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A message from a veteran about firearms in this country

I can care less about your belief. i own them, and I enjoy them. I can see no reason for people to own fast cars either. However, I own one of them too. The facts are the COTUS of the USA says that to keep people like YOU in check, the Founders made sure we could be every bit as well armed as you...to keep YOU under control. See how that works?

Yeah, those car designers. That must have been a real interesting meeting they had at design stage. "So guys, how can we make these cars faster so they can kill more people."

What do you do for an encore, compare John Wayne Gacy to Kermit the Frog?

Yep, and the interesting thing is, when they make the cars faster, they incorporate more safety gear. Cars today are much faster than they were in the 50's and 60's, and they also have a lot more safety features built in.

Yep, I agree Dr. Grump, Westwall is an idiot.

Yes, they do. And guess what when you are going 100 miles per hour on a motorcycle what are your survival chances? What sort of special survival gear do they place on them? What sort of special safety equipment is mandated on high speed motorcycles?

Depends on how stupid you get. Me? I've gone 130 mph on my bike, and yes, I was wearing full leathers and a full face helmet with hard sole boots (leather is your best safety equipment), but I did it on a controlled space with no traffic or wind. I'm not stupid that way.

As far as some of the safety equipment that is now mandated that didn't used to be? Traffic signals for one.

But you still haven't explained to me how many rounds you need for hunting or defense, and safety doesn't seem to be an issue with either.
Ahhh but it is. You claim that you can prevent violent people from committing crimes by disarming the regular civilian population. How exactly is that supposed to work?

There seems to be a myth that is perpetuated by the NRA and gun lovers that people want you disarmed. They don't. They want background checks and certain types of weapons either banned or restrictions based on them. Nobody wants you hand guns or shot guns or .303 rifles. Nothing like that...

And they are lying.....

Please....explain how background checks of any kind stop criminals or mass shooters.....you are a New Zealander.....you think you are bright...please, enlighten us.....how is it working in Australia, the land of the gun down under.....?
I can care less about your belief. i own them, and I enjoy them. I can see no reason for people to own fast cars either. However, I own one of them too. The facts are the COTUS of the USA says that to keep people like YOU in check, the Founders made sure we could be every bit as well armed as you...to keep YOU under control. See how that works?

Yeah, those car designers. That must have been a real interesting meeting they had at design stage. "So guys, how can we make these cars faster so they can kill more people."

What do you do for an encore, compare John Wayne Gacy to Kermit the Frog?

Yep, and the interesting thing is, when they make the cars faster, they incorporate more safety gear. Cars today are much faster than they were in the 50's and 60's, and they also have a lot more safety features built in.

Yep, I agree Dr. Grump, Westwall is an idiot.

Yes, they do. And guess what when you are going 100 miles per hour on a motorcycle what are your survival chances? What sort of special survival gear do they place on them? What sort of special safety equipment is mandated on high speed motorcycles?

Depends on how stupid you get. Me? I've gone 130 mph on my bike, and yes, I was wearing full leathers and a full face helmet with hard sole boots (leather is your best safety equipment), but I did it on a controlled space with no traffic or wind. I'm not stupid that way.

As far as some of the safety equipment that is now mandated that didn't used to be? Traffic signals for one.

But you still haven't explained to me how many rounds you need for hunting or defense, and safety doesn't seem to be an issue with either.

It was answered...as many as we need, and having more is better than less.......you didn't answer if you are psychic...and can tell us exactly how many bullets we will need if we are ever attacked...if you could let us know, that would be great....
How many rounds do you REALLY need to go hunting?

How many do you REALLY need to defend yourself?

If you need more than 10 shots, you're a piss poor marksman and need more practice at the range.

Now ask "How much free speech do you really need?" "How many words do you need to put in a book?" If you can't get your point across in less than half a page, you're a lousy writer.
I don't go to that stupid thread obama try this again...and I have been on this sight for a few years now.

Yea we know you NZers are jealous pricks of America your country is like what 100 miles long? I never get Why there are so many NZers on U.S. boards and what there fascination with American politics are.

Politics is an interesting beast. I rarely go on the Obama thread. That aside, Obama farts the world listens. Wish it wasn't so, but it's the way it is.

