A message from a Mexican to The USA

Public records, his own admission, etc
I've read nearly every post of his from different sources- you, sir, are a liar. He's said he is a Lawyer- now, on to the public records- you know those how? And why did you bother with researching them, if, in fact, you did- what are you afraid of? Who hired you to try to belittle someone as insignificant as a message board poster who you claim is a phony?

He comes across as a lot more credible than you- FYI. You do nothing but taunt and make personal attacks trying to shoot the messenger. That you miss is obvious, to even a blind man, so, you try to double down on your attacks- and keep looking foolish, in public, making it a "public record"- how smart is that?
You're quick to call someone a liar when you haven't any clue as to what you are talking about. He is not a lawyer, nor does he have any law degree. He posts his personal info all over the forums.
Quick? Nah- I've been here for the entire thread.

The rest of your drivel is just that. If you don't like what I say, I suggest you use the ignore button.
I could tell you the same-
You're quick to call someone a liar when you haven't any clue as to what you are talking about. He is not a lawyer, nor does he have any law degree. He posts his personal info all over the forums.
Quick? Nah- I've been here for the entire thread.

The rest of your drivel is just that. If you don't like what I say, I suggest you use the ignore button.
I could tell you the same-
The entire thread....good for you, I guess. :rolleyes:

You could tell me the same, the difference is I really could care less. SHRUG
You could tell me the same, the difference is I really could care less. SHRUG
Yet you continue to shoot at the messenger- like I said, you, sir, are a liar.

That said, I don't agree with all of his *opinions*- I DO like reading his legal citations- as opposed to your opinions, they are quite credible.
I repeat: you know those how?

And why did you bother with researching them, if, in fact, you did-

what are you afraid of?

Who hired you to try to belittle someone as insignificant as a message board poster who you claim is a phony?
I reported the rules violations since Liquid Reigns violated the rules against linking to other forums 3 times ( I see they removed one that called me by name.) I want to thank Gdjjr for calling out that damn troll in his attempts to doxx me and have a personal pissing match on every thread I participate in. I'm sure that other site thanks Liquid. They picked up two new posters (for a total of about 24 total posters) while this pissing match has raged on. I end my contribution to this thread by reposting what Gdjjr said since we did not get an honest or logical response from Liquid Reigns:

I repeat: you know those how?

And why did you bother with researching them, if, in fact, you did-

what are you afraid of?

Who hired you to try to belittle someone as insignificant as a message board poster who you claim is a phony?
I notice the mental midget, Liquid Reigns, has chosen to depart our fair discussion- for, ah -hem, I guess, greener pastures. I suppose it feels it stands a better chance, trolling elsewhere.

So, back to the discussion, "in context", ALL men are created equal- I think it's fair to say, "ALL", is pretty much setting a context. No? How so?
On to a pertinent word definition, created- how does that happen? On an assembly line? Not where humans are concerned- or animals. So, two legged or four legged, feathered or from the water- are humans also given the ability to reason? Or, do we react from instinct? Since the feathered, the four legged and those from the water can't reason are we to be disrespectful of the role they play in *civilization*?

Let's move onto, equal, in "context".

All; As an adjective: 1) being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value. (2) having the ability or resources to meet (a challenge).

As a noun: a person or thing considered to be the same as another in status or quality.

So, in the philosophy of the Declaration of Independence where is the caveat? In the "context"?
The context of what? Time? Place? Environment?

The "context" of ALL men is pretty well "all" encompassing.

all: (used as a predeterminer); a person or thing considered to be the same as another in status or quality.

