A Man Of God Doing The Right Thing: Franklin Graham Blasts Buttigieg For Being Gay

I'm not really up on all the sin stuff - is being gay a worse sin that other sins?

Is there some kind of sin pecking order?

Prattling on about gay sins gets you big donations.

Prattling on about the sins of eating shellfish or wearing buttons gets you tiny donations.

And that's about the long and short of it.

You'd be the expert on prattling on. Too bad for you that's the only area you're expert, or even knowledgeable, in.
I'm not really up on all the sin stuff - is being gay a worse sin that other sins?

Is there some kind of sin pecking order?

Prattling on about gay sins gets you big donations.

Prattling on about the sins of eating shellfish or wearing buttons gets you tiny donations.

And that's about the long and short of it.

You'd be the expert on prattling on. Too bad for you that's the only area you're expert, or even knowledgeable, in.
Oh boy, it's embarrassing little hissy fit time...
slay the dragon in his lair before he comes to your village

If you run from the things you are afraid of, you run from what you need, in fact, to find.

Buttigieg needs to slay the homophobes (figuratively) before they cost him the presidency
What does your quote from the Psalms have anything to do with this discussion?

The fact is that frankie, who purports to be a Christian, attacked a fellow Christian for being gay. This type of conduct is precisely why I reject the notion that a person can be "a man [or woman] of God." If the Supreme Being has ever designated anyone throughout history as a spokesperson, I am sure that He or She (the notion of the Supreme Being having a biological sex being way beyond silly) has ample power to clearly point this person out.

frankie just has a big mouth.

The fact is that REVEREND GRAHAM corrected a presumed fellow Christian for misstating a tenet of Christianity. That is Biblically correct for him to do, both as a Christian and as a minister. That you hysterically want to label any and all diasgreement as "attacking" is not his problem. This type of conduct is a thinly-veiled excuse for rejecting any and all moral standards on your part. No matter what method the Supreme Being used to designate a teacher of the Bible, you would reject it, because you don't want to be expected to actually control or change your behavior.

You just have a big mouth, with no brain behind it.

The term "reverend" denotes someone who might qualify as being worthy of respect. frankie is just a dirty con-artist. Being anti-LGBT is absolutely NOT a tenet of Christianity. You don't own the Christian faith, so get off your high horse. Bet you voted for the immoral trump and the sex-creep veep.

The bible is neither inerrant nor infallible, you know, and was not written by the Supreme Being.

Your baby frankie chose to attack another Christian. frankie wants to add fuel to the fire in the never-ending battle between the sectarian factions of Christianity. Your frankie may worship his way. So may Mayor Pete.

Okay, little vocabulary for the terminally-illiterate embarrassment to all things allegedly female:

First, "denotes" refers to the actual definition of a word. As with all leftists on all things, YOU are gabbling about the connotation, your own personal "feewings" about the word. And as with everything you mistakenly consider to be your "thoughts", no one else gives a fuck.

Second, the denotation of the word "Reverend" is actually "title used by members of the clergy". Whatever your personal feelings or opinions about REVEREND Graham (and remember from just a second ago, no one on Earth considers your feelings or opinions to be worth shit), he's an ordained minister, which makes him a Reverend, and which makes the likes of trash like YOU unable to revoke that simply because you don't approve of him.

Third, your respect is exactly like your feelings and opinions: no one cares.

Fourth, I don't have to "own Christianity", Lice. Christianity derives from the Bible, and the Bible does view homosexual behavior as a sin, and there are no number of times that ignorant, evil false prophets like you - who DEFINITELY don't own Christianity - are going to try to declare otherwise that's going to make it true, or make YOU the authority and arbiter of anything to anyone.

Fifth, your opinions on the Bible's infallibility are every bit as valuable as your opinions on whether or not someone is a Reverend based on your approval.

Your baby self chose to attack REVEREND GRAHAM over a disagreement that your own words tell us are none of your frigging business. You're not a Christian. Disagreements between professed Christians therefore do not concern you, and most assuredly do not need your laughable help and your pathetic excuse for guidance.
What does your quote from the Psalms have anything to do with this discussion?

The fact is that frankie, who purports to be a Christian, attacked a fellow Christian for being gay. This type of conduct is precisely why I reject the notion that a person can be "a man [or woman] of God." If the Supreme Being has ever designated anyone throughout history as a spokesperson, I am sure that He or She (the notion of the Supreme Being having a biological sex being way beyond silly) has ample power to clearly point this person out.

frankie just has a big mouth.

