A Man Of God Doing The Right Thing: Franklin Graham Blasts Buttigieg For Being Gay

We all know that heterosexual men are repulsed by gay guys...

While at the same time lesbians have a different effect.

you do bring up a good point, just about every porn flick ever made for guys has woman one woman sex...for a reason

Try as we might, we can't fight nature...……......

you used the word 'normal' though as if it's not, then use the word 'nature' when it comes to your voyeurism... but fail to recognize that homosexuality is found in 'nature'

Hey Dick brain...

You Tards always try to twist the truth to fit your needs...

Look up Normal in the dictionary Dumb Ass...

It means conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.

Homosexuality in the animal kingdom is a rarity.

It’s so easy to make Fools of you Dumb Ass Tards….

The matter of what is normal can't be and must not be a mere statistical nicety. It can't be and must not be "normal" to be a Christian just because 95% of your community is Christian. It can't be and must not be "normal" to be attracted to someone of the opposite sex just because 90% of the general population is heterosexual. It can't be and must not be "normal" to own slaves just because all the landowners in your state own slaves. "Normal" can't mean and must not mean "what we see all the time" or "what we see the most of." It must have a different meaning from that for it to mean anything of value to right-thinking people.

What Do We Mean by 'Normal'?


Why is it Mayor Pete says his brand of normal is a more proper form of it than mine? And I'm not talking just sexuality, as a Christian I recognize I am a sinner and in need of forgivness and that my sin is as equal in God's eyes as Pete's or anyone elses and so I cant judge Pete nor can I deny him the right to attend church, we are all in need of the forgivness of Christ, BUT he is judging, is he not?

He, and the press, and anyone who is on the left who have decided what is proper Christianity and what is neanderthal, they are JUDGING the neanderthal form of Christianity AND punishing it, are they not?
Nobody is buying the "Elect me because I'm Gay" crap. He's a brief novelty to the Left who gush over anything Gay.

neh... it's more because of these kinda things about him...

Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg ( /ˈbuːtɪdʒədʒ/ BOOT-ih-jəj;[2][3] born January 19, 1982) is an American former naval intelligence officer and incumbent mayor of South Bend, Indiana, since 2012.

Buttigieg is a graduate of Harvard University and Pembroke College, Oxford, on a Rhodes Scholarship. From 2007 to 2010 he worked at McKinsey and Company, a management strategy consulting firm.[4] From 2009 to 2017 Buttigieg served as an intelligence officer in the United States Navy Reserve, attaining the rank of lieutenant and deploying for the War in Afghanistan in 2014.[5][6]

& there's this too:

Buttigieg practices Christianity,[74][75][76] and he has said his faith has had a strong influence in his life.[77][47] His parents had him baptized as a Catholic as an infant; he attended Catholic schools.[78] While at Oxford University, Buttigieg began to attend Christ Church Cathedral and said he felt "more-or-less Anglican" by the time he returned to South Bend.[78] St. Augustine, James Martin, and Garry Wills are among his religious influences.[77] A member of the Episcopal Church, Buttigieg is a congregant at the Cathedral of St. James in downtown South Bend.[76]

Buttigieg speaks several languages. He taught himself to speak Norwegian and is conversational in Spanish, Italian, Maltese, Arabic, Farsi, and French.[79][80][81] Buttigieg plays guitar and piano,[82][83] and in 2013 performed with the South Bend Symphony Orchestra as a guest piano soloist along with Ben Folds.[84][85] Buttigieg was named a 2014 Aspen Institute Rodel Fellow.[86] He was named a recipient of the John F. Kennedy New Frontier Fenn Award in 2015.[87]

In a June 2015 essay in the South Bend Tribune, Buttigieg announced that he is gay.[88] He is the first openly gay municipal executive in Indiana.[89]

In December 2017, Buttigieg announced his engagement to Chasten Glezman, a junior high school teacher whom Buttigieg had been dating since August 2015 after meeting on the dating app Hinge.[90][91][92] They were married on June 16, 2018, in a private ceremony at the Cathedral of St. James.[93][75] They live in the same South Bend neighborhood where Buttigieg grew up, with their two rescue dogs, Truman and Buddy.[94] As of April 2019, Chasten also uses the last name Buttigieg.[95][96]
Glad to know you respect the Constitution. How about that First Amendment? You respect that?
Yes I do. Why do you ask? Oh I bet I know. I'm somehow infringing on your right to religious freedom. Don't even go there.
Yes, I will go there. So many of you filthy jackals demand that Christians shut up and keep it at home or in our church. That isn't what the Constitution says. YOU are NOT to prohibit the free exercise (expression) of my religion. That's what it says. You don't believe that.

