A Logical Question

Should Biden be off limits because he's a political opponent?

  • Yes, whatever it takes to get the orange man out of office

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The motive for attempting to extort Ukraine into providing dirt on Biden was clearly for Trump to use in the election, that makes it illegal.
You're a liar. There was no attempt to extort and there was no request for "dirt" on Biden. Biden admitted to a crime and asking for an investigation into that crime is not illegal.

The conditions Trumpybear put on the Ukraine leader for the military aid it needs to stave off Russian aggression were pretty clear. Specifically he asked for help with information that can be used in his presumed presidential bid in 2020. Targeting the CT theories about the DNC Servers, Hillary's Server, and Corruption involving Biden's family.

Makes me wonder what other leaders has the Trumpybear leaned on to support his anti-Western Alliance agenda.
You're lying. He had already committed to giving them the money. And nothing was said about using any information for his campaign. No need to, all he has to do is play the video of Biden bragging about his crime.

Trumpybear personally put the funds on hold and he sent his personal representative to Kiev to ensure that the new president understood what he had to do to "Play Ball". Withholding funds is not a crimes. Seeking to use those funds as leverage to get a foreign country to participate in a phony investigation into your domestic rivals to harm them politically. Yeah I think that's a high crime against the Constitution.
The motive for attempting to extort Ukraine into providing dirt on Biden was clearly for Trump to use in the election, that makes it illegal.
You're a liar. There was no attempt to extort and there was no request for "dirt" on Biden. Biden admitted to a crime and asking for an investigation into that crime is not illegal.

The conditions Trumpybear put on the Ukraine leader for the military aid it needs to stave off Russian aggression were pretty clear. Specifically he asked for help with information that can be used in his presumed presidential bid in 2020. Targeting the CT theories about the DNC Servers, Hillary's Server, and Corruption involving Biden's family.

Makes me wonder what other leaders has the Trumpybear leaned on to support his anti-Western Alliance agenda.
You're lying. He had already committed to giving them the money. And nothing was said about using any information for his campaign. No need to, all he has to do is play the video of Biden bragging about his crime.
The motive for attempting to extort Ukraine into providing dirt on Biden was clearly for Trump to use in the election, that makes it illegal.
You're a liar. There was no attempt to extort and there was no request for "dirt" on Biden. Biden admitted to a crime and asking for an investigation into that crime is not illegal.
Well then it's kind of weird the White House went to highly questionable lengths to hide the phone call isn't it? Then they illegally tried to cover up the whistle blower complaint. Face the facts. People do not try to hide the things they do unless they know it's wrong. They knew it was wrong and now you do too. Trump finally got caught in something he can't just shrug off and now he must pay for this and all the other times he acted as if he is not accountable to the American people.
He released the transcript of the phone call almost immediately after you freaks falsely accused him of another crime even though he didn't have to. And no one illegally tried to cover up the complaint. It was handled the same way they've always been handled. You're a liar.
It's not like no one tried to tell you how this was going to turn out. It was only a matter of time before he went too far and this is it. Are you going to be like those sad, pathetic people who went to their grave thinking Nixon did nothing wrong? I think you are.
You're a liar. There was no attempt to extort and there was no request for "dirt" on Biden. Biden admitted to a crime and asking for an investigation into that crime is not illegal.

The conditions Trumpybear put on the Ukraine leader for the military aid it needs to stave off Russian aggression were pretty clear. Specifically he asked for help with information that can be used in his presumed presidential bid in 2020. Targeting the CT theories about the DNC Servers, Hillary's Server, and Corruption involving Biden's family.

