A message from a veteran about firearms in this country

My Remington 700 bolt is more than enough protection. Way more than enough. Gun kooky folk will disagree of course.

My evil eye and streets smarts is enough protection for me the past 51 years , my glock 9 mm is just for fun.

Oh yea and I have my blue pit.


If you wash your pits every once in awhile they won't stink or turn blue. Though I can see how the stick would keep people away and you protected.

Ya know I can see people's point about gun nuts they used to drive me crazy at my old job, so Fucking boring on how they had to carry all the time even going to walnart pfzzt please .

The only thing that bugs me about gun nuts, is somewhat the same thing that bugs me about certain car and truck owners. They brag about the strength and size all the time like it is an extension of their personality. Just because you own a fast car, a huge truck, or a powerful gun, that doesn't make you special.
The same thing can be said about intellectuals, nothing makes them special
I overlooked the part in the 2nd amendment about the right to bear an assault weapon that could kill a dozen red coats in a matter of minutes....Can you point THAT part out, nitwit?
All of these actions show that for most of American history the arms owned by private citizens were or par with or superior to the weapons used by the US military and no one really cared. The clear inference is that the Founding Fathers would not only have not objected to citizens owning assault weapons but they would have encouraged it to ensure the citizen militia was not outgunned.

Sure, you say, but what about rocket lauchers and flame throwers and smallish nukes. No right thinking private citizen would want such things. The Founders clearly indicated that they did not object to civilian ownership of every conceivable weapon.

At the time of the ratification of the Bill or Rights possession of artillery by private citizens was commonplace. Shocked? Well, in the American Revolution and the War of 1812 the United States relied upon privateers for most of its sea power. Privateers were privately owned ships crewed by civilians who contracted with the US government and operating under a letter of marque and reprisal to raid the commerce of enemy nations, primarily Britain. The ships were not subject to military discipline or command and they sold their captures for profit. These ships, and indeed most merchant vessels of the time, carried several cannon. It would be a safe bet to say that at ratification there were more cannon in the hands of civilians than in the hands of the US government.

When Richard Gatling produced the eponymous Gatling Gun it was produced in a privately owned factory, not in a US Armory. They were also available for sale to private citizens. They were purchased by numerous railroad and mine owners as an insurance policy against strikes. (see Mr. Gatling’s Terrible Marvel)

No, the Founding Fathers Would Not Have Objected To Assault Weapon Ownership Or Any Weapon At All | RedState
Knives murder 1,500 people every single year.....ban knives before you ban rifles....

Could ANY knife kill a dozen people in a matter of seconds???......
and the purpose of a knife is not primarily to kill people, while an assault weapon CERTAINLY only has that purpose.
According to the Bill Clinton department of justice...Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack....

Moron, THAT's including police NOT just private vigilantes.
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Yeah...it isright next to the First Amendment where it states you have a Right to an Apple I-pad and Mac computer...

Precisely, since the founders did NOT include that everyone should have an I-Pad, NEITHER did they include an assault weapon...Its you guys with the proverbial penis envy that INSIST on being armed for war and mayhem.....Live by it and die by it.
We the people had assualt weapons at the time, fucktard....l.l
My Remington 700 bolt is more than enough protection. Way more than enough. Gun kooky folk will disagree of course.

My evil eye and streets smarts is enough protection for me the past 51 years , my glock 9 mm is just for fun.

Oh yea and I have my blue pit.


If you wash your pits every once in awhile they won't stink or turn blue. Though I can see how the stick would keep people away and you protected.

Ya know I can see people's point about gun nuts they used to drive me crazy at my old job, so Fucking boring on how they had to carry all the time even going to walnart pfzzt please .

The only thing that bugs me about gun nuts, is somewhat the same thing that bugs me about certain car and truck owners. They brag about the strength and size all the time like it is an extension of their personality. Just because you own a fast car, a huge truck, or a powerful gun, that doesn't make you special.
The same thing can be said about intellectuals, nothing makes them special

Being smart, strong, double-jointed... yeah those things do make you special. Just because you own a powerful gun does not. I have nothing against owning guns, I just get annoyed with all the excited talk about how powerful this one is, or how many rounds per second this one can fire... etc. To me, bragging like that is no different than praising a kid for a participation trophy. Anyone can get one.
I don't care if you SISSIES have assault rifles. That's your choice. You need to shoot more as a good shot wouldn't bother owning one.
to ensure the citizen militia was not outgunned.

Outgunned BY WHOM???? The problem with you folks is that you STILL think that someday the government is coming after your sorry ass......and if that moronic scenario were to happen, would you arm chair morons defeat the US military???
That means that we're wasting 700 BILLION per year on that military that couldn't "outgun" a bunch of idiots like we have on these forums.
In the article, it talks about how she told a gun nut that a woman was 81 times more likely to have the gun taken from her, than to use it in self defense
So, 81x200,000=16,200,000

According to you, and the 81 figure you want to push, that means 16.2 MILLION WOMEN are shot with their own gun EVERY YEAR.