The fact is that REVEREND GRAHAM corrected a presumed fellow Christian for misstating a tenet of Christianity. That is Biblically correct for him to do, both as a Christian and as a minister. That you hysterically want to label any and all diasgreement as "attacking" is not his problem. This type of conduct is a thinly-veiled excuse for rejecting any and all moral standards on your part. No matter what method the Supreme Being used to designate a teacher of the Bible, you would reject it, because you don't want to be expected to actually control or change your behavior.

You just have a big mouth, with no brain behind it.

The term "reverend" denotes someone who might qualify as being worthy of respect. frankie is just a dirty con-artist. Being anti-LGBT is absolutely NOT a tenet of Christianity. You don't own the Christian faith, so get off your high horse. Bet you voted for the immoral trump and the sex-creep veep.

The bible is neither inerrant nor infallible, you know, and was not written by the Supreme Being.

Your baby frankie chose to attack another Christian. frankie wants to add fuel to the fire in the never-ending battle between the sectarian factions of Christianity. Your frankie may worship his way. So may Mayor Pete.

Okay, little vocabulary for the terminally-illiterate embarrassment to all things allegedly female:

First, "denotes" refers to the actual definition of a word. As with all leftists on all things, YOU are gabbling about the connotation, your own personal "feewings" about the word. And as with everything you mistakenly consider to be your "thoughts", no one else gives a fuck.

Second, the denotation of the word "Reverend" is actually "title used by members of the clergy". Whatever your personal feelings or opinions about REVEREND Graham (and remember from just a second ago, no one on Earth considers your feelings or opinions to be worth shit), he's an ordained minister, which makes him a Reverend, and which makes the likes of trash like YOU unable to revoke that simply because you don't approve of him.

Third, your respect is exactly like your feelings and opinions: no one cares.

Fourth, I don't have to "own Christianity", Lice. Christianity derives from the Bible, and the Bible does view homosexual behavior as a sin, and there are no number of times that ignorant, evil false prophets like you - who DEFINITELY don't own Christianity - are going to try to declare otherwise that's going to make it true, or make YOU the authority and arbiter of anything to anyone.

Fifth, your opinions on the Bible's infallibility are every bit as valuable as your opinions on whether or not someone is a Reverend based on your approval.

Your baby self chose to attack REVEREND GRAHAM over a disagreement that your own words tell us are none of your frigging business. You're not a Christian. Disagreements between professed Christians therefore do not concern you, and most assuredly do not need your laughable help and your pathetic excuse for guidance.

What denomination/sect would ordain a trashy shit-for-brains bullying fraud like your frankie? BTW: you have no idea what my beliefs are, although you pretend to.

Try to grow up, please. You can't remain an ignorant child forever.

How is life as an ultra-Orthodox Jew, you who take everything in the bible literally?

1) You have the Internet, same as I do, Lice, and I'm not your research assistant.

2) All your bile and impotent venom isn't going to make your opinions any more meaningful to anyone outside your own head; nor is it going to change the fact that you're still an exponentially larger piece of organic debris than anyone you target.

3) BTW, I have all the ideas about your beliefs expressed in your fucking posts, Mensa Girl. Maybe YOU are too fucking stupid to figure out what someone believes from THEIR OWN FRIGGING WORDS TELLING YOU, but you're also too stupid to figure out how to wipe your own ass without a diagram and instructions from Houston Control. I personally am capable of reading and comprehending words, so . . .

4) Try to evolve, please. You can't remain a lower life form forever.

Well, actually, you probably have no other choice. But try.

5) How is life as a deluded bigot who spews hatred at people and somehow still thinks they're going to respect her?

I am not in a cult that follows frankie graham and cherry picks from the Old Testament and the new. You are the one who follows Leviticus and Deuteronomy, only sometimes. I would respect you if you were an ultra-Orthodox Jew. But you are not. You are a WTF?
I am not in a cult that follows frankie graham and cherry picks from the Old Testament and the new. You are the one who follows Leviticus and Deuteronomy, only sometimes. I would respect you if you were an ultra-Orthodox Jew. But you are not. You are a WTF?

I wonder if those Christians understand that Leviticus is a manual for Jewish priests who were in the Temple?
Buttigieg might be gay, but not all gays are the same. he is a proud Christian! & a vocal one! a REAL christian! not like Pence!
I'm not really up on all the sin stuff - is being gay a worse sin that other sins?

Is there some kind of sin pecking order?

Prattling on about gay sins gets you big donations.

Prattling on about the sins of eating shellfish or wearing buttons gets you tiny donations.

