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A Major AP Article About Whites Fleeing The Democrats.

I guarantee you any person who is not part of the wealthy class that chooses to vote republican is a poorly informed idiot.

When did you start voting Republican, Billy?

Wasting your time. I just said the same to Billy in another thread. Disagreeing with YOUR politics doesn't make a person an idiot.

Sadly most on this board seem to believe that's true. And worse , no matter how stupid or full of shit a person is , if they agree with that person's politics, hey they are smart, honest people.

The Democrats' strategy appears to be to wait for the old white people to die off and then have the minorities enjoy their day in the sun.

Not to inspire minorities to work hard, succeed and out-perform whites, mind you, just out-breed them.

Problem is, I think minorities are waking up to the fact that they're better than that, far better, and that they're being used.

Little cracks in the wall here and there, we'll see.


What exactly is the GOP offering to hard working middle class blacks and hispanics?

I don't really understand the question.

What do you want them to offer those people?

Government jobs, is that what you mean?

And what does their skin color have to do with it, precisely?


If you were to start your own political party how would you attract supporters?

Would you look at their needs and promise to pass legislation that would make their lives less difficult?

That would be a no brainer, right?

But how about instead you promised to pass legislation that would make their lives more difficult?

Would you still expect them to support you?

The examples I gave were exactly what the GOP is doing to drive away minorities. If the GOP wants more middle class back voters it needs to stop making it more difficult for them to vote. With hard working Hispanics they need to stop talking about deportation and find a way to help them becomes citizens instead.

It really is that simple.
Moreover, if republicans wish to attract black voters, they need to end the moronic, unfounded rhetoric and references to 'free stuff,' 'entitlement mentality,' 'race card,' and 'thugs' with regard to African-Americans, who are very much aware of the animosity many republicans have toward them.

Good point.

And that same animosity is directed at liberals, women, Hispanics and gays. What is astounding is that Republicans seem to be believe that they should be allowed to spew this constant stream of vitriol and that everyone else must just "suck it up" and not be offended.
It's likely a minority of republican but a vocal and significant minority nonetheless – the 'legitimate rape' wing of the Party.
Ever notice that those who demand that people must be "held accountable" are the some ones who have never hold the "job creators" accountable for not creating jobs after they were given hundreds of billions in tax cuts?

Uh dumbfuck....the rich are making a killing under Obama thanks to QE inflation with the stock market.

As for tax cuts, you dumbfucks ignore the FACT that New York is running TV ads begging companies to move to NY with the guarantee of 10 years of no taxes.....why is that, dumbfuck????
Ever notice that those who demand that people must be "held accountable" are the some ones who have never hold the "job creators" accountable for not creating jobs after they were given hundreds of billions in tax cuts?
Major "American" corporations are some of the most anti-American diversity mongers. They are behind the push to bring in even more people through this scam H1b visa system that displaces American workers(See Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and others), and are behind the institutional push to keep affirmative action in place which displaces more competent white individuals in university admissions and job hiring.
https://www.utexas.edu/vp/irla/Documents/ACR Fortune 100 and Other Leading American Businesses.pdf

Corporate America is not a friend of Conservatism, it is one of its largest and most entrenched enemies.

Did you read your own link? ALl of it? I guess , if you did, you missed the part where the brief suggests qualification standards have evolved.
your link said:
Today even more than when Grutter was decided amici operate in a country and world economy that are increasingly diverse. Amici have found through practical experience that a workforce trained in a diverse environment is critical to their business
Amici are dedicated to promoting diversity as an integral part of their business, culture, and planning. But amici cannot reach that goal on their own. The only means of obtaining a properly qualified group of employees is through diversity in institutions of higher education, which are allowed to recruit and instruct the best qualified minority candidates and create an environment in which all students can meaningfully expand their horizons.
Why would whites vote Democrap if they aren't stupid, lazy, insane and/or evil people?

Democraps cater to blacks and illegals more than white people. Democraps are quick to push whites and blacks out of the way to cater to Hispanics that are non-American invaders.

Holder went out of his way to bend the law for minority groups as if whites don't matter or are the main problem in this country. White trash liberals need to go hang out in the ghetto to see how much they are looooooooved by blacks....
Liberals are not usually associated with the term "white trash." That title is normally reserved for the have nots who have failed in life and to blame others for their low status. They have been led , by people like you and Frank Luntz , to believe middle-classed Blacks and other minorities stole their birthright. If you dare get close enough, ask one if what his political leanings are. The answer will almost certainly be conservative Republican.

