A member of the Cabal dies


Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2021
Jacob Rothschild died in London on February 26, 2024. He was 87 years old. According to the CBS Overnight News.

David Rockefeller died in New York on March 20, 2017. He was 101 years old. According to HLN News.

I do not believe George Soros is a member of The Cabal.
I believe George Soros works for the Cabal but is not part of the Cabal. There are a ton of people I believe work for The Cabal, including JP Morgan, Henry Kissinger, and Meyer Lansky.

In Conversations With Nostradamus by Dolores Cannon, Nostradamus said there is a third man who is a part of The Cabal but he is overruled by the other two men in The Cabal. I believe that third man is or was a Russian banker in Moscow who is or was overruled by the other two bankers from London and New York City. It was very difficult to pinpoint the name of the Russian banker. I am sure I came across his name while doing my research on The Cabal.

Now, I believe The Antichrist in Iran is running things behind the scenes and he wants chaos. The whole world will find out who this Antichrist is.
I believe George Soros works for the Cabal but is not part of the Cabal. There are a ton of people I believe work for The Cabal, including JP Morgan, Henry Kissinger, and Meyer Lansky.

In Conversations With Nostradamus by Dolores Cannon, Nostradamus said there is a third man who is a part of The Cabal but he is overruled by the other two men in The Cabal. I believe that third man is or was a Russian banker in Moscow who is or was overruled by the other two bankers from London and New York City. It was very difficult to pinpoint the name of the Russian banker. I am sure I came across his name while doing my research on The Cabal.

Now, I believe The Antichrist in Iran is running things behind the scenes and he wants chaos. The whole world will find out who this Antichrist is.

I suggest you look further than NostraBullShit and Dolores the Cannon .
My feeling is that DC read Michael Newton's work and plagiarised, whilst making a few changes to make the narrative more palatable for general consumption and for her to make money .
imho .
I believe George Soros works for the Cabal but is not part of the Cabal. There are a ton of people I believe work for The Cabal, including JP Morgan, Henry Kissinger, and Meyer Lansky.

In Conversations With Nostradamus by Dolores Cannon, Nostradamus said there is a third man who is a part of The Cabal but he is overruled by the other two men in The Cabal. I believe that third man is or was a Russian banker in Moscow who is or was overruled by the other two bankers from London and New York City. It was very difficult to pinpoint the name of the Russian banker. I am sure I came across his name while doing my research on The Cabal.

Now, I believe The Antichrist in Iran is running things behind the scenes and he wants chaos. The whole world will find out who this Antichrist is.

The antichrist isn't in Iran.

Trump fits most scripture about the antichrist if you are a Dominionist or Dispensationist....you know, evangelicals.

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I believe George Soros works for the Cabal but is not part of the Cabal. There are a ton of people I believe work for The Cabal, including JP Morgan, Henry Kissinger, and Meyer Lansky.

In Conversations With Nostradamus by Dolores Cannon, Nostradamus said there is a third man who is a part of The Cabal but he is overruled by the other two men in The Cabal. I believe that third man is or was a Russian banker in Moscow who is or was overruled by the other two bankers from London and New York City. It was very difficult to pinpoint the name of the Russian banker. I am sure I came across his name while doing my research on The Cabal.

Now, I believe The Antichrist in Iran is running things behind the scenes and he wants chaos. The whole world will find out who this Antichrist is.

Here’s How We’d Really Know That Trump Is the Antichrist
Portrait of Sarah Jones
By Sarah Jones, senior writer for Intelligencer

Photo: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post/Getty Images
“I am the chosen one,” Donald Trump told reporters on Wednesday. He looked up to the heavens as he said this, CNBC reports, so perhaps he truly believes that God anointed him to win a trade war with China, which he also started. This analysis is supported by two uniquely cursed presidential tweets, which he unleashed before he spoke to reporters. In them, he quoted remarks by conservative commentator Wayne Allyn Root, who has assigned Trump a lofty and troubling designation.
The Antichrist was Ceaser Nero. The Apocalypse never happened. Jesus didn't return with power while his generation still lived. Christianity is a failed religion.
The Antichrist was Ceaser Nero. The Apocalypse never happened. Jesus didn't return with power while his generation still lived. Christianity is a failed religion.
And it was supplanted by a Psychotic Murderers hallucinations in a cave after his older wife died and he went on a intoxicating rampage

Here’s How We’d Really Know That Trump Is the Antichrist
Portrait of Sarah Jones
By Sarah Jones, senior writer for Intelligencer

Photo: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post/Getty Images
“I am the chosen one,” Donald Trump told reporters on Wednesday. He looked up to the heavens as he said this, CNBC reports, so perhaps he truly believes that God anointed him to win a trade war with China, which he also started. This analysis is supported by two uniquely cursed presidential tweets, which he unleashed before he spoke to reporters. In them, he quoted remarks by conservative commentator Wayne Allyn Root, who has assigned Trump a lofty and troubling designation.

The antichrist isn't in Iran.

Trump fits most scripture about the antichrist if you are a Dominionist or Dispensationist....you know, evangelicals.

Nostradamus said the 3rd Antichrist, after Napoleon and Hitler, is an Arab Muslim businessman.

I believe both President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump work for The Cabal. The Cabal controls both sides. The Aliens said The Cabal is losing power and they are going to the extreme to keep their power and Trump is the extreme. The Cabal are Globalists. I believe it was The Cabal that paid for Trump's 91 million dollar bond.
I suggest you look further than NostraBullShit and Dolores the Cannon .
My feeling is that DC read Michael Newton's work and plagiarised, whilst making a few changes to make the narrative more palatable for general consumption and for her to make money .
imho .
it's probably the other way around, he copied Dolores Cannon's work.

Nostradamus said The Cabal uses fear to control people. The Cabal disrupts the Peace process or peace agreements and profits off wars. They control both sides of wars. The only ones The Cabal cannot control are dictators and terrorists.

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