And that's about the long and short of it.

You'd be the expert on prattling on. Too bad for you that's the only area you're expert, or even knowledgeable, in.
Oh boy, it's embarrassing little hissy fit time...

Well, thank you for notifying us ahead of time. I'll just scroll past your posts until you're done.
The fact is that REVEREND GRAHAM corrected a presumed fellow Christian for misstating a tenet of Christianity. That is Biblically correct for him to do, both as a Christian and as a minister. That you hysterically want to label any and all diasgreement as "attacking" is not his problem. This type of conduct is a thinly-veiled excuse for rejecting any and all moral standards on your part. No matter what method the Supreme Being used to designate a teacher of the Bible, you would reject it, because you don't want to be expected to actually control or change your behavior.

You just have a big mouth, with no brain behind it.

The term "reverend" denotes someone who might qualify as being worthy of respect. frankie is just a dirty con-artist. Being anti-LGBT is absolutely NOT a tenet of Christianity. You don't own the Christian faith, so get off your high horse. Bet you voted for the immoral trump and the sex-creep veep.

The bible is neither inerrant nor infallible, you know, and was not written by the Supreme Being.

Your baby frankie chose to attack another Christian. frankie wants to add fuel to the fire in the never-ending battle between the sectarian factions of Christianity. Your frankie may worship his way. So may Mayor Pete.

Okay, little vocabulary for the terminally-illiterate embarrassment to all things allegedly female:

First, "denotes" refers to the actual definition of a word. As with all leftists on all things, YOU are gabbling about the connotation, your own personal "feewings" about the word. And as with everything you mistakenly consider to be your "thoughts", no one else gives a fuck.

Second, the denotation of the word "Reverend" is actually "title used by members of the clergy". Whatever your personal feelings or opinions about REVEREND Graham (and remember from just a second ago, no one on Earth considers your feelings or opinions to be worth shit), he's an ordained minister, which makes him a Reverend, and which makes the likes of trash like YOU unable to revoke that simply because you don't approve of him.

Third, your respect is exactly like your feelings and opinions: no one cares.

Fourth, I don't have to "own Christianity", Lice. Christianity derives from the Bible, and the Bible does view homosexual behavior as a sin, and there are no number of times that ignorant, evil false prophets like you - who DEFINITELY don't own Christianity - are going to try to declare otherwise that's going to make it true, or make YOU the authority and arbiter of anything to anyone.

Fifth, your opinions on the Bible's infallibility are every bit as valuable as your opinions on whether or not someone is a Reverend based on your approval.

Your baby self chose to attack REVEREND GRAHAM over a disagreement that your own words tell us are none of your frigging business. You're not a Christian. Disagreements between professed Christians therefore do not concern you, and most assuredly do not need your laughable help and your pathetic excuse for guidance.
The fact is that REVEREND GRAHAM corrected a presumed fellow Christian for misstating a tenet of Christianity. That is Biblically correct for him to do, both as a Christian and as a minister. That you hysterically want to label any and all diasgreement as "attacking" is not his problem. This type of conduct is a thinly-veiled excuse for rejecting any and all moral standards on your part. No matter what method the Supreme Being used to designate a teacher of the Bible, you would reject it, because you don't want to be expected to actually control or change your behavior.

You just have a big mouth, with no brain behind it.

The term "reverend" denotes someone who might qualify as being worthy of respect. frankie is just a dirty con-artist. Being anti-LGBT is absolutely NOT a tenet of Christianity. You don't own the Christian faith, so get off your high horse. Bet you voted for the immoral trump and the sex-creep veep.

The bible is neither inerrant nor infallible, you know, and was not written by the Supreme Being.

Your baby frankie chose to attack another Christian. frankie wants to add fuel to the fire in the never-ending battle between the sectarian factions of Christianity. Your frankie may worship his way. So may Mayor Pete.

Okay, little vocabulary for the terminally-illiterate embarrassment to all things allegedly female:

First, "denotes" refers to the actual definition of a word. As with all leftists on all things, YOU are gabbling about the connotation, your own personal "feewings" about the word. And as with everything you mistakenly consider to be your "thoughts", no one else gives a fuck.

Second, the denotation of the word "Reverend" is actually "title used by members of the clergy". Whatever your personal feelings or opinions about REVEREND Graham (and remember from just a second ago, no one on Earth considers your feelings or opinions to be worth shit), he's an ordained minister, which makes him a Reverend, and which makes the likes of trash like YOU unable to revoke that simply because you don't approve of him.

