A look back at why we're such a divided country

But we are making progress and reversing your indoctrination.
You funny guy

its not revisionist history

dems were giddy with power and did not think they had to compromise with republicans
They didn’t have to compromise with Republicans, but they tried anyway.

How often do you offer to work with people who won’t sit down with you?
You haven't been paying attention during the last four years. Piglosi and Senator Good-for-Nothing did NOT work with the Trump administation on ANYTHING.
But we are making progress and reversing your indoctrination.
You funny guy

its not revisionist history

dems were giddy with power and did not think they had to compromise with republicans
They didn’t have to compromise with Republicans, but they tried anyway.

How often do you offer to work with people who won’t sit down with you?
You haven't been paying attention during the last four years. Piglosi and Senator Good-for-Nothing did NOT work with the Trump administation on ANYTHING.

They didn't even work with the Trump Administration on non-partisan issues like McCain and John Lewis' requiems, didn't even allow the President to pay his respects and deliver eulogies on these deceased lawmakers.
Obamacare? Come on. You republicans like it so much you voted to KEEP it in your pivotal moment with control of both houses. Then you got your asses kicked for trying to repeal in the 2018 midterms. Obamacare is like right wing porn. You all say you despise it then go into your bedrooms/doctors offices and jerk off to it. Liars and hypocrites all of you.
In essence it's a melting pot and is quite diverse which is definitely a strength.
Leftists make this proclamation constantly as it makes them feel warm and fuzzy so they assume diversity is great for everyone....BUT why can’t they ever post some data to prove it? Where is multiculturalism working well in America?
Meanwhile, in the real world outside of Feel Goodville, LibTardia homogeneous nations full of likeminded citizens outrank diverse and divided shitholes in quality of life.
Lions and Gazelles shouldn’t be forced to coexist and neither should humans of different kind.
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In my 20+ years in politics I've never seen the country this divided. It didn't get this way overnight, something had to cause it.

In my opinion, NOTHING any president has done has been as divisive to the country as when Obama forced Obamacare down our throats along partisan lines. That drove a wedge between the two parties and republicans said if we ever get back control we will NOT cooperate or negotiate with liberals. And they stuck to their word.

Even the Gulf War was bi partisan with many democrats voting yes.

Nothing Clinton or Reagan did was along party lines like that.

Neither Bush did anything partisan like that.

It was Obama and Obama only. After Obama, republicans didn't care what democrats thought. Why? Because democrats already showed they didn't care about half the nation when they shoved Obamacare down their throats.

So I would have to lay the blame of division in this country solely on the lap of the democrats and Obama.

Multiculturalism will lie at the root of America’s demise...BANK ON IT!
I was born in america going on 89 years ago to two swedish parents. I follow all laws in america but my dna makes me a swede first. I speak English because I went to school here. But I'm still a swede first and foremost before american because dna is my physical being.
But we are making progress and reversing your indoctrination.
You funny guy

its not revisionist history

dems were giddy with power and did not think they had to compromise with republicans
They didn’t have to compromise with Republicans, but they tried anyway.

How often do you offer to work with people who won’t sit down with you?
No they didn't. They rammed their bill down our throats. They got no Republican votes.
Obamacare? Come on. You republicans like it so much you voted to KEEP it in your pivotal moment with control of both houses. Then you got your asses kicked for trying to repeal in the 2018 midterms. Obamacare is like right wing porn. You all say you despise it then go into your bedrooms/doctors offices and jerk off to it. Liars and hypocrites all of you.

When a presidents signature piece of legislation that was forced through along party lines is then ruled unconstitutional its a pretty big deal.
In essence it's a melting pot and is quite diverse which is definitely a strength.
Leftists make this proclamation constantly as it makes them feel warm and fuzzy so they assume diversity is great for everyone....BUT why can’t they ever post some data to prove it? Where is multiculturalism working well in America?
Meanwhile, in the real world outside of Feel Goodville, LibTardia homogeneous nations full of likeminded citizens outrank diverse and divided shitholes in quality of life.
Lions and Gazelles shouldn’t be forced to coexist and neither should humans of different kind.

Diversity is not a strength, being unified is. The history of the USA is chock full "diversity" angst, tribal gang warfare, self segregation based on country of origin, religion etc. It really wasn't until the creation of the interstate highway system, the creation of the suburb, that people could cluster residentially based more on education, income, culture. Then it didn't matter if on the same cul de sac you had a Greek Orthodox family next to a Catholic family or a Jewish family.

Which is also why the post 1965 non European immigrants have had it very easy. Also why mass immigration in Europe isn't going so well. Those people don't want to be Swedish, or German for the most part.
They didn’t have to compromise with Republicans, but they tried anyway.
They didnt try very had

obama and pelosi were convinced that they didnt need republican support

yes they did have to and now we see the result

they ruined a great private healthcare system and replaced it with something worse
They didn’t need Republican support. That’s what happens when the American people give you a veto proof majority in the Senate.

But they tried anyway. It’s a little hard when the Republican leadership announces day 1 that their intent is to prevent Obama from ever having any political victories.

Do you honestly want me to believe Republicans had willingness to work with Obama? Hell no.
They didn’t have to compromise with Republicans, but they tried anyway.
They didnt try very had

obama and pelosi were convinced that they didnt need republican support

yes they did have to and now we see the result

they ruined a great private healthcare system and replaced it with something worse
They didn’t need Republican support. That’s what happens when the American people give you a veto proof majority in the Senate.

But they tried anyway. It’s a little hard when the Republican leadership announces day 1 that their intent is to prevent Obama from ever having any political victories.

Do you honestly want me to believe Republicans had willingness to work with Obama? Hell no.
HYPOCRITE, you just described the response that Trump got from Piglosi and the democrat congress. How did your fearless leader like her pork sandwich that her antifa cohorts left for her.
They didn’t need Republican support. That’s what happens when the American people give you a veto proof majority in the Senate.
Obviously they did need republican support to prevent it from being dismantled since then
They didn’t need Republican support. That’s what happens when the American people give you a veto proof majority in the Senate.
Obviously they did need republican support to prevent it from being dismantled since then
Dismantled? The only thing that changes was the individual mandate penalty. The ACA still stands otherwise. Another broken promise from Trump.

Y’all need to bust a filibuster if you want to repeal it.
They didn’t need Republican support. That’s what happens when the American people give you a veto proof majority in the Senate.
Obviously they did need republican support to prevent it from being dismantled since then
Dismantled? The only thing that changes was the individual mandate penalty. The ACA still stands otherwise. Another broken promise from Trump.

Y’all need to bust a filibuster if you want to repeal it.
I dont see muchsupprt for obamacare on your side considering all the demands for Medicare for all
They didn’t need Republican support. That’s what happens when the American people give you a veto proof majority in the Senate.
Obviously they did need republican support to prevent it from being dismantled since then
Dismantled? The only thing that changes was the individual mandate penalty. The ACA still stands otherwise. Another broken promise from Trump.

Y’all need to bust a filibuster if you want to repeal it.
I dont see muchsupprt for obamacare on your side considering all the demands for Medicare for all
If that were true, Biden wouldn’t be the next president.

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