Yeah I'm really jealous of America. Gee, I wish I lived there. Oh, that's right my wife got offered a job in Australia and the US at the same time. The US job offered more money but we came to Oz anyway. Decision wasn't even close.....LOL...

So you didn't want to move farther away from your home? Wow, big surprise there...
I can care less about your belief. i own them, and I enjoy them. I can see no reason for people to own fast cars either. However, I own one of them too. The facts are the COTUS of the USA says that to keep people like YOU in check, the Founders made sure we could be every bit as well armed as you...to keep YOU under control. See how that works?

Yeah, those car designers. That must have been a real interesting meeting they had at design stage. "So guys, how can we make these cars faster so they can kill more people."

What do you do for an encore, compare John Wayne Gacy to Kermit the Frog?

Yep, and the interesting thing is, when they make the cars faster, they incorporate more safety gear. Cars today are much faster than they were in the 50's and 60's, and they also have a lot more safety features built in.

Yep, I agree Dr. Grump, Westwall is an idiot.

Yes, they do. And guess what when you are going 100 miles per hour on a motorcycle what are your survival chances? What sort of special survival gear do they place on them? What sort of special safety equipment is mandated on high speed motorcycles?

Depends on how stupid you get. Me? I've gone 130 mph on my bike, and yes, I was wearing full leathers and a full face helmet with hard sole boots (leather is your best safety equipment), but I did it on a controlled space with no traffic or wind. I'm not stupid that way.

As far as some of the safety equipment that is now mandated that didn't used to be? Traffic signals for one.

But you still haven't explained to me how many rounds you need for hunting or defense, and safety doesn't seem to be an issue with either.

For defense I need as many as I want. I don't hunt anymore so I don't need any for that.
What's the matter pussy are you to embarrassed to say where you live?

No, I've mentioned many times on this board where I live. A NZer living in Australia. Being a newb you probably don't know, but I've mentioned it many times.

Wait? Australia where you have strict gun laws yet some guy came into a coffee shop and killed people and held them hostage?

Holy shit did they get old and fucked up!!!!


I am a veteran of the United States Army. I served as a 12B (Combat Engineer) in the 37th Engineer Battalion, part of the illustrious 82nd Airborne Division

I cannot, for the life of me, understand why any civilian needs or wants to own an assault rifle. During OSUT (a form of initial training where Basic and AIT are rolled into one course), we learned that our rifles were deadly weapons, designed solely for killing the enemy on a battlefield. When we trained with our weapons, we had to shoot a "qualification" test. We were presented with forty popup targets, one after another at different distances, from fifty to three hundred meters, all in very quick succession. We had to kill at least twenty three targets to pass the test, but most of us, including those of us who never fired a gun before, easily shot thirty or more targets. All this was in the span of less than two minutes, and we even had to reload once in that time. I don't get why any civilian needs to kill thirty people in two minutes, unless he is deliberately causing carnage and mass death.

The civilian AR15 is just a M-4 carbine by any other name. The only difference is that it does not have burst capacity. That is not nearly as big a difference as the NRA makes it out to be. We never, ever used burst mode in the military, since it wasted ammo, was inaccurate, and generally useless. Besides for that difference, the AR 15 is the exact same as the M4. The M4's features are designed to kill a large number of people in a short amount of time, including a detachable magazine which allows for rapid reloading and a buffer tube and muzzle brake which dampens recoil, so that a shooter can fire off a large number of rounds with minimal affect on accuracy.

All the arguments about " I need my AR 15 for hunting" or "I need my Ar15 for self defense" are entirely ridiculous. The 5.56 Nato round, which the Ar15 uses, is designed to pierce body armor. Which deer wears body armor? And your fantasies about shooting fifteen home invaders at once is just that: a fantasy which will likely never happen. The only real purpose of the AR 15 in American society is to kill large numbers of clubgoers, schoolchildren, or innocent bystanders at a time.