No one is trying to shut you people up. It is only with the rise of the political religious right that a bastardized view of religious freedom has emerged. It has come to mean that you get to impose your religious views on others. Being free to believe, worship, live and speak your mind whenever and wherever you wish is no longer enough. You might want to take a look at this:

Two meanings of religious freedom/liberty:

1. Freedom of belief, speech, practice.

2. Freedom to restrict services, hate, denigrate, or oppress others.

1. The historical meaning of religious freedom:

This term relates to the personal freedom:
•Of religious belief,
•Of religious speech,
•Of religious assembly with fellow believers,
•Of religious proselytizing and recruitment, and
•To change one's religion from one faith group to another -- or to decide to have no religious affiliation -- or vice-versa.

The individual believer has often been the target of oppression for thinking or speaking unorthodox thoughts, for assembling with and recruiting others, and for changing their religious affiliation. Typically, the aggressors have been large religious groups and governments. Freedom from such oppression is the meaning that we generally use on this web site to refer to any of the four terms: religious freedom, religious liberty, freedom of worship and freedom to worship.

2. A rapidly emerging new meaning of religious freedom: the freedom to discriminate and denigrate:

In recent years, religious freedom is taking on a new meaning: the freedom and liberty of a believer apply their religious beliefs in order to hate, oppress, deny service to, denigrate, discriminate against, and/or reduce the human rights of minorities.

Now, the direction of the oppression has reversed.
It is now the believer who is the oppressor -- typically fundamentalist and evangelical Christians and other religious conservatives. Others -- typically some women, as well as sexual, and other minorities -- are the targets. This new meaning is becoming increasingly common. It appears that this change is begin driven by a number of factors:

•The increasing public acceptance of women's use of birth control/contraceptives. This is a practice regarded as a personal decision by most faith groups, but is actively opposed by the Roman Catholic and a few other conservative faith groups.
The increasing public acceptance of equal rights for sexual minorities including Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender persons and transsexuals -- the LGBT community (); and
•The increasing percentage of NOTAs in North America. These are individuals who are NOT Affiliated with an organized faith group. Some identify themselves as Agnostics, Atheists secularists, Humanists, free thinkers, etc. Others say that they are spiritual, but not religious.

One interesting feature of this "religious freedom to discriminate" is that it generally has people treating others as they would not wish to be treated themselves. It seems to be little noticed among those who practice or advocate "religious freedom to discriminate" that this way of treating people is a direct contradiction to the Golden Rule, which Jesus required all his followers to practice. See Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31, and the Gospel of Thomas, 6.
Source: Religious freedom & the freedom to discriminate
There is no Gospel of Thomas in the Bible.
Really, I wouldn't know. If true it does not change to point that is being made

Since the point being made is "This is how you SHOULD practice your faith, according to my decree from my greater knowledge of Christianity", it does actually change the point when they're citing a reference that doesn't exist.
you do bring up a good point, just about every porn flick ever made for guys has woman one woman sex...for a reason

Try as we might, we can't fight nature...……......

you used the word 'normal' though as if it's not, then use the word 'nature' when it comes to your voyeurism... but fail to recognize that homosexuality is found in 'nature'

Hey Dick brain...

You Tards always try to twist the truth to fit your needs...

Look up Normal in the dictionary Dumb Ass...

It means conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.

Homosexuality in the animal kingdom is a rarity.

It’s so easy to make Fools of you Dumb Ass Tards….

The matter of what is normal can't be and must not be a mere statistical nicety. It can't be and must not be "normal" to be a Christian just because 95% of your community is Christian. It can't be and must not be "normal" to be attracted to someone of the opposite sex just because 90% of the general population is heterosexual. It can't be and must not be "normal" to own slaves just because all the landowners in your state own slaves. "Normal" can't mean and must not mean "what we see all the time" or "what we see the most of." It must have a different meaning from that for it to mean anything of value to right-thinking people.

What Do We Mean by 'Normal'?


Why is it Mayor Pete says his brand of normal is a more proper form of it than mine? And I'm not talking just sexuality, as a Christian I recognize I am a sinner and in need of forgivness and that my sin is as equal in God's eyes as Pete's or anyone elses and so I cant judge Pete nor can I deny him the right to attend church, we are all in need of the forgivness of Christ, BUT he is judging, is he not?

He, and the press, and anyone who is on the left who have decided what is proper Christianity and what is neanderthal, they are JUDGING the neanderthal form of Christianity AND punishing it, are they not?

there should be no different treatment between demographics under the laws of this secular nation. that's pretty much what's he's saying.
Yes, I will go there. So many of you filthy jackals demand that Christians shut up and keep it at home or in our church. That isn't what the Constitution says. YOU are NOT to prohibit the free exercise (expression) of my religion. That's what it says. You don't believe that.