That's the thing, many whites will vote against their own self interest in order to score some perceived point against minorities.

Voting Democras is whites voting against their own self interest. A poor, but intelligent, white guy applying to university and getting beat out for admission by lesser qualified blacks, has absolutely no reason to vote Democrat.

Democrats actively work to harm the interests of white people.

Whites as ignorant as you are harm the interests of White people.
White women are the largest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action, yet it's simple for you to try to overlook that fact; because, well, they are White.

Massive shipment of jobs overseas=White Conservatives
Busting Unions=White Conservatives
Attempts to privatize social security=White Conservatives
Attempts to abolish Social Security=White Conservatives
Raising the rate of student loan interest=White Conservatives
Abolish Abortion under any circumstances=White Conservatives
Tax break for off-shoring jobs=White Conservatives
Right to work=White Conservatives
Attempts to abolish NLRB=White Conservatives
Attempts to repeal Obamacare=White Conservatives

So yes please keep repeating the AA b.s. while the White people that view you with contempt continue to secure the wealth of this country to the limited few.

People as stupid as you deserve to become serfs...

Au contraire. Whites flocked to the Republicans for a wide variety of reasons over this election cycle.

I myself believe that the demonization politics like what you get just listed and the racialization of politics by the Democrat party blew up in their face

Hell's bells Harry Reid and the party spent quizzillions trying to demonize the Koch brothers instead of funding solid looking forward to the future D candidates.

And the proof is in the pudding. Democrats got the ever living shit kicked out of them in this election cycle on all levels.

This article will explain to you what happened. Fewer and fewer are buying into the bullshit that the D's have been spewing.

and eta: I have no idea why this copy and pasted so big. sorries.

The Demographics That Sank The Democrats In The Midterm Elections

Over the past five years, the Democratic Party has tried to add class warfare to its pre-existing focus on racial and gender grievances, and environmental angst.

Shortly after his re-election in 2012, President Obama claimed to have “one mandate . . . to help middle-class families and families that are working hard to try to get into the middle class.”

Yet despite the economic recovery, it is precisely these voters, particularly the white middle and working classes, who, for now, have deserted the Democrats for the GOP, the assumed party of plutocracy.

The key in the 2014 mid-term elections was concern about the economy; early exit polls Tuesday tonight showed that seven in 10 voters viewed the economy negatively, and this did not help the Democratic cause.

“The Democrats have committed political malpractice,” says Morley Winograd, a longtime party activist and a former top aide to Vice President Al Gore during the Clinton years.

“They have not discussed the economy and have no real program. They are offering the middle class nothing.”

Winograd believes that the depth of white middle- and working-class angst threatens the bold predictions in recent years about an “emerging Democratic majority” based on women, millennials, minorities and professionals.

Non-college educated voters broke heavily for the GOP, according to the exit polling, including some 62% of white non-college voters.

This reflects a growing trend: 20 years ago districts with white, working-class majorities tilted slightly Democratic; before the election they favored the GOP by a 5 to 1 margin, and several of the last white, Democratic congressional holdovers from the South, notably West Virginia’s Nick Rahall and Georgia’s John Barrow, went down to defeat Tuesday night.

Perhaps the biggest attrition for the Democrats has been among middle-class voters employed in the private sector, particularly small property and business owners.

In the 1980s and 1990s, middle- and working-class people benefited from economic expansions, garnering about half the gains;

in the current recovery almost all benefits have gone to the top one percent, particularly the wealthiest sliver of that rarified group.

Rather than the promise of “hope and change,” according to exit polls, 50% of voters said they lack confidence that their children will do better than they have, 10 points higher than in 2010.

This is not surprisingly given that nearly 80% state that the recession has not ended, at least for them.

The effectiveness of the Democrats’ class warfare message has been further undermined by the nature of the recovery;

while failing most Americans, the Obama era has been very kind to plutocrats of all kinds. Low interest rates have hurt middle-income retirees while helping to send the stock market soaring.

