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A Mark Kelly win in Ariz. Senate race could spoil McConnell's plans to replace Ginsburg

Reid ending the filibuster in 2013 when the Dems were going to lose the Senate in 2014 makes Amy Barrett the "Harry Reid Nomination". McConnell warned Dems prior to the vote that they would live to regret it, and maybe sooner than they think. They ran unheeded to their current position, and Cocaine Mitch plays for keeps.
We would have been a lot better off if McConnell hadn’t massively abused filibusters in the judicial nomination process.
Actually it was Reid that blew up the Judicial Filibuster and McConnell warned them, before they did it, that would not like the consequences, which might be far sooner than they expected, and Cocaine Mitch was right. Dems lost the majority in a matter of months after blowing up the Judicial Filibuster.... ooops!

You can fairly call Amy the HARRY Reid SCOTUS
Are you forgetting to consider the circumstances in which Reid blew up the filibuster?

McConnell was massively abusing the filibuster.
You are conceding the point, with an explanation, thank you.

I’m well aware of what Reid did in 2013.

You seem to want to avoid what McConnell did.
McConnell did nothing different than any other justice confirmation under the same situation both times
McConnell was refusing to allow any nominee for the DC circuit to have an up or down vote. Tell me who else has ever done that?
Your concession is recognized. Reid triggered the Nuclear Option.

And, your claim makes no sense. Obama's last nomination to the second circuit was Christopher F. Droney, Confirmed 11/28/11 on an 88-0 vote.

I said DC circuit, not second. Not sure where you got second circuit.

Reid ending the filibuster in 2013 when the Dems were going to lose the Senate in 2014 makes Amy Barrett the "Harry Reid Nomination". McConnell warned Dems prior to the vote that they would live to regret it, and maybe sooner than they think. They ran unheeded to their current position, and Cocaine Mitch plays for keeps.
We would have been a lot better off if McConnell hadn’t massively abused filibusters in the judicial nomination process.
Actually it was Reid that blew up the Judicial Filibuster and McConnell warned them, before they did it, that would not like the consequences, which might be far sooner than they expected, and Cocaine Mitch was right. Dems lost the majority in a matter of months after blowing up the Judicial Filibuster.... ooops!

You can fairly call Amy the HARRY Reid SCOTUS
Are you forgetting to consider the circumstances in which Reid blew up the filibuster?

McConnell was massively abusing the filibuster.
Was that from the 2008 to 2010 period if he did? He was trying to survive. Progs won big in 2008 and when you add the cheating votes it became a massive landslide.
It was during Obama’s entire administration. McConnell had decided that the president doesn’t get to make appointments without his permission.
You are conceding the point with and explanation, thank you. Reid and Obama had the option of nominating less extreme nominees with bipartisan appeal, but, they didn't want to work with the minority and for the moment, they had the raw power to run over them, and they did. That decision bit them in the ass, very very quickly.

McConnell wasn’t filibustering DC circuit judges based on qualifications, he just felt like the DC circuit didn’t need to have any more justices period.
Well, Dems made that same argument when Bush nominated a replacement for Roberts. Obama got 4 judges placed on the circuit, that's more than Carter, Reagan, Papa Bush, Clinton, Dubya or Trump, but hey, if Reid wanted to blow up the nuclear option over the DC Circuit, he had the power, at that time, and pushed the red button. I don't remember you objecting!

Excellent - This is a new one on me. And sure looks like this brave astronaut is gonna send Martha packing!

RCP Average9/11 - 9/30----49.843.8Kelly +6.0
Don't be shocked when gun-friendly Arizona looks at kelly's anti-gun position and says go fuck yourself kelly

Martha wins, I will indeed be shocked. Ain't gonna happen.
Q: Ya think YOU might support sensible gun control if your wife had her brains scrambled by a fucking lunatic?

since you believe our existing gun control laws are not sensible we need to do away with them right now.

We HAVE no gun control laws so long as any idiot can buy a weapon at a gun show in over half our states from a private dealer with no BG check.
That's not true at all try again and be more truthful
Reid ending the filibuster in 2013 when the Dems were going to lose the Senate in 2014 makes Amy Barrett the "Harry Reid Nomination". McConnell warned Dems prior to the vote that they would live to regret it, and maybe sooner than they think. They ran unheeded to their current position, and Cocaine Mitch plays for keeps.
We would have been a lot better off if McConnell hadn’t massively abused filibusters in the judicial nomination process.
Actually it was Reid that blew up the Judicial Filibuster and McConnell warned them, before they did it, that would not like the consequences, which might be far sooner than they expected, and Cocaine Mitch was right. Dems lost the majority in a matter of months after blowing up the Judicial Filibuster.... ooops!

You can fairly call Amy the HARRY Reid SCOTUS
Are you forgetting to consider the circumstances in which Reid blew up the filibuster?

McConnell was massively abusing the filibuster.
You are conceding the point, with an explanation, thank you.

I’m well aware of what Reid did in 2013.