Third, your respect is exactly like your feelings and opinions: no one cares.

Fourth, I don't have to "own Christianity", Lice. Christianity derives from the Bible, and the Bible does view homosexual behavior as a sin, and there are no number of times that ignorant, evil false prophets like you - who DEFINITELY don't own Christianity - are going to try to declare otherwise that's going to make it true, or make YOU the authority and arbiter of anything to anyone.

Fifth, your opinions on the Bible's infallibility are every bit as valuable as your opinions on whether or not someone is a Reverend based on your approval.

Your baby self chose to attack REVEREND GRAHAM over a disagreement that your own words tell us are none of your frigging business. You're not a Christian. Disagreements between professed Christians therefore do not concern you, and most assuredly do not need your laughable help and your pathetic excuse for guidance.

What denomination/sect would ordain a trashy shit-for-brains bullying fraud like your frankie? BTW: you have no idea what my beliefs are, although you pretend to.

Try to grow up, please. You can't remain an ignorant child forever.

How is life as an ultra-Orthodox Jew, you who take everything in the bible literally?

1) You have the Internet, same as I do, Lice, and I'm not your research assistant.

2) All your bile and impotent venom isn't going to make your opinions any more meaningful to anyone outside your own head; nor is it going to change the fact that you're still an exponentially larger piece of organic debris than anyone you target.

3) BTW, I have all the ideas about your beliefs expressed in your fucking posts, Mensa Girl. Maybe YOU are too fucking stupid to figure out what someone believes from THEIR OWN FRIGGING WORDS TELLING YOU, but you're also too stupid to figure out how to wipe your own ass without a diagram and instructions from Houston Control. I personally am capable of reading and comprehending words, so . . .

4) Try to evolve, please. You can't remain a lower life form forever.

Well, actually, you probably have no other choice. But try.

5) How is life as a deluded bigot who spews hatred at people and somehow still thinks they're going to respect her?

I am not in a cult that follows frankie graham and cherry picks from the Old Testament and the new. You are the one who follows Leviticus and Deuteronomy, only sometimes. I would respect you if you were an ultra-Orthodox Jew. But you are not. You are a WTF?

Blah blah blah "I DO know more about religions I don't share, I DO I DO I DO!!!!"

There's literally no number of times you can be slapped in the face with the reality that YOUR OPINION DOESN'T MATTER TO ANYONE that's actually going to be able to get through that solid-rock skull, is there? You're just going to keep right on, telling yourself that THIS time, you're going to tell people that they don't have your approval and they're going to care.

You would respect me? As if I would take the respect of a virus like you even if you begged me. I'll let you know when you start to approach being good enough to have my permission to respect me, Lice. Hold your breath waiting to advance that far.
The term "reverend" denotes someone who might qualify as being worthy of respect. frankie is just a dirty con-artist. Being anti-LGBT is absolutely NOT a tenet of Christianity. You don't own the Christian faith, so get off your high horse. Bet you voted for the immoral trump and the sex-creep veep.

The bible is neither inerrant nor infallible, you know, and was not written by the Supreme Being.

Your baby frankie chose to attack another Christian. frankie wants to add fuel to the fire in the never-ending battle between the sectarian factions of Christianity. Your frankie may worship his way. So may Mayor Pete.

Okay, little vocabulary for the terminally-illiterate embarrassment to all things allegedly female:

First, "denotes" refers to the actual definition of a word. As with all leftists on all things, YOU are gabbling about the connotation, your own personal "feewings" about the word. And as with everything you mistakenly consider to be your "thoughts", no one else gives a fuck.

Second, the denotation of the word "Reverend" is actually "title used by members of the clergy". Whatever your personal feelings or opinions about REVEREND Graham (and remember from just a second ago, no one on Earth considers your feelings or opinions to be worth shit), he's an ordained minister, which makes him a Reverend, and which makes the likes of trash like YOU unable to revoke that simply because you don't approve of him.

Third, your respect is exactly like your feelings and opinions: no one cares.

Fourth, I don't have to "own Christianity", Lice. Christianity derives from the Bible, and the Bible does view homosexual behavior as a sin, and there are no number of times that ignorant, evil false prophets like you - who DEFINITELY don't own Christianity - are going to try to declare otherwise that's going to make it true, or make YOU the authority and arbiter of anything to anyone.

Fifth, your opinions on the Bible's infallibility are every bit as valuable as your opinions on whether or not someone is a Reverend based on your approval.

