A look at the left over the decades...

The acid rain and ozone hysteria were hoaxes. The way we "solve" global warming is by ignoring it. It's a non-problem.

Um, no, sorry, just because you don't understand science doesn't mean it isn't a thing...

And this is the problem with modern right wingers. Used to be, you could have a discussion once the problem was defined. For instance, Ronald Reagan negotiated the Montreal Accord, which reduced CFC emmssions and saved the Ozone layer.

Today's GOP wouldn't do that.
I do understand science, and it shows the hyteria around acid rain and the ozone hole were not based on facts.

The myth of dangerous acid rain | CFACT

Ozone: The Hole Truth
Yeah lol you and trump have big brains Don't believe 1000's of scientists

Well, thousands of scientists don't believe thousands of scientists.
I'll believe the real scientists You believe Trump
You believe bought off fake scientists.
The acid rain and ozone hysteria were hoaxes. The way we "solve" global warming is by ignoring it. It's a non-problem.

Um, no, sorry, just because you don't understand science doesn't mean it isn't a thing...

And this is the problem with modern right wingers. Used to be, you could have a discussion once the problem was defined. For instance, Ronald Reagan negotiated the Montreal Accord, which reduced CFC emmssions and saved the Ozone layer.

Today's GOP wouldn't do that.
I do understand science, and it shows the hyteria around acid rain and the ozone hole were not based on facts.

The myth of dangerous acid rain | CFACT

Ozone: The Hole Truth

CFACT - rated as "pseudoscience"

Climate Depot - Media Bias/Fact Check

Overall, we rate the Climate Depot a strong Pseudoscience source based on promotion of climate denialism propaganda and the use of poor sources who have failed numerous fact checks. (D. Van Zandt 12/26/2016) Updated (8/24/2019)

And your ozone story is from The Heritage Foundation. Also, not a reliable source, especially concerning ANYTHING to do with science. In fact, if The Heritfage Foundation publishes it, is completely false.

Climate Depot is fake news.

CFACT is a Climate Depot website.
do understand science, and it shows the hyteria around acid rain and the ozone hole were not based on facts.

So Ronald Reagan signed the Montreal Accords on a myth? This is what you are going with?

Acid Rain. George H. Bush signed the Air Quality Agreement with Canada. Man, the good old days when Republicans actually believed scientists.

How sad it must be to be a right winger and think that journalists, scientists and academics are all lying to you and your only source of truth is a Reality TV Show host with a long history of scams.
Um, no, sorry, just because you don't understand science doesn't mean it isn't a thing...

And this is the problem with modern right wingers. Used to be, you could have a discussion once the problem was defined. For instance, Ronald Reagan negotiated the Montreal Accord, which reduced CFC emmssions and saved the Ozone layer.

Today's GOP wouldn't do that.
I do understand science, and it shows the hyteria around acid rain and the ozone hole were not based on facts.

The myth of dangerous acid rain | CFACT

Ozone: The Hole Truth
Yeah lol you and trump have big brains Don't believe 1000's of scientists

Well, thousands of scientists don't believe thousands of scientists.
I'll believe the real scientists You believe Trump
You believe bought off fake scientists.

And you believe bought off politicians
do understand science, and it shows the hyteria around acid rain and the ozone hole were not based on facts.

So Ronald Reagan signed the Montreal Accords on a myth? This is what you are going with?

Acid Rain. George H. Bush signed the Air Quality Agreement with Canada. Man, the good old days when Republicans actually believed scientists.

How sad it must be to be a right winger and think that journalists, scientists and academics are all lying to you and your only source of truth is a Reality TV Show host with a long history of scams.
Listen you, the republicans and the citizens of various groups believed scientist until the science was corrupted by political parties with alternative agenda's. You know this, I know this, and everyone knows this by now.

But here you are protecting the agenda's, so the question now is, which agenda are you protecting or making excuses for ?
do understand science, and it shows the hyteria around acid rain and the ozone hole were not based on facts.

So Ronald Reagan signed the Montreal Accords on a myth? This is what you are going with?

Acid Rain. George H. Bush signed the Air Quality Agreement with Canada. Man, the good old days when Republicans actually believed scientists.

How sad it must be to be a right winger and think that journalists, scientists and academics are all lying to you and your only source of truth is a Reality TV Show host with a long history of scams.
Listen you, the republicans and the citizens of various groups believed scientist until the science was corrupted by political parties with alternative agenda's. You know this, I know this, and everyone knows this by now.

But here you are protecting the agenda's, so the question now is, which agenda are you protecting or making excuses for ?
If trump says shit he asks what color
Um, no, sorry, just because you don't understand science doesn't mean it isn't a thing...

And this is the problem with modern right wingers. Used to be, you could have a discussion once the problem was defined. For instance, Ronald Reagan negotiated the Montreal Accord, which reduced CFC emmssions and saved the Ozone layer.

Today's GOP wouldn't do that.
I do understand science, and it shows the hyteria around acid rain and the ozone hole were not based on facts.