No one is trying to shut you people up. It is only with the rise of the political religious right that a bastardized view of religious freedom has emerged. It has come to mean that you get to impose your religious views on others. Being free to believe, worship, live and speak your mind whenever and wherever you wish is no longer enough. You might want to take a look at this:

Two meanings of religious freedom/liberty:

1. Freedom of belief, speech, practice.

2. Freedom to restrict services, hate, denigrate, or oppress others.

1. The historical meaning of religious freedom:

This term relates to the personal freedom:
•Of religious belief,
•Of religious speech,
•Of religious assembly with fellow believers,
•Of religious proselytizing and recruitment, and
•To change one's religion from one faith group to another -- or to decide to have no religious affiliation -- or vice-versa.

The individual believer has often been the target of oppression for thinking or speaking unorthodox thoughts, for assembling with and recruiting others, and for changing their religious affiliation. Typically, the aggressors have been large religious groups and governments. Freedom from such oppression is the meaning that we generally use on this web site to refer to any of the four terms: religious freedom, religious liberty, freedom of worship and freedom to worship.

2. A rapidly emerging new meaning of religious freedom: the freedom to discriminate and denigrate:

In recent years, religious freedom is taking on a new meaning: the freedom and liberty of a believer apply their religious beliefs in order to hate, oppress, deny service to, denigrate, discriminate against, and/or reduce the human rights of minorities.

It is now the believer who is the oppressor -- typically fundamentalist and evangelical Christians and other religious conservatives. Others -- typically some women, as well as sexual, and other minorities -- are the targets. This new meaning is becoming increasingly common. It appears that this change is begin driven by a number of factors:

•The increasing public acceptance of women's use of birth control/contraceptives. This is a practice regarded as a personal decision by most faith groups, but is actively opposed by the Roman Catholic and a few other conservative faith groups.
The increasing public acceptance of equal rights for sexual minorities including Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender persons and transsexuals -- the LGBT community (); and
•The increasing percentage of NOTAs in North America. These are individuals who are NOT Affiliated with an organized faith group. Some identify themselves as Agnostics, Atheists secularists, Humanists, free thinkers, etc. Others say that they are spiritual, but not religious.

One interesting feature of this "religious freedom to discriminate" is that it generally has people treating others as they would not wish to be treated themselves. It seems to be little noticed among those who practice or advocate "religious freedom to discriminate" that this way of treating people is a direct contradiction to the Golden Rule, which Jesus required all his followers to practice. See Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31, and the Gospel of Thomas, 6.
Source: Religious freedom & the freedom to discriminate
You're very first sentence is a lie. You're pushing on my shoes and telling me it's rain.
Because you say so??
Yes. You claim no one is trying to silence Christian's. That's a lie.
I have said this many times before but you people don't get it. I don't care about what you preach. I care about how you treat others and what you advocate for,, and your sticking you noses in other peoples live and dictate how they should live.

No, we aren't. We're stating what the Bible says. If they want to take that personally, that's their lookout. If they want to get up in people's faces and say, "I'm gay, and you're evil if you don't think it's okay", then they have no one to blame but themselves if they then are told otherwise. And however much you want to claim innocent victimhood, it is a stone fact that WE are not the ones starting the fight.
The Bible makes it clear that Christians know homosexuality is wrong. Christians shouldn't judge or condemn them that is God's job.
And that has what, exactly, to do with my question? Are you as idiotic as MAGA boy who has decided what my sexuality is based on my politics? Poor little boy! You loose!

A serious question.....

Were you born the way you are or was it a choice?
What the fuck are you talking about ? Born what way. Are you really that stupid?

No need to get your panties in a knot.....

I just wanted to know what it was in your case.

I know people that think it’s a choice......

I have always figured gays were born that way...
To your credit, you understand being gay is not a choice. However, that does not negate the fact that making an assumption about my sexuality based on my support for LGBTQ rights is as stupid as stupid can get.

I don’t think he made that assumption...the question of if it were a choice or you were born that way applies to both straight and gay people.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
No one is trying to shut you people up. It is only with the rise of the political religious right that a bastardized view of religious freedom has emerged. It has come to mean that you get to impose your religious views on others. Being free to believe, worship, live and speak your mind whenever and wherever you wish is no longer enough. You might want to take a look at this:

Source: Religious freedom & the freedom to discriminate
You're very first sentence is a lie. You're pushing on my shoes and telling me it's rain.
Because you say so??
Yes. You claim no one is trying to silence Christian's. That's a lie.
I have said this many times before but you people don't get it. I don't care about what you preach. I care about how you treat others and what you advocate for,, and your sticking you noses in other peoples live and dictate how they should live.

No, we aren't. We're stating what the Bible says. If they want to take that personally, that's their lookout. If they want to get up in people's faces and say, "I'm gay, and you're evil if you don't think it's okay", then they have no one to blame but themselves if they then are told otherwise. And however much you want to claim innocent victimhood, it is a stone fact that WE are not the ones starting the fight.

Yes you do, every time you seek out a Christian baker and force them to make a cake.

