A look back at why we're such a divided country

They didn’t need Republican support. That’s what happens when the American people give you a veto proof majority in the Senate.
Obviously they did need republican support to prevent it from being dismantled since then
Dismantled? The only thing that changes was the individual mandate penalty. The ACA still stands otherwise. Another broken promise from Trump.

Y’all need to bust a filibuster if you want to repeal it.
I dont see muchsupprt for obamacare on your side considering all the demands for Medicare for all
If that were true, Biden wouldn’t be the next president.

If the Democrats didn’t cheat and there weren’t so many uninformed Americans Biden wouldn’t be the next president.

BTW, I am not sure how a doctor can support Obamacare. I know there are plenty that do, but that has much more to do with educational indoctrination that actual reflection as to how it will negatively effect medical advancements, quality of care and access to healthcare(wait times) for the average citizen. Most practices and hospitals would be forced to severely cut doctor’s salaries if they had to rely solely on Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements.
But we are making progress and reversing your indoctrination.
You funny guy

its not revisionist history

dems were giddy with power and did not think they had to compromise with republicans
They didn’t have to compromise with Republicans, but they tried anyway.

How often do you offer to work with people who won’t sit down with you?
You haven't been paying attention during the last four years. Piglosi and Senator Good-for-Nothing did NOT work with the Trump administation on ANYTHING.

They didn't even work with the Trump Administration on non-partisan issues like McCain and John Lewis' requiems, didn't even allow the President to pay his respects and deliver eulogies on these deceased lawmakers.
Well duh! Why dont you start with asking what Trump did and said, about McCain and Lewis from day 1 and every day afterwards, till death??
But we are making progress and reversing your indoctrination.
You funny guy

its not revisionist history

dems were giddy with power and did not think they had to compromise with republicans
They didn’t have to compromise with Republicans, but they tried anyway.

How often do you offer to work with people who won’t sit down with you?
You haven't been paying attention during the last four years. Piglosi and Senator Good-for-Nothing did NOT work with the Trump administation on ANYTHING.

They didn't even work with the Trump Administration on non-partisan issues like McCain and John Lewis' requiems, didn't even allow the President to pay his respects and deliver eulogies on these deceased lawmakers.
Well duh! Why dont you start with asking what Trump did and said, about McCain and Lewis from day 1 and every day afterwards, till death??
They attacked trump first and he responded
If the Democrats didn’t cheat and there weren’t so many uninformed Americans Biden wouldn’t be the next president.
After losing dozens of court cases, you guys are still sticking with the “Democrats cheated” hoax?

You’d think you guys would wise up that these allegations are bullshit but I guess you’re too indoctrinated by right wing media.
If the Democrats didn’t cheat and there weren’t so many uninformed Americans Biden wouldn’t be the next president.
After losing dozens of court cases, you guys are still sticking with the “Democrats cheated” hoax?

You’d think you guys would wise up that these allegations are bullshit but I guess you’re too indoctrinated by right wing media.

So you still believe the Russia hoax?
After losing dozens of court cases, you guys are still sticking with the “Democrats cheated” ho
You make it sound like there was a through investigation of wrongdoing that a jury considered and rejected

nothing of the sort has happened
After losing dozens of court cases, you guys are still sticking with the “Democrats cheated” ho
You make it sound like there was a through investigation of wrongdoing that a jury considered and rejected

nothing of the sort has happened
Nope. The cases crashed and burned well before that. That’s what happens with frivolous cases.

It’s a hoax
The multi-million dollar Mueller investigation accusing Trump of colluding with Russia....that hoax.
I never believed it. The Mueller investigation never even accused Trump of coordination so you could at least be honest about it.

But we did learn about how close they actually came and how willing they were to work together with the Russians. It was way worse than I expected.
The multi-million dollar Mueller investigation accusing Trump of colluding with Russia....that hoax.
I never believed it. The Mueller investigation never even accused Trump of coordination so you could at least be honest about it.

But we did learn about how close they actually came and how willing they were to work together with the Russians. It was way worse than I expected.

They were setup. It all started with the Hillary campaign and a complicit CIA run by Brennan. His handwritten notes tell the story. The entire thing was a huge setup that never materialized during the election but they used it as political fodder for years. It did trick those that wanted desperately to believe anything negative about Trump, but not those who were actually paying attention and not being spoon fed their information from CNN.

What you really should be conerved about is the clear bias in the FBI, CIA and the MSM(censoring). That should be of the utmost concern for any US citizen, but again, CNN and the like have convinced many that these aren’t concerns at all and don’t even exist and simply don’t report them.
The Op has been as divisive as anyone...and now he whines about how divided we are?