The myth of dangerous acid rain | CFACT

Ozone: The Hole Truth
Yeah lol you and trump have big brains Don't believe 1000's of scientists

Well, thousands of scientists don't believe thousands of scientists.
I'll believe the real scientists You believe Trump
You believe bought off fake scientists.

The "bought off fake scientists" are the ones working for the fossil fuel companies which have the most to lose. The Heritage Foundation is funded by the Koch Brothers, whose wealth is based on fossil fuels, so that's why The Heritage Foundation is into the business of climate change denial.

Scratch a a scientist who denies climate change and you'll find a scientist who is funded by the fossil fuel industry.
I do understand science, and it shows the hyteria around acid rain and the ozone hole were not based on facts.

The myth of dangerous acid rain | CFACT

Ozone: The Hole Truth
Yeah lol you and trump have big brains Don't believe 1000's of scientists

Well, thousands of scientists don't believe thousands of scientists.
I'll believe the real scientists You believe Trump
You believe bought off fake scientists.

The "bought off fake scientists" are the ones working for the fossil fuel companies which have the most to lose. The Heritage Foundation is funded by the Koch Brothers, whose wealth is based on fossil fuels, so that's why The Heritage Foundation is into the business of climate change denial.

Scratch a a scientist who denies climate change and you'll find a scientist who is funded by the fossil fuel industry.
Might be some of that out there sure, but the bottom line is that the political agenda is the most important, and just like it is with these crats who keep bouncing all over the place in trying to get Trump, well surely they are doing the same in trying to prove science in the form that they want it in, and in the form that they want it to do things for them and they're agenda. Hard to trust these critters out there now.
I do understand science, and it shows the hyteria around acid rain and the ozone hole were not based on facts.

The myth of dangerous acid rain | CFACT

Ozone: The Hole Truth
Yeah lol you and trump have big brains Don't believe 1000's of scientists

Well, thousands of scientists don't believe thousands of scientists.
I'll believe the real scientists You believe Trump
You believe bought off fake scientists.

The "bought off fake scientists" are the ones working for the fossil fuel companies which have the most to lose. The Heritage Foundation is funded by the Koch Brothers, whose wealth is based on fossil fuels, so that's why The Heritage Foundation is into the business of climate change denial.

Scratch a a scientist who denies climate change and you'll find a scientist who is funded by the fossil fuel industry.
Spare us. The federal government spends billions of dollars every year to pay off scientists who regurgitate the claims they want the public to believe.

The Koch brothers' wealth is not based on fossil fuels, dingbat. That's only a small part of their business.
I do understand science, and it shows the hyteria around acid rain and the ozone hole were not based on facts.

The myth of dangerous acid rain | CFACT

Ozone: The Hole Truth
Yeah lol you and trump have big brains Don't believe 1000's of scientists

Well, thousands of scientists don't believe thousands of scientists.
I'll believe the real scientists You believe Trump
You believe bought off fake scientists.

The "bought off fake scientists" are the ones working for the fossil fuel companies which have the most to lose. The Heritage Foundation is funded by the Koch Brothers, whose wealth is based on fossil fuels, so that's why The Heritage Foundation is into the business of climate change denial.

Scratch a a scientist who denies climate change and you'll find a scientist who is funded by the fossil fuel industry.

No one denies climate change. That it is changing is obvious.

The jury is out on the cause.
Yeah lol you and trump have big brains Don't believe 1000's of scientists

Well, thousands of scientists don't believe thousands of scientists.
I'll believe the real scientists You believe Trump
You believe bought off fake scientists.

The "bought off fake scientists" are the ones working for the fossil fuel companies which have the most to lose. The Heritage Foundation is funded by the Koch Brothers, whose wealth is based on fossil fuels, so that's why The Heritage Foundation is into the business of climate change denial.

Scratch a a scientist who denies climate change and you'll find a scientist who is funded by the fossil fuel industry.

No one denies climate change. That it is changing is obvious.

The jury is out on the cause.
Sorry, but over the short run, it's not that obvious.
Well, thousands of scientists don't believe thousands of scientists.
I'll believe the real scientists You believe Trump
You believe bought off fake scientists.

The "bought off fake scientists" are the ones working for the fossil fuel companies which have the most to lose. The Heritage Foundation is funded by the Koch Brothers, whose wealth is based on fossil fuels, so that's why The Heritage Foundation is into the business of climate change denial.

Scratch a a scientist who denies climate change and you'll find a scientist who is funded by the fossil fuel industry.

No one denies climate change. That it is changing is obvious.

The jury is out on the cause.
Sorry, but over the short run, it's not that obvious.

Patterns have obviously changed. I've lived in the same region for 60 years, and the patterns here are enormously different now than when I first moved here, becoming obvious in the late 90s. Our seasons are not so well defined.
Listen you, the republicans and the citizens of various groups believed scientist until the science was corrupted by political parties with alternative agenda's. You know this, I know this, and everyone knows this by now.