Quantitative easing has helped boost the price of assets like high-end real estate; in contrast middle and working class people, as well as small businesses, find access to capital or mortgages still very difficult.

more at link:

The Demographics That Sank The Democrats In The Midterm Elections - Forbes
Last edited:
The Associated Press (the A.P) has been an arm of the democrat party for a couple of decades. How does a "major" AP article differ from an ordinary AP article?

The Democrats' strategy appears to be to wait for the old white people to die off and then have the minorities enjoy their day in the sun.

Not to inspire minorities to work hard, succeed and out-perform whites, mind you, just out-breed them.

Problem is, I think minorities are waking up to the fact that they're better than that, far better, and that they're being used.

Little cracks in the wall here and there, we'll see.


What exactly is the GOP offering to hard working middle class blacks and hispanics?

I don't really understand the question.

What do you want them to offer those people?

Government jobs, is that what you mean?

And what does their skin color have to do with it, precisely?


If you were to start your own political party how would you attract supporters?

Would you look at their needs and promise to pass legislation that would make their lives less difficult?

That would be a no brainer, right?

But how about instead you promised to pass legislation that would make their lives more difficult?

Would you still expect them to support you?

The examples I gave were exactly what the GOP is doing to drive away minorities. If the GOP wants more middle class back voters it needs to stop making it more difficult for them to vote. With hard working Hispanics they need to stop talking about deportation and find a way to help them becomes citizens instead.

It really is that simple.

In other words, hand out free stuff that other people earned. Libturds can't help thinking of government as a giant piñata.
Racist Rikurzhen flying his stormfront flag again?

The egregious premise of the OP is based upon the falsehood that the subset of midterm voters represents 100% of the population.

The reality is that the midterm voters are skewed towards AWG's and the GOP.

Lies, damn lies and statistics.

Note the racist Rikurzhen failed to provide any links in his OP either. Got to wonder which stormfront website collated that BS.

You don't need facts to get the brethren in a tizzy...

Democrat voters:


He should have expected that response. idiot.

Those are his relatives.
Racist Rikurzhen flying his stormfront flag again?

The egregious premise of the OP is based upon the falsehood that the subset of midterm voters represents 100% of the population.

The reality is that the midterm voters are skewed towards AWG's and the GOP.

Lies, damn lies and statistics.

Note the racist Rikurzhen failed to provide any links in his OP either. Got to wonder which stormfront website collated that BS.

You don't need facts to get the brethren in a tizzy...

Democrat voters:


Those people are from America????
Oh...I forgot, you are so stupid you can't tell the difference between Black Americans and Black Africans performing a ceremonial dance.
Please don't pass on the legacy of inbreeding...

They're your relatives, dumbass. You want to make fun of people? You're in no position to do it considering your origins.
Racist Rikurzhen flying his stormfront flag again?

The egregious premise of the OP is based upon the falsehood that the subset of midterm voters represents 100% of the population.

The reality is that the midterm voters are skewed towards AWG's and the GOP.

Lies, damn lies and statistics.

Note the racist Rikurzhen failed to provide any links in his OP either. Got to wonder which stormfront website collated that BS.

You don't need facts to get the brethren in a tizzy...

Democrat voters:


Those people are from America????
Oh...I forgot, you are so stupid you can't tell the difference between Black Americans and Black Africans performing a ceremonial dance.
Please don't pass on the legacy of inbreeding...

They're your relatives, dumbass. You want to make fun of people? You're in no position to do it considering your origins.
Actually you just outed yourself as the board's resident dumb ass with your ridiculous posts.
Unless you have a genealogy chart that traces anyone of these people to me, you a pathetic lying piece of shit.
So do you want to present your genealogical research now????...smh.
Further, I never made fun of them, I commented on how you are so stupid that you can't tell the difference between African Americans and Africans performing a ceremonial dance.
Thanks for cementing that observation.
Republicans do not represent the wealthy. Look at who is in Congress. The Democrats representatives and senators started out poor but became rich once in office. What does that tell you?

Republicans represent the people who are working class citizens or those who want jobs and cannot get them. That is who I am. That is who my family and friends are. Republicans and Independents. The Democrats are looking for something for nothing. Taxpayers pay their way.
Ever notice that those who demand that people must be "held accountable" are the some ones who have never hold the "job creators" accountable for not creating jobs after they were given hundreds of billions in tax cuts?

