A look at the left over the decades...

No one denies climate change. That it is changing is obvious.

The jury is out on the cause.
Sorry, but over the short run, it's not that obvious.

Patterns have obviously changed. I've lived in the same region for 60 years, and the patterns here are enormously different now than when I first moved here, becoming obvious in the late 90s. Our seasons are not so well defined.
It's not obvious that patterns have changed since some of the stretch over hundreds or even thousands of years. 60 years is the blink of an eye in terms of the climate.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. The ONLY scientists denying man-made climate change are those working for and funded by the fossil fuel industry. It's not enough to look at studies denying climate science, but you need to look behind the science and see who paid for it.

I suppose you still think that cigarettes don't cause cancer and heart problems. Even as doctors and people in the health care industry released study after study which showed how harmful cigarettes are to our health, the tobacco companies were funding studies which said that smoking was "good for you". And fools like you continued to smoke.

Where profits are involved, and entrenched interests, you will have scientists willing to sell out for funds for research.
ROFL! You insist that money corrupts everyone who receives it, but you ignore the fact that all so-called "climate scientists" are sucking on the government teat. Why aren't they corrupted by government money? All you insane climate cultists fail to explain that.

Your claim that all AGW skeptics are getting money from oil companies is also quite false. The AGW cult receives thousands of times more funding from the government than oil companies have donated to skeptics.

Because the government money doesn't set up a hypothesis and expect the research to support it like the fossil fuel money. The government is funding research to find out what is going on and how to slow or stop it. When you start out with a conclusion (fossil fuels aren't causing global warming, cigarettes don't cause cancer), you're working towards a set outcome, not going where the research takes you.

Government scientists aren't paid huge sums of money, nor will their test results be worth billions to their employers. Those in the pay of the fossil fuel industry, are being paid to poke holes in the carbon emissions theories.
Sorry, but over the short run, it's not that obvious.

Patterns have obviously changed. I've lived in the same region for 60 years, and the patterns here are enormously different now than when I first moved here, becoming obvious in the late 90s. Our seasons are not so well defined.
It's not obvious that patterns have changed since some of the stretch over hundreds or even thousands of years. 60 years is the blink of an eye in terms of the climate.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. The ONLY scientists denying man-made climate change are those working for and funded by the fossil fuel industry. It's not enough to look at studies denying climate science, but you need to look behind the science and see who paid for it.

I suppose you still think that cigarettes don't cause cancer and heart problems. Even as doctors and people in the health care industry released study after study which showed how harmful cigarettes are to our health, the tobacco companies were funding studies which said that smoking was "good for you". And fools like you continued to smoke.

Where profits are involved, and entrenched interests, you will have scientists willing to sell out for funds for research.
ROFL! You insist that money corrupts everyone who receives it, but you ignore the fact that all so-called "climate scientists" are sucking on the government teat. Why aren't they corrupted by government money? All you insane climate cultists fail to explain that.

Your claim that all AGW skeptics are getting money from oil companies is also quite false. The AGW cult receives thousands of times more funding from the government than oil companies have donated to skeptics.

Because the government money doesn't set up a hypothesis and expect the research to support it like the fossil fuel money.

That's exactly what it does, dingbat. In fact, even if your subject isn't about global warming, you have to include some hypothesis about how CO2 is going to destroy the world to get your research grant approved, even if it's in particle physics.

The government is funding research to find out what is going on and how to slow or stop it. When you start out with a conclusion (fossil fuels aren't causing global warming, cigarettes don't cause cancer), you're working towards a set outcome, not going where the research takes you.

ROFL! You are so gullible. You have to be especially stupid to believe that. Every research project starts out with a conclusion, and if it's not that AGW is true, then it doesn't get funded.

Government scientists aren't paid huge sums of money, nor will their test results be worth billions to their employers. Those in the pay of the fossil fuel industry, are being paid to poke holes in the carbon emissions theories.

There aren't any in the pay of the fossil fuel industry now, shit for brains. None of them are getting paid a dime. They do it in their spare time. Nothing they do is worth billions to anyone. On the other hand, so-called "climate scientists" base their entire careers on AGW being true.

