A 'Miracle in Samaria' - New Neighborhood in Itamar


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
A new neighborhood, "Nofei Aroma," was dedicated on Thursday in the Samaria community of Itamar, located south-east of Shechem (Nablus).

The neighborhood was dedicated in memory of Gilad Zar Hy''d, a founder of the community and security officer of the Shomron Regional Council who was murdered by Arab terrorists this week 13 years ago.

Construction on the new neighborhood began immediately after and in response to the Fogel family massacre in 2011, when Ehud (Udi) and Ruth were killed in their home by Arab terrorists, along with three of their six young children, the youngest being their three-month-old daughter Hadas.

Several regional leaders took part in the unveiling ceremony on Thursday, including Samaria Regional Council head Gershon Messika, CEO of the development group Amana Ze'ev Haver, as well as Zar's parents Moshe and Yael and other family members.

Itamar is planning to continue construction on an additional road in the new neighborhood.

A 'Miracle in Samaria' - New Itamar Neighborhood - Inside Israel - News - Arutz Sheva

5 new streets to be build and named after the Fogels! and afterwards, another 4 to be named after the Shabo family!
Taken from the article is

"This is a convincing answer to the terrorists who made the mistake of thinking that they could break the spirit of the Jewish people through the despicable murders of infants, women and innocents," declared Messika at the event.


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