You seem to want to avoid what McConnell did.
McConnell did nothing different than any other justice confirmation under the same situation both times
McConnell was refusing to allow any nominee for the DC circuit to have an up or down vote. Tell me who else has ever done that?
Your concession is recognized. Reid triggered the Nuclear Option.

And, your claim makes no sense. Obama's last nomination to the second circuit was Christopher F. Droney, Confirmed 11/28/11 on an 88-0 vote.

I said DC circuit, not second. Not sure where you got second circuit.

Well, then look on the bright side, Obama/Reid got some folks seated on the DC Circuit.

Reid ending the filibuster in 2013 when the Dems were going to lose the Senate in 2014 makes Amy Barrett the "Harry Reid Nomination". McConnell warned Dems prior to the vote that they would live to regret it, and maybe sooner than they think. They ran unheeded to their current position, and Cocaine Mitch plays for keeps.
We would have been a lot better off if McConnell hadn’t massively abused filibusters in the judicial nomination process.
Actually it was Reid that blew up the Judicial Filibuster and McConnell warned them, before they did it, that would not like the consequences, which might be far sooner than they expected, and Cocaine Mitch was right. Dems lost the majority in a matter of months after blowing up the Judicial Filibuster.... ooops!

You can fairly call Amy the HARRY Reid SCOTUS
Are you forgetting to consider the circumstances in which Reid blew up the filibuster?

McConnell was massively abusing the filibuster.
You are conceding the point, with an explanation, thank you.

I’m well aware of what Reid did in 2013.

You seem to want to avoid what McConnell did.
McConnell's confirming judicial nominees. Very seldom of opposing party nominations confirmed in election years, the last one was 1888. Except for Abe Fortas, the NEVER does the Senate fail to confirm an election year nomination by their own party.

John Marshall was the most consequential Supreme Court nomination in American History, and he was nominated by Adams and confirmed AFTER Adams and the Federal Senate had lost the election.

So, what you are demanding from McConnell as "normal" procedure, is actually highly abnormal, except for Abe Fortas, the crook nominated by LBJ that the Democrat Senate refused to confirm, not because of election year timing, but because he was taking bribes. If similar corruption is found in ACB, she won't be confirmed either.
Funny how McConnell was so committed to having the American people get a voice in the nomination of a justice in 2016 and now he doesn’t care what the people have to say.

Say goodbye to any president ever getting any judicial appointee confirmed if they don’t also hold the Senate.
The Presidential Electorate spoke when they chose Trump and confirmed the GOP Majority. You are just refusing to accept the outcome of the elections. Which is common for Democrats. You have to go all the way back to Michael Dukakis to find a losing Democrat Presidential Candidate that conceded on election night. 32 fricken years ago.

That's not true at all try again and be more truthful

Sorry - You lose

Only six states (California, Colorado, Illinois, New York, Oregon and Rhode Island) require universal background checks on all firearm sales at gun shows, including sales by unlicensed dealers.

Enjoy - And looks like the total is 9 states who require BG checks on ALL sales at gun shows.
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Reid ending the filibuster in 2013 when the Dems were going to lose the Senate in 2014 makes Amy Barrett the "Harry Reid Nomination". McConnell warned Dems prior to the vote that they would live to regret it, and maybe sooner than they think. They ran unheeded to their current position, and Cocaine Mitch plays for keeps.
We would have been a lot better off if McConnell hadn’t massively abused filibusters in the judicial nomination process.
Actually it was Reid that blew up the Judicial Filibuster and McConnell warned them, before they did it, that would not like the consequences, which might be far sooner than they expected, and Cocaine Mitch was right. Dems lost the majority in a matter of months after blowing up the Judicial Filibuster.... ooops!

You can fairly call Amy the HARRY Reid SCOTUS
Are you forgetting to consider the circumstances in which Reid blew up the filibuster?

McConnell was massively abusing the filibuster.
You are conceding the point, with an explanation, thank you.

I’m well aware of what Reid did in 2013.

You seem to want to avoid what McConnell did.
McConnell's confirming judicial nominees. Very seldom of opposing party nominations confirmed in election years, the last one was 1888. Except for Abe Fortas, the NEVER does the Senate fail to confirm an election year nomination by their own party.

John Marshall was the most consequential Supreme Court nomination in American History, and he was nominated by Adams and confirmed AFTER Adams and the Federal Senate had lost the election.

So, what you are demanding from McConnell as "normal" procedure, is actually highly abnormal, except for Abe Fortas, the crook nominated by LBJ that the Democrat Senate refused to confirm, not because of election year timing, but because he was taking bribes. If similar corruption is found in ACB, she won't be confirmed either.
Funny how McConnell was so committed to having the American people get a voice in the nomination of a justice in 2016 and now he doesn’t care what the people have to say.

Say goodbye to any president ever getting any judicial appointee confirmed if they don’t also hold the Senate.
The People got their say when the elected Trump, and again when the elected the Senate Majority. The President was elected for FOUR years, not three and this Senate's session lasts TWO years, not one.


Reid and the Democrats were so smugly confident in 2013, why, they were going to reign for a thousand years, and there would never be another Republican President in our lifetimes, so why not trigger the Nuclear Option and bring in the golden age?

