A Man Of God Doing The Right Thing: Franklin Graham Blasts Buttigieg For Being Gay

What the fuck are you talking about ? Born what way. Are you really that stupid?

No need to get your panties in a knot.....

I just wanted to know what it was in your case.

I know people that think it’s a choice......

I have always figured gays were born that way...
To your credit, you understand being gay is not a choice. However, that does not negate the fact that making an assumption about my sexuality based on my support for LGBTQ rights is as stupid as stupid can get.
It's a choice to be a homosexual.
How do you know that? Could you chose to be homosexual?
Yes! It's a choice! I knew a straight guy for years. He was a cop and had a wife and kids. He then chose to be gay and left his wife to join the degenerate lifestyle of homosexuality at the behest of Satan. Nevertheless we ridiculed him with impunity eventually forcing him out of the community. He moved to another town. With good detective work we located him and started harassing him and telling his employees of his deviant sexual behavior. We got him fired because his boss was a staunch Christian conservative. We will countinue our efforts to get him shunned by society.

It's postings like this that are so ridiculous, they have me thinking you must be a poe.

The internet is rife with clowns to pretend to be a member of the opposite party in order to impugn that party by making them look like insufferable morons.

A right winger could just as easily pose as a lefty and then support infanticide well after birth.
What the fuck are you talking about ? Born what way. Are you really that stupid?

No need to get your panties in a knot.....

I just wanted to know what it was in your case.

I know people that think it’s a choice......

I have always figured gays were born that way...
To your credit, you understand being gay is not a choice. However, that does not negate the fact that making an assumption about my sexuality based on my support for LGBTQ rights is as stupid as stupid can get.
It's a choice to be a homosexual.
How do you know that? Could you chose to be homosexual?
Yes! It's a choice! I knew a straight guy for years. He was a cop and had a wife and kids. He then chose to be gay and left his wife to join the degenerate lifestyle of homosexuality at the behest of Satan. Nevertheless we ridiculed him with impunity eventually forcing him out of the community. He moved to another town. With good detective work we located him and started harassing him and telling his employees of his deviant sexual behavior. We got him fired because his boss was a staunch Christian conservative. We will countinue our efforts to get him shunned by society.
And your so fucking proud of yourself!! There is something that is seriously demented about anyone who would do such a thing to another human being who has done nothing to them. Just fucking suck!

In addition, you are apparently to stupid to have a clue about the complexities of human sexuality. You don't know that some gay people feel compelled to live a lie and try to be straight-largely because of scum life you who would make their lives miserable. So they suffer in silence until they snap. Ans many people are bi-sexual and can move from one lifestyle to the other depending on life circumstances. That does not mean that their sexual orientation has changes. You are in serious need of an education and mental health intervention.
No need to get your panties in a knot.....

I just wanted to know what it was in your case.

I know people that think it’s a choice......

I have always figured gays were born that way...
To your credit, you understand being gay is not a choice. However, that does not negate the fact that making an assumption about my sexuality based on my support for LGBTQ rights is as stupid as stupid can get.
It's a choice to be a homosexual.
How do you know that? Could you chose to be homosexual?
Yes! It's a choice! I knew a straight guy for years. He was a cop and had a wife and kids. He then chose to be gay and left his wife to join the degenerate lifestyle of homosexuality at the behest of Satan. Nevertheless we ridiculed him with impunity eventually forcing him out of the community. He moved to another town. With good detective work we located him and started harassing him and telling his employees of his deviant sexual behavior. We got him fired because his boss was a staunch Christian conservative. We will countinue our efforts to get him shunned by society.
And your so fucking proud of yourself!! There is something that is seriously demented about anyone who would do such a thing to another human being who has done nothing to them. Just fucking suck!

In addition, you are apparently to stupid to have a clue about the complexities of human sexuality. You don't know that some gay people feel compelled to live a lie and try to be straight-largely because of scum life you who would make their lives miserable. So they suffer in silence until they snap. Ans many people are bi-sexual and can move from one lifestyle to the other depending on life circumstances. That does not mean that their sexual orientation has changes. You are in serious need of an education and mental health intervention.
Yes, I'm very proud of what I did to him. It had to be done. Nevertheless, YOU need conversion therapy. YOU and your sexual lifestyle are a danger to society. Homosexuals are a walking health risk.
you do bring up a good point, just about every porn flick ever made for guys has woman one woman sex...for a reason

Try as we might, we can't fight nature...……......

you used the word 'normal' though as if it's not, then use the word 'nature' when it comes to your voyeurism... but fail to recognize that homosexuality is found in 'nature'

Hey Dick brain...