Your baby self chose to attack REVEREND GRAHAM over a disagreement that your own words tell us are none of your frigging business. You're not a Christian. Disagreements between professed Christians therefore do not concern you, and most assuredly do not need your laughable help and your pathetic excuse for guidance.
The term "reverend" denotes someone who might qualify as being worthy of respect. frankie is just a dirty con-artist. Being anti-LGBT is absolutely NOT a tenet of Christianity. You don't own the Christian faith, so get off your high horse. Bet you voted for the immoral trump and the sex-creep veep.

The bible is neither inerrant nor infallible, you know, and was not written by the Supreme Being.

Your baby frankie chose to attack another Christian. frankie wants to add fuel to the fire in the never-ending battle between the sectarian factions of Christianity. Your frankie may worship his way. So may Mayor Pete.

Okay, little vocabulary for the terminally-illiterate embarrassment to all things allegedly female:

First, "denotes" refers to the actual definition of a word. As with all leftists on all things, YOU are gabbling about the connotation, your own personal "feewings" about the word. And as with everything you mistakenly consider to be your "thoughts", no one else gives a fuck.

Second, the denotation of the word "Reverend" is actually "title used by members of the clergy". Whatever your personal feelings or opinions about REVEREND Graham (and remember from just a second ago, no one on Earth considers your feelings or opinions to be worth shit), he's an ordained minister, which makes him a Reverend, and which makes the likes of trash like YOU unable to revoke that simply because you don't approve of him.

Third, your respect is exactly like your feelings and opinions: no one cares.

Fourth, I don't have to "own Christianity", Lice. Christianity derives from the Bible, and the Bible does view homosexual behavior as a sin, and there are no number of times that ignorant, evil false prophets like you - who DEFINITELY don't own Christianity - are going to try to declare otherwise that's going to make it true, or make YOU the authority and arbiter of anything to anyone.

Fifth, your opinions on the Bible's infallibility are every bit as valuable as your opinions on whether or not someone is a Reverend based on your approval.

Your baby self chose to attack REVEREND GRAHAM over a disagreement that your own words tell us are none of your frigging business. You're not a Christian. Disagreements between professed Christians therefore do not concern you, and most assuredly do not need your laughable help and your pathetic excuse for guidance.

What denomination/sect would ordain a trashy shit-for-brains bullying fraud like your frankie? BTW: you have no idea what my beliefs are, although you pretend to.

Try to grow up, please. You can't remain an ignorant child forever.

How is life as an ultra-Orthodox Jew, you who take everything in the bible literally?

1) You have the Internet, same as I do, Lice, and I'm not your research assistant.

2) All your bile and impotent venom isn't going to make your opinions any more meaningful to anyone outside your own head; nor is it going to change the fact that you're still an exponentially larger piece of organic debris than anyone you target.

3) BTW, I have all the ideas about your beliefs expressed in your fucking posts, Mensa Girl. Maybe YOU are too fucking stupid to figure out what someone believes from THEIR OWN FRIGGING WORDS TELLING YOU, but you're also too stupid to figure out how to wipe your own ass without a diagram and instructions from Houston Control. I personally am capable of reading and comprehending words, so . . .

4) Try to evolve, please. You can't remain a lower life form forever.

Well, actually, you probably have no other choice. But try.

5) How is life as a deluded bigot who spews hatred at people and somehow still thinks they're going to respect her?

I am not in a cult that follows frankie graham and cherry picks from the Old Testament and the new. You are the one who follows Leviticus and Deuteronomy, only sometimes. I would respect you if you were an ultra-Orthodox Jew. But you are not. You are a WTF?

Blah blah blah "I DO know more about religions I don't share, I DO I DO I DO!!!!"

There's literally no number of times you can be slapped in the face with the reality that YOUR OPINION DOESN'T MATTER TO ANYONE that's actually going to be able to get through that solid-rock skull, is there? You're just going to keep right on, telling yourself that THIS time, you're going to tell people that they don't have your approval and they're going to care.

You would respect me? As if I would take the respect of a virus like you even if you begged me. I'll let you know when you start to approach being good enough to have my permission to respect me, Lice. Hold your breath waiting to advance that far.

You are one sick woman. Go make it with your adored frankie. Have as much sex as you like, but remember to leave your house when your uterus is shedding its lining. The bone through your nose is not that appealing.
The term "reverend" denotes someone who might qualify as being worthy of respect. frankie is just a dirty con-artist. Being anti-LGBT is absolutely NOT a tenet of Christianity. You don't own the Christian faith, so get off your high horse. Bet you voted for the immoral trump and the sex-creep veep.

