A Man Of God Doing The Right Thing: Franklin Graham Blasts Buttigieg For Being Gay

you're 1/2 right

but he's claims to 'have done more for christians' than anybody else.... ever. & of course, sarah honey boo boo - who's daddy is a 'preacher' has even said that god sent donny here to be prez.

I'm not convinced Trump isn't president by Providence for some unknown reason. Most likely because of His policy towards israel.

His statements about doing more for Christianity is absurd and false.

Who cares what Mike Huckabee says?

god wouldn't design such a creature because he's israel friendly to the detriment of everything & everybody else.
The only reason CRCs are pro-Israel is that they are hoping to kick start their believed End Times.
What an ignorant post.
You're not fooling the Jewish people, you know.
That's good, not trying to fool anyone.
Living as a queer is the lie. You will not accept reality. Nothing more than that.
What, idiot? Who the fuck are you?
I'm your daddy. I should have masturbated.
Youre a fuckin moron is what you are. Just because you are struggling with your desires to have a dick up your butt doesn't mean he is. Mind your business, queerboy.
I am minding my business. This is my business.
Not unless youre offering to be his sex buddy...nope, it sure isnt. So worry about your own retarded mind before presuming to know those of others...
Living as a queer is the lie. You will not accept reality. Nothing more than that.
What, idiot? Who the fuck are you?
I'm your daddy. I should have masturbated.
Youre a fuckin moron is what you are. Just because you are struggling with your desires to have a dick up your butt doesn't mean he is. Mind your business, queerboy.
I am minding my business. This is my business.
Not unless youre offering to be his sex buddy...nope, it sure isnt. So worry about your own retarded mind before presuming to know those of others...
My business here is commenting on topics. If you don't like it, suck it till you do.
What, idiot? Who the fuck are you?
I'm your daddy. I should have masturbated.
Youre a fuckin moron is what you are. Just because you are struggling with your desires to have a dick up your butt doesn't mean he is. Mind your business, queerboy.
I am minding my business. This is my business.
Not unless youre offering to be his sex buddy...nope, it sure isnt. So worry about your own retarded mind before presuming to know those of others...
My business here is commenting on topics. If you don't like it, suck it till you do.
So..you are a paid poster.
I'm your daddy. I should have masturbated.
Youre a fuckin moron is what you are. Just because you are struggling with your desires to have a dick up your butt doesn't mean he is. Mind your business, queerboy.
I am minding my business. This is my business.
Not unless youre offering to be his sex buddy...nope, it sure isnt. So worry about your own retarded mind before presuming to know those of others...
My business here is commenting on topics. If you don't like it, suck it till you do.
So..you are a paid poster.
Yep, and I do very well.
Youre a fuckin moron is what you are. Just because you are struggling with your desires to have a dick up your butt doesn't mean he is. Mind your business, queerboy.
I am minding my business. This is my business.
Not unless youre offering to be his sex buddy...nope, it sure isnt. So worry about your own retarded mind before presuming to know those of others...
My business here is commenting on topics. If you don't like it, suck it till you do.
So..you are a paid poster.
Yep, and I do very well.
Youre a fuckin moron is what you are. Just because you are struggling with your desires to have a dick up your butt doesn't mean he is. Mind your business, queerboy.
I am minding my business. This is my business.
Not unless youre offering to be his sex buddy...nope, it sure isnt. So worry about your own retarded mind before presuming to know those of others...
My business here is commenting on topics. If you don't like it, suck it till you do.
So..you are a paid poster.
Yep, and I do very well.

Sounds like good work if you can get it....who pays yout?
I am minding my business. This is my business.
Not unless youre offering to be his sex buddy...nope, it sure isnt. So worry about your own retarded mind before presuming to know those of others...
My business here is commenting on topics. If you don't like it, suck it till you do.
So..you are a paid poster.
Yep, and I do very well.

Sounds like good work if you can get it....who pays yout?
The Russians, silly.
Not unless youre offering to be his sex buddy...nope, it sure isnt. So worry about your own retarded mind before presuming to know those of others...
My business here is commenting on topics. If you don't like it, suck it till you do.
So..you are a paid poster.
Yep, and I do very well.

