A Message from Bernie Sanders to the BILLIONAIRES!

And who you think will "fix" the country?

Any of the TOP 4 Republican's from Iowa!
If Cruz or Rubio win, kiss the Middle Class goodbye.

And WHAT will they do to them...TAX them into oblivion as Sanders would do?

The retired Middle Class will get older and die.
The others will continue to take pay cuts, longer periods of unemployment and underemployment and the US will become as close as possible to a serf society as Europe once was.

Yes, UNDER the Communist/Socialist/DemoRATS!


You seriously got to get to a big city.
The shit hit the fan post 9/11 and it's doesn't matter who's running things, the Top Dogs got the power and they ain't afraid to use it.
'If you're Democrats you can join me as members of the new Socialist ruling elite. If you are Conservaties, I am coming for your and the Middle Class' money!'

How else us he going to he sble to afford all that 'free shit' he promises...

I dont know, he says he will take it from billionaires.

And seems like a lot of people want him to do that

You know how democracy works :)

Wake up!

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough ...
Apr 3, 2012 - Progressives say, if you're so worried about the deficit, raise taxes! ... If the IRS grabbed 100 percent of income over $1 million, the take would be ... state hiked its income tax on millionaires, billionaire Tom Golisano moved to ..

I don't think people would take "Forbes", which is nothing more than a coffee table mag for rich to check their ranking every once in a while, seriously, especially when the subject is "taxing the rich"....
I know Forbes has been a Wall Street shrill rag since I started reading it in back in 2004.
'If you're Democrats you can join me as members of the new Socialist ruling elite. If you are Conservaties, I am coming for your and the Middle Class' money!'

How else us he going to he sble to afford all that 'free shit' he promises...

I dont know, he says he will take it from billionaires.

And seems like a lot of people want him to do that

You know how democracy works :)

Wake up!

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough ...
Apr 3, 2012 - Progressives say, if you're so worried about the deficit, raise taxes! ... If the IRS grabbed 100 percent of income over $1 million, the take would be ... state hiked its income tax on millionaires, billionaire Tom Golisano moved to ..

I don't think people would take "Forbes", which is nothing more than a coffee table mag for rich to check their ranking every once in a while, seriously, especially when the subject is "taxing the rich"....

Well, like assholes, everyone has an opinion!
'If you're Democrats you can join me as members of the new Socialist ruling elite. If you are Conservaties, I am coming for your and the Middle Class' money!'

How else us he going to he sble to afford all that 'free shit' he promises...

I dont know, he says he will take it from billionaires.

And seems like a lot of people want him to do that

You know how democracy works :)
Bernie wants greater redistribution of OTHER people's wealth, not for Americans - all of them - to pay their ACTUAL 'FAIR' SHARE.
Any of the TOP 4 Republican's from Iowa!
If Cruz or Rubio win, kiss the Middle Class goodbye.

And WHAT will they do to them...TAX them into oblivion as Sanders would do?

The retired Middle Class will get older and die.
The others will continue to take pay cuts, longer periods of unemployment and underemployment and the US will become as close as possible to a serf society as Europe once was.

Yes, UNDER the Communist/Socialist/DemoRATS!


You seriously got to get to a big city.
The shit hit the fan post 9/11 and it's doesn't matter who's running things, the Top Dogs got the power and they ain't afraid to use it.

NOTHING bigger than NYC!...Isn't THAT why we have OUTSIDERS winning the race for the Republican presidential nomination?
'If you're Democrats you can join me as members of the new Socialist ruling elite. If you are Conservaties, I am coming for your and the Middle Class' money!'

How else us he going to he sble to afford all that 'free shit' he promises...

I dont know, he says he will take it from billionaires.

And seems like a lot of people want him to do that

You know how democracy works :)
Bernie wants greater redistribution of OTHER people's wealth, not for Americans - all of them - to pay their ACTUAL 'FAIR' SHARE.

They already pay close to 75% of all income taxes, exactly how much more do you want?
Isn't it odd that anyone thinks the ultra-wealthy need a political party to further their interests? Why would anyone defend them? Most of them didn't make the money on their own, it is inherited wealth. Some of their families worked hard generations back, but most didn't. You aren't a great businessman when you drill a well in the ground and find oil. Or you cut down millions of trees which in fact belong to every citizen in the country. Or you mine gold or silver on public land.

And anyone that is ultra-wealthy and complains about anything has lost all touch with real life.

Nothing wrong with working hard and making alot of money. But then taking that money and gaming the political system so you then pile more money on the pile at the expense of the middle class and poor?

Criminal. Just as the economic meltdown that was caused by these ultra-greedy people in 2008 that cost millions their jobs and life savings.

Its time this crap was reset and changed. Make money, fine, but then try to cheat or game the system? Go to jail.
'If you're Democrats you can join me as members of the new Socialist ruling elite. If you are Conservaties, I am coming for your and the Middle Class' money!'

How else us he going to he sble to afford all that 'free shit' he promises...

I dont know, he says he will take it from billionaires.

And seems like a lot of people want him to do that

You know how democracy works :)
Bernie wants greater redistribution of OTHER people's wealth, not for Americans - all of them - to pay their ACTUAL 'FAIR' SHARE.

