A Man Of God Doing The Right Thing: Franklin Graham Blasts Buttigieg For Being Gay

No, we aren't. We're stating what the Bible says. If they want to take that personally, that's their lookout. If they want to get up in people's faces and say, "I'm gay, and you're evil if you don't think it's okay", then they have no one to blame but themselves if they then are told otherwise. And however much you want to claim innocent victimhood, it is a stone fact that WE are not the ones starting the fight.

Yes you do, every time you seek out a Christian baker and force them to make a cake.

I've been in the restaraunt business in one way or another my whole life and I know perfectly well there are plenty of gay bakers those "loving" couples could frequent, and probably do to help the cause, but still go get thier "Christian cake" for the wedding, the one full of spite, and dont tell me it doesn't happen.

They seek them out because they have judged them to be guilty of homphobia and they stick a government sanctioned finger in thier eye as they exact payback and revenge with the forced baking of a cake.

Yes you do, yes you do.

Hey, ass kitten. Maybe you could read the post and find out who you're talking to and what position they're taking before you run off half-cocked and no-brained and start tearing into them for the complete opposite. I'M seeking out Christian bakers to force them to make a cake? I am? That's what you got from my post, you illiterate cousin-dating mouthbreather?

Way to make a giant frigging fool out of yourself publicly. Would be really embarrassing, if you had two functioning brain cells in the same area of your empty skull to kick up a spark.

Do better, Gomer.

Lol, you are a better Christian, please point out where Jesus ever addresses anyone as an “ass kitten”. And the last part about making a fool out of them selves publicly, where did Jesus y’all to anyone like that? Typical fake Christian who wares the religion on the lapel.
Read Matthew 23. Jesus tore into the Jewish religious leaders with name calling far worse than "ass kitten".

You need to read about righteous anger and get back to me.
Go to hell.
Yes you do, every time you seek out a Christian baker and force them to make a cake.

I've been in the restaraunt business in one way or another my whole life and I know perfectly well there are plenty of gay bakers those "loving" couples could frequent, and probably do to help the cause, but still go get thier "Christian cake" for the wedding, the one full of spite, and dont tell me it doesn't happen.

They seek them out because they have judged them to be guilty of homphobia and they stick a government sanctioned finger in thier eye as they exact payback and revenge with the forced baking of a cake.

Yes you do, yes you do.

Hey, ass kitten. Maybe you could read the post and find out who you're talking to and what position they're taking before you run off half-cocked and no-brained and start tearing into them for the complete opposite. I'M seeking out Christian bakers to force them to make a cake? I am? That's what you got from my post, you illiterate cousin-dating mouthbreather?

Way to make a giant frigging fool out of yourself publicly. Would be really embarrassing, if you had two functioning brain cells in the same area of your empty skull to kick up a spark.

Do better, Gomer.

Lol, you are a better Christian, please point out where Jesus ever addresses anyone as an “ass kitten”. And the last part about making a fool out of them selves publicly, where did Jesus y’all to anyone like that? Typical fake Christian who wares the religion on the lapel.
Read Matthew 23. Jesus tore into the Jewish religious leaders with name calling far worse than "ass kitten".

You need to read about righteous anger and get back to me.
Go to hell.

Lol, thank you!
The Bible makes it clear that Christians know homosexuality is wrong. Christians shouldn't judge or condemn them that is God's job.
And that has what, exactly, to do with my question? Are you as idiotic as MAGA boy who has decided what my sexuality is based on my politics? Poor little boy! You loose!

A serious question.....

Were you born the way you are or was it a choice?
What the fuck are you talking about ? Born what way. Are you really that stupid?

No need to get your panties in a knot.....

I just wanted to know what it was in your case.

I know people that think it’s a choice......

I have always figured gays were born that way...
To your credit, you understand being gay is not a choice. However, that does not negate the fact that making an assumption about my sexuality based on my support for LGBTQ rights is as stupid as stupid can get.

I thinking I had heard you say you were, I knew it somehow.....
We all know that heterosexual men are repulsed by gay guys...

While at the same time lesbians have a different effect.

you do bring up a good point, just about every porn flick ever made for guys has woman one woman sex...for a reason

Try as we might, we can't fight nature...……......

you used the word 'normal' though as if it's not, then use the word 'nature' when it comes to your voyeurism... but fail to recognize that homosexuality is found in 'nature'

Hey Dick brain...