And for those of you who claim that "my Ar15 will protect me from tyranny," guess what, you're wrong. In my time in the military, I saw that no civilian rebellion would ever stand a chance against us. We have M1 Abrams tanks which can survive multiple rocket hits. We have drones which can bomb your house while being controlled by a person a thousand miles away. If worst came to worst, we have nuclear weapons which can quickly bring a seceding city or state into the stone age.

let's also talk about concealed carry. You are civilians. You are not deployed to a foreign country halfway around the globe. You are not fighting basically an entire for the sake of securing their oil supplies. You are not under constant threat of attack from people defending their homes from foreign invaders.

Therefore, you have no reason to carry a gun in public. Nobody needs to carry a handgun into mcDonald's or into a bank. You are not in a war zone.

And don;t give me the bs that concealed carry decreases crime. It has been proven, by STANFORD UNIVERSITY, that concealed carry actually INCREASES violent crime:

Right-to-carry gun laws linked to increase in violent crime, Stanford research shows

Trust me, I used to be an NRA member myself when i was 18. I bought into the propaganda because i was stupid, uninformed, and thought it was fun to play with guns. After joining the military, I learned to treat firearms, especially assault rifles, as tools of death and destruction, something which should be kept out of most civilian hands.

The right wing claims to respect veterans, so please listen to the words of a former soldier. I trained with assault rifles. I carried an assault rifle as part of my job. I can tell you that the military M-4 and the Ar-15 are nearly identical, and that no civilian needs a weapon designed to kill dozens of people in a matter of minutes.

Thank you! Beautifully and factually stated.
Washington Redskin, that's canned post by a paid poster - its all over the Internet on political correct fucked up sights. Dip shit
What does New Zealand do for the world? Australia for that matter? Australia can't even provide sufficient electricity for a large portion of their population.

Want to talk about Hurricane Katrina? or the midwest floods? What do we do? We helped your arse in WWII and Vietnam and Korea. That's what we did, even though the latter two had nothing to do with us.

I tell you what we don't do. We don't involve ourselves in the inner mechanisms of other countries politics. Salvador Allende anyone? We don't prop up corrupt, puppet regimes and get 50,000 of our civilians killed? Vietnam anyone? We don't make the world a much less safer place 'cause based on lies and because "he tried to kill my daddy". Iraq anyone? Or destabilise central America for my own geopolitical ideology, the result being an influx over the past 30 years of central and south american immigrants - both legal and illegal. Iran/Contra anyone?

You wish you were us.
And another shooting from the land of the gun down under...

notice......not exactly a name of British or Irish extraction.....

Police charge man who drove himself to hospital after being shot in head

Mr Maghnie was shot in the head and chest but managed to drive himself to a hospital in Epping about 1.20am last Thursday.

He later discharged himself from hospital.

On Wednesday evening, police charged the 40-year-old with possessing a firearm as a prohibited person, possessing the proceeds of crime and committing an indictable offence while on bail. Mr Maghnie has also been charged with affray, unlawful assault and criminal damage in relation to an incident in South Melbourne on August 13
Why the hell would we limit ourselves to exactly as many as we think we might need? Unless we are on a budget, why should we let the government tell us how many of a legal thing we should be able to have? How many eggs do you eat per day? How many of those do you need? Maybe the government should limit how many of those you can have in your fridge.
Ahhh but it is. You claim that you can prevent violent people from committing crimes by disarming the regular civilian population. How exactly is that supposed to work?

There seems to be a myth that is perpetuated by the NRA and gun lovers that people want you disarmed. They don't. They want background checks and certain types of weapons either banned or restrictions based on them. Nobody wants you hand guns or shot guns or .303 rifles. Nothing like that...

And they are lying.....

Please....explain how background checks of any kind stop criminals or mass shooters.....you are a New Zealander.....you think you are bright...please, enlighten us.....how is it working in Australia, the land of the gun down under.....?
Don't mind him he has shit for brains.

Ahhh but it is. You claim that you can prevent violent people from committing crimes by disarming the regular civilian population. How exactly is that supposed to work?

Actually no. Pro gunners in the US claim that being armed to the teeth keeps your crime down. Stats clearly show that the US has more homicides that other Western Countries (note I say western - compared to third-world countries, it's a paradise). You would think with such a proliferation of guns your country would be one of the least violent first-world countries. It's not. So it's clearly not the guns...
What does New Zealand do for the world? Australia for that matter? Australia can't even provide sufficient electricity for a large portion of their population.

