A Man Of God Doing The Right Thing: Franklin Graham Blasts Buttigieg For Being Gay

What denomination/sect would ordain a trashy shit-for-brains bullying fraud like your frankie? BTW: you have no idea what my beliefs are, although you pretend to.

Try to grow up, please. You can't remain an ignorant child forever.

How is life as an ultra-Orthodox Jew, you who take everything in the bible literally?

1) You have the Internet, same as I do, Lice, and I'm not your research assistant.

2) All your bile and impotent venom isn't going to make your opinions any more meaningful to anyone outside your own head; nor is it going to change the fact that you're still an exponentially larger piece of organic debris than anyone you target.

3) BTW, I have all the ideas about your beliefs expressed in your fucking posts, Mensa Girl. Maybe YOU are too fucking stupid to figure out what someone believes from THEIR OWN FRIGGING WORDS TELLING YOU, but you're also too stupid to figure out how to wipe your own ass without a diagram and instructions from Houston Control. I personally am capable of reading and comprehending words, so . . .

4) Try to evolve, please. You can't remain a lower life form forever.

Well, actually, you probably have no other choice. But try.

5) How is life as a deluded bigot who spews hatred at people and somehow still thinks they're going to respect her?

I am not in a cult that follows frankie graham and cherry picks from the Old Testament and the new. You are the one who follows Leviticus and Deuteronomy, only sometimes. I would respect you if you were an ultra-Orthodox Jew. But you are not. You are a WTF?

Blah blah blah "I DO know more about religions I don't share, I DO I DO I DO!!!!"

There's literally no number of times you can be slapped in the face with the reality that YOUR OPINION DOESN'T MATTER TO ANYONE that's actually going to be able to get through that solid-rock skull, is there? You're just going to keep right on, telling yourself that THIS time, you're going to tell people that they don't have your approval and they're going to care.

You would respect me? As if I would take the respect of a virus like you even if you begged me. I'll let you know when you start to approach being good enough to have my permission to respect me, Lice. Hold your breath waiting to advance that far.

You should try taking your own advice. Especially the "YOUR OPINION DOESN'T MATTER TO ANYONE", part. You've nailed it. The opinion of far right of radical evangelical is of no consequence to mainstream Christians. If you assholes want to sit amongst yourselves and denigrate the sinners of the world, have at it.

There is much evidence in the Bible that your actions are NOT being driven by Christianity. Like welcoming strangers, caring for those who are "different" (The Good Samaratan), and not being fooled by false prophets and those who use religion for political purposes or financial gain (Jesus vs the religious leaders). I see none of this reflected in any of your political statements, and you keep trying to force your version of "morality" on the rest of us.

If you believe gay marriage is wrong, don't marry another woman. If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have an abortion. You are perfectly free to live as you deem is the true and proper way to live, but stop trying to legislate your hate, your biases, and worse, your racism, mysogyny and greed.

As a Christian, I find your stated beliefs odious, at best, and your constant attempts to inflict your fire and brimstone, judgemental and hated fuelled values on the rest of us is intolerable. Religion is the basis of your salvation, not your government.
The advancement of "buy and sell" denials and the increase persecution of Christians tells a different story. You can spout all you want.

There is no "increased persecution of Christians". That's a fable FOX News sells you along with their phony "War on Christmas". What we have is an increase to Americans unwillingness to allow people to use religion as an excuse for bias and discrimination in public accommodations. "It Biblical" was used as a basis for racial discrimination in the South as well.

The entire premise of bias and discrimination is the very antithesis of Christianity, and "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". I guess these Christians would like to be refused service and to have their baker judge them to be "sinners".
No one is trying to shut you people up. It is only with the rise of the political religious right that a bastardized view of religious freedom has emerged. It has come to mean that you get to impose your religious views on others. Being free to believe, worship, live and speak your mind whenever and wherever you wish is no longer enough. You might want to take a look at this:

