A Math Question For The Masses

You should have used a calculator. I did and got the fourth power of the square root of 210 is exactly 44099.999999999 -- so there!
The time to fall from an apple tree is about 3 meters.
The number of apples in a pi is 3.14159265358979888 +/- 0.000000000001
It takes fewer apples if it's a tart pi...

I dont' do those pansy French tart things-------a REAL AMERICAN PI has- an top
and a bottom crust and is at least ONE FOOT at dome height
I come from berry land, we don't let no apples in around here...

berries are ok for jam------but do not work out in calculations of 'G'
You have to use mass calculations..Like the atomic weight of a berry is equal to X amount to fill Y amount...Or complete the cube...

I do not do berry cubes --------berries smash on impact and it is difficult to time
their descent-------they just make a mess
berries are ok for jam------but do not work out in calculations of 'G'
You are referring to the gravitational constant ala Newton? That's pretty cryptic for the masses. I think dropping a jar of jam would give the same result if both the apple and jam were in a vacuum.
It takes fewer apples if it's a tart pi...

I dont' do those pansy French tart things-------a REAL AMERICAN PI has- an top
and a bottom crust and is at least ONE FOOT at dome height
I come from berry land, we don't let no apples in around here...

berries are ok for jam------but do not work out in calculations of 'G'
You have to use mass calculations..Like the atomic weight of a berry is equal to X amount to fill Y amount...Or complete the cube...

I do not do berry cubes --------berries smash on impact and it is difficult to time
their descent-------they just make a mess
That's cause the impact observation has to use physics....
This relates to a discussion in another thread. I would like you to answer the question and give a brief description of your math background.

The question is: How many square feet are contained in an area 210 feet square?

Thanks in advance for your answers.

If the area is 210 feet squared, it contains 210 square feet.

Is that how you were taught how to square a number? I was always taught you multiply the number by itself, like 210 X 210, not 210 X 1 which is what you did.

he just misspoke he meant to say The area of a square with each side---210 feet----is 210 squared-----it's a language problem
berries are ok for jam------but do not work out in calculations of 'G'
You are referring to the gravitational constant ala Newton? That's pretty cryptic for the masses. I think dropping a jar of jam would give the same result if both the apple and jam were in a vacuum.

I always ASSUME an environment SANS FRICTION (I do not believe in either
friction or entropy)
berries are ok for jam------but do not work out in calculations of 'G'
You are referring to the gravitational constant ala Newton? That's pretty cryptic for the masses. I think dropping a jar of jam would give the same result if both the apple and jam were in a vacuum.
With or without gravitational influence?

I do not believe in gravity. It is not mentioned in the koran
berries are ok for jam------but do not work out in calculations of 'G'
You are referring to the gravitational constant ala Newton? That's pretty cryptic for the masses. I think dropping a jar of jam would give the same result if both the apple and jam were in a vacuum.
With or without gravitational influence?

I do not believe in gravity. It is not mentioned in the koran
Neither is dandruff....
berries are ok for jam------but do not work out in calculations of 'G'
You are referring to the gravitational constant ala Newton? That's pretty cryptic for the masses. I think dropping a jar of jam would give the same result if both the apple and jam were in a vacuum.
With or without gravitational influence?

I do not believe in gravity. It is not mentioned in the koran
Neither is dandruff....

nor parking tickets
I always ASSUME an environment SANS FRICTION (I do not believe in either
friction or entropy)
On the contrary the environment of politics is full of friction.

not all of the environment of politics-------just leave trump alone and his mouth
will keep going......and going....................and go....ingggggggg..........$@#&@#%@
This relates to a discussion in another thread. I would like you to answer the question and give a brief description of your math background.

The question is: How many square feet are contained in an area 210 feet square?

Thanks in advance for your answers.

If the area is 210 feet squared, it contains 210 square feet.

Is that how you were taught how to square a number? I was always taught you multiply the number by itself, like 210 X 210, not 210 X 1 which is what you did.

Why would I square that number? I'd do that if you gave me a side, but you already gave me the area.
Is that why you think the teacher is wrong? Did they say 210 square feet?
This relates to a discussion in another thread. I would like you to answer the question and give a brief description of your math background.

The question is: How many square feet are contained in an area 210 feet square?

Thanks in advance for your answers.

If the area is 210 feet squared, it contains 210 square feet.

Is that how you were taught how to square a number? I was always taught you multiply the number by itself, like 210 X 210, not 210 X 1 which is what you did.

Why would I square that number? I'd do that if you gave me a side, but you already gave me the area.
Is that why you think the teacher is wrong? Did they say 210 square feet?

the tiles on my kitchen floor are------one square foot. (I measured)
This relates to a discussion in another thread. I would like you to answer the question and give a brief description of your math background.

The question is: How many square feet are contained in an area 210 feet square?

Thanks in advance for your answers.

If the area is 210 feet squared, it contains 210 square feet.

Is that how you were taught how to square a number? I was always taught you multiply the number by itself, like 210 X 210, not 210 X 1 which is what you did.

Why would I square that number? I'd do that if you gave me a side, but you already gave me the area.
Is that why you think the teacher is wrong? Did they say 210 square feet?

mathematics confused my math teacher. -------freshman calculus-----he had
a very hard time trying to figure it out

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