I've been in the restaraunt business in one way or another my whole life and I know perfectly well there are plenty of gay bakers those "loving" couples could frequent, and probably do to help the cause, but still go get thier "Christian cake" for the wedding, the one full of spite, and dont tell me it doesn't happen.

They seek them out because they have judged them to be guilty of homphobia and they stick a government sanctioned finger in thier eye as they exact payback and revenge with the forced baking of a cake.

Yes you do, yes you do.
Yes I do. Why do you ask? Oh I bet I know. I'm somehow infringing on your right to religious freedom. Don't even go there.
Yes, I will go there. So many of you filthy jackals demand that Christians shut up and keep it at home or in our church. That isn't what the Constitution says. YOU are NOT to prohibit the free exercise (expression) of my religion. That's what it says. You don't believe that.

No one is trying to shut you people up. It is only with the rise of the political religious right that a bastardized view of religious freedom has emerged. It has come to mean that you get to impose your religious views on others. Being free to believe, worship, live and speak your mind whenever and wherever you wish is no longer enough. You might want to take a look at this:

Two meanings of religious freedom/liberty:

1. Freedom of belief, speech, practice.

2. Freedom to restrict services, hate, denigrate, or oppress others.

1. The historical meaning of religious freedom:

This term relates to the personal freedom:
•Of religious belief,
•Of religious speech,
•Of religious assembly with fellow believers,
•Of religious proselytizing and recruitment, and
•To change one's religion from one faith group to another -- or to decide to have no religious affiliation -- or vice-versa.

The individual believer has often been the target of oppression for thinking or speaking unorthodox thoughts, for assembling with and recruiting others, and for changing their religious affiliation. Typically, the aggressors have been large religious groups and governments. Freedom from such oppression is the meaning that we generally use on this web site to refer to any of the four terms: religious freedom, religious liberty, freedom of worship and freedom to worship.

2. A rapidly emerging new meaning of religious freedom: the freedom to discriminate and denigrate:

In recent years, religious freedom is taking on a new meaning: the freedom and liberty of a believer apply their religious beliefs in order to hate, oppress, deny service to, denigrate, discriminate against, and/or reduce the human rights of minorities.

Now, the direction of the oppression has reversed.
It is now the believer who is the oppressor -- typically fundamentalist and evangelical Christians and other religious conservatives. Others -- typically some women, as well as sexual, and other minorities -- are the targets. This new meaning is becoming increasingly common. It appears that this change is begin driven by a number of factors:

•The increasing public acceptance of women's use of birth control/contraceptives. This is a practice regarded as a personal decision by most faith groups, but is actively opposed by the Roman Catholic and a few other conservative faith groups.
The increasing public acceptance of equal rights for sexual minorities including Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender persons and transsexuals -- the LGBT community (); and
•The increasing percentage of NOTAs in North America. These are individuals who are NOT Affiliated with an organized faith group. Some identify themselves as Agnostics, Atheists secularists, Humanists, free thinkers, etc. Others say that they are spiritual, but not religious.

One interesting feature of this "religious freedom to discriminate" is that it generally has people treating others as they would not wish to be treated themselves. It seems to be little noticed among those who practice or advocate "religious freedom to discriminate" that this way of treating people is a direct contradiction to the Golden Rule, which Jesus required all his followers to practice. See Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31, and the Gospel of Thomas, 6.
Source: Religious freedom & the freedom to discriminate
There is no Gospel of Thomas in the Bible.
Really, I wouldn't know. If true it does not change to point that is being made

Since the point being made is "This is how you SHOULD practice your faith, according to my decree from my greater knowledge of Christianity", it does actually change the point when they're citing a reference that doesn't exist.

You must be Baptist or Catholic. These two seem to be very dismissive of other Christians who don’t go to their church, and are largely only Christians on Christmas, Easter, and Sunday. The gospel of Thomas is a gnostic thing. Your knowledge is extremely limited and you need to do more reading.
There is no Gospel of Thomas in the Bible.
Really, I wouldn't know. If true it does not change to point that is being made
So if you don't know, then why are you posting something you're ignorant about? Duh!!
Take it up with the author of the piece. It's irrelevant to the point being made.
The author is a liar. There is no Gospel of Thomas in the Bible. If the author is a liar, your article is a lie. DUH!!
The article is stating observable behavior of the religious right wing bigots. Are you stating that you and they do not want to marginalize, demean, control and discriminate against LGBT people? Now THAT is a lie

The article is stating ASSumptions about religious people, including that they are "right wing bigots", and then presuming to preach to them about the "correct" way to be Christians, according to the author who presumes he/she/it knows far more than they do. Since the appeal to authority for those instructions involves an authority that doesn't actually exist, that does make it wrong.

As to your question, "Are you telling me your'e actually not an evil bully like I keep asserting you are because I've been told to believe that by people who can't even cite the Bible correctly", DUUUUUUHHHHH.