Source: Religious freedom & the freedom to discriminate
There is no Gospel of Thomas in the Bible.
Really, I wouldn't know. If true it does not change to point that is being made
So if you don't know, then why are you posting something you're ignorant about? Duh!!
Take it up with the author of the piece. It's irrelevant to the point being made.
The author is a liar. There is no Gospel of Thomas in the Bible. If the author is a liar, your article is a lie. DUH!!
You're 100% correct that it is not in the KIng James Version of the Bible. There are early Christian writings attributed to the teachings of Jesus' Disciple Thomas found in some scrolls in recent centuries. They're part of other early writings found in books called the Apocrypha. Why they didn't make the cut might be because of some of the things that were said in them that were not in agreement with greater bodies of scholars. As for me, I do not know. I was taught from the KJV early in life, which is like music to my soul. If you want to know what the writings of Thomas were, or what the writer said Thomas taught, the sayings are here: Gospel of Thomas: The Scholar's Translation

Thomas didn't know exactly what to make of Jesus until he placed his fingers in the hole or depression in Christ's hand from his having been nailed to the Cross the days before he appeared to his disciples. That, I think, is the day Thomas caught on to who Christ really is, so I'm not surprised someone found a text written on scrolls attributed to Thomas or his teachings. Something about what I read in the link tells me the early church was more strongly radical than some of our churches today. I knew of the book, that's just my first impression when I read the page on Thomas. The church I go to has a focus on God's love for us.
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay
Even this racist **** went to Russia to kiss the ring.

Good for him!
1) You have the Internet, same as I do, Lice, and I'm not your research assistant.

2) All your bile and impotent venom isn't going to make your opinions any more meaningful to anyone outside your own head; nor is it going to change the fact that you're still an exponentially larger piece of organic debris than anyone you target.

3) BTW, I have all the ideas about your beliefs expressed in your fucking posts, Mensa Girl. Maybe YOU are too fucking stupid to figure out what someone believes from THEIR OWN FRIGGING WORDS TELLING YOU, but you're also too stupid to figure out how to wipe your own ass without a diagram and instructions from Houston Control. I personally am capable of reading and comprehending words, so . . .

4) Try to evolve, please. You can't remain a lower life form forever.

Well, actually, you probably have no other choice. But try.

5) How is life as a deluded bigot who spews hatred at people and somehow still thinks they're going to respect her?

I am not in a cult that follows frankie graham and cherry picks from the Old Testament and the new. You are the one who follows Leviticus and Deuteronomy, only sometimes. I would respect you if you were an ultra-Orthodox Jew. But you are not. You are a WTF?

Blah blah blah "I DO know more about religions I don't share, I DO I DO I DO!!!!"

There's literally no number of times you can be slapped in the face with the reality that YOUR OPINION DOESN'T MATTER TO ANYONE that's actually going to be able to get through that solid-rock skull, is there? You're just going to keep right on, telling yourself that THIS time, you're going to tell people that they don't have your approval and they're going to care.

You would respect me? As if I would take the respect of a virus like you even if you begged me. I'll let you know when you start to approach being good enough to have my permission to respect me, Lice. Hold your breath waiting to advance that far.

You should try taking your own advice. Especially the "YOUR OPINION DOESN'T MATTER TO ANYONE", part. You've nailed it. The opinion of far right of radical evangelical is of no consequence to mainstream Christians. If you assholes want to sit amongst yourselves and denigrate the sinners of the world, have at it.

There is much evidence in the Bible that your actions are NOT being driven by Christianity. Like welcoming strangers, caring for those who are "different" (The Good Samaratan), and not being fooled by false prophets and those who use religion for political purposes or financial gain (Jesus vs the religious leaders). I see none of this reflected in any of your political statements, and you keep trying to force your version of "morality" on the rest of us.

If you believe gay marriage is wrong, don't marry another woman. If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have an abortion. You are perfectly free to live as you deem is the true and proper way to live, but stop trying to legislate your hate, your biases, and worse, your racism, mysogyny and greed.

As a Christian, I find your stated beliefs odious, at best, and your constant attempts to inflict your fire and brimstone, judgemental and hated fuelled values on the rest of us is intolerable. Religion is the basis of your salvation, not your government.
The advancement of "buy and sell" denials and the increase persecution of Christians tells a different story. You can spout all you want.

