A man who refused to wear a mask at a high school basketball game killed a police officer following a confrontation

Cotton masks do not protect anyone from anything...short of bad breath...notice how you can smell through your mask?...if you can smell through your mask covid can get in and get out...to think it can't is just CDC folly....
YOUR mask is not on to protect you, it is on to protect others FROM YOU. If you don't want to wear one, you don't want to protect others. It's that simple.
Like I've said all along; anyone who doesn't care that they are killing their elderly and infirm neighbors, are capable of the worst acts. Be vigilant folks.

Like putting Covid patients in nursing homes?

That is deplorable as well. I'm not here to defend that. Simply saying the other guy is worse doesn't excuse bad behavior.
I don't owe anyone a mask. They are responsible for their own health.

Get that doughnut out of your mouth. Get off the fucking couch and quit weighing 100 pounds more than you should.

THEN, MAYBE...you can bitch at me for harming your health.
Selfish anti-masker.....one big reason why we are taking so long to stop this pandemic.
Cotton masks do not protect anyone from anything...short of bad breath...notice how you can smell through your mask?...if you can smell through your mask covid can get in and get out...to think it can't is just CDC folly....
YOUR mask is not on to protect you, it is on to protect others FROM YOU. If you don't want to wear one, you don't want to protect others. It's that simple.
If you can smell through it...it can't block covid from getting in or out...think about it....don't just obey give it some thought....think for yourself...use your brain...
Like I've said all along; anyone who doesn't care that they are killing their elderly and infirm neighbors, are capable of the worst acts. And such indifference to human life is what defines 100% of their character.
there was a time our elderly werent so selfish and would gladly give their life so the young could live and prosper,,,
not the case anymore,, people today now expect their children and those not yet born to pay for thier mistakes,,

they should be ashamed,,

No part of putting a mask on impairs your ability to prosper.
who the fuck are you to say what I want or need??
only fascist do that,,

Actually, what fascists did was regard the aged and infirm as inherently expendable, like you did about.
yes they did,,,

but I'm not talking about how you feel about them,, I'm talking about how they gladly sacrifice the young so they may live better and longer mainly by dumping the debts and troubles on future generations,,


Every generation tries to do the best they can, with what they have, for a better life for themselves, and the future. People want their children to have better lives than they had. Otherwise we would all eat Depression era diets, as it was good enough for our Grandparents, it’s good enough for you so eat.

But let’s talk about that debt. Everyone is willing to incur it, so long as they get what they want from it. Let’s take Washington. Liberals don’t care what something cost, so long as it helps someone they think is worthy. Worse, they hate the idea of someone not needing that help.

One of the best, and greatest achievements during the Clinton Administration was the adaption of Workfare. It was a jobs training program, or a public service alternative, to get people off of welfare.

There are plenty of jobs where you can work and make far more money than you do on welfare. Minimum wage isn’t one of those jobs, ever.

So if we want people to have a better life, we need to help them, arm them with the skills and knowledge to achieve it. I absolutely approve of that. Not because I am a cheap conservative bastard who wants blacks or whites or whatever off of Welfare. But because I want people to achieve as much as they can during their lives, and help their children achieve more.

The biggest advantage is that the participants would become skilled labor, which is honestly the best and most efficient path to success, if not riches.

The Republicans are just as bad on other topics. But it is us. We all are willing to spend more than we make. And that is the sad truth.
Like I've said all along; anyone who doesn't care that they are killing their elderly and infirm neighbors, are capable of the worst acts. And such indifference to human life is what defines 100% of their character.
there was a time our elderly werent so selfish and would gladly give their life so the young could live and prosper,,,
not the case anymore,, people today now expect their children and those not yet born to pay for thier mistakes,,

they should be ashamed,,

No part of putting a mask on impairs your ability to prosper.
who the fuck are you to say what I want or need??
only fascist do that,,

Actually, what fascists did was regard the aged and infirm as inherently expendable, like you did about.
yes they did,,,

but I'm not talking about how you feel about them,, I'm talking about how they gladly sacrifice the young so they may live better and longer mainly by dumping the debts and troubles on future generations,,


Every generation tries to do the best they can, with what they have, for a better life for themselves, and the future. People want their children to have better lives than they had. Otherwise we would all eat Depression era diets, as it was good enough for our Grandparents, it’s good enough for you so eat.

But let’s talk about that debt. Everyone is willing to incur it, so long as they get what they want from it. Let’s take Washington. Liberals don’t care what something cost, so long as it helps someone they think is worthy. Worse, they hate the idea of someone not needing that help.

One of the best, and greatest achievements during the Clinton Administration was the adaption of Workfare. It was a jobs training program, or a public service alternative, to get people off of welfare.

There are plenty of jobs where you can work and make far more money than you do on welfare. Minimum wage isn’t one of those jobs, ever.