Makes me wonder what other leaders has the Trumpybear leaned on to support his anti-Western Alliance agenda.
You're lying. He had already committed to giving them the money. And nothing was said about using any information for his campaign. No need to, all he has to do is play the video of Biden bragging about his crime.
The motive for attempting to extort Ukraine into providing dirt on Biden was clearly for Trump to use in the election, that makes it illegal.
You're a liar. There was no attempt to extort and there was no request for "dirt" on Biden. Biden admitted to a crime and asking for an investigation into that crime is not illegal.
Well then it's kind of weird the White House went to highly questionable lengths to hide the phone call isn't it? Then they illegally tried to cover up the whistle blower complaint. Face the facts. People do not try to hide the things they do unless they know it's wrong. They knew it was wrong and now you do too. Trump finally got caught in something he can't just shrug off and now he must pay for this and all the other times he acted as if he is not accountable to the American people.
He released the transcript of the phone call almost immediately after you freaks falsely accused him of another crime even though he didn't have to. And no one illegally tried to cover up the complaint. It was handled the same way they've always been handled. You're a liar.
It's not like no one tried to tell you how this was going to turn out. It was only a matter of time before he went too far and this is it. Are you going to be like those sad, pathetic people who went to their grave thinking Nixon did nothing wrong? I think you are.
Yeah, sure. How many times have we heard "This time he went too far"!!!? Every time you say it, it blows up in your face.
The conditions Trumpybear put on the Ukraine leader for the military aid it needs to stave off Russian aggression were pretty clear. Specifically he asked for help with information that can be used in his presumed presidential bid in 2020. Targeting the CT theories about the DNC Servers, Hillary's Server, and Corruption involving Biden's family.

Makes me wonder what other leaders has the Trumpybear leaned on to support his anti-Western Alliance agenda.
You're lying. He had already committed to giving them the money. And nothing was said about using any information for his campaign. No need to, all he has to do is play the video of Biden bragging about his crime.
The motive for attempting to extort Ukraine into providing dirt on Biden was clearly for Trump to use in the election, that makes it illegal.
You're a liar. There was no attempt to extort and there was no request for "dirt" on Biden. Biden admitted to a crime and asking for an investigation into that crime is not illegal.
Well then it's kind of weird the White House went to highly questionable lengths to hide the phone call isn't it? Then they illegally tried to cover up the whistle blower complaint. Face the facts. People do not try to hide the things they do unless they know it's wrong. They knew it was wrong and now you do too. Trump finally got caught in something he can't just shrug off and now he must pay for this and all the other times he acted as if he is not accountable to the American people.
He released the transcript of the phone call almost immediately after you freaks falsely accused him of another crime even though he didn't have to. And no one illegally tried to cover up the complaint. It was handled the same way they've always been handled. You're a liar.
It's not like no one tried to tell you how this was going to turn out. It was only a matter of time before he went too far and this is it. Are you going to be like those sad, pathetic people who went to their grave thinking Nixon did nothing wrong? I think you are.
Yeah, sure. How many times have we heard "This time he went too far"!!!? Every time you say it, it blows up in your face.
People keep underestimating the ridiculous lengths republicans will go out on a limb for this guy. Now that we know you would not turn against him for any crime it makes it easier to just assume he would bring down all our institutions just to "win". Now no one is under any illusion that we are dealing with anything less than a dire threat to the country.
If Trump was guilty of any of the many things the left has accused him of, why hasn't the Dem controlled House voted on impeachment?
Careful what you wish for. They appear to be headed that way.
I hope you're right but they won't, because they know it'll fail and they'll lose the election and we'll take back the House. No, this is all about trying to create the appearance of corruption where there is none, for the purpose of swaying public opinion because you know you can't beat him at the polls. If you thought you could, you would just concentrate on that instead of engaging in smears and slander. But that's always been how you people operate.
Now no one is under any illusion that we are dealing with anything less than a dire threat to the country.
If you believe that, you shouldn't have any trouble beating him next year. But you don't seem to think you can or you would instead be concentrating your efforts on the election. See my last post.
Now no one is under any illusion that we are dealing with anything less than a dire threat to the country.
If you believe that, you shouldn't have any trouble beating him next year. But you don't seem to think you can or you would instead be concentrating your efforts on the election. See my last post.
Again, the guy went way over the line trying to get another country in on the election when the cloud of Russian interference with more to come still hangs over his administration. If it was anything else he may have skated like usual but not this. If he cannot win on his merits alone what does that say about him? This is concentrating on the election after all.
If Joe Biden had admitted to having someone murdered in a foreign country should Trump be impeached for wanting the crime investigated?
Trump has an obvious conflict of interest also it is not his job. If the Attorney General went to Congress and laid out the case for a special prosecutor no one would complain. Asking for favors and using his personal attorney was out of bounds.
There's no conflict of interest when Biden bragged about using is position and withheld a billion dollars unless the prosecutor investigating his son was fired. And Trump had every right to ask for the investigation to resume. So does the AG.
Trump ran his first campaign threatening his opponent with legal action ("Lock her up!") and it looks like he's positioning himself to do the same to Biden should he run against Trump in the next election. I see a pattern here.