The bible is neither inerrant nor infallible, you know, and was not written by the Supreme Being.

Your baby frankie chose to attack another Christian. frankie wants to add fuel to the fire in the never-ending battle between the sectarian factions of Christianity. Your frankie may worship his way. So may Mayor Pete.

Okay, little vocabulary for the terminally-illiterate embarrassment to all things allegedly female:

First, "denotes" refers to the actual definition of a word. As with all leftists on all things, YOU are gabbling about the connotation, your own personal "feewings" about the word. And as with everything you mistakenly consider to be your "thoughts", no one else gives a fuck.

Second, the denotation of the word "Reverend" is actually "title used by members of the clergy". Whatever your personal feelings or opinions about REVEREND Graham (and remember from just a second ago, no one on Earth considers your feelings or opinions to be worth shit), he's an ordained minister, which makes him a Reverend, and which makes the likes of trash like YOU unable to revoke that simply because you don't approve of him.

Third, your respect is exactly like your feelings and opinions: no one cares.

Fourth, I don't have to "own Christianity", Lice. Christianity derives from the Bible, and the Bible does view homosexual behavior as a sin, and there are no number of times that ignorant, evil false prophets like you - who DEFINITELY don't own Christianity - are going to try to declare otherwise that's going to make it true, or make YOU the authority and arbiter of anything to anyone.

Fifth, your opinions on the Bible's infallibility are every bit as valuable as your opinions on whether or not someone is a Reverend based on your approval.

Your baby self chose to attack REVEREND GRAHAM over a disagreement that your own words tell us are none of your frigging business. You're not a Christian. Disagreements between professed Christians therefore do not concern you, and most assuredly do not need your laughable help and your pathetic excuse for guidance.
The term "reverend" denotes someone who might qualify as being worthy of respect. frankie is just a dirty con-artist. Being anti-LGBT is absolutely NOT a tenet of Christianity. You don't own the Christian faith, so get off your high horse. Bet you voted for the immoral trump and the sex-creep veep.

The bible is neither inerrant nor infallible, you know, and was not written by the Supreme Being.

Your baby frankie chose to attack another Christian. frankie wants to add fuel to the fire in the never-ending battle between the sectarian factions of Christianity. Your frankie may worship his way. So may Mayor Pete.

Okay, little vocabulary for the terminally-illiterate embarrassment to all things allegedly female:

First, "denotes" refers to the actual definition of a word. As with all leftists on all things, YOU are gabbling about the connotation, your own personal "feewings" about the word. And as with everything you mistakenly consider to be your "thoughts", no one else gives a fuck.

Second, the denotation of the word "Reverend" is actually "title used by members of the clergy". Whatever your personal feelings or opinions about REVEREND Graham (and remember from just a second ago, no one on Earth considers your feelings or opinions to be worth shit), he's an ordained minister, which makes him a Reverend, and which makes the likes of trash like YOU unable to revoke that simply because you don't approve of him.

Third, your respect is exactly like your feelings and opinions: no one cares.

Fourth, I don't have to "own Christianity", Lice. Christianity derives from the Bible, and the Bible does view homosexual behavior as a sin, and there are no number of times that ignorant, evil false prophets like you - who DEFINITELY don't own Christianity - are going to try to declare otherwise that's going to make it true, or make YOU the authority and arbiter of anything to anyone.

Fifth, your opinions on the Bible's infallibility are every bit as valuable as your opinions on whether or not someone is a Reverend based on your approval.

Your baby self chose to attack REVEREND GRAHAM over a disagreement that your own words tell us are none of your frigging business. You're not a Christian. Disagreements between professed Christians therefore do not concern you, and most assuredly do not need your laughable help and your pathetic excuse for guidance.

What denomination/sect would ordain a trashy shit-for-brains bullying fraud like your frankie? BTW: you have no idea what my beliefs are, although you pretend to.

Try to grow up, please. You can't remain an ignorant child forever.

How is life as an ultra-Orthodox Jew, you who take everything in the bible literally?

1) You have the Internet, same as I do, Lice, and I'm not your research assistant.

2) All your bile and impotent venom isn't going to make your opinions any more meaningful to anyone outside your own head; nor is it going to change the fact that you're still an exponentially larger piece of organic debris than anyone you target.

3) BTW, I have all the ideas about your beliefs expressed in your fucking posts, Mensa Girl. Maybe YOU are too fucking stupid to figure out what someone believes from THEIR OWN FRIGGING WORDS TELLING YOU, but you're also too stupid to figure out how to wipe your own ass without a diagram and instructions from Houston Control. I personally am capable of reading and comprehending words, so . . .