So if we want people to have a better life, we need to help them, arm them with the skills and knowledge to achieve it. I absolutely approve of that. Not because I am a cheap conservative bastard who wants blacks or whites or whatever off of Welfare. But because I want people to achieve as much as they can during their lives, and help their children achieve more.

The biggest advantage is that the participants would become skilled labor, which is honestly the best and most efficient path to success, if not riches.

The Republicans are just as bad on other topics. But it is us. We all are willing to spend more than we make. And that is the sad truth.

theres so much wrong in that its not worth the time for a long drawn out response,,

its not the job of the fed gov to do anything not delegated in the constitution which most of what you stated isnt,,

and based on the debt the past few generations have pissed on their own children by passing their debt onto them,, including those not yet born,,,

any and all debt is nothing but control and soft slavery except that which is leveraged with the ability to pay it back and not because you want something cause it makes you feel good,,,
Cotton masks do not protect anyone from anything...short of bad breath...notice how you can smell through your mask?...if you can smell through your mask covid can get in and get out...to think it can't is just CDC folly....
YOUR mask is not on to protect you, it is on to protect others FROM YOU. If you don't want to wear one, you don't want to protect others. It's that simple.
Fucking bootlicking rube.

There's not a shred of tested, repeated, and falsified scientific evidence to prove that.
Like I've said all along; anyone who doesn't care that they are killing their elderly and infirm neighbors, are capable of the worst acts. Be vigilant folks.

Like I've said all along; anyone who doesn't care that they are killing their elderly and infirm neighbors, are capable of the worst acts. Be vigilant folks.

Like putting Covid patients in nursing homes?

That is deplorable as well. I'm not here to defend that. Simply saying the other guy is worse doesn't excuse bad behavior.
I don't owe anyone a mask. They are responsible for their own health.

Get that doughnut out of your mouth. Get off the fucking couch and quit weighing 100 pounds more than you should.

THEN, MAYBE...you can bitch at me for harming your health.
Selfish anti-masker.....one big reason why we are taking so long to stop this pandemic.
Stupid maskurbator.

"Here, protect yourself from the virus by putting this filthy, moist bacteria sink over your face."
Like I've said all along; anyone who doesn't care that they are killing their elderly and infirm neighbors, are capable of the worst acts. Be vigilant folks.

Like putting Covid patients in nursing homes?

That is deplorable as well. I'm not here to defend that. Simply saying the other guy is worse doesn't excuse bad behavior.
I don't owe anyone a mask. They are responsible for their own health.

Get that doughnut out of your mouth. Get off the fucking couch and quit weighing 100 pounds more than you should.

THEN, MAYBE...you can bitch at me for harming your health.
Selfish anti-masker.....one big reason why we are taking so long to stop this pandemic.


He's one of your people.
Any conflict has the potential to escalate to violence, and any violent conflict has the potential to escalate to lethal violence. It's why engaging in unnecessary conflict is a bad idea..... and demanding that people wear a muzzle and pretend to part of some whack-job, authoritarian cult, is guaranteed to cause conflict.
Like I've said all along; anyone who doesn't care that they are killing their elderly and infirm neighbors, are capable of the worst acts. Be vigilant folks.
Put on yor mask or yor a muderer.

"Wear the mask for a few weeks"

"Wear the mask for a few months"

"Wear the mask until there's a vaccine"

"Wear the mask for 100 more days"

"Wear the mask until everyone is vaccinated"

"Wear the mask for a little longer"

"Wear the mask forever"
Like I've said all along; anyone who doesn't care that they are killing their elderly and infirm neighbors, are capable of the worst acts. And such indifference to human life is what defines 100% of their character.
there was a time our elderly werent so selfish and would gladly give their life so the young could live and prosper,,,
not the case anymore,, people today now expect their children and those not yet born to pay for thier mistakes,,

they should be ashamed,,

Jesus, what is wrong with you?
Like I've said all along; anyone who doesn't care that they are killing their elderly and infirm neighbors, are capable of the worst acts. And such indifference to human life is what defines 100% of their character.
there was a time our elderly werent so selfish and would gladly give their life so the young could live and prosper,,,
not the case anymore,, people today now expect their children and those not yet born to pay for thier mistakes,,

they should be ashamed,,

So you agree that Republicans and they’re ever expanding deficits are wrong. And that Democrats, who tax BEFORE they spend, have the right idea.
Like I've said all along; anyone who doesn't care that they are killing their elderly and infirm neighbors, are capable of the worst acts. And such indifference to human life is what defines 100% of their character.
there was a time our elderly werent so selfish and would gladly give their life so the young could live and prosper,,,
not the case anymore,, people today now expect their children and those not yet born to pay for thier mistakes,,

they should be ashamed,,

So you agree that Republicans and they’re ever expanding deficits are wrong. And that Democrats, who tax BEFORE they spend, have the right idea.


end all welfare corp. and private at the fed level and then cut gov by at least 50% and start reducing the debt instead of increasing it,,,

OH,,, lower taxs so more money goes back into the economy and not into the government till,,,

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