A little perspective on 2014 Senate

And that changes the results of the midterms or there impact on Obama's final two years as President how?

It doesn't. Liberals are looking for any explanation as to why they were so swiftly humiliated in the elections. We call that being in a state of denial.

Doesn't matter what you call it. We are well aware of the outcome of the election, and know it doesn't amount to as much as you want it to. You're just disappointed because we didn't melt down and cry behind the couch like you did when Obama won two times.
And oh how we cried. The world weeps because of his elections.

Well no. The teabaggers cried. The world gave him a Nobel Peace Prize just because he wasn't Bush. They were so tired of right wing cowboy diplomacy till they would have given it to anyone who would stop the Bush madness.
Joe....... Geesus! You are a one man campaign for bringing back the negative rep system...

You are really a pathetic human being, aren't you.
I'm sorry that you are so alone, but if you conduct your private life like you conduct yourself here, you have only yourself to blame.

What did any of that have to do with what I posted, Archie?
Since Romney had 60 million votes himself, what does your numbers prove? Also you didn't account for the additional House seats won.

since House districts are so gerrymandered, I don't count them as anything other than the ability of politicians to draw maps. To whit- in PA, Democrats got 40% of the votes cast but they are only going to have 20% of the seats.

Why can't you pussyfied liberals admit your ass was kicked by the American people who were fed up by your thuggish ways of rule?

Because a few racists in the South voted against them? Sorry, I don't buy that.

If your so fucking loved and the people are on your side, why didn't you win this time? If Obama continues to be the asshole he is, you can expect another trouncing in 2016' with or without Obama's amnesty.

Actually, what i expect is that Hilary will probably win for the same reason Obama did. WHen you let the whole co untry vote and not a few states full of inbred morons who fly the Stars and Bars, nobody actually votes for the rich getting richer.
So, you honestly believe that Soros, Buffett, Kerry and on and on aren't about protecting what they have at your expense?

Are they the ones busting unions? Looting the banks? Demanding government bailouts for their failed banking ventures?

Well, we all know how Obama and Democratic Congress went on and prosecuted them. I'm sorry but you aren't privy to back room deals that were or were not made.

But Democrats depend on the ignorant, I bet they thank you everyday.
If most of us could say we are better off you would not have had the election results you had Tuesday. .

That's not true.

If that were true, then 1986 was a rejection of Reagan. Right. I mean, Reagan lost the Senate in 1986, but did Americans really think they were worse off?

People can claim to be or have been anything on the internet that doesn't make it true if you want to claim you were a Republican fine claim it that's your right it's right to have the opinion that claim is bullshit

Guy, you can believe anything you want. you can believe a magic sky fairy hates gays and Mexicans just as much as you do.

Me, I like to go with FACTS.
Then try using facts instead of opinions and partisan talking points in 1986 Reagan had an approval rating in the high 60s they did drop when Iran/Contra hit but that was near the end of the year and after the midterms so to claim that was a rejection of him is more than silly. Obama on the other hand started off his Presidency with approval ratings in the high 60s and they have dropped ever since ending in the low 40s where they were on Tuesday. So who was really rejected by voters during the two midterms the one with the approval rating in the 60s or the one with them in the 40s? You can spin your fantasy about having been a Republican all you want and post moronic talking points about hating, gays, Mexicans, women, blacks, the poor and any other group you can think of because the people soundly rejected all that bullshit on Tuesday as well.

I doubt you have your Ph. D. in Political Science, So, please don't embarrass yourself any more than you have already have by your highly partisan opinions.

The one sure thing, well maybe sure, is that the voters are tired of the inaction and partisan bickering which have dominated the Congress since the election of 2008.

The D's have acted but failed to sell their ideas, hope and change have gone as far as they can without specific examples of what is wrong and what will fix it. The R's seem content by saying, "ain't it awful" and putting the blame on Obama.

What will Boehner, McConnell and Co. do, Can they define the problems facing the US today, and offer viable, equitable solutions? I think not, but I hope they prove me wrong. It seems the only plan MB&Co have is to reward Corporations and the wealthy with tax cuts.

Using the logic of cons one can expect any tax cuts to be followed by more demands for tax cuts, and that user fees continue to rise (a hidden tax on the poor and middle class members of our society).
All 4 worked with the opposition. Will barack obama? Or will he decide to rule by fiat like a modern day Idi Amin?

Kind of depends on your guys, doesn't it? They were the ones who said that "We hope he fails".

My guess is that the sane establishment types will try to work with him, but the crazies won't let them.

OR the 3rd most likely option Obama uses executive order and ignores congress and sinks the lib ship in 2016. Hilary is so fucked. She must really hate Obama right now.
Well cons, what say you? What will the Congress focus on now that they are in control?