Sounds like good work if you can get it....who pays yout?
The Russians, silly.

where can i get a application?
I don't think that Franklin Graham is any kind of person to be weighing on anyone's character. His father was a man of God. The son is just another political opportunist.

There is supposed to be a separation of Church and State. Our faith leaders are supposed to be concerned with our immortal souls and not being politically involved. This is why Jesus opposed the hierarchy of the Jewish faith. Preachers should not be involved in politics. It's what destroyed the morality of the Catholic Church and it's done the same with the evangelicals.

You cannot care for the soul of the nation and vote for a man of such low moral character as Donald Trump.
them thar evangelisticals are notoriously known for being gay or kinky hooker humping or meth heads behind the ..............
Mocking and telling lies about people of God will lead you to the depths of hell to serve Satan.
What a joke yet let those without sin cast the first stone..
Yeah cause Jesus never pointed out to sinners fact that that's what they were.

He pointed out religious leaders who worked hard in glove with Caesar’s men to maintain their power instead of dealing with their parishioners’ spiritual lives.
My business here is commenting on topics. If you don't like it, suck it till you do.
So..you are a paid poster.
Yep, and I do very well.

Sounds like good work if you can get it....who pays yout?
The Russians, silly.

where can i get a application?
At the Lesbian Dwarfs for Trump campaign headquarters.
I don't think that Franklin Graham is any kind of person to be weighing on anyone's character. His father was a man of God. The son is just another political opportunist.

There is supposed to be a separation of Church and State. Our faith leaders are supposed to be concerned with our immortal souls and not being politically involved. This is why Jesus opposed the hierarchy of the Jewish faith. Preachers should not be involved in politics. It's what destroyed the morality of the Catholic Church and it's done the same with the evangelicals.

You cannot care for the soul of the nation and vote for a man of such low moral character as Donald Trump.
them thar evangelisticals are notoriously known for being gay or kinky hooker humping or meth heads behind the ..............
Mocking and telling lies about people of God will lead you to the depths of hell to serve Satan.
What a joke yet let those without sin cast the first stone..
Yeah cause Jesus never pointed out to sinners fact that that's what they were.

He pointed out religious leaders who worked hard in glove with Caesar’s men to maintain their power instead of dealing with their parishioners’ spiritual lives.

Trump is no homoe and abstains from alcohol and drugs....how many drunkards, dope addicts and hoemoes do we have in congress? Many undoubtedly.
A lot of people think they are Napoleon too, but we don’t give them 5 Divisions of French troops and a map of Russia.
I don't think that Franklin Graham is any kind of person to be weighing on anyone's character. His father was a man of God. The son is just another political opportunist.

There is supposed to be a separation of Church and State. Our faith leaders are supposed to be concerned with our immortal souls and not being politically involved. This is why Jesus opposed the hierarchy of the Jewish faith. Preachers should not be involved in politics. It's what destroyed the morality of the Catholic Church and it's done the same with the evangelicals.

You cannot care for the soul of the nation and vote for a man of such low moral character as Donald Trump.
them thar evangelisticals are notoriously known for being gay or kinky hooker humping or meth heads behind the ..............
Mocking and telling lies about people of God will lead you to the depths of hell to serve Satan.
What a joke yet let those without sin cast the first stone..
Yeah cause Jesus never pointed out to sinners fact that that's what they were.

He pointed out religious leaders who worked hard in glove with Caesar’s men to maintain their power instead of dealing with their parishioners’ spiritual lives.

What in the fuck are you even babbling about? This makes less sense than your posts usually do, and I didn't even think that was possible without violating the laws of physics.

First of all, you pompously announce that YOU don't think Franklin Graham is worthy to speak to character, THEN you turn around and denigrate HIS character. Would you mind explaining by what standard you have decided that YOU are worthy to judge and condemn the character of others, let alone more worthy than Reverend Graham? Can you say "hypocrite"? (Rhetorical. I'm aware that has too many syllables for you.)

Moving on, what the hell does "separation of church and state" - which phrase doesn't actually appear in ANY document having force of law, FYI - have to do with ANYTHING in this discussion? And who is this "we" you speak of, you meddling foreign twat? You don't live in this country, you have no dog in this fight, and you're cordially invited to stop trying to deal yourself into it.

