A look back at why we're such a divided country

Obamacare? Come on. You republicans like it so much you voted to KEEP it in your pivotal moment with control of both houses. Then you got your asses kicked for trying to repeal in the 2018 midterms. Obamacare is like right wing porn. You all say you despise it then go into your bedrooms/doctors offices and jerk off to it. Liars and hypocrites all of you.

No, I believe it was two RINO Senators who stopped it. The rest of us wanted it gone.
They were setup. It all started with the Hillary campaign and a complicit CIA run by Brennan. His handwritten notes tell the story. The entire thing was a huge setup that never materialized during the election but they used it as political fodder for years. It did trick those that wanted desperately to believe anything negative about Trump, but not those who were actually paying attention and not being spoon fed their information from CNN.
Sorry, I deal with the world of facts, not fringe conspiracy theories.

You’re just repeating nonsense spouted on right wing media with little basis in reality. “It was a setup” is a hoax just the same as the “Democrats stole the election”. You lack the objectivity to see through this because of your willingness to believe anything negative about Democrats. Stop allowing yourself to be a tool and start thinking for yourself.
Then how did the hated Trump get more popular votes then the beloved Obama
A lot more people voted on both sides.
In essence it's a melting pot and is quite diverse which is definitely a strength.
Leftists make this proclamation constantly as it makes them feel warm and fuzzy so they assume diversity is great for everyone....BUT why can’t they ever post some data to prove it? Where is multiculturalism working well in America?
Meanwhile, in the real world outside of Feel Goodville, LibTardia homogeneous nations full of likeminded citizens outrank diverse and divided shitholes in quality of life.
Lions and Gazelles shouldn’t be forced to coexist and neither should humans of different kind.
So what type of weaker human would you feed on?
Do not for a minute think that Trump wanted to work with anyone not scared enough to always agree with him.

One of the first things Trump did after taking office was invite the Democrat leaders to the White House for a bowling night. The Democrats shut the government down for the longest period in our history over 3 billion dollars for a wall. Three billion dollars is less than what we spend on food stamps for a month. Look at this stimulus package. All Republicans wanted was for Democrats to remove the pork, and they refused. While businesses were closing down and people were losing their homes, the only thing they cared about was their pork, and we got a crummy 600 bucks out of the entire 2 trillion dollar bill.

The Democrats wanted 1,200 for the stimulus checks, and Republicans agreed to 600. The Democrats wanted 600 dollars a week for additional unemployment, and the Republicans gave in to 300 bucks a week. Republicans have always tried working with the Democrats, but never the other way around.
Maybe y’all should have offered to work with Democrats to pass a new bill.

You mean Commie Care on steroids? No thank you. This idiotic program has cost me thousands of dollars I don't have already. Government Fs up everything they touch, and I'm going to have to spend half a day to work through this mess because of them.
You mean Commie Care on steroids? No thank you. This idiotic program has cost me thousands of dollars I don't have already. Government Fs up everything they touch, and I'm going to have to spend half a day to work through this mess because of them.
Then y'all should have been more motivated to work across the aisle to fix it.

Instead y'all chose grandstanding while people like yourself suffer.
You are painting Obama as a uniter and blaming Republicans is a joke. Working with Republicans was all talk with Obama. Again, “cooperation” among Democrats like Obama means “my way”. Obama has never compromised. His actions speak louder than words.

Agreed. Remember when Obama said I have a pen and I have a cell phone? When he said Republicans can come along for the ride, but they will have to sit in the back seat? That's how Democrats work with Republicans.
Then y'all should have been more motivated to work across the aisle to fix it.

Instead y'all chose grandstanding while people like yourself suffer.

We did try to fix it by getting rid of it and starting from scratch. You don't invest $1,200 into your 20 year old $700 car. You get rid of the piece of junk and buy another one.
We did try to fix it by getting rid of it and starting from scratch. You don't invest $1,200 into your 20 year old $700 car. You get rid of the piece of junk and buy another one.

You failed. Are we supposed to give you a participation trophy or something?

You mean he refused to give Republicans veto power over a desperately needed healthcare bill. Republicans divided the nation.

Surveys showed that most Americans were happy with their private healthcare plan. When Commie Care invaded our country, small businesses dropped that coverage for their employees, my employer among them.
We did try to fix it by getting rid of it and starting from scratch. You don't invest $1,200 into your 20 year old $700 car. You get rid of the piece of junk and buy another one.

You failed. Are we supposed to give you a participation trophy or something?


The only thing failed here are Democrat policies. There is nobody more incompetent than the government.
Do not for a minute think that Trump wanted to work with anyone not scared enough to always agree with him.

One of the first things Trump did after taking office was invite the Democrat leaders to the White House for a bowling night. The Democrats shut the government down for the longest period in our history over 3 billion dollars for a wall. Three billion dollars is less than what we spend on food stamps for a month. Look at this stimulus package. All Republicans wanted was for Democrats to remove the pork, and they refused. While businesses were closing down and people were losing their homes, the only thing they cared about was their pork, and we got a crummy 600 bucks out of the entire 2 trillion dollar bill.