4) Try to evolve, please. You can't remain a lower life form forever.

Well, actually, you probably have no other choice. But try.

5) How is life as a deluded bigot who spews hatred at people and somehow still thinks they're going to respect her?

I am not in a cult that follows frankie graham and cherry picks from the Old Testament and the new. You are the one who follows Leviticus and Deuteronomy, only sometimes. I would respect you if you were an ultra-Orthodox Jew. But you are not. You are a WTF?

Blah blah blah "I DO know more about religions I don't share, I DO I DO I DO!!!!"

There's literally no number of times you can be slapped in the face with the reality that YOUR OPINION DOESN'T MATTER TO ANYONE that's actually going to be able to get through that solid-rock skull, is there? You're just going to keep right on, telling yourself that THIS time, you're going to tell people that they don't have your approval and they're going to care.

You would respect me? As if I would take the respect of a virus like you even if you begged me. I'll let you know when you start to approach being good enough to have my permission to respect me, Lice. Hold your breath waiting to advance that far.

You should try taking your own advice. Especially the "YOUR OPINION DOESN'T MATTER TO ANYONE", part. You've nailed it. The opinion of far right of radical evangelical is of no consequence to mainstream Christians. If you assholes want to sit amongst yourselves and denigrate the sinners of the world, have at it.

There is much evidence in the Bible that your actions are NOT being driven by Christianity. Like welcoming strangers, caring for those who are "different" (The Good Samaratan), and not being fooled by false prophets and those who use religion for political purposes or financial gain (Jesus vs the religious leaders). I see none of this reflected in any of your political statements, and you keep trying to force your version of "morality" on the rest of us.

If you believe gay marriage is wrong, don't marry another woman. If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have an abortion. You are perfectly free to live as you deem is the true and proper way to live, but stop trying to legislate your hate, your biases, and worse, your racism, mysogyny and greed.

As a Christian, I find your stated beliefs odious, at best, and your constant attempts to inflict your fire and brimstone, judgemental and hated fuelled values on the rest of us is intolerable. Religion is the basis of your salvation, not your government.
i dont even wanna answer homophobes or talk about their comments, because i get nauseous!
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay
Is this man also a blessing? A man of God

Netherlands Bans ‘Death To Gays’ Christian Hate Pastor Steven Anderson

The Netherlands has banned Arizona Pastor Steven Anderson from entering the country as part of a speaking tour scheduled for later this month.

Newsweek reports:

The Netherlands has banned anti-Semitic and anti-LGBT preacher Steven Anderson from entering the country as part of a speaking tour this month.

The founder of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Arizona was due to appear in the Netherlands on May 23 as part of the European stint of a tour that also includes Ireland and Sweden, according to the organization.

Anderson, the founder of Arizona’s Faithful Word Baptist Church, an “Independent Fundamental Baptist” church that uses only the King James version of the Bible, leads a conservative, virulently anti-gay congregation, and has previously called on the government to establish a Biblically mandated death penalty for LGBT people
Yes! He's a blessing from God!
Okay, little vocabulary for the terminally-illiterate embarrassment to all things allegedly female:

First, "denotes" refers to the actual definition of a word. As with all leftists on all things, YOU are gabbling about the connotation, your own personal "feewings" about the word. And as with everything you mistakenly consider to be your "thoughts", no one else gives a fuck.

Second, the denotation of the word "Reverend" is actually "title used by members of the clergy". Whatever your personal feelings or opinions about REVEREND Graham (and remember from just a second ago, no one on Earth considers your feelings or opinions to be worth shit), he's an ordained minister, which makes him a Reverend, and which makes the likes of trash like YOU unable to revoke that simply because you don't approve of him.

Third, your respect is exactly like your feelings and opinions: no one cares.

Fourth, I don't have to "own Christianity", Lice. Christianity derives from the Bible, and the Bible does view homosexual behavior as a sin, and there are no number of times that ignorant, evil false prophets like you - who DEFINITELY don't own Christianity - are going to try to declare otherwise that's going to make it true, or make YOU the authority and arbiter of anything to anyone.

Fifth, your opinions on the Bible's infallibility are every bit as valuable as your opinions on whether or not someone is a Reverend based on your approval.