Voters need to vote so they cannot pet this current non-conservative, far right GOP mess up the country.
It seems you poor bastads are forever grasping at straws and clinging to lost hopes and last chances. When are you ever going to wise up and start thinking or at least trying to think?
Reid ending the filibuster in 2013 when the Dems were going to lose the Senate in 2014 makes Amy Barrett the "Harry Reid Nomination". McConnell warned Dems prior to the vote that they would live to regret it, and maybe sooner than they think. They ran unheeded to their current position, and Cocaine Mitch plays for keeps.
We would have been a lot better off if McConnell hadn’t massively abused filibusters in the judicial nomination process.
They could have worked with minority to finds nominees that were acceptable to both sides, you know, like both side did since the late 1700's before Obama and Reid decided that was beneath them.... oops!

“You will no doubt come to regret this, and you may regret it a lot sooner than you think,”

-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., warned Democrats in 2013

It’s time for conservatives to show their appreciation of Senator Harry Reid for setting the tone and tenor in Washington politics. Please send him thank you cards for his short-sightedness. Karma’s a **tch. November 2013:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., pushed through a controversial change to Senate rules Thursday that will make it easier to approve President Obama’s nominees but threatens to further divide an already polarized Congress.
Fifty-two Senate Democrats and independents voted to weaken the power of the filibuster. The change reduces the threshold from 60 votes to 51 votes for Senate approval of executive and judicial nominees against unanimous GOP opposition. Three Democrats — Sens. Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Carl Levin of Michigan — opposed the change.
That's not true at all try again and be more truthful

Sorry - You lose

Only six states (California, Colorado, Illinois, New York, Oregon and Rhode Island) require universal background checks on all firearm sales at gun shows, including sales by unlicensed dealers.

no, I'm not wrong any sale completed by an FFL must have an atf 4433 filled out anything else is a private sale and cannot be regulated

Voters need to vote so they cannot pet this current non-conservative, far right GOP mess up the country.
Fake News. Voters already voted. Trump is President, the GOP has the majority.

And, unsurprisingly, it looks like this scumbag Kelly is a gun grabber and has no respect for our Constitutional rights.

Mark Kelly, like his fellow Democrats, can’t get elected on his real agenda.
So Mark Kelly is lying to Arizona voters.

James Exposes Democrat Mark Kelly’s true plans to crack down on your Second Amendment rights.

Mark Kelly is hiding this from Arizona voters until after the election!

James O'Keefe


BREAKING PART 1: @CaptMarkKelly deceives AZ voters on true gun agenda “I don’t think he’s fully been out there saying like 'I want a full gun control type measure" “Trying to be elected...then he’ll implement the (gun)measures” "I'm defaming my campaign right now" #Expose2020

They always lie. They can never tell the truth about their plans because they are always trying to implement an agenda that the American People do not want.

Voters need to vote so they cannot pet this current non-conservative, far right GOP mess up the country.

How would it spoil anything about ACB's nomination? Actually, if the R's lose the Senate, it would make the confirmation of Barrett even more urgent in the lame duck session.

Voters need to vote so they cannot pet this current non-conservative, far right GOP mess up the country.
How would it spoil anything about ACB's nomination? Actually, if the R's lose the Senate, it would make the confirmation of Barrett even more urgent in the lame duck session.
So long as Romney holds it wouldn't, but McSally is an appointed Senator, which means that if Gun Grabber Kelly prevailed, despite AZ being a proudly open carry state, that he would be sworn in as soon as his victory was certified. So it would reduce the GOP Senate count by one, even in the lame duck session, which could require a tie breaker vote by the President of the Senate Mike Pence.

Voters need to vote so they cannot pet this current non-conservative, far right GOP mess up the country.
How would it spoil anything about ACB's nomination? Actually, if the R's lose the Senate, it would make the confirmation of Barrett even more urgent in the lame duck session.
So long as Romney holds it wouldn't, but McSally is an appointed Senator, which means that if Gun Grabber Kelly prevailed, despite AZ being a proudly open carry state, that he would be sworn in as soon as his victory was certified. So it would reduce the GOP Senate count by one, even in the lame duck session, which could require a tie breaker vote by the President of the Senate Mike Pence.

Sen. Collins is up for reelection, if she were to lose- even after kissing liberal ass for the past decade or longer- she will be in no mood to vote "nay" for ACB.
from the Project Veritas video:

“He’s just trying to be elected, then he’ll implement measures”

Follows it up with “I'm defaming my campaign right now"

These people have no shame.
This is all mental masturbation by the Left. She will be seated as justice, hook sink or ladder. Even Romney said "I will consider", which is political code language that he'll vote for her.
That's not true at all try again and be more truthful

Sorry - You lose

Only six states (California, Colorado, Illinois, New York, Oregon and Rhode Island) require universal background checks on all firearm sales at gun shows, including sales by unlicensed dealers.

no, I'm not wrong any sale completed by an FFL must have an atf 4433 filled out anything else is a private sale and cannot be regulated

You don't know what you are talking about. Private sellers at gun shows in most states need only verify the age of the buyer. There are no records required.

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