You Tards always try to twist the truth to fit your needs...

Look up Normal in the dictionary Dumb Ass...

It means conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.

Homosexuality in the animal kingdom is a rarity.

It’s so easy to make Fools of you Dumb Ass Tards….

The matter of what is normal can't be and must not be a mere statistical nicety. It can't be and must not be "normal" to be a Christian just because 95% of your community is Christian. It can't be and must not be "normal" to be attracted to someone of the opposite sex just because 90% of the general population is heterosexual. It can't be and must not be "normal" to own slaves just because all the landowners in your state own slaves. "Normal" can't mean and must not mean "what we see all the time" or "what we see the most of." It must have a different meaning from that for it to mean anything of value to right-thinking people.

What Do We Mean by 'Normal'?


You got your ass kicked...

Just deal with it Tard...:fu:
The Tards already serve satan…......….




mic drop.................

You are such a Dip Shit....

Plain to see.

ooOOOoo , now that hurt. no, really... you cut me deep. :heehee:

I am sure you are used to being called a dip shit...…...

You're a Tard....
The Bible makes it clear that Christians know homosexuality is wrong. Christians shouldn't judge or condemn them that is God's job.
And that has what, exactly, to do with my question? Are you as idiotic as MAGA boy who has decided what my sexuality is based on my politics? Poor little boy! You loose!

A serious question.....

Were you born the way you are or was it a choice?
What the fuck are you talking about ? Born what way. Are you really that stupid?

No need to get your panties in a knot.....

I just wanted to know what it was in your case.

I know people that think it’s a choice......

I have always figured gays were born that way...
To your credit, you understand being gay is not a choice. However, that does not negate the fact that making an assumption about my sexuality based on my support for LGBTQ rights is as stupid as stupid can get.
A friend of mine was in a relationship with another girl for years...
She was overweight and had very low self esteem

She started working out and losing weight
The more weight she lost, the better she felt about herself

Long story short...
She ended the relationship and asked her ex to move out.

She recently got married...to a guy
And that has what, exactly, to do with my question? Are you as idiotic as MAGA boy who has decided what my sexuality is based on my politics? Poor little boy! You loose!

A serious question.....

Were you born the way you are or was it a choice?
What the fuck are you talking about ? Born what way. Are you really that stupid?

No need to get your panties in a knot.....

I just wanted to know what it was in your case.

I know people that think it’s a choice......

I have always figured gays were born that way...
To your credit, you understand being gay is not a choice. However, that does not negate the fact that making an assumption about my sexuality based on my support for LGBTQ rights is as stupid as stupid can get.
A friend of mine was in a relationship with another girl for years...
She was overweight and had very low self esteem

She started working out and losing weight
The more weight she lost, the better she felt about herself

Long story short...
She ended the relationship and asked her ex to move out.

She recently got married...to a guy
And your point regarding our assumption about me is what …..exactly?
A serious question.....

Were you born the way you are or was it a choice?
What the fuck are you talking about ? Born what way. Are you really that stupid?

No need to get your panties in a knot.....

I just wanted to know what it was in your case.

I know people that think it’s a choice......

I have always figured gays were born that way...
To your credit, you understand being gay is not a choice. However, that does not negate the fact that making an assumption about my sexuality based on my support for LGBTQ rights is as stupid as stupid can get.
A friend of mine was in a relationship with another girl for years...
She was overweight and had very low self esteem

She started working out and losing weight
The more weight she lost, the better she felt about herself

Long story short...
She ended the relationship and asked her ex to move out.

She recently got married...to a guy
And your point regarding our assumption about me is what …..exactly?
Umm, exactly nothing.

You stated that being gay was not a choice.
My friend chose to be in a lesbian relationship

Regarding you're sexual preference...
straight, gay, bi...whatever, I have to assume,
whatever you say it is, is the truth
What the fuck are you talking about ? Born what way. Are you really that stupid?

No need to get your panties in a knot.....

I just wanted to know what it was in your case.

I know people that think it’s a choice......

I have always figured gays were born that way...
To your credit, you understand being gay is not a choice. However, that does not negate the fact that making an assumption about my sexuality based on my support for LGBTQ rights is as stupid as stupid can get.
A friend of mine was in a relationship with another girl for years...
She was overweight and had very low self esteem

She started working out and losing weight
The more weight she lost, the better she felt about herself

Long story short...
She ended the relationship and asked her ex to move out.