There is no "increased persecution of Christians". That's a fable FOX News sells you along with their phony "War on Christmas". What we have is an increase to Americans unwillingness to allow people to use religion as an excuse for bias and discrimination in public accommodations. "It Biblical" was used as a basis for racial discrimination in the South as well.

The entire premise of bias and discrimination is the very antithesis of Christianity, and "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". I guess these Christians would like to be refused service and to have their baker judge them to be "sinners".

You know, I think that the Golden Rule got twisted up in translation. Why do I say this? Simple..............there are many things that I like having done to me, that others would not like done to them. Smoking marijuana for example. If someone offers to share with me, I never refuse. But, there are some people who would actually be offended if they were offered marijuana and would get all bent out of shape about it.

Personally? I think it should be more along the lines "DON'T do unto others, what you don't want done to you". Makes more sense to me that way, because there are many things I don't like being done to me, and because of that, I won't do them to others, because I know how hurtful some of those things are.
Some of the loudest voices for tolerance today have little tolerance for traditional Christian beliefs!
Some of the loudest voices for tolerance today have little tolerance for traditional Christian beliefs!
Are your referring to trying to tell others how they can live their lives is a traditional christian belief we should tolerate?
Personally? I think it should be more along the lines "DON'T do unto others, what you don't want done to you".
Of course. We must remember that ancient religion and thought were our first and worst attempts at ethics and morality.

Yep, because if everyone lived by the word of God this place would be a moral utopia...and that sucks for the twisted filth.
Personally? I think it should be more along the lines "DON'T do unto others, what you don't want done to you".
Of course. We must remember that ancient religion and thought were our first and worst attempts at ethics and morality.

Yep, because if everyone lived by the word of God this place would be a moral utopia...and that sucks for the twisted filth.
No it wouldn't, it would be a dark ages hellhole, dominated by ignorant fucks.
Personally? I think it should be more along the lines "DON'T do unto others, what you don't want done to you".
Of course. We must remember that ancient religion and thought were our first and worst attempts at ethics and morality.

Yep, because if everyone lived by the word of God this place would be a moral utopia...and that sucks for the twisted filth.
No it wouldn't, it would be a dark ages hellhole, dominated by ignorant fucks.

Like I said...you filthy fucks would hate a like minded, 100% moral, law abiding society...that’s everything you disgusting lowlifes hate.
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Some of the loudest voices for tolerance today have little tolerance for traditional Christian beliefs!
I vehemently disagree! I am a recovered ( Not recovering, but fully recovered Catholic) I learned enough about traditional Christian beliefs - such as do unto others, charity, forgiveness, feeding the hungry, healing the sick and so forth, to be able to say that I do indeed support traditional Christian beliefs. In fact, I sometimes refer to myself as a philosophical Christian. What I am intolerant of is the intolerance of some-not all, but some people who call themselves Christians, but who are an abysmal failure at living as Christ would want them to.

Mostly, I'm intolerant of those so called Christians who practice discrimination under the banner of religious freedom. And I am intolerant of those who are not content to simply live their faith in peace and freedom as the Constitution demands but want to tell others how they should live

If the Church had stuck to traditional teachings they might not have lost me, but by the time that I became an adult, the bullshit, fear and hate was too much for me, and turned me off to any sort of organized religion because, for the most part, it is all man made horseshit intended to control others with fear and guilt. So before you say anymore dumb shit like this, you really need to give some thought.
Personally? I think it should be more along the lines "DON'T do unto others, what you don't want done to you".
Of course. We must remember that ancient religion and thought were our first and worst attempts at ethics and morality.

Yep, because if everyone lived by the word of God this place would be a moral utopia...and that sucks for the twisted filth.
No it wouldn't, it would be a dark ages hellhole, dominated by ignorant fucks.

Like I said...you filthy fucks would hate a like minded, 100% moral, law abiding society...that’s everything you disgusting lowlifes hate.
By who's laws ? By what standard of morality? Maybe Trump's or Gingrich's standards?
Personally? I think it should be more along the lines "DON'T do unto others, what you don't want done to you".
Of course. We must remember that ancient religion and thought were our first and worst attempts at ethics and morality.