The Democrats wanted 1,200 for the stimulus checks, and Republicans agreed to 600. The Democrats wanted 600 dollars a week for additional unemployment, and the Republicans gave in to 300 bucks a week. Republicans have always tried working with the Democrats, but never the other way around.
Bowling and working together in government is not exactly the same, and you cannot deny what I said being true. Trump is a narcissist and cannot abide people not agreeing with him.
You are painting Obama as a uniter and blaming Republicans is a joke. Working with Republicans was all talk with Obama. Again, “cooperation” among Democrats like Obama means “my way”. Obama has never compromised. His actions speak louder than words.

Agreed. Remember when Obama said I have a pen and I have a cell phone? When he said Republicans can come along for the ride, but they will have to sit in the back seat? That's how Democrats work with Republicans.
When did he say this?
In my 20+ years in politics I've never seen the country this divided. It didn't get this way overnight, something had to cause it.

In my opinion, NOTHING any president has done has been as divisive to the country as when Obama forced Obamacare down our throats along partisan lines. That drove a wedge between the two parties and republicans said if we ever get back control we will NOT cooperate or negotiate with liberals. And they stuck to their word.

Even the Gulf War was bi partisan with many democrats voting yes.

Nothing Clinton or Reagan did was along party lines like that.

Neither Bush did anything partisan like that.

It was Obama and Obama only. After Obama, republicans didn't care what democrats thought. Why? Because democrats already showed they didn't care about half the nation when they shoved Obamacare down their throats.

So I would have to lay the blame of division in this country solely on the lap of the democrats and Obama.
The cause of our division today is the disruptive, divisive, and autocratic behavior of trump.
Obama care was designed to correct the inequities in our healthcare system, which were many.
Obama admitted that it was a work in progress and needed more work. Also, we were not forced to use Obama care, as long as we had insurance. People like you, who objected to being told to have insurance, don't give a rat's ass that we pay for your health problems with higher premiums, which were going through the roof. You just want a free ride. If there are problems with Obamacare, then trump could have fixed them rather than acting in his usual jealous way of eliminating all things Obama.
It was already law and could have been fixed rather than replaced, which trump failed to do.
In my 20+ years in politics I've never seen the country this divided. It didn't get this way overnight, something had to cause it.

In my opinion, NOTHING any president has done has been as divisive to the country as when Obama forced Obamacare down our throats along partisan lines. That drove a wedge between the two parties and republicans said if we ever get back control we will NOT cooperate or negotiate with liberals. And they stuck to their word.

Even the Gulf War was bi partisan with many democrats voting yes.

Nothing Clinton or Reagan did was along party lines like that.

Neither Bush did anything partisan like that.

It was Obama and Obama only. After Obama, republicans didn't care what democrats thought. Why? Because democrats already showed they didn't care about half the nation when they shoved Obamacare down their throats.

So I would have to lay the blame of division in this country solely on the lap of the democrats and Obama.
The cause of our division today is the disruptive, divisive, and autocratic behavior of trump.
Obama care was designed to correct the inequities in our healthcare system, which were many.
Obama admitted that it was a work in progress and needed more work. Also, we were not forced to use Obama care, as long as we had insurance. People like you, who objected to being told to have insurance, don't give a rat's ass that we pay for your health problems with higher premiums, which were going through the roof. You just want a free ride. If there are problems with Obamacare, then trump could have fixed them rather than acting in his usual jealous way of eliminating all things Obama.
It was already law and could have been fixed rather than replaced, which trump failed to do.
There was nothing to be fixed, the entire bill is a cluster fuck
Obama could have gone to Capitol Hill and found out what the Republicans wanted and put it in the bill. He could have gone on the radio on Limbaugh's program and others and got ideas from the people.

And what did they want other than to oppose Obama at all costs?

What the Republican People wanted was a Free Market solution for health care, not free condoms paid by the Catholic Church.
The free-market solution had been in effect for years and wasn't working, since premiums were skyrocketing and healthcare companies were not paying for pre-existing conditions. Who gives a shit who pays for condoms as long as they are used as prevention relative to abortions and unwanted children. The U.S has been known to send condoms to 3rd world countries, which you pay for.
In my 20+ years in politics I've never seen the country this divided. It didn't get this way overnight, something had to cause it.

In my opinion, NOTHING any president has done has been as divisive to the country as when Obama forced Obamacare down our throats along partisan lines. That drove a wedge between the two parties and republicans said if we ever get back control we will NOT cooperate or negotiate with liberals. And they stuck to their word.

Even the Gulf War was bi partisan with many democrats voting yes.

Nothing Clinton or Reagan did was along party lines like that.

Neither Bush did anything partisan like that.

It was Obama and Obama only. After Obama, republicans didn't care what democrats thought. Why? Because democrats already showed they didn't care about half the nation when they shoved Obamacare down their throats.

So I would have to lay the blame of division in this country solely on the lap of the democrats and Obama.
The cause of our division today is the disruptive, divisive, and autocratic behavior of trump.
Obama care was designed to correct the inequities in our healthcare system, which were many.
Obama admitted that it was a work in progress and needed more work. Also, we were not forced to use Obama care, as long as we had insurance. People like you, who objected to being told to have insurance, don't give a rat's ass that we pay for your health problems with higher premiums, which were going through the roof. You just want a free ride. If there are problems with Obamacare, then trump could have fixed them rather than acting in his usual jealous way of eliminating all things Obama.
It was already law and could have been fixed rather than replaced, which trump failed to do.
There was nothing to be fixed, the entire bill is a cluster fuck
Of course, it can be fixed and any bill will be a cluster fuck to you if you are honest.

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