Want to talk about Hurricane Katrina? or the midwest floods? What do we do? We helped your arse in WWII and Vietnam and Korea. That's what we did, even though the latter two had nothing to do with us.

I tell you what we don't do. We don't involve ourselves in the inner mechanisms of other countries politics. Salvador Allende anyone? We don't prop up corrupt, puppet regimes and get 50,000 of our civilians killed? Vietnam anyone? We don't make the world a much less safer place 'cause based on lies and because "he tried to kill my daddy". Iraq anyone? Or destabilise central America for my own geopolitical ideology, the result being an influx over the past 30 years of central and south american immigrants - both legal and illegal. Iran/Contra anyone?

You wish you were us.

YOU helped OUR ARSE there? You REALLY think we NEEDED your help? WWII? If it wasn't for the U.S. a large part of Europe would be Germany. Japan would be ruling the Pacific... Vietnam? Everyone lost there, so you didn't help our arse at all. Korea? Uh... maybe you need to go read some more about that. The U.S. Navy ruled that war.
I don't go to that stupid thread obama try this again...and I have been on this sight for a few years now.

Yea we know you NZers are jealous pricks of America your country is like what 100 miles long? I never get Why there are so many NZers on U.S. boards and what there fascination with American politics are.

Politics is an interesting beast. I rarely go on the Obama thread. That aside, Obama farts the world listens. Wish it wasn't so, but it's the way it is.

Yeah I'm really jealous of America. Gee, I wish I lived there. Oh, that's right my wife got offered a job in Australia and the US at the same time. The US job offered more money but we came to Oz anyway. Decision wasn't even close.....LOL...

Your wife??? Is that code for what?

So your "wife" got a job offer both in Australia and america doing what?

And you are the" house wife "???

To confusing.
YOU helped OUR ARSE there? You REALLY think we NEEDED your help? WWII? If it wasn't for the U.S. a large part of Europe would be Germany. Japan would be ruling the Pacific... Vietnam? Everyone lost there, so you didn't help our arse at all. Korea? Uh... maybe you need to go read some more about that. The U.S. Navy ruled that war.

You didn't need our help. You asked for it, and we gave it. As for Japan, there was this little incident called Pearl Harbor. I don't think you had a choice there.
Your wife??? Is that code for what?

So your "wife" got a job offer both in Australia and america doing what?

And you are the" house wife "???

To confusing.

Nope, I work. Dunno why you would think otherwise.
No code. She was phoned up by two different companies within a month of each other offering her positions - one in Aussie one in NY. She took the Aussie offer without giving too much thought. The US position paid more, but once you took out tax, insurances, cost of living etc, it was hardly worth going.

Ahhh but it is. You claim that you can prevent violent people from committing crimes by disarming the regular civilian population. How exactly is that supposed to work?

Actually no. Pro gunners in the US claim that being armed to the teeth keeps your crime down. Stats clearly show that the US has more homicides that other Western Countries (note I say western - compared to third-world countries, it's a paradise). You would think with such a proliferation of guns your country would be one of the least violent first-world countries. It's not. So it's clearly not the guns...


200 million guns in the hands of law abiding people and 1.2 million people carrying guns in in the 1990s.....

357 million guns in the hands of law abiding people and almost 15 million people carrying guns in 2016....

And the gun murder rate went down 49%.....

Law abiding people do not commit crimes with their guns...so disarming them does not decrease the crime rate.....law abiding people carrying guns has been effectively proven to not raise the gun crime or the gun murder rate...

You have no idea what you are talking about......coming from a country that now has increasing gun violence after confiscating guns from law abiding people....and the names of the shooters are oddly not British or Irish in their history.....

Ahhh but it is. You claim that you can prevent violent people from committing crimes by disarming the regular civilian population. How exactly is that supposed to work?

Actually no. Pro gunners in the US claim that being armed to the teeth keeps your crime down. Stats clearly show that the US has more homicides that other Western Countries (note I say western - compared to third-world countries, it's a paradise). You would think with such a proliferation of guns your country would be one of the least violent first-world countries. It's not. So it's clearly not the guns...
Hey dumbass, in Western states were firearms outnumber people many, many times is where the least crime is. Get your fucking head out of your ass. LOL

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