She recently got married...to a guy
And your point regarding our assumption about me is what …..exactly?
Umm, exactly nothing.

You stated that being gay was not a choice.
My friend chose to be in a lesbian relationship

Regarding you're sexual preference...
straight, gay, bi...whatever, I have to assume,
whatever you say it is, is the truth
Your friend is bisexual...duh. You can't choose to be attracted to someone.
I miss-read this, thought it read "Pope said bullfighting is gay", my bad. Opps. Kill all the bulls ya want to, I guess.
No need to get your panties in a knot.....

I just wanted to know what it was in your case.

I know people that think it’s a choice......

I have always figured gays were born that way...
To your credit, you understand being gay is not a choice. However, that does not negate the fact that making an assumption about my sexuality based on my support for LGBTQ rights is as stupid as stupid can get.
A friend of mine was in a relationship with another girl for years...
She was overweight and had very low self esteem

She started working out and losing weight
The more weight she lost, the better she felt about herself

Long story short...
She ended the relationship and asked her ex to move out.

She recently got married...to a guy
And your point regarding our assumption about me is what …..exactly?
Umm, exactly nothing.

You stated that being gay was not a choice.
My friend chose to be in a lesbian relationship

Regarding you're sexual preference...
straight, gay, bi...whatever, I have to assume,
whatever you say it is, is the truth
Your friend is bisexual...duh. You can't choose to be attracted to someone.
Okay, I'll let her know
The Bible makes it clear that Christians know homosexuality is wrong. Christians shouldn't judge or condemn them that is God's job.
And that has what, exactly, to do with my question? Are you as idiotic as MAGA boy who has decided what my sexuality is based on my politics? Poor little boy! You loose!

A serious question.....

Were you born the way you are or was it a choice?
What the fuck are you talking about ? Born what way. Are you really that stupid?

No need to get your panties in a knot.....

I just wanted to know what it was in your case.

I know people that think it’s a choice......

I have always figured gays were born that way...
To your credit, you understand being gay is not a choice. However, that does not negate the fact that making an assumption about my sexuality based on my support for LGBTQ rights is as stupid as stupid can get.
It's a choice to be a homosexual.
And that has what, exactly, to do with my question? Are you as idiotic as MAGA boy who has decided what my sexuality is based on my politics? Poor little boy! You loose!

A serious question.....

Were you born the way you are or was it a choice?
What the fuck are you talking about ? Born what way. Are you really that stupid?

No need to get your panties in a knot.....

I just wanted to know what it was in your case.

I know people that think it’s a choice......

I have always figured gays were born that way...
To your credit, you understand being gay is not a choice. However, that does not negate the fact that making an assumption about my sexuality based on my support for LGBTQ rights is as stupid as stupid can get.
It's a choice to be a homosexual.
How do you know that? Could you chose to be homosexual?
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay
Marry and divorce as many times as you wish, but for God's sake don't bake a cake for homos! That will destroy the institution of marriage!

These tards are literally blind to their own raging hypocrisy.

No. That's not true. Divorce should be avoided as much as humanly possible.

Regardless, the problem isn't so much that "he's gay", as him saying "I'm gay, and G-d approves of it". That's where I have an issue. He's lying, and evil for saying that. G-d does not approve. He's wants to be gay, fine. But don't try and tell G-d what he approves of, when clearly over and over the Bible says otherwise.
A serious question.....

Were you born the way you are or was it a choice?
What the fuck are you talking about ? Born what way. Are you really that stupid?

No need to get your panties in a knot.....

I just wanted to know what it was in your case.

I know people that think it’s a choice......

I have always figured gays were born that way...
To your credit, you understand being gay is not a choice. However, that does not negate the fact that making an assumption about my sexuality based on my support for LGBTQ rights is as stupid as stupid can get.
It's a choice to be a homosexual.
How do you know that? Could you chose to be homosexual?
Yes! It's a choice! I knew a straight guy for years. He was a cop and had a wife and kids. He then chose to be gay and left his wife to join the degenerate lifestyle of homosexuality at the behest of Satan. Nevertheless we ridiculed him with impunity eventually forcing him out of the community. He moved to another town. With good detective work we located him and started harassing him and telling his employees of his deviant sexual behavior. We got him fired because his boss was a staunch Christian conservative. We will countinue our efforts to get him shunned by society.

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