Yes, Homosexuals are the disciples of Satan. It's not idiotic. It's the truth as written in the Bible. Have you read the Bible?
Answer me! Have you read the Bible?
Fuck no!!
Why not?
Because it is a bunch of gibberish written by delusional and superstitious, uneducated goat herders, who feared the unknown and desperately need to believe in a savior- like you.

"It's a bunch of gibberish, and by the way it REALLY agrees with me, but I reject it and think it's silly, and you should do it the way I think is better!"

Leftism in a nutshell: appealing to authorities they simultaneously reject. And yet you wonder why people mock you.
You're very first sentence is a lie. You're pushing on my shoes and telling me it's rain.
Because you say so??
Yes. You claim no one is trying to silence Christian's. That's a lie.
I have said this many times before but you people don't get it. I don't care about what you preach. I care about how you treat others and what you advocate for,, and your sticking you noses in other peoples live and dictate how they should live.

No, we aren't. We're stating what the Bible says. If they want to take that personally, that's their lookout. If they want to get up in people's faces and say, "I'm gay, and you're evil if you don't think it's okay", then they have no one to blame but themselves if they then are told otherwise. And however much you want to claim innocent victimhood, it is a stone fact that WE are not the ones starting the fight.

Yes you do, every time you seek out a Christian baker and force them to make a cake.

I've been in the restaraunt business in one way or another my whole life and I know perfectly well there are plenty of gay bakers those "loving" couples could frequent, and probably do to help the cause, but still go get thier "Christian cake" for the wedding, the one full of spite, and dont tell me it doesn't happen.

They seek them out because they have judged them to be guilty of homphobia and they stick a government sanctioned finger in thier eye as they exact payback and revenge with the forced baking of a cake.

Yes you do, yes you do.

Hey, ass kitten. Maybe you could read the post and find out who you're talking to and what position they're taking before you run off half-cocked and no-brained and start tearing into them for the complete opposite. I'M seeking out Christian bakers to force them to make a cake? I am? That's what you got from my post, you illiterate cousin-dating mouthbreather?

Way to make a giant frigging fool out of yourself publicly. Would be really embarrassing, if you had two functioning brain cells in the same area of your empty skull to kick up a spark.

Do better, Gomer.
Because you say so??
Yes. You claim no one is trying to silence Christian's. That's a lie.
I have said this many times before but you people don't get it. I don't care about what you preach. I care about how you treat others and what you advocate for,, and your sticking you noses in other peoples live and dictate how they should live.

No, we aren't. We're stating what the Bible says. If they want to take that personally, that's their lookout. If they want to get up in people's faces and say, "I'm gay, and you're evil if you don't think it's okay", then they have no one to blame but themselves if they then are told otherwise. And however much you want to claim innocent victimhood, it is a stone fact that WE are not the ones starting the fight.

Yes you do, every time you seek out a Christian baker and force them to make a cake.

I've been in the restaraunt business in one way or another my whole life and I know perfectly well there are plenty of gay bakers those "loving" couples could frequent, and probably do to help the cause, but still go get thier "Christian cake" for the wedding, the one full of spite, and dont tell me it doesn't happen.

They seek them out because they have judged them to be guilty of homphobia and they stick a government sanctioned finger in thier eye as they exact payback and revenge with the forced baking of a cake.

Yes you do, yes you do.

Hey, ass kitten. Maybe you could read the post and find out who you're talking to and what position they're taking before you run off half-cocked and no-brained and start tearing into them for the complete opposite. I'M seeking out Christian bakers to force them to make a cake? I am? That's what you got from my post, you illiterate cousin-dating mouthbreather?

Way to make a giant frigging fool out of yourself publicly. Would be really embarrassing, if you had two functioning brain cells in the same area of your empty skull to kick up a spark.

Do better, Gomer.

Lol, you are a better Christian, please point out where Jesus ever addresses anyone as an “ass kitten”. And the last part about making a fool out of them selves publicly, where did Jesus y’all to anyone like that? Typical fake Christian who wares the religion on the lapel.
No one is trying to shut you people up. It is only with the rise of the political religious right that a bastardized view of religious freedom has emerged. It has come to mean that you get to impose your religious views on others. Being free to believe, worship, live and speak your mind whenever and wherever you wish is no longer enough. You might want to take a look at this:

Source: Religious freedom & the freedom to discriminate
You're very first sentence is a lie. You're pushing on my shoes and telling me it's rain.
Because you say so??
Yes. You claim no one is trying to silence Christian's. That's a lie.
I have said this many times before but you people don't get it. I don't care about what you preach. I care about how you treat others and what you advocate for,, and your sticking you noses in other peoples live and dictate how they should live.