Your baby self chose to attack REVEREND GRAHAM over a disagreement that your own words tell us are none of your frigging business. You're not a Christian. Disagreements between professed Christians therefore do not concern you, and most assuredly do not need your laughable help and your pathetic excuse for guidance.
Okay, little vocabulary for the terminally-illiterate embarrassment to all things allegedly female:

First, "denotes" refers to the actual definition of a word. As with all leftists on all things, YOU are gabbling about the connotation, your own personal "feewings" about the word. And as with everything you mistakenly consider to be your "thoughts", no one else gives a fuck.

Second, the denotation of the word "Reverend" is actually "title used by members of the clergy". Whatever your personal feelings or opinions about REVEREND Graham (and remember from just a second ago, no one on Earth considers your feelings or opinions to be worth shit), he's an ordained minister, which makes him a Reverend, and which makes the likes of trash like YOU unable to revoke that simply because you don't approve of him.

Third, your respect is exactly like your feelings and opinions: no one cares.

Fourth, I don't have to "own Christianity", Lice. Christianity derives from the Bible, and the Bible does view homosexual behavior as a sin, and there are no number of times that ignorant, evil false prophets like you - who DEFINITELY don't own Christianity - are going to try to declare otherwise that's going to make it true, or make YOU the authority and arbiter of anything to anyone.

Fifth, your opinions on the Bible's infallibility are every bit as valuable as your opinions on whether or not someone is a Reverend based on your approval.

Your baby self chose to attack REVEREND GRAHAM over a disagreement that your own words tell us are none of your frigging business. You're not a Christian. Disagreements between professed Christians therefore do not concern you, and most assuredly do not need your laughable help and your pathetic excuse for guidance.

What denomination/sect would ordain a trashy shit-for-brains bullying fraud like your frankie? BTW: you have no idea what my beliefs are, although you pretend to.

Try to grow up, please. You can't remain an ignorant child forever.

How is life as an ultra-Orthodox Jew, you who take everything in the bible literally?

1) You have the Internet, same as I do, Lice, and I'm not your research assistant.

2) All your bile and impotent venom isn't going to make your opinions any more meaningful to anyone outside your own head; nor is it going to change the fact that you're still an exponentially larger piece of organic debris than anyone you target.

3) BTW, I have all the ideas about your beliefs expressed in your fucking posts, Mensa Girl. Maybe YOU are too fucking stupid to figure out what someone believes from THEIR OWN FRIGGING WORDS TELLING YOU, but you're also too stupid to figure out how to wipe your own ass without a diagram and instructions from Houston Control. I personally am capable of reading and comprehending words, so . . .

4) Try to evolve, please. You can't remain a lower life form forever.

Well, actually, you probably have no other choice. But try.

5) How is life as a deluded bigot who spews hatred at people and somehow still thinks they're going to respect her?

I am not in a cult that follows frankie graham and cherry picks from the Old Testament and the new. You are the one who follows Leviticus and Deuteronomy, only sometimes. I would respect you if you were an ultra-Orthodox Jew. But you are not. You are a WTF?

Blah blah blah "I DO know more about religions I don't share, I DO I DO I DO!!!!"

There's literally no number of times you can be slapped in the face with the reality that YOUR OPINION DOESN'T MATTER TO ANYONE that's actually going to be able to get through that solid-rock skull, is there? You're just going to keep right on, telling yourself that THIS time, you're going to tell people that they don't have your approval and they're going to care.

You would respect me? As if I would take the respect of a virus like you even if you begged me. I'll let you know when you start to approach being good enough to have my permission to respect me, Lice. Hold your breath waiting to advance that far.

You should try taking your own advice. Especially the "YOUR OPINION DOESN'T MATTER TO ANYONE", part. You've nailed it. The opinion of far right of radical evangelical is of no consequence to mainstream Christians. If you assholes want to sit amongst yourselves and denigrate the sinners of the world, have at it.

There is much evidence in the Bible that your actions are NOT being driven by Christianity. Like welcoming strangers, caring for those who are "different" (The Good Samaratan), and not being fooled by false prophets and those who use religion for political purposes or financial gain (Jesus vs the religious leaders). I see none of this reflected in any of your political statements, and you keep trying to force your version of "morality" on the rest of us.

If you believe gay marriage is wrong, don't marry another woman. If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have an abortion. You are perfectly free to live as you deem is the true and proper way to live, but stop trying to legislate your hate, your biases, and worse, your racism, mysogyny and greed.

As a Christian, I find your stated beliefs odious, at best, and your constant attempts to inflict your fire and brimstone, judgemental and hated fuelled values on the rest of us is intolerable. Religion is the basis of your salvation, not your government.
The advancement of "buy and sell" denials and the increase persecution of Christians tells a different story. You can spout all you want.

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