That opens another can of worms- status- is determined by whom? What? Context?
"Quality", well, even a blind man (or a cave man) can see everyone is wired differently- provided we allow that humans have reasoning ability-

However, our Public Education System, with political Mandates, determines what is important and obviously the centers for indoctrination FAIL, miserably in that regard.
We have over 30 pages (most of which has nothing to do with the original thread topic) cussing and discussing humanity- SMH-
It's pretty obvious, the irony escapes most, even the alleged *higher educated*- the formally trained script readers-

I am anxious to see the reactions this promotes- in "context", I might add.
I notice the mental midget, Liquid Reigns, has chosen to depart our fair discussion- for, ah -hem, I guess, greener pastures. I suppose it feels it stands a better chance, trolling elsewhere.

So, back to the discussion, "in context", ALL men are created equal- I think it's fair to say, "ALL", is pretty much setting a context. No? How so?
On to a pertinent word definition, created- how does that happen? On an assembly line? Not where humans are concerned- or animals. So, two legged or four legged, feathered or from the water- are humans also given the ability to reason? Or, do we react from instinct? Since the feathered, the four legged and those from the water can't reason are we to be disrespectful of the role they play in *civilization*?

Let's move onto, equal, in "context".

All; As an adjective: 1) being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value. (2) having the ability or resources to meet (a challenge).

As a noun: a person or thing considered to be the same as another in status or quality.

So, in the philosophy of the Declaration of Independence where is the caveat? In the "context"?
The context of what? Time? Place? Environment?

The "context" of ALL men is pretty well "all" encompassing.

all: (used as a predeterminer); a person or thing considered to be the same as another in status or quality.

That opens another can of worms- status- is determined by whom? What? Context?
"Quality", well, even a blind man (or a cave man) can see everyone is wired differently- provided we allow that humans have reasoning ability-

However, our Public Education System, with political Mandates, determines what is important and obviously the centers for indoctrination FAIL, miserably in that regard.
We have over 30 pages (most of which has nothing to do with the original thread topic) cussing and discussing humanity- SMH-
It's pretty obvious, the irony escapes most, even the alleged *higher educated*- the formally trained script readers-

I am anxious to see the reactions this promotes- in "context", I might add.

The Declaration of Independence will always be mired in controversy. Thomas Jefferson had a duality of ideology. He played to a Christian audience, was reared as a Christian and sought the validation of a Christian audience. As soon as Jefferson finished the Declaration of Independence, he went to work on the Virginia State Constitution of 1776. In Section 16 that Constitution reads:

"That religion, or the duty which we owe to our Creator, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; and therefore all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity towards each other."

That is quite a departure from the misapplied "separation of church and state" phrase he wrote in a private letter to the Danbury Baptists. So, what does this have to do with the Declaration of Independence? In the Declaration of Independence, there is no caveat or limitation on God given Rights. The Declaration says that it applies to ALL men and we know that Jefferson fathered children by a black woman, Sally Hemmings. But, there is an "out" for those who disagree. The Declaration of Independence talks about the "ravages of the savages" and the colonists had anti - miscegenation laws. Slaves were not considered, by law, to be a full person. All of this is best summarized by Roger Taney in the Dred Scott v. Sanford decision:

Then, despite what the laws were, the fact remains that, despite citizenship being limited to whites, ALL people had their unalienable Rights respected. People came from all over the world to take part in the free market system. So, I remain convinced that when the terminology ALL MEN in the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson included all people in that document and we are bound by it from a moral perspective. At the legal level, maybe not so much. Maybe the Constitution only guaranteed the citizens that their Rights would be guaranteed by government, but nowhere does it presume to deprive non-citizens of those Rights. In my mind, the evidence suggests that most people today conflate the privileges and benefits of citizenship with the unalienable Rights of ALL men.
I want to see the words about the constitution limiting unalienable Rights, in any capacity.
Great. No reason to play coy then.
I'm not playing and my name isn't coy- try again, smart guy-
You must be scared of something.

It appears to me you're having a meltdown as Gdjjr kicks your ass. Look at the good side; you don't have to waste bandwidth projecting as you do the ultimate meltdown. You could walk away. OR stay. Some are having a good time watching you get what you dish out.

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