A look at the left over the decades...

1970’s: The new ice age! We’re all gonna die!

1980’s: Acid rain! We’re all gonna die!

1990’s: The ozone layer is deteriorating! We’re all gonna die!

2000’s: Global warming is melting the glaciers! We’re all gonna die!

2010’s: Climate Change! In 12 years, we’re all gonna die!

See the pattern? Declare a catastrophic problem. Build it up with hyperbole. Demand power and control over private citizens and private industry to “solve” the “problem”.
You left out the Cry we are running out of Oil and Gas, and are going to fail...
Left out that water in the ground is drying out and we are going to die.
LSD is good and harmless.
Pot does not harm you.
We need to cut the speed to 55 mph to save gas.
We need to close Black schools to intergrate.
Just some of the Crap from the left. Then they have the balls you say later they lied.
And we know that how?

However will you get by with one less Koch Brother to deny science for you?

I don't get science from the Koch Brother(s).

Nor do I get it from folks who believe in UFOs, or that a man can become a woman by having a fake girl-suit permanently installed.

Could you explain where you do get you science from?

I have a subscription with a service out of Albany, N.Y. They send me a bunch of science every month. :113:
And we know that how?

However will you get by with one less Koch Brother to deny science for you?

I don't get science from the Koch Brother(s).

Nor do I get it from folks who believe in UFOs, or that a man can become a woman by having a fake girl-suit permanently installed.

Could you explain where you do get you science from?

I have a subscription with a service out of Albany, N.Y. They send me a bunch of science every month. :113:
BK gets his science from trump ,,,trump has a big brain
And we know that how?

However will you get by with one less Koch Brother to deny science for you?

I don't get science from the Koch Brother(s).

Nor do I get it from folks who believe in UFOs, or that a man can become a woman by having a fake girl-suit permanently installed.

Could you explain where you do get you science from?

I have a subscription with a service out of Albany, N.Y. They send me a bunch of science every month. :113:
BK gets his science from trump ,,,trump has a big brain

I always preferred Sagan and Hawking.
Totally willing to grant that a lot of people in the environmentalist movement use alarmist language.
That’s a way to admit that they lie without having to actually say that they lie.

Ever get pulled over by a cop, where he'll scream your going five miles over the speed limit was endangering everyone on the road? Environmentalists are kind of like that. Not lying, but making a bigger deal than they should.

Here's the thing. Because of them we solved the Acid Rain and Ozone problems. With luck, we'll solve global warming.
Totally willing to grant that a lot of people in the environmentalist movement use alarmist language.
That’s a way to admit that they lie without having to actually say that they lie.

Ever get pulled over by a cop, where he'll scream your going five miles over the speed limit was endangering everyone on the road? Environmentalists are kind of like that. Not lying, but making a bigger deal than they should.

Here's the thing. Because of them we solved the Acid Rain and Ozone problems. With luck, we'll solve global warming.
The acid rain and ozone hysteria were hoaxes. The way we "solve" global warming is by ignoring it. It's a non-problem.
The acid rain and ozone hysteria were hoaxes. The way we "solve" global warming is by ignoring it. It's a non-problem.

Um, no, sorry, just because you don't understand science doesn't mean it isn't a thing...

And this is the problem with modern right wingers. Used to be, you could have a discussion once the problem was defined. For instance, Ronald Reagan negotiated the Montreal Accord, which reduced CFC emmssions and saved the Ozone layer.

Today's GOP wouldn't do that.
The acid rain and ozone hysteria were hoaxes. The way we "solve" global warming is by ignoring it. It's a non-problem.

Um, no, sorry, just because you don't understand science doesn't mean it isn't a thing...

And this is the problem with modern right wingers. Used to be, you could have a discussion once the problem was defined. For instance, Ronald Reagan negotiated the Montreal Accord, which reduced CFC emmssions and saved the Ozone layer.

Today's GOP wouldn't do that.
I do understand science, and it shows the hyteria around acid rain and the ozone hole were not based on facts.

The myth of dangerous acid rain | CFACT

Ozone: The Hole Truth
The acid rain and ozone hysteria were hoaxes. The way we "solve" global warming is by ignoring it. It's a non-problem.

Um, no, sorry, just because you don't understand science doesn't mean it isn't a thing...