Truth is the exact opposite of virtually everything you post.
Patterns have obviously changed. I've lived in the same region for 60 years, and the patterns here are enormously different now than when I first moved here, becoming obvious in the late 90s. Our seasons are not so well defined.
It's not obvious that patterns have changed since some of the stretch over hundreds or even thousands of years. 60 years is the blink of an eye in terms of the climate.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. The ONLY scientists denying man-made climate change are those working for and funded by the fossil fuel industry. It's not enough to look at studies denying climate science, but you need to look behind the science and see who paid for it.

I suppose you still think that cigarettes don't cause cancer and heart problems. Even as doctors and people in the health care industry released study after study which showed how harmful cigarettes are to our health, the tobacco companies were funding studies which said that smoking was "good for you". And fools like you continued to smoke.

Where profits are involved, and entrenched interests, you will have scientists willing to sell out for funds for research.
ROFL! You insist that money corrupts everyone who receives it, but you ignore the fact that all so-called "climate scientists" are sucking on the government teat. Why aren't they corrupted by government money? All you insane climate cultists fail to explain that.

Your claim that all AGW skeptics are getting money from oil companies is also quite false. The AGW cult receives thousands of times more funding from the government than oil companies have donated to skeptics.

Because the government money doesn't set up a hypothesis and expect the research to support it like the fossil fuel money.

That's exactly what it does, dingbat. In fact, even if your subject isn't about global warming, you have to include some hypothesis about how CO2 is going to destroy the world to get your research grant approved, even if it's in particle physics.

The government is funding research to find out what is going on and how to slow or stop it. When you start out with a conclusion (fossil fuels aren't causing global warming, cigarettes don't cause cancer), you're working towards a set outcome, not going where the research takes you.

ROFL! You are so gullible. You have to be especially stupid to believe that. Every research project starts out with a conclusion, and if it's not that AGW is true, then it doesn't get funded.

Government scientists aren't paid huge sums of money, nor will their test results be worth billions to their employers. Those in the pay of the fossil fuel industry, are being paid to poke holes in the carbon emissions theories.

There aren't any in the pay of the fossil fuel industry now, shit for brains. None of them are getting paid a dime. They do it in their spare time. Nothing they do is worth billions to anyone. On the other hand, so-called "climate scientists" base their entire careers on AGW being true.

Truth is the exact opposite of virtually everything you post.

I'm not the one who denies reality, and pretends that people are being honest when they're not. Republicans lies about climate research are just that - lies. There is far more money to be made/saved by changing over from fossil fuels to clean energy, but the entrenched interests will be the big losers so of course they're fighting for the status quo.

Where I live, we got rid of coal fired plants years ago. Our air and water are cleaner, we don't have acid rain destroying our forests or our public buildings any more, and I'm not going to emergency once a week in the summer because of my asthma. The savings to our economy have been enormous.

You call acid rain a hoax because it's no longer a problem. It's no longer a problem because government scientists studied it and solved the problem.
It's not obvious that patterns have changed since some of the stretch over hundreds or even thousands of years. 60 years is the blink of an eye in terms of the climate.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. The ONLY scientists denying man-made climate change are those working for and funded by the fossil fuel industry. It's not enough to look at studies denying climate science, but you need to look behind the science and see who paid for it.

I suppose you still think that cigarettes don't cause cancer and heart problems. Even as doctors and people in the health care industry released study after study which showed how harmful cigarettes are to our health, the tobacco companies were funding studies which said that smoking was "good for you". And fools like you continued to smoke.

Where profits are involved, and entrenched interests, you will have scientists willing to sell out for funds for research.
ROFL! You insist that money corrupts everyone who receives it, but you ignore the fact that all so-called "climate scientists" are sucking on the government teat. Why aren't they corrupted by government money? All you insane climate cultists fail to explain that.

Your claim that all AGW skeptics are getting money from oil companies is also quite false. The AGW cult receives thousands of times more funding from the government than oil companies have donated to skeptics.