Wasn't Trump the one who complained about a witch hunt? Now he is the one collecting firewood.
Not Trump's fault your presidential candidates are criminals.
Really? Why are Hillary and Biden still running around free? Trump started with a GOP House and Senate and now has the Senate and SCOTUS. If they're criminals, Trump's the most incompetent President ever.
They are freaking out right now. Barr is in Europe as we speak, investigating the Russian collsion crap.
Trumpybear personally put the funds on hold and he sent his personal representative to Kiev to ensure that the new president understood what he had to do to "Play Ball".
Prove this to be true.
It's called propaganda.

Read the unclassified version of the whistleblower complaint against Trump

  • I learned from U.S. officials that, on or around 14 May, the President instructed Vice President Pence to cancel his planned travel to Ukraine to attend President Zelenskyy's inauguration on 20 May; Secretary of Energy Rick Perry led the delegation instead. According to these officials, it was also "made clear" to them that the President did not want to meet with Mr. Zelenskyy until he saw how Zelenskyy "chose to act" in office. I do not know how this guidance was communicated, or by whom. I also do not know whether this action was connected with the broader understanding, described in the unclassified letter, that a meeting or phone call between the President and President Zelenskyy would depend on whether Zelenskyy showed willingness to "play ball" on the issues that had been publicly aired by Mr. Lutsenko and Mr. Giuliani.
  • On 18 July, an Office of Management and Budget (OMB) official informed Departments and Agencies that the President "earlier that month" had issued instructions to suspend all U.S. security assistance to Ukraine.
Trumpybear personally put the funds on hold and he sent his personal representative to Kiev to ensure that the new president understood what he had to do to "Play Ball".
Prove this to be true.
That's Congresses job. It's in the complaint.
As expected - you -know- you cannot prove your claim true.
I accept your concession.

Those are facts as spelled out in the complaint found by the IG to be credible and urgent.

Read the unclassified version of the whistleblower complaint against Trump

no matter how many times the Biden/Ukraine conspiracy gets debunked Trumpdrones continue to live with it stuck up their ass, whining about it.

pathetic little urchins -
He didn't brag about withholding a billion dollars if the prosecutor who was investigating the company his son was receiving $50,000 a month for doing nothing wasn't fired?

The prosecutor who was not investigating the company his son worked for, this is a lie.

Biden was implementing US policy. The current government in the Ukraine is in power due in no small part our interference in their election. The US, the EU and other entities wanted the prosecutor gone as he was seen as weak on corruption,tough in all likelihood it was due to him not being on broad with doing what we wanted them to do.

Biden's son was not being paid for doing nothing, he was a member of the companies Board of Directors helping them gain access to western markets. This company has a history of putting such people on their board, to include the former President of Poland and a former CIA officer under GH Bush as well as the daughter to a former Ukrainian Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources.

If you would do just a couple minutes of resources instead of just brainlessly parroting your talking points, you would know all of this
Again, the guy went way over the line trying to get another country in on the election when the cloud of Russian interference with more to come still hangs over his administration.
More to come? Lemme guess...the Dems are inventing some more "evidence"? Or maybe you're referring to that "proof" Pencilneck Schiff claimed to have had (that he never produced)? You never had anything to begin with.
If he cannot win on his merits alone what does that say about him? This is concentrating on the election after all.
If Dems can't win on their merits without fake dossiers and FBI spying, what does that say about THEM?

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