Furthermore, maybe YOU like your "faith leaders" - whatever the hell THAT'S supposed to be - to sit around ineffectually blathering about who-knows-what while carefully avoiding touching on any topics that might involve real life, because you think religion is supposed to be some feel-good warm fuzzy; SERIOUS Christians want their religion to actually inform how they live their lives.

Jesus opposed the religious leaders of His day for a number of reasons, but demanding that they keep religious belief abstract and unrelated to life decisions wasn't one of them.

Finally, you finish out this incoherent rant with "All that really matters is TRRRRRUUUUUUMMMPPP!!!! There can be no morality except hating TTTTRRRRUUUUMMMMPP!!!" I'm actually a little impressed. I didn't think I could view you as any more ignorant, demented, amoral, and utterly worthless to the human race than I did . . . but I now stand corrected.
I don't think that Franklin Graham is any kind of person to be weighing on anyone's character. His father was a man of God. The son is just another political opportunist.

There is supposed to be a separation of Church and State. Our faith leaders are supposed to be concerned with our immortal souls and not being politically involved. This is why Jesus opposed the hierarchy of the Jewish faith. Preachers should not be involved in politics. It's what destroyed the morality of the Catholic Church and it's done the same with the evangelicals.

You cannot care for the soul of the nation and vote for a man of such low moral character as Donald Trump.
them thar evangelisticals are notoriously known for being gay or kinky hooker humping or meth heads behind the ..............
Mocking and telling lies about people of God will lead you to the depths of hell to serve Satan.
What a joke yet let those without sin cast the first stone..
Yeah cause Jesus never pointed out to sinners fact that that's what they were.

He pointed out religious leaders who worked hard in glove with Caesar’s men to maintain their power instead of dealing with their parishioners’ spiritual lives.

Trump is no homoe and abstains from alcohol and drugs....how many drunkards, dope addicts and hoemoes do we have in congress? Many undoubtedly.

Trump lies, cheats and steals. He admits to sexually assaulting women he finds attractive, and has lied over 10,000 times. He made money filing for bankruptcy, and has treated other people badly all of his life, just because he could. I find his treatment of his suppliers to be heinous.
I don't think that Franklin Graham is any kind of person to be weighing on anyone's character. His father was a man of God. The son is just another political opportunist.

There is supposed to be a separation of Church and State. Our faith leaders are supposed to be concerned with our immortal souls and not being politically involved. This is why Jesus opposed the hierarchy of the Jewish faith. Preachers should not be involved in politics. It's what destroyed the morality of the Catholic Church and it's done the same with the evangelicals.

You cannot care for the soul of the nation and vote for a man of such low moral character as Donald Trump.
them thar evangelisticals are notoriously known for being gay or kinky hooker humping or meth heads behind the ..............
Mocking and telling lies about people of God will lead you to the depths of hell to serve Satan.
What a joke yet let those without sin cast the first stone..
Yeah cause Jesus never pointed out to sinners fact that that's what they were.

He pointed out religious leaders who worked hard in glove with Caesar’s men to maintain their power instead of dealing with their parishioners’ spiritual lives.

Trump is no homoe and abstains from alcohol and drugs....how many drunkards, dope addicts and hoemoes do we have in congress? Many undoubtedly.

You mean the conman and sexual molester? The adulterer? The one who has lived his life drowning in sexual promiscuity? Why is not being LGBT of such utmost importance, when we have cheap and immoral trash like the orange whore and pigpence (who purportedly bangs this "karen"), in charge of the executive branch of the federal government?
I don't think that Franklin Graham is any kind of person to be weighing on anyone's character. His father was a man of God. The son is just another political opportunist.

There is supposed to be a separation of Church and State. Our faith leaders are supposed to be concerned with our immortal souls and not being politically involved. This is why Jesus opposed the hierarchy of the Jewish faith. Preachers should not be involved in politics. It's what destroyed the morality of the Catholic Church and it's done the same with the evangelicals.

You cannot care for the soul of the nation and vote for a man of such low moral character as Donald Trump.
Mocking and telling lies about people of God will lead you to the depths of hell to serve Satan.
What a joke yet let those without sin cast the first stone..
Yeah cause Jesus never pointed out to sinners fact that that's what they were.