Uh dumbfuck....the rich are making a killing under Obama thanks to QE inflation with the stock market.

As for tax cuts, you dumbfucks ignore the FACT that New York is running TV ads begging companies to move to NY with the guarantee of 10 years of no taxes.....why is that, dumbfuck????
Ever notice that those who demand that people must be "held accountable" are the some ones who have never hold the "job creators" accountable for not creating jobs after they were given hundreds of billions in tax cuts?
Major "American" corporations are some of the most anti-American diversity mongers. They are behind the push to bring in even more people through this scam H1b visa system that displaces American workers(See Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and others), and are behind the institutional push to keep affirmative action in place which displaces more competent white individuals in university admissions and job hiring.
https://www.utexas.edu/vp/irla/Documents/ACR Fortune 100 and Other Leading American Businesses.pdf

Corporate America is not a friend of Conservatism, it is one of its largest and most entrenched enemies.

Did you read your own link? ALl of it? I guess , if you did, you missed the part where the brief suggests qualification standards have evolved.
your link said:
Today even more than when Grutter was decided amici operate in a country and world economy that are increasingly diverse. Amici have found through practical experience that a workforce trained in a diverse environment is critical to their business
Amici are dedicated to promoting diversity as an integral part of their business, culture, and planning. But amici cannot reach that goal on their own. The only means of obtaining a properly qualified group of employees is through diversity in institutions of higher education, which are allowed to recruit and instruct the best qualified minority candidates and create an environment in which all students can meaningfully expand their horizons.
Don't talk down to me, of course I read my own link, and your excerpt confirms what I say, they are committed to diversity, in the first sentence. They are also basically admitting their minority hires at the moment are incompetent, and that somehow magically by allowing more minorities into "institutions of higher education" through affirmative action, they will get more competent employees. As though putting unqualified individuals into colleges magically turns out productive workers. What exactly is your point? Where in your excerpt does it contradict my contention, that corporations are a driving force behind the liberal and anti-white policy of affirmative action and they aren't conservative in the slightest?
Ever notice that those who demand that people must be "held accountable" are the some ones who have never hold the "job creators" accountable for not creating jobs after they were given hundreds of billions in tax cuts?

Uh dumbfuck....the rich are making a killing under Obama thanks to QE inflation with the stock market.

As for tax cuts, you dumbfucks ignore the FACT that New York is running TV ads begging companies to move to NY with the guarantee of 10 years of no taxes.....why is that, dumbfuck????
Ever notice that those who demand that people must be "held accountable" are the some ones who have never hold the "job creators" accountable for not creating jobs after they were given hundreds of billions in tax cuts?
Major "American" corporations are some of the most anti-American diversity mongers. They are behind the push to bring in even more people through this scam H1b visa system that displaces American workers(See Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and others), and are behind the institutional push to keep affirmative action in place which displaces more competent white individuals in university admissions and job hiring.
https://www.utexas.edu/vp/irla/Documents/ACR Fortune 100 and Other Leading American Businesses.pdf

Corporate America is not a friend of Conservatism, it is one of its largest and most entrenched enemies.

Did you read your own link? ALl of it? I guess , if you did, you missed the part where the brief suggests qualification standards have evolved.
your link said:
Today even more than when Grutter was decided amici operate in a country and world economy that are increasingly diverse. Amici have found through practical experience that a workforce trained in a diverse environment is critical to their business
Amici are dedicated to promoting diversity as an integral part of their business, culture, and planning. But amici cannot reach that goal on their own. The only means of obtaining a properly qualified group of employees is through diversity in institutions of higher education, which are allowed to recruit and instruct the best qualified minority candidates and create an environment in which all students can meaningfully expand their horizons.
Don't talk down to me, of course I read my own link, and your excerpt confirms what I say, they are committed to diversity, in the first sentence. They are also basically admitting their minority hires at the moment are incompetent, and that somehow magically by allowing more minorities into "institutions of higher education" through affirmative action, they will get more competent employees. As though putting unqualified individuals into colleges magically turns out productive workers. What exactly is your point? Where in your excerpt does it contradict my contention, that corporations are a driving force behind the liberal and anti-white policy of affirmative action and they aren't conservative in the slightest?