But here you are protecting the agenda's, so the question now is, which agenda are you protecting or making excuses for ?

DUde, what I know is that if you believe a game show host over a scientist, you are pretty fucking dense.

Scientists are not conspiring to take your SUV.

No one denies climate change. That it is changing is obvious.

The jury is out on the cause.

No, it really isn't. 95% of Scientists say human activity is responsible.

The scientific debate is over. The only reason why you have a debate at all is because rich assholes like the late Charles Koch spent a lot of money tricking stupid people into thinking Scientists can't be trusted.
Listen you, the republicans and the citizens of various groups believed scientist until the science was corrupted by political parties with alternative agenda's. You know this, I know this, and everyone knows this by now.

But here you are protecting the agenda's, so the question now is, which agenda are you protecting or making excuses for ?

DUde, what I know is that if you believe a game show host over a scientist, you are pretty fucking dense.

Scientists are not conspiring to take your SUV.

No one denies climate change. That it is changing is obvious.

The jury is out on the cause.

No, it really isn't. 95% of Scientists say human activity is responsible.

The scientific debate is over.

Scientific debate is never over.
I'll believe the real scientists You believe Trump
You believe bought off fake scientists.

The "bought off fake scientists" are the ones working for the fossil fuel companies which have the most to lose. The Heritage Foundation is funded by the Koch Brothers, whose wealth is based on fossil fuels, so that's why The Heritage Foundation is into the business of climate change denial.

Scratch a a scientist who denies climate change and you'll find a scientist who is funded by the fossil fuel industry.

No one denies climate change. That it is changing is obvious.

The jury is out on the cause.
Sorry, but over the short run, it's not that obvious.

Patterns have obviously changed. I've lived in the same region for 60 years, and the patterns here are enormously different now than when I first moved here, becoming obvious in the late 90s. Our seasons are not so well defined.
It's not obvious that patterns have changed since some of the stretch over hundreds or even thousands of years. 60 years is the blink of an eye in terms of the climate.
You believe bought off fake scientists.

The "bought off fake scientists" are the ones working for the fossil fuel companies which have the most to lose. The Heritage Foundation is funded by the Koch Brothers, whose wealth is based on fossil fuels, so that's why The Heritage Foundation is into the business of climate change denial.

Scratch a a scientist who denies climate change and you'll find a scientist who is funded by the fossil fuel industry.

No one denies climate change. That it is changing is obvious.

The jury is out on the cause.
Sorry, but over the short run, it's not that obvious.

Patterns have obviously changed. I've lived in the same region for 60 years, and the patterns here are enormously different now than when I first moved here, becoming obvious in the late 90s. Our seasons are not so well defined.
It's not obvious that patterns have changed since some of the stretch over hundreds or even thousands of years. 60 years is the blink of an eye in terms of the climate.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. The ONLY scientists denying man-made climate change are those working for and funded by the fossil fuel industry. It's not enough to look at studies denying climate science, but you need to look behind the science and see who paid for it.

I suppose you still think that cigarettes don't cause cancer and heart problems. Even as doctors and people in the health care industry released study after study which showed how harmful cigarettes are to our health, the tobacco companies were funding studies which said that smoking was "good for you". And fools like you continued to smoke.

Where profits are involved, and entrenched interests, you will have scientists willing to sell out for funds for research.
The "bought off fake scientists" are the ones working for the fossil fuel companies which have the most to lose. The Heritage Foundation is funded by the Koch Brothers, whose wealth is based on fossil fuels, so that's why The Heritage Foundation is into the business of climate change denial.

Scratch a a scientist who denies climate change and you'll find a scientist who is funded by the fossil fuel industry.

No one denies climate change. That it is changing is obvious.

The jury is out on the cause.
Sorry, but over the short run, it's not that obvious.

Patterns have obviously changed. I've lived in the same region for 60 years, and the patterns here are enormously different now than when I first moved here, becoming obvious in the late 90s. Our seasons are not so well defined.
It's not obvious that patterns have changed since some of the stretch over hundreds or even thousands of years. 60 years is the blink of an eye in terms of the climate.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. The ONLY scientists denying man-made climate change are those working for and funded by the fossil fuel industry. It's not enough to look at studies denying climate science, but you need to look behind the science and see who paid for it.

I suppose you still think that cigarettes don't cause cancer and heart problems. Even as doctors and people in the health care industry released study after study which showed how harmful cigarettes are to our health, the tobacco companies were funding studies which said that smoking was "good for you". And fools like you continued to smoke.

Where profits are involved, and entrenched interests, you will have scientists willing to sell out for funds for research.
ROFL! You insist that money corrupts everyone who receives it, but you ignore the fact that all so-called "climate scientists" are sucking on the government teat. Why aren't they corrupted by government money? All you insane climate cultists fail to explain that.

Your claim that all AGW skeptics are getting money from oil companies is also quite false. The AGW cult receives thousands of times more funding from the government than oil companies have donated to skeptics.

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