No, we aren't. We're stating what the Bible says. If they want to take that personally, that's their lookout. If they want to get up in people's faces and say, "I'm gay, and you're evil if you don't think it's okay", then they have no one to blame but themselves if they then are told otherwise. And however much you want to claim innocent victimhood, it is a stone fact that WE are not the ones starting the fight.
Bullshit! You don't just want freedom of religion. You want others to live by what your sect believes the bible says. They don't five a crap what you believe or what you accept, but when the religious zealots tell them that they can't marry or adopt children, you're damned right they will take it personally. Not the ones starting the fight. ? Bullshit again. If you people didn't try to thwart gay rights every step of the was since stonewall, there wouldn't be a fight. Or, maybe you think LGBTQ people should have just stayed quietly in the closet until such time that the likes of you let them out, which would be never.
Because you say so??
Yes. You claim no one is trying to silence Christian's. That's a lie.
I have said this many times before but you people don't get it. I don't care about what you preach. I care about how you treat others and what you advocate for,, and your sticking you noses in other peoples live and dictate how they should live.

No, we aren't. We're stating what the Bible says. If they want to take that personally, that's their lookout. If they want to get up in people's faces and say, "I'm gay, and you're evil if you don't think it's okay", then they have no one to blame but themselves if they then are told otherwise. And however much you want to claim innocent victimhood, it is a stone fact that WE are not the ones starting the fight.

Yes you do, every time you seek out a Christian baker and force them to make a cake.

I've been in the restaraunt business in one way or another my whole life and I know perfectly well there are plenty of gay bakers those "loving" couples could frequent, and probably do to help the cause, but still go get thier "Christian cake" for the wedding, the one full of spite, and dont tell me it doesn't happen.

They seek them out because they have judged them to be guilty of homphobia and they stick a government sanctioned finger in thier eye as they exact payback and revenge with the forced baking of a cake.

Yes you do, yes you do.

Hey, ass kitten. Maybe you could read the post and find out who you're talking to and what position they're taking before you run off half-cocked and no-brained and start tearing into them for the complete opposite. I'M seeking out Christian bakers to force them to make a cake? I am? That's what you got from my post, you illiterate cousin-dating mouthbreather?

Way to make a giant frigging fool out of yourself publicly. Would be really embarrassing, if you had two functioning brain cells in the same area of your empty skull to kick up a spark.

Do better, Gomer.

Maybe you can explain to me I was responding to a response to what I thought was my origional post way back at #8 or so
Yes. You claim no one is trying to silence Christian's. That's a lie.
I have said this many times before but you people don't get it. I don't care about what you preach. I care about how you treat others and what you advocate for,, and your sticking you noses in other peoples live and dictate how they should live.

No, we aren't. We're stating what the Bible says. If they want to take that personally, that's their lookout. If they want to get up in people's faces and say, "I'm gay, and you're evil if you don't think it's okay", then they have no one to blame but themselves if they then are told otherwise. And however much you want to claim innocent victimhood, it is a stone fact that WE are not the ones starting the fight.

Yes you do, every time you seek out a Christian baker and force them to make a cake.

I've been in the restaraunt business in one way or another my whole life and I know perfectly well there are plenty of gay bakers those "loving" couples could frequent, and probably do to help the cause, but still go get thier "Christian cake" for the wedding, the one full of spite, and dont tell me it doesn't happen.

They seek them out because they have judged them to be guilty of homphobia and they stick a government sanctioned finger in thier eye as they exact payback and revenge with the forced baking of a cake.

Yes you do, yes you do.

Hey, ass kitten. Maybe you could read the post and find out who you're talking to and what position they're taking before you run off half-cocked and no-brained and start tearing into them for the complete opposite. I'M seeking out Christian bakers to force them to make a cake? I am? That's what you got from my post, you illiterate cousin-dating mouthbreather?

Way to make a giant frigging fool out of yourself publicly. Would be really embarrassing, if you had two functioning brain cells in the same area of your empty skull to kick up a spark.

Do better, Gomer.

Lol, you are a better Christian, please point out where Jesus ever addresses anyone as an “ass kitten”. And the last part about making a fool out of them selves publicly, where did Jesus y’all to anyone like that? Typical fake Christian who wares the religion on the lapel.
Read Matthew 23. Jesus tore into the Jewish religious leaders with name calling far worse than "ass kitten".
Yes. You claim no one is trying to silence Christian's. That's a lie.
I have said this many times before but you people don't get it. I don't care about what you preach. I care about how you treat others and what you advocate for,, and your sticking you noses in other peoples live and dictate how they should live.

No, we aren't. We're stating what the Bible says. If they want to take that personally, that's their lookout. If they want to get up in people's faces and say, "I'm gay, and you're evil if you don't think it's okay", then they have no one to blame but themselves if they then are told otherwise. And however much you want to claim innocent victimhood, it is a stone fact that WE are not the ones starting the fight.

