A little perspective on 2014 Senate

All 4 worked with the opposition. Will barack obama? Or will he decide to rule by fiat like a modern day Idi Amin?

Kind of depends on your guys, doesn't it? They were the ones who said that "We hope he fails".

My guess is that the sane establishment types will try to work with him, but the crazies won't let them.

OR the 3rd most likely option Obama uses executive order and ignores congress and sinks the lib ship in 2016. Hilary is so fucked. She must really hate Obama right now.

Looks like something is going to happen either way, and that's a good thing because what we got isn't working. The right wing can participate and help solve the problem, or hold their breath till they turn blue, and not be included in the process. You've got a seat at the table, but if you would rather pout like a bunch of spoiled brats, the work will get done without you. I hope the right wing is mature enough to realize this, but from the way they have been behaving, I doubt it.

BULLSHIT, your partisan rhetoric is to funny, you can say the same thing, insert left wing and it still be true.

So you think the right wing urgently wants to deal with immigration reform? That they will do it even if the president is not interested? What exactly has stopped them from doing that so far, and what exactly have they said or done to make you think they want to now?

I said, you can insert left wing or right wing in your comment and both statements would be true. Can you disprove the statement, either way?
OR the 3rd most likely option Obama uses executive order and ignores congress and sinks the lib ship in 2016. Hilary is so fucked. She must really hate Obama right now.

Guy, you didn't change any minds in 2014. You won the same votes that you won in 2012.

2014 was an OFF YEAR election. Which means exactly that.

It would be nice if we got rid of midterms and elected Congressmen and Senators for 4 year terms.
Lol tough shit.
OR the 3rd most likely option Obama uses executive order and ignores congress and sinks the lib ship in 2016. Hilary is so fucked. She must really hate Obama right now.

Guy, you didn't change any minds in 2014. You won the same votes that you won in 2012.

2014 was an OFF YEAR election. Which means exactly that.

It would be nice if we got rid of midterms and elected Congressmen and Senators for 4 year terms.

Be nice if the House stayed two and the Senate was four.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Kind of depends on your guys, doesn't it? They were the ones who said that "We hope he fails".

My guess is that the sane establishment types will try to work with him, but the crazies won't let them.

OR the 3rd most likely option Obama uses executive order and ignores congress and sinks the lib ship in 2016. Hilary is so fucked. She must really hate Obama right now.

Looks like something is going to happen either way, and that's a good thing because what we got isn't working. The right wing can participate and help solve the problem, or hold their breath till they turn blue, and not be included in the process. You've got a seat at the table, but if you would rather pout like a bunch of spoiled brats, the work will get done without you. I hope the right wing is mature enough to realize this, but from the way they have been behaving, I doubt it.

BULLSHIT, your partisan rhetoric is to funny, you can say the same thing, insert left wing and it still be true.

So you think the right wing urgently wants to deal with immigration reform? That they will do it even if the president is not interested? What exactly has stopped them from doing that so far, and what exactly have they said or done to make you think they want to now?

I said, you can insert left wing or right wing in your comment and both statements would be true. Can you disprove the statement, either way?

No evidence that the republicans care to do anything about immigration reform. They whine about it a lot, but yet to show any effort other than wanting an electrified fence and shoot on sight orders. Neither of which is any where near rational.
OR the 3rd most likely option Obama uses executive order and ignores congress and sinks the lib ship in 2016. Hilary is so fucked. She must really hate Obama right now.

Looks like something is going to happen either way, and that's a good thing because what we got isn't working. The right wing can participate and help solve the problem, or hold their breath till they turn blue, and not be included in the process. You've got a seat at the table, but if you would rather pout like a bunch of spoiled brats, the work will get done without you. I hope the right wing is mature enough to realize this, but from the way they have been behaving, I doubt it.

BULLSHIT, your partisan rhetoric is to funny, you can say the same thing, insert left wing and it still be true.

So you think the right wing urgently wants to deal with immigration reform? That they will do it even if the president is not interested? What exactly has stopped them from doing that so far, and what exactly have they said or done to make you think they want to now?

I said, you can insert left wing or right wing in your comment and both statements would be true. Can you disprove the statement, either way?

No evidence that the republicans care to do anything about immigration reform. They whine about it a lot, but yet to show any effort other than wanting an electrified fence and shoot on sight orders. Neither of which is any where near rational.

Why isn't it? Mexico has that exact policy!
And so appropriate....
Teabagger is an appropriate name.
Hardly, when meant as a pejorative the way you use it.

Look TEA Party people tied teabags to their hats and naively called themselves tea baggers. If you were sympathetic to their views and used the term in the intended connotation, then fine. Using it as a pejorative is akin to the disconnect with blacks calling each other nigga and the shit storm I'd stir up if I used the word in anger here.