You Tards always try to twist the truth to fit your needs...

Look up Normal in the dictionary Dumb Ass...

It means conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.

Homosexuality in the animal kingdom is a rarity.

It’s so easy to make Fools of you Dumb Ass Tards….

The matter of what is normal can't be and must not be a mere statistical nicety. It can't be and must not be "normal" to be a Christian just because 95% of your community is Christian. It can't be and must not be "normal" to be attracted to someone of the opposite sex just because 90% of the general population is heterosexual. It can't be and must not be "normal" to own slaves just because all the landowners in your state own slaves. "Normal" can't mean and must not mean "what we see all the time" or "what we see the most of." It must have a different meaning from that for it to mean anything of value to right-thinking people.

What Do We Mean by 'Normal'?


You got your ass kicked...

Just deal with it Tard...:fu:

lol... ^^^

And that has what, exactly, to do with my question? Are you as idiotic as MAGA boy who has decided what my sexuality is based on my politics? Poor little boy! You loose!

A serious question.....

Were you born the way you are or was it a choice?
What the fuck are you talking about ? Born what way. Are you really that stupid?

No need to get your panties in a knot.....

I just wanted to know what it was in your case.

I know people that think it’s a choice......

I have always figured gays were born that way...
To your credit, you understand being gay is not a choice. However, that does not negate the fact that making an assumption about my sexuality based on my support for LGBTQ rights is as stupid as stupid can get.
It's a choice to be a homosexual.

so, tell the class how you could choose to be gay if you felt the inclination.................
No need to get your panties in a knot.....

I just wanted to know what it was in your case.

I know people that think it’s a choice......

I have always figured gays were born that way...
To your credit, you understand being gay is not a choice. However, that does not negate the fact that making an assumption about my sexuality based on my support for LGBTQ rights is as stupid as stupid can get.
It's a choice to be a homosexual.
How do you know that? Could you chose to be homosexual?
Yes! It's a choice! I knew a straight guy for years. He was a cop and had a wife and kids. He then chose to be gay and left his wife to join the degenerate lifestyle of homosexuality at the behest of Satan. Nevertheless we ridiculed him with impunity eventually forcing him out of the community. He moved to another town. With good detective work we located him and started harassing him and telling his employees of his deviant sexual behavior. We got him fired because his boss was a staunch Christian conservative. We will countinue our efforts to get him shunned by society.
And your so fucking proud of yourself!! There is something that is seriously demented about anyone who would do such a thing to another human being who has done nothing to them. Just fucking suck!

In addition, you are apparently to stupid to have a clue about the complexities of human sexuality. You don't know that some gay people feel compelled to live a lie and try to be straight-largely because of scum life you who would make their lives miserable. So they suffer in silence until they snap. Ans many people are bi-sexual and can move from one lifestyle to the other depending on life circumstances. That does not mean that their sexual orientation has changes. You are in serious need of an education and mental health intervention.
Living as a queer is the lie. You will not accept reality. Nothing more than that.
To your credit, you understand being gay is not a choice. However, that does not negate the fact that making an assumption about my sexuality based on my support for LGBTQ rights is as stupid as stupid can get.
It's a choice to be a homosexual.
How do you know that? Could you chose to be homosexual?
Yes! It's a choice! I knew a straight guy for years. He was a cop and had a wife and kids. He then chose to be gay and left his wife to join the degenerate lifestyle of homosexuality at the behest of Satan. Nevertheless we ridiculed him with impunity eventually forcing him out of the community. He moved to another town. With good detective work we located him and started harassing him and telling his employees of his deviant sexual behavior. We got him fired because his boss was a staunch Christian conservative. We will countinue our efforts to get him shunned by society.
And your so fucking proud of yourself!! There is something that is seriously demented about anyone who would do such a thing to another human being who has done nothing to them. Just fucking suck!