Yes you do, every time you seek out a Christian baker and force them to make a cake.

I've been in the restaraunt business in one way or another my whole life and I know perfectly well there are plenty of gay bakers those "loving" couples could frequent, and probably do to help the cause, but still go get thier "Christian cake" for the wedding, the one full of spite, and dont tell me it doesn't happen.

They seek them out because they have judged them to be guilty of homphobia and they stick a government sanctioned finger in thier eye as they exact payback and revenge with the forced baking of a cake.

Yes you do, yes you do.

Hey, ass kitten. Maybe you could read the post and find out who you're talking to and what position they're taking before you run off half-cocked and no-brained and start tearing into them for the complete opposite. I'M seeking out Christian bakers to force them to make a cake? I am? That's what you got from my post, you illiterate cousin-dating mouthbreather?

Way to make a giant frigging fool out of yourself publicly. Would be really embarrassing, if you had two functioning brain cells in the same area of your empty skull to kick up a spark.

Do better, Gomer.

Maybe you can explain to me I was responding to a response to what I thought was my origional post way back at #8 or so

Why would you think that, when my post clearly quoted Prog's post?

And that's neither here nor there, anyway, since the content of my post is very clearly from the Christian point of view, not the leftist pity party view.

"If they want to get up in people's faces and say, "I'm gay, and you're evil if you don't think it's okay", then they have no one to blame but themselves if they then are told otherwise."

Does that LOOK like I'm engaging in homosexual advocacy?
I have said this many times before but you people don't get it. I don't care about what you preach. I care about how you treat others and what you advocate for,, and your sticking you noses in other peoples live and dictate how they should live.

No, we aren't. We're stating what the Bible says. If they want to take that personally, that's their lookout. If they want to get up in people's faces and say, "I'm gay, and you're evil if you don't think it's okay", then they have no one to blame but themselves if they then are told otherwise. And however much you want to claim innocent victimhood, it is a stone fact that WE are not the ones starting the fight.

Yes you do, every time you seek out a Christian baker and force them to make a cake.

I've been in the restaraunt business in one way or another my whole life and I know perfectly well there are plenty of gay bakers those "loving" couples could frequent, and probably do to help the cause, but still go get thier "Christian cake" for the wedding, the one full of spite, and dont tell me it doesn't happen.

They seek them out because they have judged them to be guilty of homphobia and they stick a government sanctioned finger in thier eye as they exact payback and revenge with the forced baking of a cake.

Yes you do, yes you do.

Hey, ass kitten. Maybe you could read the post and find out who you're talking to and what position they're taking before you run off half-cocked and no-brained and start tearing into them for the complete opposite. I'M seeking out Christian bakers to force them to make a cake? I am? That's what you got from my post, you illiterate cousin-dating mouthbreather?

Way to make a giant frigging fool out of yourself publicly. Would be really embarrassing, if you had two functioning brain cells in the same area of your empty skull to kick up a spark.

Do better, Gomer.

Lol, you are a better Christian, please point out where Jesus ever addresses anyone as an “ass kitten”. And the last part about making a fool out of them selves publicly, where did Jesus y’all to anyone like that? Typical fake Christian who wares the religion on the lapel.
Read Matthew 23. Jesus tore into the Jewish religious leaders with name calling far worse than "ass kitten".

Besides, when did I ever claim to be Jesus, let alone better than Him?

Typical leftist "let me preach to you about how to practice your beliefs I don't share" egomaniac, pretending that "Real Christians are perfect!" There's a reason I have his useless, illiterate ass on ignore.

To paraphrase Mayor Pete: If me being bad-tempered was a choice, it was made far, far above my pay grade ... Thats the thing that I wish the leftists of the world would understand: if you got a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me; your quarrel sir, is with my Creator.
Because you say so??
Yes. You claim no one is trying to silence Christian's. That's a lie.
I have said this many times before but you people don't get it. I don't care about what you preach. I care about how you treat others and what you advocate for,, and your sticking you noses in other peoples live and dictate how they should live.

No, we aren't. We're stating what the Bible says. If they want to take that personally, that's their lookout. If they want to get up in people's faces and say, "I'm gay, and you're evil if you don't think it's okay", then they have no one to blame but themselves if they then are told otherwise. And however much you want to claim innocent victimhood, it is a stone fact that WE are not the ones starting the fight.

Yes you do, every time you seek out a Christian baker and force them to make a cake.

I've been in the restaraunt business in one way or another my whole life and I know perfectly well there are plenty of gay bakers those "loving" couples could frequent, and probably do to help the cause, but still go get thier "Christian cake" for the wedding, the one full of spite, and dont tell me it doesn't happen.

They seek them out because they have judged them to be guilty of homphobia and they stick a government sanctioned finger in thier eye as they exact payback and revenge with the forced baking of a cake.

Yes you do, yes you do.

