A Lovely Taxpayer-Funded Parade in Iraq...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
All that American blood & treasure. And here's the return on that costly investment...

Terrorists parade through Abu Ghraib, Fallujah [VIDEO]

A video of a brazen, 8-minute terrorist parade in Abu Ghraib, Iraq, just two miles from Baghdad, was published to YouTube Tuesday. The parade received no visible pushback from police or military.

The grisly spectacle, put on by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), features armored trucks, anti-aircraft guns, heavy machine guns, artillery and more, all decorated with ISIL’s banner. Another public parade was held in Fallujah.

The Long War Journal reports that the parade likely took place March 20, and reflects the deteriorating security situation just outside Baghdad, where ISIL forces successfully seized Iraqi territory in January. (VIDEO: Al-Qaida retakes Fallujah)

As the stolen trucks and armed men roll by, the man filming the parade repeatedly shouts “Allah akbar,” exciting himself to the point of tears.

“The vehicles parading down the busy street in Abu Ghraib include several up-armored HMMWVs, which were issued by the U.S. to Iraqi security forces, as well as what appear to be double-cab pickup trucks issued to Iraqi security forces,” The Long War Journal reports. “Several pickup trucks are mounted with heavy machine and antiaircraft guns. And one large truck with what appears to be an artillery piece mounted on the back also passes the camera (beginning at 5:56 into the video).”

The terrorists and equipment in both parades are likely the same.

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Read more: Terrorists parade through Abu Ghraib, Fallujah [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller
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Good thing we sent 4000 Americans to their death for this.

Yes, it's time to end this permanent state of War. But unfortunately, we're currently in the process of repeating history. It's all about enriching the Political, Corporate, Military Industrial Complex coffers. A very sad vicious circle for sure.
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Up-armored mini-vans and Toyota Tercels with AK-47s fought off the world's most advanced military.

The CIA trained the jihad well.
the senseless cycles of war and destruction by humans through their history is inhuman...and we call the animals of this planet a low life form...What a bad joke....
All that American blood & treasure. And here's the return on that costly investment...

Terrorists parade through Abu Ghraib, Fallujah [VIDEO]

A video of a brazen, 8-minute terrorist parade in Abu Ghraib, Iraq, just two miles from Baghdad, was published to YouTube Tuesday. The parade received no visible pushback from police or military.

The grisly spectacle, put on by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), features armored trucks, anti-aircraft guns, heavy machine guns, artillery and more, all decorated with ISIL’s banner. Another public parade was held in Fallujah.

The Long War Journal reports that the parade likely took place March 20, and reflects the deteriorating security situation just outside Baghdad, where ISIL forces successfully seized Iraqi territory in January. (VIDEO: Al-Qaida retakes Fallujah)

As the stolen trucks and armed men roll by, the man filming the parade repeatedly shouts “Allah akbar,” exciting himself to the point of tears.

“The vehicles parading down the busy street in Abu Ghraib include several up-armored HMMWVs, which were issued by the U.S. to Iraqi security forces, as well as what appear to be double-cab pickup trucks issued to Iraqi security forces,” The Long War Journal reports. “Several pickup trucks are mounted with heavy machine and antiaircraft guns. And one large truck with what appears to be an artillery piece mounted on the back also passes the camera (beginning at 5:56 into the video).”

The terrorists and equipment in both parades are likely the same.

?????: ??????? ?????? ????????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ??? ????????? - YouTube

Read more: Terrorists parade through Abu Ghraib, Fallujah [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

And guess who is cheering all of this???
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

The principle these people crushed was you don't give the enemy ammunition.
Each one of the above statements was used by the enemy. Yes it might have been made out of context but the enemy didn't care!
Proof that this contributed to 4,000 more deaths in Iraq?

This Harvard study found here THE "EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT"

asked: "Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?

The short answer is YES!!! according to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy
research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center at the university's Kennedy School of Government.
Way back when, Colin Powell said something along the lines of "if your break it, you bought it." The problem is we didn't break Iraq. Neither Germany nor Japan were problems because they were bombed flat and told how they were going to change and the locals went along with it because they were tired of being killed. All we did in Iraq was take out Saddam and then left a power vacuum that led to that civil war because we were afraid of being shown on CNN as being mean spirited. Being perceived as being a kinder, gentler friend to Iraq was more important than killing the right people, killing everyone they ever met, and then telling the survivors to toe the line or they were next.