In addition, you are apparently to stupid to have a clue about the complexities of human sexuality. You don't know that some gay people feel compelled to live a lie and try to be straight-largely because of scum life you who would make their lives miserable. So they suffer in silence until they snap. Ans many people are bi-sexual and can move from one lifestyle to the other depending on life circumstances. That does not mean that their sexual orientation has changes. You are in serious need of an education and mental health intervention.
Living as a queer is the lie. You will not accept reality. Nothing more than that.
It's a choice to be a homosexual.
How do you know that? Could you chose to be homosexual?
Yes! It's a choice! I knew a straight guy for years. He was a cop and had a wife and kids. He then chose to be gay and left his wife to join the degenerate lifestyle of homosexuality at the behest of Satan. Nevertheless we ridiculed him with impunity eventually forcing him out of the community. He moved to another town. With good detective work we located him and started harassing him and telling his employees of his deviant sexual behavior. We got him fired because his boss was a staunch Christian conservative. We will countinue our efforts to get him shunned by society.
And your so fucking proud of yourself!! There is something that is seriously demented about anyone who would do such a thing to another human being who has done nothing to them. Just fucking suck!

In addition, you are apparently to stupid to have a clue about the complexities of human sexuality. You don't know that some gay people feel compelled to live a lie and try to be straight-largely because of scum life you who would make their lives miserable. So they suffer in silence until they snap. Ans many people are bi-sexual and can move from one lifestyle to the other depending on life circumstances. That does not mean that their sexual orientation has changes. You are in serious need of an education and mental health intervention.
Living as a queer is the lie. You will not accept reality. Nothing more than that.
The demons cry when the truth is presented
politicians ought to be MORAL. or they are not the moral leaders.
Buttigieg is a politician whose MORAL. & his supporters are the moral leaders who are standing on the moral compass of God!
Like I said.

Don't vote for the gay guy.

Vote instead for the totally depraved fuckwit adulterer, thief, liar, and cheat. Porn stars, payoffs, robbing elderly people, casinos, sucking off KGB thugs..

Yeah. Let's drag the Christian brand right down into the filth with Trump.
First of all I don't relate to the concept of sin. It is a fake concept invented by men to shame and control others.

Secondly , you have wholly avoided the point that I made to counter your false equivalency logical fallacy comparing Mayor Pete to an adulterer and groper .

And to say that Pete is single handedly redefining Christianity is just plain stupid. Christianity has been redefined many times over since it's inception, and many denominations accept homosexuality.
Of course many denominations accept sin. Scripture is very clear on that reality. Jesus told us about false prophets and false churches. Scripture warns us repeatedly about the false brethren and to stay clear of them. You seem to have this crazy notion that just because people accept sin that God also accepts it. Good luck.
The only scripture that I pay attention to is the Constitution of the United States of America. The rest is, well ….unfiltered BS. Save you preaching for the mentally defectives who believe that tripe.
I bet you find Buttigieg attractive, don't you? Also why did he choose to be a homosexual disciple of Satan and reject the Bible?
Buttigieg is christian. Are you? Really?
He says he's a Christian. The Bible says he's not.
More christian sharia talk
Living as a queer is the lie. You will not accept reality. Nothing more than that.
What, idiot? Who the fuck are you?
I'm your daddy. I should have masturbated.
Youre a fuckin moron is what you are. Just because you are struggling with your desires to have a dick up your butt doesn't mean he is. Mind your business, queerboy.
I am minding my business. This is my business.
trump isn't a man of God nor does he claim to be

you're 1/2 right

but he's claims to 'have done more for christians' than anybody else.... ever. & of course, sarah honey boo boo - who's daddy is a 'preacher' has even said that god sent donny here to be prez.

I'm not convinced Trump isn't president by Providence for some unknown reason. Most likely because of His policy towards israel.

His statements about doing more for Christianity is absurd and false.

Who cares what Mike Huckabee says?

god wouldn't design such a creature because he's israel friendly to the detriment of everything & everybody else.
The only reason CRCs are pro-Israel is that they are hoping to kick start their believed End Times.
What an ignorant post.
You're not fooling the Jewish people, you know.
Of course many denominations accept sin. Scripture is very clear on that reality. Jesus told us about false prophets and false churches. Scripture warns us repeatedly about the false brethren and to stay clear of them. You seem to have this crazy notion that just because people accept sin that God also accepts it. Good luck.
The only scripture that I pay attention to is the Constitution of the United States of America. The rest is, well ….unfiltered BS. Save you preaching for the mentally defectives who believe that tripe.
I bet you find Buttigieg attractive, don't you? Also why did he choose to be a homosexual disciple of Satan and reject the Bible?
Buttigieg is christian. Are you? Really?
He says he's a Christian. The Bible says he's not.
More christian sharia talk
Blah, blah, blah, and says absolutely nothing.

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