A Man Of God Doing The Right Thing: Franklin Graham Blasts Buttigieg For Being Gay

That's when you let Satan take over your once soul and you chose to become a homosexual. You must repent and let God back into your heart and defeat Satan. It's the only way to prevent from burning in hell for eternity.
More pathetic stupidity! Do you really believe that only " homosexuals" advocate for gay rights and equality? Do you live under a rock?
Not stupidity but fact! You don't know any facts because you haven't read the Bible like most if not all Homosexuals.
So the bible says only homosexuals support gay rights? LOL

The Bible makes it clear that Christians know homosexuality is wrong. Christians shouldn't judge or condemn them that is God's job.
And that has what, exactly, to do with my question? Are you as idiotic as MAGA boy who has decided what my sexuality is based on my politics? Poor little boy! You loose!

A serious question.....

Were you born the way you are or was it a choice?
Are you saying you have dabbled in the homo world?

nope, I was propositioned once but it is not my thing. Do not like skinny flat chested women either.

I was thinking in a more general sense that normal is overrated.

There are more gay people than there true red heads in the world, so being red head is not normal...but can be damn sexy on a woman.

Only 10% of the world is left handed, but being so can be a plus in many athletic careers.

Hell, being a Marine is not normal, yet I take great pride in it.

Those are the things I was referring to as normal being overrated.
Are you saying you have dabbled in the homo world?

nope, I was propositioned once but it is not my thing. Do not like skinny flat chested women either.

I was thinking in a more general sense that normal is overrated.

There are more gay people than there true red heads in the world, so being red head is not normal...but can be damn sexy on a woman.

Only 10% of the world is left handed, but being so can be a plus in many athletic careers.

Hell, being a Marine is not normal, yet I take great pride in it.

Those are the things I was referring to as normal being overrated.

I knew as much....

I have to admit the more I learn about you

the more respect I have for you....

Thank you for your service.
First of all I don't relate to the concept of sin. It is a fake concept invented by men to shame and control others.

Secondly , you have wholly avoided the point that I made to counter your false equivalency logical fallacy comparing Mayor Pete to an adulterer and groper .

And to say that Pete is single handedly redefining Christianity is just plain stupid. Christianity has been redefined many times over since it's inception, and many denominations accept homosexuality.
Of course many denominations accept sin. Scripture is very clear on that reality. Jesus told us about false prophets and false churches. Scripture warns us repeatedly about the false brethren and to stay clear of them. You seem to have this crazy notion that just because people accept sin that God also accepts it. Good luck.
The only scripture that I pay attention to is the Constitution of the United States of America. The rest is, well ….unfiltered BS. Save you preaching for the mentally defectives who believe that tripe.
Glad to know you respect the Constitution. How about that First Amendment? You respect that?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

i'll also add article 6 to your reply...

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
Agree, there should be no religious test to hold office in this nation, but there is. The left is always labeling conservative Christians as "extreme".
Calling out religious extremism is not a religious test. It is not about their religion at all. It's about their willingness and ability to honor and abide by civil law as opposed to religious doctrine
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More pathetic stupidity! Do you really believe that only " homosexuals" advocate for gay rights and equality? Do you live under a rock?
Not stupidity but fact! You don't know any facts because you haven't read the Bible like most if not all Homosexuals.
So the bible says only homosexuals support gay rights? LOL

The Bible makes it clear that Christians know homosexuality is wrong. Christians shouldn't judge or condemn them that is God's job.
And that has what, exactly, to do with my question? Are you as idiotic as MAGA boy who has decided what my sexuality is based on my politics? Poor little boy! You loose!

A serious question.....

Were you born the way you are or was it a choice?
What the fuck are you talking about ? Born what way. Are you really that stupid?
Of course many denominations accept sin. Scripture is very clear on that reality. Jesus told us about false prophets and false churches. Scripture warns us repeatedly about the false brethren and to stay clear of them. You seem to have this crazy notion that just because people accept sin that God also accepts it. Good luck.
The only scripture that I pay attention to is the Constitution of the United States of America. The rest is, well ….unfiltered BS. Save you preaching for the mentally defectives who believe that tripe.
Glad to know you respect the Constitution. How about that First Amendment? You respect that?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

i'll also add article 6 to your reply...