Because the government money doesn't set up a hypothesis and expect the research to support it like the fossil fuel money.

That's exactly what it does, dingbat. In fact, even if your subject isn't about global warming, you have to include some hypothesis about how CO2 is going to destroy the world to get your research grant approved, even if it's in particle physics.

The government is funding research to find out what is going on and how to slow or stop it. When you start out with a conclusion (fossil fuels aren't causing global warming, cigarettes don't cause cancer), you're working towards a set outcome, not going where the research takes you.

ROFL! You are so gullible. You have to be especially stupid to believe that. Every research project starts out with a conclusion, and if it's not that AGW is true, then it doesn't get funded.

Government scientists aren't paid huge sums of money, nor will their test results be worth billions to their employers. Those in the pay of the fossil fuel industry, are being paid to poke holes in the carbon emissions theories.

There aren't any in the pay of the fossil fuel industry now, shit for brains. None of them are getting paid a dime. They do it in their spare time. Nothing they do is worth billions to anyone. On the other hand, so-called "climate scientists" base their entire careers on AGW being true.

Truth is the exact opposite of virtually everything you post.

I'm not the one who denies reality, and pretends that people are being honest when they're not.

Yes you are, douchebag.

Republicans lies about climate research are just that - lies. There is far more money to be made/saved by changing over from fossil fuels to clean energy, but the entrenched interests will be the big losers so of course they're fighting for the status quo.

Pure horseshit. If so-called "clean energy" was a money making proposition, then it wouldn't require subsidies and mandates.

Where I live, we got rid of coal fired plants years ago. Our air and water are cleaner, we don't have acid rain destroying our forests or our public buildings any more, and I'm not going to emergency once a week in the summer because of my asthma. The savings to our economy have been enormous.

You call acid rain a hoax because it's no longer a problem. It's no longer a problem because government scientists studied it and solved the problem.

You live in Canada where they have limitless hydropower, you fucking dingbat. You don's use solar energy, and I have seen almost no evidence of wind power being used in Canada.

Acid rain was never a problem. Many lakes are naturally acidic, and they are still acidic.

You live in an alternate reality.
1970’s: The new ice age! We’re all gonna die!

Nobody was really saying that in the 1970's. Trust me, I was there.

1980’s: Acid rain! We’re all gonna die!

Then we did something about it... and the amount of acid rain reduced... This was a good thing.

1990’s: The ozone layer is deteriorating! We’re all gonna die!

Okay, once again. The world signed the Montreal Accords... the amount of CFC's were drastically reduced, and the ozone layer recovered. I know, this is a crazy idea to you, that we identify a problem, take action to prevent it, even if someone isn't getting rich on the deal.

Great post!

you beat me too it.

All that has changed since the 70s is that politics have invaded science and now people are not willing to change because their party masters told them not to.


Can you provide the scientific evidence linking a 280 to 400PPM increase in CO2 with any temperature increase at all? No? Right I thought so!

Also, how is it possible to have trees under the ice? I thought if the ice melted the seas would rise hundreds of feet

Ancient Forest Thaws From Melting Glacial Tomb
1970’s: The new ice age! We’re all gonna die!

1980’s: Acid rain! We’re all gonna die!

1990’s: The ozone layer is deteriorating! We’re all gonna die!

2000’s: Global warming is melting the glaciers! We’re all gonna die!

2010’s: Climate Change! In 12 years, we’re all gonna die!

See the pattern? Declare a catastrophic problem. Build it up with hyperbole. Demand power and control over private citizens and private industry to “solve” the “problem”.

1970’s: The new ice age! We’re all gonna die!

1980’s: Acid rain! We’re all gonna die!

1990’s: The ozone layer is deteriorating! We’re all gonna die!

2000’s: Global warming is melting the glaciers! We’re all gonna die!

2010’s: Climate Change! In 12 years, we’re all gonna die!