And this is the problem with modern right wingers. Used to be, you could have a discussion once the problem was defined. For instance, Ronald Reagan negotiated the Montreal Accord, which reduced CFC emmssions and saved the Ozone layer.

Today's GOP wouldn't do that.
I do understand science, and it shows the hyteria around acid rain and the ozone hole were not based on facts.

The myth of dangerous acid rain | CFACT

Ozone: The Hole Truth
Yeah lol you and trump have big brains Don't believe 1000's of scientists
The environment is not a left-right issue. It is just portrayed that way by the corporate media.
The acid rain and ozone hysteria were hoaxes. The way we "solve" global warming is by ignoring it. It's a non-problem.

Um, no, sorry, just because you don't understand science doesn't mean it isn't a thing...

And this is the problem with modern right wingers. Used to be, you could have a discussion once the problem was defined. For instance, Ronald Reagan negotiated the Montreal Accord, which reduced CFC emmssions and saved the Ozone layer.

Today's GOP wouldn't do that.
I do understand science, and it shows the hyteria around acid rain and the ozone hole were not based on facts.

The myth of dangerous acid rain | CFACT

Ozone: The Hole Truth
Yeah lol you and trump have big brains Don't believe 1000's of scientists

Well, thousands of scientists don't believe thousands of scientists.
The acid rain and ozone hysteria were hoaxes. The way we "solve" global warming is by ignoring it. It's a non-problem.

Um, no, sorry, just because you don't understand science doesn't mean it isn't a thing...

And this is the problem with modern right wingers. Used to be, you could have a discussion once the problem was defined. For instance, Ronald Reagan negotiated the Montreal Accord, which reduced CFC emmssions and saved the Ozone layer.

Today's GOP wouldn't do that.
I do understand science, and it shows the hyteria around acid rain and the ozone hole were not based on facts.

The myth of dangerous acid rain | CFACT

Ozone: The Hole Truth
Yeah lol you and trump have big brains Don't believe 1000's of scientists

Well, thousands of scientists don't believe thousands of scientists.
I'll believe the real scientists You believe Trump
The acid rain and ozone hysteria were hoaxes. The way we "solve" global warming is by ignoring it. It's a non-problem.

Um, no, sorry, just because you don't understand science doesn't mean it isn't a thing...

And this is the problem with modern right wingers. Used to be, you could have a discussion once the problem was defined. For instance, Ronald Reagan negotiated the Montreal Accord, which reduced CFC emmssions and saved the Ozone layer.

Today's GOP wouldn't do that.
I do understand science, and it shows the hyteria around acid rain and the ozone hole were not based on facts.

The myth of dangerous acid rain | CFACT

Ozone: The Hole Truth

CFACT - rated as "pseudoscience"

Climate Depot - Media Bias/Fact Check

Overall, we rate the Climate Depot a strong Pseudoscience source based on promotion of climate denialism propaganda and the use of poor sources who have failed numerous fact checks. (D. Van Zandt 12/26/2016) Updated (8/24/2019)

And your ozone story is from The Heritage Foundation. Also, not a reliable source, especially concerning ANYTHING to do with science. In fact, if The Heritfage Foundation publishes it, is completely false.

The acid rain and ozone hysteria were hoaxes. The way we "solve" global warming is by ignoring it. It's a non-problem.

Um, no, sorry, just because you don't understand science doesn't mean it isn't a thing...

And this is the problem with modern right wingers. Used to be, you could have a discussion once the problem was defined. For instance, Ronald Reagan negotiated the Montreal Accord, which reduced CFC emmssions and saved the Ozone layer.

Today's GOP wouldn't do that.
I do understand science, and it shows the hyteria around acid rain and the ozone hole were not based on facts.

The myth of dangerous acid rain | CFACT

Ozone: The Hole Truth

CFACT - rated as "pseudoscience"

Climate Depot - Media Bias/Fact Check

Overall, we rate the Climate Depot a strong Pseudoscience source based on promotion of climate denialism propaganda and the use of poor sources who have failed numerous fact checks. (D. Van Zandt 12/26/2016) Updated (8/24/2019)

And your ozone story is from The Heritage Foundation. Also, not a reliable source, especially concerning ANYTHING to do with science. In fact, if The Heritfage Foundation publishes it, is completely false.

Climate Depot is fake news.

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