Because a lot of people think they have been cheated by those "OTHER" people

They think, while wall street billionaires get major bailouts, for failing this country, why we cant share the wealth we have FAIR???
Bernie promises FREE poverty for all!! Best of all..... It's Free!!
'If you're Democrats you can join me as members of the new Socialist ruling elite. If you are Conservaties, I am coming for your and the Middle Class' money!'

How else us he going to he sble to afford all that 'free shit' he promises...

I dont know, he says he will take it from billionaires.

And seems like a lot of people want him to do that

You know how democracy works :)
Bernie wants greater redistribution of OTHER people's wealth, not for Americans - all of them - to pay their ACTUAL 'FAIR' SHARE.

Because a lot of people think they have been cheated by those "OTHER" people

They think, while wall street billionaires get major bailouts, for failing this country, why we cant share the wealth we have FAIR???
Speaking of Wall Street, what did you think of Hillary TWICE invoking 9/11/01 to justify taking millions from Wall Street?! Classy, huh?
'If you're Democrats you can join me as members of the new Socialist ruling elite. If you are Conservaties, I am coming for your and the Middle Class' money!'

How else us he going to he sble to afford all that 'free shit' he promises...

I dont know, he says he will take it from billionaires.

And seems like a lot of people want him to do that

You know how democracy works :)
Bernie wants greater redistribution of OTHER people's wealth, not for Americans - all of them - to pay their ACTUAL 'FAIR' SHARE.

Because a lot of people think they have been cheated by those "OTHER" people

They think, while wall street billionaires get major bailouts, for failing this country, why we cant share the wealth we have FAIR???
Speaking of Wall Street, what did you think of Hillary TWICE invoking 9/11/01 to justify taking millions from Wall Street?! Classy, huh?

She knows what she is doin :)
'If you're Democrats you can join me as members of the new Socialist ruling elite. If you are Conservaties, I am coming for your and the Middle Class' money!'

How else us he going to he sble to afford all that 'free shit' he promises...

I dont know, he says he will take it from billionaires.

And seems like a lot of people want him to do that

You know how democracy works :)
Bernie wants greater redistribution of OTHER people's wealth, not for Americans - all of them - to pay their ACTUAL 'FAIR' SHARE.

Because a lot of people think they have been cheated by those "OTHER" people

They think, while wall street billionaires get major bailouts, for failing this country, why we cant share the wealth we have FAIR???
WHY?...You haven't EARNED or INHERITED IT! You want to be fair, go to Denmark....

'If you're Democrats you can join me as members of the new Socialist ruling elite. If you are Conservaties, I am coming for your and the Middle Class' money!'

How else us he going to he sble to afford all that 'free shit' he promises...

I dont know, he says he will take it from billionaires.

And seems like a lot of people want him to do that

You know how democracy works :)
Bernie wants greater redistribution of OTHER people's wealth, not for Americans - all of them - to pay their ACTUAL 'FAIR' SHARE.

They already pay close to 75% of all income taxes, exactly how much more do you want?

The left wants it all, they are slavers.
'If you're Democrats you can join me as members of the new Socialist ruling elite. If you are Conservaties, I am coming for your and the Middle Class' money!'

How else us he going to he sble to afford all that 'free shit' he promises...

I dont know, he says he will take it from billionaires.

And seems like a lot of people want him to do that

You know how democracy works :)
Bernie wants greater redistribution of OTHER people's wealth, not for Americans - all of them - to pay their ACTUAL 'FAIR' SHARE.

They already pay close to 75% of all income taxes, exactly how much more do you want?

The left wants it all, they are slavers.

Yep, they figure you should be grateful the government lets you keep anything you earn.
'If you're Democrats you can join me as members of the new Socialist ruling elite. If you are Conservaties, I am coming for your and the Middle Class' money!'

How else us he going to he sble to afford all that 'free shit' he promises...

I dont know, he says he will take it from billionaires.

And seems like a lot of people want him to do that

You know how democracy works :)
Bernie wants greater redistribution of OTHER people's wealth, not for Americans - all of them - to pay their ACTUAL 'FAIR' SHARE.

Because a lot of people think they have been cheated by those "OTHER" people

They think, while wall street billionaires get major bailouts, for failing this country, why we cant share the wealth we have FAIR???
WHY?...You haven't EARNED or INHERITED IT! You want to be fair, go to Denmark....


It is the public money they handed out to the wall st to bail em out tho.

This means, if you are rich, and fail, government can save you, it is OK

If you are poor or middle class, well, too bad....
If Cruz or Rubio win, kiss the Middle Class goodbye.

And WHAT will they do to them...TAX them into oblivion as Sanders would do?

The retired Middle Class will get older and die.
The others will continue to take pay cuts, longer periods of unemployment and underemployment and the US will become as close as possible to a serf society as Europe once was.

Yes, UNDER the Communist/Socialist/DemoRATS!


You seriously got to get to a big city.
The shit hit the fan post 9/11 and it's doesn't matter who's running things, the Top Dogs got the power and they ain't afraid to use it.

NOTHING bigger than NYC!...Isn't THAT why we have OUTSIDERS winning the race for the Republican presidential nomination?

Which is why I will ONLY vote for Trump or Sanders.

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