See the pattern? Declare a catastrophic problem. Build it up with hyperbole. Demand power and control over private citizens and private industry to “solve” the “problem”.
It's all a scam to pour Trillions of Dollars in to The EPA and continually increase their Power until they become an unstoppable dictatorial force to be feared and obeyed. Part of that scam is increasing converts to The New Green Scam way of life, Globalism and Earth Worship.
Victor Davis Hanson (a guest on the Tucker Carlson show tonight), was just another illustrated and confirmed opinion or truth that most knew when watching, because it is already known that what they discussed was truth, and that they were right on the money when they talked about Walmart and it's new phony outrage concerning gun control etc. His talk about China and Walmart was spot on in concerning that relationship, and the long term effects that it has had on this nation and citizens over time.

Actually it tells most that we should be seeking justice over these issues that we are facing now in this country as a result of.
1970’s: The new ice age! We’re all gonna die!
1980’s: Acid rain! We’re all gonna die!
1990’s: The ozone layer is deteriorating! We’re all gonna die!
2000’s: Global warming is melting the glaciers! We’re all gonna die!
2010’s: Climate Change! In 12 years, we’re all gonna die!
See the pattern? Declare a catastrophic problem. Build it up with hyperbole. Demand power and control over private citizens and private industry to “solve” the “problem”.

They are habitual liars.
No one denies climate change. That it is changing is obvious.
Actually, every educated person on the planet denies. I categorically deny it. "Global Warming" has been proven to be a scam. History has proven it. So has the fact that the left had to rebrand it to "climate change" after history proved that nothing was "warming".

Only the most ignorant of the ignorant still believe the climate is "changing". It is no different now that it was 200 years ago - before the industrial revolution.
Actually, every educated person on the planet denies. I categorically deny it. "Global Warming" has been proven to be a scam. History has proven it. So has the fact that the left had to rebrand it to "climate change" after history proved that nothing was "warming".

Only the most ignorant of the ignorant still believe the climate is "changing". It is no different now that it was 200 years ago - before the industrial revolution.

Poodle, 95% of Climate Scientists believe the climate is changing and humans are responsible.

Scientific fact. Carbon Dioxide traps heat. This is a scientific fact. Increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, more heat gets trapped.

The fact that we can move though the Arctic Circle today because it is ice-free in the summer should be telling you much.
Facts?....How's reality sound?

The human race will double in our kid's lifetime

This rock ain't gonna sustain it

Be it weather, pollution, energy or food

That don't take no letters after your name to figure out

Actually, every educated person on the planet denies. I categorically deny it. "Global Warming" has been proven to be a scam. History has proven it. So has the fact that the left had to rebrand it to "climate change" after history proved that nothing was "warming".

Only the most ignorant of the ignorant still believe the climate is "changing". It is no different now that it was 200 years ago - before the industrial revolution.

Poodle, 95% of Climate Scientists believe the climate is changing and humans are responsible.

Scientific fact. Carbon Dioxide traps heat. This is a scientific fact. Increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, more heat gets trapped.

So do your bit for Mother Gaia. Don't exhale.
The human race will double in our kid's lifetime
Um...births are way down across the entire planet. That is a fact.
This rock ain't gonna sustain it
OMG....you freaking Drama Queen. This “rock” can sustain 10x’s our current population. 70% of the Earth’s planet is covered by the ocean. There is enough seafood out there today alone to feed the world for thousands of years.
The human race will double in our kid's lifetime
Um...births are way down across the entire planet. That is a fact.
This rock ain't gonna sustain it
OMG....you freaking Drama Queen. This “rock” can sustain 10x’s our current population. 70% of the Earth’s planet is covered by the ocean. There is enough seafood out there today alone to feed the world for thousands of years.
I doubt anyone would prefer an earth with 70 billion people on it.
Um...births are way down across the entire planet. That is a fact.

Poodle, the world population has gone from over 2 billion in 1950 to nearly 8 billion today.


OMG....you freaking Drama Queen. This “rock” can sustain 10x’s our current population. 70% of the Earth’s planet is covered by the ocean. There is enough seafood out there today alone to feed the world for thousands of years.

Um.. yeah, I'm sure you think you'll be dining on Lobster, but...


We're kind of fucked.

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