22 September 2014

A Syrian who was interviewed by Isis to work in its media centre has revealed just how slick and well-funded its PR machine is, saying that he was offered a big salary plus perks such as a car and house - and any cameras he wanted.

Experts believe that the terrorist organisation has amassed the money necessary to run such a formidable operation partly by smuggling oil from oil fields that it’s seized.

The Syrian said he had a job interview with Isis to work in its media centre in Raqqa, Syria's capital, and that he was amazed at the salary he was offered and the equipment he would have at his

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Isis offers riches to spin doctors to help craft its twisted propaganda Daily Mail Online
sally----lots of oil rich leisurely sheiks ---face a DILEMMA----their life styles are endangered---
what is a SHEIK once the oil runs out in the
WORLD OF THE CRUSADERS? Those guys are like ROYALTY now and want to HOLD ON.
How better to hold on if you are a SHEIK than to live in THE GLORIOUS CALIPHATE----
just as Osama had money ---it certainly was not ALL FROM his dad who had 5000 kids
to make wealthy-----its the ZAKAT ---for the
GLORY OF ISLAM from every oil glutted
sheik---all the way down to little hot dog
pushcarts in central park-----zakat----everyone must donate to DEFEND ISLAAAM
ISIS certainly must have tons of money in the bank to offer this. Maybe those converts who are conducting their Jihad on the Internet because they can't get out should look into this offer.

A house, a car, $1500 a month, plus all the cameras you can use: The riches Isis offers spin doctors to help craft its twisted propaganda

  • Syrian reveals that he was interviewed by Isis to work in their media centre
  • He said that the headquarters in Raqqa was full of modern equipment
  • He was offered perks such as a car and a house, as well as a big salary
    • Some experts believe the group is partly funded through oil smuggling

PUBLISHED: 10:24 EST, 22 September 2014 | UPDATED: 10:36 EST, 22 September 2014

A Syrian who was interviewed by Isis to work in its media centre has revealed just how slick and well-funded its PR machine is, saying that he was offered a big salary plus perks such as a car and house - and any cameras he wanted.

Experts believe that the terrorist organisation has amassed the money necessary to run such a formidable operation partly by smuggling oil from oil fields that it’s seized.

The Syrian said he had a job interview with Isis to work in its media centre in Raqqa, Syria's capital, and that he was amazed at the salary he was offered and the equipment he would have at his

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Isis offers riches to spin doctors to help craft its twisted propaganda Daily Mail Online

That is not the first time I've heard of OPEC money going to fund terrorists. This does not surprise me, Sally.
It is quite amazing how these guys have to pay others to convert to Islam and join them. It just goes to prove it is not of God. Christianity is growing very quickly in Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and on the continent of Africa and no one is paying them anything.

Instead they face death continually, persecution, many trials and affictions yet they will not part with Christ whereas these people have to be payed to convert or do their jihad thing.

They are weak cowards which is why they join rather than resist these evil men. True strength is standing up against evil and saying I'll have no part of your evil or your idolatry to that baal god of yourse - baal allah - I will not do it.

Weakness is bowing down because you are afraid for your life or losing your 1500 bucks a week and a roof over your head. It is a poor specimen that cannot handle the pressures of adversity. No wonder the Iraqi people are unable to defend themselves. Serving this baal god has made them weak. That is what sin and idolatry does to a person. It makes them weak and fearful.
I wonder if ISIS offers a 401K plan? ..... :cool:

Are you thinking of joining and sealing your fate as one who is doomed for the pit? Is that all it takes these days? A 401K and you sell your soul to Satan? How pitiful. Truly Pitiful.
They are EMULATING the pig of mecca----he started out raiding caravans along the silk road---
for treasures and slaves ---which he used to buy
followers Of course they worshipped him. It worked for him and it worked for the scum of Arabia after him as they rampaged around stealing and murdering and SHARING the rewards. In fact there are actually instructions on how to share the booty and the girls---and little boys. Why change a WINNING METHOD??

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