If there is a lesson to be learned in all of this it is the WW2 approach works better than the Iraq approach. If we're going to war, go to war and kill everything and everyone that even thinks about resisting and tell the survivors how it is going to be.
Way back when, Colin Powell said something along the lines of "if your break it, you bought it." The problem is we didn't break Iraq. Neither Germany nor Japan were problems because they were bombed flat and told how they were going to change and the locals went along with it because they were tired of being killed. All we did in Iraq was take out Saddam and then left a power vacuum that led to that civil war because we were afraid of being shown on CNN as being mean spirited. Being perceived as being a kinder, gentler friend to Iraq was more important than killing the right people, killing everyone they ever met, and then telling the survivors to toe the line or they were next.

If there is a lesson to be learned in all of this it is the WW2 approach works better than the Iraq approach. If we're going to war, go to war and kill everything and everyone that even thinks about resisting and tell the survivors how it is going to be.

Or just end this permanent state of War we're stuck in. I mean can you even remember the last time we weren't bombing & killing somewhere in the World? I would bet most Americans today can't remember that time.
As long as the US has international interests we'll be bombing and killing someone somewhere. It's been the same story since the Barbary Wars.
We do have legitimate international interests.

Iraq was never one.

Bush and Christie have to formally and publicly turn their backs on the neo-conservatives in the party before becoming serious contenders for nomination.
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As long as the US has international interests we'll be bombing and killing someone somewhere. It's been the same story since the Barbary Wars.

I hear ya. But it would be nice to end this permanent state of War we're in. I'm a Dreamer i guess. I hope i'm not the only one.
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We do have legitimate international interests.

Iraq was never one.

Bush and Christie have to formally and publicly turn their backs on the neo-conservatives in the party before becoming serious contenders for nomination.

Iraq was a concern because of the oil in the region. For good or bad the entire world runs on oil and the spice must flow. After Kuwait and Saddam kept fucking around with the weapons inspection process and publicly backed terror in Israel (remember him telling the world he'd pay the families of suicide bombers) it shouldn't be a shock that he ended up on top of our To-Do List.
More Americans need to decide to really give peace a chance. Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace is a horrible Catch 22 Foreign Policy. Only some selected Politicians, Corporations, and the Military Industrial Complex really profit from it. The American People see no profit. In fact, they only see the exact opposite.
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As long as the US has international interests we'll be bombing and killing someone somewhere. It's been the same story since the Barbary Wars.

I hear ya. But it would be nice to end this permanent state of War we're in. I'm a Dreamer i guess. I hope i'm not the only one.

The thirst for war is still strong in many Americans, you can see it on here daily.
the senseless cycles of war and destruction by humans through their history is inhuman...and we call the animals of this planet a low life form...What a bad joke....

I hear that. Well said.
As long as the US has international interests we'll be bombing and killing someone somewhere. It's been the same story since the Barbary Wars.

I hear ya. But it would be nice to end this permanent state of War we're in. I'm a Dreamer i guess. I hope i'm not the only one.

The thirst for war is still strong in many Americans, you can see it on here daily.

Oh yes, it's all they know now. They've been indoctrinated on War since early childhood. Most Americans around today can't remember a time when our Government wasn't bombing & killing somewhere in the World. Sadly, War is all most Americans know. I would like to see that change, but i know it's unlikely to happen anytime soon. The Powers-That-Be just can't allow that to happen.
Yes, we should never go to war again, no matter what!

Let dictators rape and pillage whatever countries they want. Let Islamic Jihadists do whatever they want. Let third world shitholes get nuclear bombs. The world will be so much safer!
I hear ya. But it would be nice to end this permanent state of War we're in. I'm a Dreamer i guess. I hope i'm not the only one.

The thirst for war is still strong in many Americans, you can see it on here daily.

Oh yes, it's all they know now. They've been indoctrinated on War since early childhood. Most Americans around today can't remember a time when our Government wasn't bombing & killing somewhere in the World. Sadly, War is all most Americans know. I would like to see that change, but i know it's unlikely to happen anytime soon. The Powers-That-Be just can't allow that to happen.

Yes, we have been indoctrinated on War since early childhood. Because our nation was pulled into both World Wars when we'd rather of stayed out of it. We didn't create Hitler, or Imperial Japan, as much as you haters would like to blame the US for every problem.

If all America knows is "war" as you put it, it's because that's the way the world around us has been and continues to be. Whether it's fascism, imperialism, communism, terrorism, or whatever idiotic oppressive ideology comes next, we'll always be here to fight it.

If you don't like that....well, we really don't give a fuck.

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