A McCain presidency

I doubt he would have done much differently than Obama, despite his warhawk rhetoric.
I'm not sure how the McCain administration would be doing better than the Obama administration when it comes to the debt.

McCain wanted to carry on in Iraq. Obama followed through with the agreement the Iraqi PM made with George W. Bush to get out. Staying costs money.

McCain wanted to extend the Bush Tax Cuts for eternity. That means a lot less revenue in the last 2 years since we've been without them, albeit only on the top earners.

McCain wanted even more tax cuts. The Obama administration passed the largest one-time middle class tax cut in U.S. history in the 2009 stimulus, but not much more beyond that. Deeper tax cuts mean a cut in revenue.

Spending more on defense while cutting taxes has proven to be very harmful for us and John McCain wanted more of it. The amount he would have had to cut in other areas to make up for his increased spending plans and deeper tax cuts would be a very high number. I think it's impossible with congress so divided that he'd have been able to get all the cuts that Republicans and Tea Partiers would like to see, meaning probably a $20 trillion debt number right about now if John McCain were President.

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