My guess: More demagoguery on the wedge issues of gay rights; abortion and the rights of women; voting rights; the PPACA Social Security and taxes.

For the uninformed one need only listen to Ted Cruz speak to learn the true nature of a demagogue.
All 4 worked with the opposition. Will barack obama? Or will he decide to rule by fiat like a modern day Idi Amin?

Kind of depends on your guys, doesn't it? They were the ones who said that "We hope he fails".

My guess is that the sane establishment types will try to work with him, but the crazies won't let them.

OR the 3rd most likely option Obama uses executive order and ignores congress and sinks the lib ship in 2016. Hilary is so fucked. She must really hate Obama right now.

Looks like something is going to happen either way, and that's a good thing because what we got isn't working. The right wing can participate and help solve the problem, or hold their breath till they turn blue, and not be included in the process. You've got a seat at the table, but if you would rather pout like a bunch of spoiled brats, the work will get done without you. I hope the right wing is mature enough to realize this, but from the way they have been behaving, I doubt it.
All 4 worked with the opposition. Will barack obama? Or will he decide to rule by fiat like a modern day Idi Amin?

Kind of depends on your guys, doesn't it? They were the ones who said that "We hope he fails".

My guess is that the sane establishment types will try to work with him, but the crazies won't let them.

OR the 3rd most likely option Obama uses executive order and ignores congress and sinks the lib ship in 2016. Hilary is so fucked. She must really hate Obama right now.

Looks like something is going to happen either way, and that's a good thing because what we got isn't working. The right wing can participate and help solve the problem, or hold their breath till they turn blue, and not be included in the process. You've got a seat at the table, but if you would rather pout like a bunch of spoiled brats, the work will get done without you. I hope the right wing is mature enough to realize this, but from the way they have been behaving, I doubt it.

BULLSHIT, your partisan rhetoric is to funny, you can say the same thing, insert left wing and it still be true.
[/QUOTE]What will Boehner, McConnell and Co. do, Can they define the problems facing the US today, and offer viable, equitable solutions? I think not, but I hope they prove me wrong. It seems the only plan MB&Co have is to reward Corporations and the wealthy with tax cuts.[/QUOTE]

Exactly what the Ds have been doing...so you should be happy.
When you have nothing else pull this out:

Even though they just got voted OUT OF POWER because the people were sick and tired of it.
Well, we all know how Obama and Democratic Congress went on and prosecuted them. I'm sorry but you aren't privy to back room deals that were or were not made.

Wasn't aware Congress had prosecutorial powers. I do think the Justice Department made a mistake by not prosecuting, though.

The main problem. Thanks to Republicans, most of what they did was perfectly legal, and that was the problem. You guys spent 30 years deregulating the banks, and then acted all surprised when we got Great Depression II.
OR the 3rd most likely option Obama uses executive order and ignores congress and sinks the lib ship in 2016. Hilary is so fucked. She must really hate Obama right now.

Guy, you didn't change any minds in 2014. You won the same votes that you won in 2012.

2014 was an OFF YEAR election. Which means exactly that.

It would be nice if we got rid of midterms and elected Congressmen and Senators for 4 year terms.
Again this was a typical midterm...
Not when the usual turnover is just 2 Senators at most. We have 7 so far. Count on 2 more shortly. I only wished Gillespie had called for a recount to make it 10.

Sure pal...it was typical. Outside of clinton 2nd term presidents tend to loose congress. Add the fact that voter turn out was so low, an the GOP always tends to get their base out. The outcome was a natural one.

But you being who you are are going to play this exact card, and when the Dems win again ( and they will) you will claim they cheated. Because that is what you do.
All 4 worked with the opposition. Will barack obama? Or will he decide to rule by fiat like a modern day Idi Amin?

Kind of depends on your guys, doesn't it? They were the ones who said that "We hope he fails".

My guess is that the sane establishment types will try to work with him, but the crazies won't let them.

OR the 3rd most likely option Obama uses executive order and ignores congress and sinks the lib ship in 2016. Hilary is so fucked. She must really hate Obama right now.

Looks like something is going to happen either way, and that's a good thing because what we got isn't working. The right wing can participate and help solve the problem, or hold their breath till they turn blue, and not be included in the process. You've got a seat at the table, but if you would rather pout like a bunch of spoiled brats, the work will get done without you. I hope the right wing is mature enough to realize this, but from the way they have been behaving, I doubt it.

BULLSHIT, your partisan rhetoric is to funny, you can say the same thing, insert left wing and it still be true.

So you think the right wing urgently wants to deal with immigration reform? That they will do it even if the president is not interested? What exactly has stopped them from doing that so far, and what exactly have they said or done to make you think they want to now?

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