They were setup. It all started with the Hillary campaign and a complicit CIA run by Brennan. His handwritten notes tell the story. The entire thing was a huge setup that never materialized during the election but they used it as political fodder for years. It did trick those that wanted desperately to believe anything negative about Trump, but not those who were actually paying attention and not being spoon fed their information from CNN.
Sorry, I deal with the world of facts, not fringe conspiracy theories.

You’re just repeating nonsense spouted on right wing media with little basis in reality. “It was a setup” is a hoax just the same as the “Democrats stole the election”. You lack the objectivity to see through this because of your willingness to believe anything negative about Democrats. Stop allowing yourself to be a tool and start thinking for yourself.
But we are making progress and reversing your indoctrination.
You funny guy

its not revisionist history

dems were giddy with power and did not think they had to compromise with republicans
They didn’t have to compromise with Republicans, but they tried anyway.

How often do you offer to work with people who won’t sit down with you?
they didn't have to compromise?

They got their asses handed to them in the 2010 midterms
They were setup. It all started with the Hillary campaign and a complicit CIA run by Brennan. His handwritten notes tell the story. The entire thing was a huge setup that never materialized during the election but they used it as political fodder for years. It did trick those that wanted desperately to believe anything negative about Trump, but not those who were actually paying attention and not being spoon fed their information from CNN.
Sorry, I deal with the world of facts, not fringe conspiracy theories.

You’re just repeating nonsense spouted on right wing media with little basis in reality. “It was a setup” is a hoax just the same as the “Democrats stole the election”. You lack the objectivity to see through this because of your willingness to believe anything negative about Democrats. Stop allowing yourself to be a tool and start thinking for yourself.
Then how did the hated Trump get more popular votes then the beloved Obama
In my 20+ years in politics I've never seen the country this divided. It didn't get this way overnight, something had to cause it.

In my opinion, NOTHING any president has done has been as divisive to the country as when Obama forced Obamacare down our throats along partisan lines. That drove a wedge between the two parties and republicans said if we ever get back control we will NOT cooperate or negotiate with liberals. And they stuck to their word.

Even the Gulf War was bi partisan with many democrats voting yes.

Nothing Clinton or Reagan did was along party lines like that.

Neither Bush did anything partisan like that.

It was Obama and Obama only. After Obama, republicans didn't care what democrats thought. Why? Because democrats already showed they didn't care about half the nation when they shoved Obamacare down their throats.

So I would have to lay the blame of division in this country solely on the lap of the democrats and Obama.
The country was divided when we elected the first Black President and you want to blame it on him?

You forget that after he was elected the Republicans sat down and decided not to do anything to cooperate with him. And they did not even do it in secrecy, but right out in the open.
The country was divided when we elected the first Black President and you want to blame it on him?

You forget that after he was elected the Republicans sat down and decided not to do anything to cooperate with him. And they did not even do it in secrecy, but right out in the open.

Right, and look at how well the Democrats worked with Trump.
If the Democrats didn’t cheat and there weren’t so many uninformed Americans Biden wouldn’t be the next president.

BTW, I am not sure how a doctor can support Obamacare. I know there are plenty that do, but that has much more to do with educational indoctrination that actual reflection as to how it will negatively effect medical advancements, quality of care and access to healthcare(wait times) for the average citizen. Most practices and hospitals would be forced to severely cut doctor’s salaries if they had to rely solely on Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements.

That's why when facilities close down, it's usually in lower income areas where most of their customers are on government programs. There are not enough private pay and private insurance customers to recoup those losses from government.

Right now I'm on hold (for over 40 minutes) with a provider I got through Commie Care. I had to go to the ER and other departments at the Cleveland Clinic over the holidays. They said my insurance was not acceptable, even though Commie Care had that facility listed. What they do is sell policies for different areas of the Clinic. Like HTF am I to predict which departments I'm going to need in the future? I can't buy all six policies, I'd go broke.

But this is government healthcare for you folks. Now I'm probably thousands in debt to my healthcare provider thanks to Commie Care.
The country was divided when we elected the first Black President and you want to blame it on him?

You forget that after he was elected the Republicans sat down and decided not to do anything to cooperate with him. And they did not even do it in secrecy, but right out in the open.

Right, and look at how well the Democrats worked with Trump.
Do not for a minute think that Trump wanted to work with anyone not scared enough to always agree with him.

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