You sure you want to stick with that?
I don't care if you SISSIES have assault rifles. That's your choice. You need to shoot more as a good shot wouldn't bother owning one.

So who are you? Deadpool? If you have multiple attackers you can kill three with one bullet?

to ensure the citizen militia was not outgunned.

Outgunned BY WHOM???? The problem with you folks is that you STILL think that someday the government is coming after your sorry ass......and if that moronic scenario were to happen, would you arm chair morons defeat the US military???
That means that we're wasting 700 BILLION per year on that military that couldn't "outgun" a bunch of idiots like we have on these forums.
You should be scared.....
A woman is 81 times more likely to have her gun ripped from her hands and be shot with it, than to successfully use it for self defense.

Colorado Senator Evie Hudak told this fact to a gun nut during a hearing, and the NRA ended up trying to kick her out of office because they didn't like her speaking plain and simple STATISTICS

That is a lie.......you can't post a link to that stat.......it is more common from a look at 5,000 stories of gun self defense by the Cato institute for the criminal to be disarmed than the victim....I can give you that link if you want it....

Please..post your link genius....and not by the gun grabber, the actual research......

We'll wait for it.......
Search up "Senator Evie Hudak." She ended up losing her job because she dared to speak against the NRA. This was in 2013, right after the Newtown and Aurora shootings

She may have lost her job but it would have been for denying Rights to her electorate....

Again..link to that statistic...

This story is the only somewhat unbiased one I could find that includes what she said.Colorado Gun Rights Activists Claim Another Scalp

In the article, it talks about how she told a gun nut that a woman was 81 times more likely to have the gun taken from her, than to use it in self defense

So the woman that used it to protect her has no Fucking right asshole?

That reminds me of a story of a kid picking up star fish and throwing one by one back into the ocean

A guy walks up and says son there are thousands of them..you can't save them all

The little kid picks up another throws it back and says " sure mister but I just saved this one"

I thought that was what you liberals and progressives are all about?
For every one woman who uses a gun to defend herself, there are Eighty ONE women who have died BECAUSE they were allowed to carry guns.

Concealed carry has killed 81 times more deaths than lives saved
My evil eye and streets smarts is enough protection for me the past 51 years , my glock 9 mm is just for fun.

Oh yea and I have my blue pit.


If you wash your pits every once in awhile they won't stink or turn blue. Though I can see how the stick would keep people away and you protected.

Ya know I can see people's point about gun nuts they used to drive me crazy at my old job, so Fucking boring on how they had to carry all the time even going to walnart pfzzt please .

The only thing that bugs me about gun nuts, is somewhat the same thing that bugs me about certain car and truck owners. They brag about the strength and size all the time like it is an extension of their personality. Just because you own a fast car, a huge truck, or a powerful gun, that doesn't make you special.
The same thing can be said about intellectuals, nothing makes them special

Being smart, strong, double-jointed... yeah those things do make you special. Just because you own a powerful gun does not. I have nothing against owning guns, I just get annoyed with all the excited talk about how powerful this one is, or how many rounds per second this one can fire... etc. To me, bragging like that is no different than praising a kid for a participation trophy. Anyone can get one.

I agree it is boring as all hell, a gun is just a tool but a car is a babe magnet and gureenteed for even old guys like me to get laid :)

he ships were not subject to military discipline or command and they sold their captures for profit. These ships, and indeed most merchant vessels of the time, carried several cannon. It would be a safe bet to say that at ratification there were more cannon in the hands of civilians than in the hands of the US government.

I don't know if you have the brain capacity to realize that what you are alluding to is a MERCENARY force.....Is that what a private citizen brandishing an assault weapon really is???
That is a lie.......you can't post a link to that stat.......it is more common from a look at 5,000 stories of gun self defense by the Cato institute for the criminal to be disarmed than the victim....I can give you that link if you want it....

Please..post your link genius....and not by the gun grabber, the actual research......

We'll wait for it.......
Search up "Senator Evie Hudak." She ended up losing her job because she dared to speak against the NRA. This was in 2013, right after the Newtown and Aurora shootings

She may have lost her job but it would have been for denying Rights to her electorate....

Again..link to that statistic...

This story is the only somewhat unbiased one I could find that includes what she said.Colorado Gun Rights Activists Claim Another Scalp

In the article, it talks about how she told a gun nut that a woman was 81 times more likely to have the gun taken from her, than to use it in self defense

So the woman that used it to protect her has no Fucking right asshole?

That reminds me of a story of a kid picking up star fish and throwing one by one back into the ocean

A guy walks up and says son there are thousands of them..you can't save them all

The little kid picks up another throws it back and says " sure mister but I just saved this one"

I thought that was what you liberals and progressives are all about?
For every one woman who uses a gun to defend herself, there are Eighty ONE women who have died BECAUSE they were allowed to carry guns.

Concealed carry has killed 81 times more deaths than lives saved

Link..again it saved one woman's life the other 81 had that choice to fire or put it down..

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