Feel free to call me teabagger. It doesn't hurt me a bit. What should I call you?

I'm surprised you would bother to ask. Teabaggers have so many vile things to say, I would think you might already have your favorite. I'm still in awe of a mentality that thinks your litany of vile epithets are just normal conversation, but get the vapors when someone calls you a teabagger. A name chosen by your own party.
So you can't answer my direct question. Cool.

Please point out the vile epithets I use in normal conversation. Democrat? Liberal? Progressive?
While I think all three are vile, I'm sure you believe they all are complimentary.

I explained how TEA Party people began to call themselves "teabaggers" and I'm certain even a vile Progressive like you knows that there was no pejorative, sexual connotation intended. It was vile Democrats that saw a connection to an urban slang phrase and began to use it the way you do.

Again, what should I call you?

Call me what ever you like. I still find it curious that the right wing has, and continues to degrade anyone who doesn't agree with them through insults. That's the right wing's main strategy. Dehumanize and belittle so it's easier to deny what is our obligation to all our citizens. The fact that you say Democrats, Liberals, and Progressive are vile tells me all I need to know about you. With that attitude, I'm not sure why you would be so scared of one particular term. Could it be because teabagger hits too close to home?
Where have I dehumanized or belittled you? YET you insist on using the term "teabagger". Sorry. I just find that ironic. You are dismissed.
Watching all the insane crowing about an off year election, you have to consider the following.

President Obama got 69 Million votes in 2008 and 66 million in 2012. These are STILL the two highest vote totals ever achieved by ANYONE in the history of the United states.

So how many votes were expended to send knuckle-draggers to the Senate in nine states?


Grand total of all the seats that flipped?


Yup. less than 8% of what Obama got in 2012.
And it took two years for people top come to their senses.
Looks like something is going to happen either way, and that's a good thing because what we got isn't working. The right wing can participate and help solve the problem, or hold their breath till they turn blue, and not be included in the process. You've got a seat at the table, but if you would rather pout like a bunch of spoiled brats, the work will get done without you. I hope the right wing is mature enough to realize this, but from the way they have been behaving, I doubt it.

BULLSHIT, your partisan rhetoric is to funny, you can say the same thing, insert left wing and it still be true.

So you think the right wing urgently wants to deal with immigration reform? That they will do it even if the president is not interested? What exactly has stopped them from doing that so far, and what exactly have they said or done to make you think they want to now?

I said, you can insert left wing or right wing in your comment and both statements would be true. Can you disprove the statement, either way?

No evidence that the republicans care to do anything about immigration reform. They whine about it a lot, but yet to show any effort other than wanting an electrified fence and shoot on sight orders. Neither of which is any where near rational.

Why isn't it? Mexico has that exact policy!

You got a link to where Mexico has an electrified fence, or shoot on sight orders for their borders? Even if they did, which they most certainly do not, are you wanting us to become more like Mexico? I didn't like the Berlin wall, and I don't think we need one here.
All 4 worked with the opposition. Will barack obama? Or will he decide to rule by fiat like a modern day Idi Amin?

Kind of depends on your guys, doesn't it? They were the ones who said that "We hope he fails".

My guess is that the sane establishment types will try to work with him, but the crazies won't let them.
We still hope he fails, only now we hope he fails worse in the next 2 years than he did in the first six.

The sane people will do what their constituents elected them to do, namely stop obama. I'm not even sorry that you dislike the facts Joe, but facts is facts.
Teabagger is an appropriate name.
Hardly, when meant as a pejorative the way you use it.

Look TEA Party people tied teabags to their hats and naively called themselves tea baggers. If you were sympathetic to their views and used the term in the intended connotation, then fine. Using it as a pejorative is akin to the disconnect with blacks calling each other nigga and the shit storm I'd stir up if I used the word in anger here.

Feel free to call me teabagger. It doesn't hurt me a bit. What should I call you?

I'm surprised you would bother to ask. Teabaggers have so many vile things to say, I would think you might already have your favorite. I'm still in awe of a mentality that thinks your litany of vile epithets are just normal conversation, but get the vapors when someone calls you a teabagger. A name chosen by your own party.
So you can't answer my direct question. Cool.

Please point out the vile epithets I use in normal conversation. Democrat? Liberal? Progressive?
While I think all three are vile, I'm sure you believe they all are complimentary.

I explained how TEA Party people began to call themselves "teabaggers" and I'm certain even a vile Progressive like you knows that there was no pejorative, sexual connotation intended. It was vile Democrats that saw a connection to an urban slang phrase and began to use it the way you do.

Again, what should I call you?