He pointed out religious leaders who worked hard in glove with Caesar’s men to maintain their power instead of dealing with their parishioners’ spiritual lives.

Trump is no homoe and abstains from alcohol and drugs....how many drunkards, dope addicts and hoemoes do we have in congress? Many undoubtedly.

Trump lies, cheats and steals. He admits to sexually assaulting women he finds attractive, and has lied over 10,000 times. He made money filing for bankruptcy, and has treated other people badly all of his life, just because he could. I find his treatment of his suppliers to be heinous.

I don't think that Franklin Graham is any kind of person to be weighing on anyone's character. His father was a man of God. The son is just another political opportunist.

There is supposed to be a separation of Church and State. Our faith leaders are supposed to be concerned with our immortal souls and not being politically involved. This is why Jesus opposed the hierarchy of the Jewish faith. Preachers should not be involved in politics. It's what destroyed the morality of the Catholic Church and it's done the same with the evangelicals.

You cannot care for the soul of the nation and vote for a man of such low moral character as Donald Trump.
Mocking and telling lies about people of God will lead you to the depths of hell to serve Satan.
What a joke yet let those without sin cast the first stone..
Yeah cause Jesus never pointed out to sinners fact that that's what they were.

He pointed out religious leaders who worked hard in glove with Caesar’s men to maintain their power instead of dealing with their parishioners’ spiritual lives.

Trump is no homoe and abstains from alcohol and drugs....how many drunkards, dope addicts and hoemoes do we have in congress? Many undoubtedly.

Trump lies, cheats and steals. He admits to sexually assaulting women he finds attractive, and has lied over 10,000 times. He made money filing for bankruptcy, and has treated other people badly all of his life, just because he could. I find his treatment of his suppliers to be heinous.[/QUOTE

The Psalms

A Cry for Vengeance
To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.

1 Hold not thy peace, O God of my praise;
2 for the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful are opened against me:

they have spoken against me with a lying tongue.
3 They compassed me about also with words of hatred;

and fought against me without a cause.
4 For my love they are my adversaries:

but I give myself unto prayer.
5 And they have rewarded me evil for good,

and hatred for my love.
6 Set thou a wicked man over him:

and let Satan stand at his right hand.
7 When he shall be judged, let him be condemned:

and let his prayer become sin.
8 Let his days be few;

and let another take his office. Acts 1.20
9 Let his children be fatherless,

and his wife a widow.
10 Let his children be continually vagabonds, and beg:

let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places.
11 Let the extortioner catch all that he hath;

and let the strangers spoil his labor.
12 Let there be none to extend mercy unto him:

neither let there be any to favor his fatherless children.
13 Let his posterity be cut off;

and in the generation following let their name be blotted out.
14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with the LORD;

and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out.
15 Let them be before the LORD continually,

that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth.
16 Because that he remembered not to show mercy,

but persecuted the poor and needy man,
that he might even slay the broken in heart.
17 As he loved cursing,

so let it come unto him:
as he delighted not in blessing,
so let it be far from him.
18 As he clothed himself with cursing like as with his garment,

so let it come into his bowels like water,
and like oil into his bones.
19 Let it be unto him as the garment which covereth him,

and for a girdle wherewith he is girded continually.
20 Let this be the reward of mine adversaries from the LORD,

and of them that speak evil against my soul.
21 But do thou for me, O GOD the Lord, for thy name's sake:

because thy mercy is good, deliver thou me.
22 For I am poor and needy,

and my heart is wounded within me.
23 I am gone like the shadow when it declineth:

I am tossed up and down as the locust.
24 My knees are weak through fasting;

and my flesh faileth of fatness.
25 I became also a reproach unto them:

when they looked upon me they shook their heads. Mt. 27.39 · Mk. 15.29
26 Help me, O LORD my God:

O save me according to thy mercy:
27 that they may know that this is thy hand;

that thou, LORD, hast done it.
28 Let them curse, but bless thou:

when they arise, let them be ashamed;
but let thy servant rejoice.
29 Let mine adversaries be clothed with shame;

and let them cover themselves with their own confusion, as with a mantle.
30 I will greatly praise the LORD with my mouth;

yea, I will praise him among the multitude.
31 For he shall stand at the right hand of the poor,

to save him from those that condemn his soul.

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