Yep, because if everyone lived by the word of God this place would be a moral utopia...and that sucks for the twisted filth.
No it wouldn't, it would be a dark ages hellhole, dominated by ignorant fucks.

Like I said...you filthy fucks would hate a like minded, 100% moral, law abiding society...that’s everything you disgusting lowlifes hate.
By who's laws ? By what standard of morality? Maybe Trump's or Gingrich's standards?

Pay attention Pole Puffer...this thread is about a guy doing God’s work.
Of course. We must remember that ancient religion and thought were our first and worst attempts at ethics and morality.

Yep, because if everyone lived by the word of God this place would be a moral utopia...and that sucks for the twisted filth.
No it wouldn't, it would be a dark ages hellhole, dominated by ignorant fucks.

Like I said...you filthy fucks would hate a like minded, 100% moral, law abiding society...that’s everything you disgusting lowlifes hate.
By who's laws ? By what standard of morality? Maybe Trump's or Gingrich's standards?

Pay attention Pole Puffer...this thread is about a guy doing God’s work.
If there is such a thing as judgement day, that guy, and you might be in for a rude awakening. You might well find out that the Goddess deplores bigotry and discrimination and thinks that you are jerks who need to be punished.
Yep, because if everyone lived by the word of God this place would be a moral utopia...and that sucks for the twisted filth.
No it wouldn't, it would be a dark ages hellhole, dominated by ignorant fucks.

Like I said...you filthy fucks would hate a like minded, 100% moral, law abiding society...that’s everything you disgusting lowlifes hate.
By who's laws ? By what standard of morality? Maybe Trump's or Gingrich's standards?

Pay attention Pole Puffer...this thread is about a guy doing God’s work.
If there is such a thing as judgement day, that guy, and you might be in for a rude awakening. You might well find out that the Goddess deplores bigotry and discrimination and thinks that you are jerks who need to be punished.

Just like everything else in your life Pole Puffer..,you’re backwards on this one as well.
No it wouldn't, it would be a dark ages hellhole, dominated by ignorant fucks.

Like I said...you filthy fucks would hate a like minded, 100% moral, law abiding society...that’s everything you disgusting lowlifes hate.
By who's laws ? By what standard of morality? Maybe Trump's or Gingrich's standards?

Pay attention Pole Puffer...this thread is about a guy doing God’s work.
If there is such a thing as judgement day, that guy, and you might be in for a rude awakening. You might well find out that the Goddess deplores bigotry and discrimination and thinks that you are jerks who need to be punished.

Just like everything else in your life Pole Puffer..,you’re backwards on this one as well.
Coming from you that means a lot. I will immediately repent and change my ways .
You are my beacon of moral wisdom :ahole-1::bigboy:
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Personally? I think it should be more along the lines "DON'T do unto others, what you don't want done to you".
Of course. We must remember that ancient religion and thought were our first and worst attempts at ethics and morality.

Yep, because if everyone lived by the word of God this place would be a moral utopia...and that sucks for the twisted filth.
Which word of which god...there are so many that contradict each other in so many ways.
Personally? I think it should be more along the lines "DON'T do unto others, what you don't want done to you".
Of course. We must remember that ancient religion and thought were our first and worst attempts at ethics and morality.

Yep, because if everyone lived by the word of God this place would be a moral utopia...and that sucks for the twisted filth.
Which word of which god...there are so many that contradict each other in so many ways.

Real Americans aren’t at all confused...Weird that you would be.
Personally? I think it should be more along the lines "DON'T do unto others, what you don't want done to you".
Of course. We must remember that ancient religion and thought were our first and worst attempts at ethics and morality.

Yep, because if everyone lived by the word of God this place would be a moral utopia...and that sucks for the twisted filth.
Which word of which god...there are so many that contradict each other in so many ways.

Real Americans aren’t at all confused...Weird that you would be.
some christians like to read psalms with a latte...while others like Buttigieg read proverbs with a purpose!

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