See the large pretty blue paragraph? That is the focus of my last post but you couldn't pick it out. I did it for you. The employer is a globalist who wants people who can interact positively with clients or customers in diverse settings. Not all White people can do that..as exemplified by people like you! BTW I may HAVE no choice but to talk down to you since I am rather tall...6ft 7" to be exact!
So the RWnuts are finally conceding that the GOP is the party of White America?


No, whites have simply determined that the Democrat party is bent on destroying them.
Racist Rikurzhen flying his stormfront flag again?

The egregious premise of the OP is based upon the falsehood that the subset of midterm voters represents 100% of the population.

The reality is that the midterm voters are skewed towards AWG's and the GOP.

Lies, damn lies and statistics.

Note the racist Rikurzhen failed to provide any links in his OP either. Got to wonder which stormfront website collated that BS.

You don't need facts to get the brethren in a tizzy...

Democrat voters:


Those people are from America????
Oh...I forgot, you are so stupid you can't tell the difference between Black Americans and Black Africans performing a ceremonial dance.
Please don't pass on the legacy of inbreeding...

They're your relatives, dumbass. You want to make fun of people? You're in no position to do it considering your origins.
Actually you just outed yourself as the board's resident dumb ass with your ridiculous posts.
Unless you have a genealogy chart that traces anyone of these people to me, you a pathetic lying piece of shit.
So do you want to present your genealogical research now????...smh.
Further, I never made fun of them, I commented on how you are so stupid that you can't tell the difference between African Americans and Africans performing a ceremonial dance.
Thanks for cementing that observation.

Actually, not. I provided plenty of supporting evidence for every claim I made. You provided jack shit or a stream of insults.

Whether they are in America or not, they are still your ancestors. That's the African conception of "high culture." It makes you look like something of a moron for attacking the intellectual level of white southerners.
So the RWnuts are finally conceding that the GOP is the party of White America?

The Republicans are the party of ideas and it seems that this focus on ideas has most appeal to whites. The Democrats are the party of identity and blacks, Hispanics, and Asians are rewarded for being black, Hispanic and Asian by having policies which effectively penalize whites in order to divert the gains to them.

The Democrats' strategy appears to be to wait for the old white people to die off and then have the minorities enjoy their day in the sun.

Not to inspire minorities to work hard, succeed and out-perform whites, mind you, just out-breed them.

Problem is, I think minorities are waking up to the fact that they're better than that, far better, and that they're being used.

Little cracks in the wall here and there, we'll see.


What exactly is the GOP offering to hard working middle class blacks and hispanics?

I don't really understand the question.

What do you want them to offer those people?

Government jobs, is that what you mean?

And what does their skin color have to do with it, precisely?


If you were to start your own political party how would you attract supporters?

Would you look at their needs and promise to pass legislation that would make their lives less difficult?

That would be a no brainer, right?

But how about instead you promised to pass legislation that would make their lives more difficult?

Would you still expect them to support you?

The examples I gave were exactly what the GOP is doing to drive away minorities. If the GOP wants more middle class back voters it needs to stop making it more difficult for them to vote. With hard working Hispanics they need to stop talking about deportation and find a way to help them becomes citizens instead.

It really is that simple.

Personally, I think minorities are just as capable as whites, and would be far better off if we stopped trying to "help" them.

I think we've isolated them enough, maybe it's time to try a different approach.

More than that, I think they're beginning to understand what I'm talking about.

So the RWnuts are finally conceding that the GOP is the party of White America?

The Republicans are the party of ideas and it seems that this focus on ideas has most appeal to whites. The Democrats are the party of identity and blacks, Hispanics, and Asians are rewarded for being black, Hispanic and Asian by having policies which effectively penalize whites in order to divert the gains to them.

What GOP ideas?

Cut taxes, increase defense spending, AND balance the budget. Idiocy.
So the RWnuts are finally conceding that the GOP is the party of White America?


Don't play the fool. The majority of American citizens are white. Both parties attract white voters.

Obama didn't get elected by blacks. Obama got elected with the white vote with blacks and other minorities thrown in.

Under Obama's leadership though Democrats are starting to truly alienate the white vote.

You are the most bigoted party on the planet. Go ahead and keep telling white Americans that they are pieces of shit who don't deserve one penny they have worked for because of "white privilege".

Keep insulting whites. By all means do so.

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