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
Agree, there should be no religious test to hold office in this nation, but there is. The left is always labeling conservative Christians as "extreme".
Calling out religious extremism is not a religious test. It is not about their religion at all. It's about their willingness and ability to honor and abide by civil law as opposed to religious doctrine
Your "Civil Law" forces patriotic Americans to stand up and challenge it when it violates Constitutional rights. You never have been able to understand that because you're brainwashed by the leftist agenda.
Yes, Homosexuals are the disciples of Satan. It's not idiotic. It's the truth as written in the Bible. Have you read the Bible?
Answer me! Have you read the Bible?
Fuck no!!
Then you know nothing about Christianity!
That is not entirely true. As a child, I was told that I was Catholic. I was put through all of the rituals and bullshit. The "religious training" and all of that. I was subjected to the guilt and fear of not believing. "Worship this God or burn in hell ". Then one day, in my early 20"s I realized that being Catholic is not genetic, or a congenital defect. It is a choice, and a not very good one . It was an awakening. A new found freedom to choose how I want to live and not be told how to live my the clerics who seek to control other by fear and superstition . I have been happy and free since- 50 years and counting- and know that you don't need religious doctrine or a belief in God to lead a moral and good life without inflicting pain on others, as you surly with to do. .
The exact same thing happened to me. I left the church and have never looked back.
That is not entirely true. As a child, I was told that I was Catholic. I was put through all of the rituals and bullshit. The "religious training" and all of that. I was subjected to the guilt and fear of not believing. "Worship this God or burn in hell ". Then one day, in my early 20"s I realized that being Catholic is not genetic, or a congenital defect. It is a choice, and a not very good one . It was an awakening. A new found freedom to choose how I want to live and not be told how to live my the clerics who seek to control other by fear and superstition . I have been happy and free since- 50 years and counting- and know that you don't need religious doctrine or a belief in God to lead a moral and good life without inflicting pain on others, as you surly with to do. .
The exact same thing happened to me. I left the church and have never looked back.
The Catholic sect is not "The Church". I know many catholics that attend nondenominational churches that teach the Bible. Jesus is the head of the Church, not the Pope. People need to read their Bibles.
Let me be clear: if your response to "Homosexuality is a sin, and Mayor Pete doesn't get to redefine Christianity to dismiss that" is "Well, DONALD TRUMP FUCKED WOMEN, SO THERE!" then it's pretty clear you not only have no valid, rational argument, but also that you're the village idiot who should be pitied.
First of all I don't relate to the concept of sin. It is a fake concept invented by men to shame and control others.

Secondly , you have wholly avoided the point that I made to counter your false equivalency logical fallacy comparing Mayor Pete to an adulterer and groper .

And to say that Pete is single handedly redefining Christianity is just plain stupid. Christianity has been redefined many times over since it's inception, and many denominations accept homosexuality.
Of course many denominations accept sin. Scripture is very clear on that reality. Jesus told us about false prophets and false churches. Scripture warns us repeatedly about the false brethren and to stay clear of them. You seem to have this crazy notion that just because people accept sin that God also accepts it. Good luck.
The only scripture that I pay attention to is the Constitution of the United States of America. The rest is, well ….unfiltered BS. Save you preaching for the mentally defectives who believe that tripe.
I bet you find Buttigieg attractive, don't you? Also why did he choose to be a homosexual disciple of Satan and reject the Bible?
Buttigieg is christian. Are you? Really?
First of all I don't relate to the concept of sin. It is a fake concept invented by men to shame and control others.

Secondly , you have wholly avoided the point that I made to counter your false equivalency logical fallacy comparing Mayor Pete to an adulterer and groper .

And to say that Pete is single handedly redefining Christianity is just plain stupid. Christianity has been redefined many times over since it's inception, and many denominations accept homosexuality.
Of course many denominations accept sin. Scripture is very clear on that reality. Jesus told us about false prophets and false churches. Scripture warns us repeatedly about the false brethren and to stay clear of them. You seem to have this crazy notion that just because people accept sin that God also accepts it. Good luck.
The only scripture that I pay attention to is the Constitution of the United States of America. The rest is, well ….unfiltered BS. Save you preaching for the mentally defectives who believe that tripe.
I bet you find Buttigieg attractive, don't you? Also why did he choose to be a homosexual disciple of Satan and reject the Bible?
That is so idiotic on so many levels . Disciple of Satan ? Really? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
Yes, Homosexuals are the disciples of Satan. It's not idiotic. It's the truth as written in the Bible. Have you read the Bible?
Are we supposed to run our government by your bible now? Christian sharia?
No one is trying to shut you people up. It is only with the rise of the political religious right that a bastardized view of religious freedom has emerged. It has come to mean that you get to impose your religious views on others. Being free to believe, worship, live and speak your mind whenever and wherever you wish is no longer enough. You might want to take a look at this:

Source: Religious freedom & the freedom to discriminate
There is no Gospel of Thomas in the Bible.
Really, I wouldn't know. If true it does not change to point that is being made
So if you don't know, then why are you posting something you're ignorant about? Duh!!
Take it up with the author of the piece. It's irrelevant to the point being made.
The author is a liar. There is no Gospel of Thomas in the Bible. If the author is a liar, your article is a lie. DUH!!
There was.....but it was one of MANY books cut out over time.
The only scripture that I pay attention to is the Constitution of the United States of America. The rest is, well ….unfiltered BS. Save you preaching for the mentally defectives who believe that tripe.
Glad to know you respect the Constitution. How about that First Amendment? You respect that?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

i'll also add article 6 to your reply...