Hey, ass kitten. Maybe you could read the post and find out who you're talking to and what position they're taking before you run off half-cocked and no-brained and start tearing into them for the complete opposite. I'M seeking out Christian bakers to force them to make a cake? I am? That's what you got from my post, you illiterate cousin-dating mouthbreather?

Way to make a giant frigging fool out of yourself publicly. Would be really embarrassing, if you had two functioning brain cells in the same area of your empty skull to kick up a spark.

Do better, Gomer.

Also, in reffering to (you) that was generic for the gay community at large.
No, we aren't. We're stating what the Bible says. If they want to take that personally, that's their lookout. If they want to get up in people's faces and say, "I'm gay, and you're evil if you don't think it's okay", then they have no one to blame but themselves if they then are told otherwise. And however much you want to claim innocent victimhood, it is a stone fact that WE are not the ones starting the fight.

Yes you do, every time you seek out a Christian baker and force them to make a cake.

I've been in the restaraunt business in one way or another my whole life and I know perfectly well there are plenty of gay bakers those "loving" couples could frequent, and probably do to help the cause, but still go get thier "Christian cake" for the wedding, the one full of spite, and dont tell me it doesn't happen.

They seek them out because they have judged them to be guilty of homphobia and they stick a government sanctioned finger in thier eye as they exact payback and revenge with the forced baking of a cake.

Yes you do, yes you do.

Hey, ass kitten. Maybe you could read the post and find out who you're talking to and what position they're taking before you run off half-cocked and no-brained and start tearing into them for the complete opposite. I'M seeking out Christian bakers to force them to make a cake? I am? That's what you got from my post, you illiterate cousin-dating mouthbreather?

Way to make a giant frigging fool out of yourself publicly. Would be really embarrassing, if you had two functioning brain cells in the same area of your empty skull to kick up a spark.

Do better, Gomer.

Lol, you are a better Christian, please point out where Jesus ever addresses anyone as an “ass kitten”. And the last part about making a fool out of them selves publicly, where did Jesus y’all to anyone like that? Typical fake Christian who wares the religion on the lapel.
Read Matthew 23. Jesus tore into the Jewish religious leaders with name calling far worse than "ass kitten".

Besides, when did I ever claim to be Jesus, let alone better than Him?

Typical leftist "let me preach to you about how to practice your beliefs I don't share" egomaniac, pretending that "Real Christians are perfect!" There's a reason I have his useless, illiterate ass on ignore.

To paraphrase Mayor Pete: If me being bad-tempered was a choice, it was made far, far above my pay grade ... Thats the thing that I wish the leftists of the world would understand: if you got a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me; your quarrel sir, is with my Creator.

Because you are talking down your nose at a dude who presented gnostic Christian teachings as an example in a thread. Instead of pointing out where the gospel of Thomas comes from, and why it wouldn’t apply to YOUR understanding of Christianity, you basically sneered and pointed out your an awesome Christian. You need to read Matthew 7:3 and think about it. It’s obvious you got studying to do.
I have said this many times before but you people don't get it. I don't care about what you preach. I care about how you treat others and what you advocate for,, and your sticking you noses in other peoples live and dictate how they should live.

No, we aren't. We're stating what the Bible says. If they want to take that personally, that's their lookout. If they want to get up in people's faces and say, "I'm gay, and you're evil if you don't think it's okay", then they have no one to blame but themselves if they then are told otherwise. And however much you want to claim innocent victimhood, it is a stone fact that WE are not the ones starting the fight.

Yes you do, every time you seek out a Christian baker and force them to make a cake.

I've been in the restaraunt business in one way or another my whole life and I know perfectly well there are plenty of gay bakers those "loving" couples could frequent, and probably do to help the cause, but still go get thier "Christian cake" for the wedding, the one full of spite, and dont tell me it doesn't happen.

They seek them out because they have judged them to be guilty of homphobia and they stick a government sanctioned finger in thier eye as they exact payback and revenge with the forced baking of a cake.

Yes you do, yes you do.

Hey, ass kitten. Maybe you could read the post and find out who you're talking to and what position they're taking before you run off half-cocked and no-brained and start tearing into them for the complete opposite. I'M seeking out Christian bakers to force them to make a cake? I am? That's what you got from my post, you illiterate cousin-dating mouthbreather?

Way to make a giant frigging fool out of yourself publicly. Would be really embarrassing, if you had two functioning brain cells in the same area of your empty skull to kick up a spark.

Do better, Gomer.

Lol, you are a better Christian, please point out where Jesus ever addresses anyone as an “ass kitten”. And the last part about making a fool out of them selves publicly, where did Jesus y’all to anyone like that? Typical fake Christian who wares the religion on the lapel.
Read Matthew 23. Jesus tore into the Jewish religious leaders with name calling far worse than "ass kitten".

You need to read about righteous anger and get back to me.

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