Call me what ever you like. I still find it curious that the right wing has, and continues to degrade anyone who doesn't agree with them through insults. That's the right wing's main strategy. Dehumanize and belittle so it's easier to deny what is our obligation to all our citizens. The fact that you say Democrats, Liberals, and Progressive are vile tells me all I need to know about you. With that attitude, I'm not sure why you would be so scared of one particular term. Could it be because teabagger hits too close to home?
Where have I dehumanized or belittled you? YET you insist on using the term "teabagger". Sorry. I just find that ironic. You are dismissed.

You never said Democrats were traitors? Communists? Socialists? Never said the only reason anyone would vote for Obama was to get free stuff or that the country was being destroyed by liberal ideas? You would be the first right winger that didn't engage in those derogatory accusations.
BULLSHIT, your partisan rhetoric is to funny, you can say the same thing, insert left wing and it still be true.

So you think the right wing urgently wants to deal with immigration reform? That they will do it even if the president is not interested? What exactly has stopped them from doing that so far, and what exactly have they said or done to make you think they want to now?

I said, you can insert left wing or right wing in your comment and both statements would be true. Can you disprove the statement, either way?

No evidence that the republicans care to do anything about immigration reform. They whine about it a lot, but yet to show any effort other than wanting an electrified fence and shoot on sight orders. Neither of which is any where near rational.

Why isn't it? Mexico has that exact policy!

You got a link to where Mexico has an electrified fence, or shoot on sight orders for their borders? Even if they did, which they most certainly do not, are you wanting us to become more like Mexico? I didn't like the Berlin wall, and I don't think we need one here.

You can start with this, and get a 5th grader to show you how to use a search engine for the rest!:rolleyes-41:

The last 5 years is pretty typical of my life.

YOu mean being a sad angry racist who is flipping out?

I thought it'd be worse with a black dude in the White House. That must be totally making you nuts.
Not at all. I'd vote for Condi Rice or Ben Carson in a heartbeat.

obumbler???? I can't stand his white half either.

So terms like odumbler are fine but teabagger is off limits?

You never said Democrats were traitors? Communists? Socialists? Never said the only reason anyone would vote for Obama was to get free stuff or that the country was being destroyed by liberal ideas? You would be the first right winger that didn't engage in those derogatory accusations.[/QUOTE]
I said you were dismissed. You are not worth further effort.
So you think the right wing urgently wants to deal with immigration reform? That they will do it even if the president is not interested? What exactly has stopped them from doing that so far, and what exactly have they said or done to make you think they want to now?

I said, you can insert left wing or right wing in your comment and both statements would be true. Can you disprove the statement, either way?

No evidence that the republicans care to do anything about immigration reform. They whine about it a lot, but yet to show any effort other than wanting an electrified fence and shoot on sight orders. Neither of which is any where near rational.

Why isn't it? Mexico has that exact policy!

You got a link to where Mexico has an electrified fence, or shoot on sight orders for their borders? Even if they did, which they most certainly do not, are you wanting us to become more like Mexico? I didn't like the Berlin wall, and I don't think we need one here.

You can start with this, and get a 5th grader to show you how to use a search engine for the rest!:rolleyes-41:

Perhaps you should get that 5th grader to watch your video and explain to you what it says. It does say that corrupt police officers might rob, rape, or even murder some of them, but from my experiences in Mexico, you don't have to be crossing their border for that to happen. It's certainly not their policy for border crossers..... Want to try again?
All 4 worked with the opposition. Will barack obama? Or will he decide to rule by fiat like a modern day Idi Amin?

Kind of depends on your guys, doesn't it? They were the ones who said that "We hope he fails".

My guess is that the sane establishment types will try to work with him, but the crazies won't let them.
This election was all about stopping obama befor he finished the job of destroying America.
I said, you can insert left wing or right wing in your comment and both statements would be true. Can you disprove the statement, either way?

No evidence that the republicans care to do anything about immigration reform. They whine about it a lot, but yet to show any effort other than wanting an electrified fence and shoot on sight orders. Neither of which is any where near rational.

Why isn't it? Mexico has that exact policy!

You got a link to where Mexico has an electrified fence, or shoot on sight orders for their borders? Even if they did, which they most certainly do not, are you wanting us to become more like Mexico? I didn't like the Berlin wall, and I don't think we need one here.

You can start with this, and get a 5th grader to show you how to use a search engine for the rest!:rolleyes-41:

Perhaps you should get that 5th grader to watch your video and explain to you what it says. It does say that corrupt police officers might rob, rape, or even murder some of them, but from my experiences in Mexico, you don't have to be crossing their border for that to happen. It's certainly not their policy for border crossers..... Want to try again?

I guess you didn't understand when he said the illegals were treated as FELONS! And in Mexico there is virtually NO CONTROL over the police who do what they want! Want to try again, or perhaps you should just fade away to a corner and


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