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
Agree, there should be no religious test to hold office in this nation, but there is. The left is always labeling conservative Christians as "extreme".
Calling out religious extremism is not a religious test. It is not about their religion at all. It's about their willingness and ability to honor and abide by civil law as opposed to religious doctrine
Your "Civil Law" forces patriotic Americans to stand up and challenge it when it violates Constitutional rights. You never have been able to understand that because you're brainwashed by the leftist agenda.
You're right . Civil law has violated the Constitution. Case in point, all of those bans on same sex marriage that got shot down by SCOTUS. But those laws were largely religiously motivated and pushed by crackpots like you and politicians who thought that they were doing gods work. You never have been able to understand that because you're brainwashed by the rightwing agenda
How young do you go?
What the fuck are you talking about. ? You had better not be suggesting that I'm a pedophile !

Simple question, are you going to answer?
Answer what?!!

You had better look at post 412 before pursuing that line of questioning

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I still stand by my statement.. Same sex couples should be outlawed from adopting children. They put the children's lives in peril.
^ An example of christian sharia.
Let me be clear: if your response to "Homosexuality is a sin, and Mayor Pete doesn't get to redefine Christianity to dismiss that" is "Well, DONALD TRUMP FUCKED WOMEN, SO THERE!" then it's pretty clear you not only have no valid, rational argument, but also that you're the village idiot who should be pitied.
First of all I don't relate to the concept of sin. It is a fake concept invented by men to shame and control others.

Secondly , you have wholly avoided the point that I made to counter your false equivalency logical fallacy comparing Mayor Pete to an adulterer and groper .

And to say that Pete is single handedly redefining Christianity is just plain stupid. Christianity has been redefined many times over since it's inception, and many denominations accept homosexuality.
Of course many denominations accept sin. Scripture is very clear on that reality. Jesus told us about false prophets and false churches. Scripture warns us repeatedly about the false brethren and to stay clear of them. You seem to have this crazy notion that just because people accept sin that God also accepts it. Good luck.
The only scripture that I pay attention to is the Constitution of the United States of America. The rest is, well ….unfiltered BS. Save you preaching for the mentally defectives who believe that tripe.
I bet you find Buttigieg attractive, don't you? Also why did he choose to be a homosexual disciple of Satan and reject the Bible?
Buttigieg is christian. Are you? Really?
He says he's a Christian. The Bible says he's not.
There is no Gospel of Thomas in the Bible.
Really, I wouldn't know. If true it does not change to point that is being made
So if you don't know, then why are you posting something you're ignorant about? Duh!!
Take it up with the author of the piece. It's irrelevant to the point being made.
The author is a liar. There is no Gospel of Thomas in the Bible. If the author is a liar, your article is a lie. DUH!!
There was.....but it was one of MANY books cut out over time.
You're a proven liar. I don't take anything you say seriously.
Glad to know you respect the Constitution. How about that First Amendment? You respect that?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

i'll also add article 6 to your reply...

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
Agree, there should be no religious test to hold office in this nation, but there is. The left is always labeling conservative Christians as "extreme".
Calling out religious extremism is not a religious test. It is not about their religion at all. It's about their willingness and ability to honor and abide by civil law as opposed to religious doctrine
Your "Civil Law" forces patriotic Americans to stand up and challenge it when it violates Constitutional rights. You never have been able to understand that because you're brainwashed by the leftist agenda.
You're right . Civil law has violated the Constitution. Case in point, all of those bans on same sex marriage that got shot down by SCOTUS. But those laws were largely religiously motivated and pushed by crackpots like you and politicians who thought that they were doing gods work. You never have been able to understand that because you're brainwashed by the rightwing agenda
The Constitution says absolutely nothing about marriage. Marriage laws have always been up to the states. The Supreme Court overstepped their authority.
A man of God doing the right thing...


Look at that face; Trump, a 'man of God' smiling like there is no tomorrow, grabbing Heff's ass

trump isn't a man of God nor does he claim to be

you're 1/2 right

but he's claims to 'have done more for christians' than anybody else.... ever. & of course, sarah honey boo boo - who's daddy is a 'preacher' has even said that god sent donny here to be prez.

I'm not convinced Trump isn't president by Providence for some unknown reason. Most likely because of His policy towards israel.

His statements about doing more for Christianity is absurd and false.

Who cares what Mike Huckabee says?

god wouldn't design such a creature because he's israel friendly to the detriment of everything & everybody else.
The only reason CRCs are pro-Israel is that they are hoping to kick start their believed End Times.
Look at that face; Trump, a 'man of God' smiling like there is no tomorrow, grabbing Heff's ass

trump isn't a man of God nor does he claim to be

you're 1/2 right

but he's claims to 'have done more for christians' than anybody else.... ever. & of course, sarah honey boo boo - who's daddy is a 'preacher' has even said that god sent donny here to be prez.

I'm not convinced Trump isn't president by Providence for some unknown reason. Most likely because of His policy towards israel.

His statements about doing more for Christianity is absurd and false.

Who cares what Mike Huckabee says?

god wouldn't design such a creature because he's israel friendly to the detriment of everything & everybody else.
The only reason CRCs are pro-Israel is that they are hoping to kick start their believed End Times.
What an ignorant post.

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