A Missed Opportunity


Sep 23, 2010
Every individual or group that tries to impose a specific set of moral, social, and economic beliefs on everybody else is practicing a religion. With that in mind the last thing Socialists want is to trigger the First Amendment’s prohibition against establishing a state religion by having their belief system legally defined a religion:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . .

The last 100 years shows that Socialists had their cake and ate it, too. They enjoyed the free exercise part with tax dollars, while establishing their religion with tax dollars. And all the while vehemently denying that socialism is a religion.

Since socialism is not a religion according to its practitioners John Brennan’s confirmation hearing was a missed opportunity:

. . . Brennan's opponents on Capitol Hill scrupulously avoided questioning him about his religion. That was as it should be.

Brennan could have been questioned about socialism. Had Democrats on the committee invoked Article VI, Sec. 3 of the Constitution to protect him:

. . . "...no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."

they would have been admitting that socialism is a religion. What fun conservatives could have had with that one.

Also, Brennan swore his oath on an original copy of the Constitution that did not include the Bill of Rights. That’s why this next excerpt has me wondering if Brennan was trying to say “It’s all been a big misunderstanding. We Democrats really love America’s sovereignty and the Constitution we are working day and night to abolish.”

. . . How can you take an oath on the Constitution to defend the Constitution? Normally, one takes an oath with his hand on a Bible, or a Koran, on some other Scripture one holds sacred. Taking an oath to defend the Constitution by putting your hand on the Constitution is a skyhook. It is supported by nothing else. It neatly avoids the central question: Is this a valid oath? Can we rely on a person who creates such a stir by the simple act of taking an oath of office?

Now, imagine witnesses in civil and criminal trials insisting they be allowed to swear their oath on a copy of the Constitution. Just think what that would do to Democrat-appointed judges who hate the Constitution as much as they hate the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

Finally, good old Upchuck Schumer appears:

. . . Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) During a series of judicial confirmation hearings nearly a decade ago, Schumer pursued Catholic and Evangelical nominees of President Bush. He wasn't subjecting them to a religious test forbidden by the Constitution, he averred. He was simply probing the nominees' "deeply held personal convictions" which he said might disqualify them from sitting as federal judges.

Where was this constitutional watchdog during the Brennan hearings? The watchdog didn't bark. If any Catholic nominee had spoken of the Majesty of a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, where millions of Catholics believe the Blessed Virgin Mary has appeared, if any Evangelical nominee had spoken of his feeling of spiritual renewal from attending the Washington, D.C. "Stand in the Gap" revival of Promise Keepers in 1997, we might have expected Sen. Schumer to be grilling those candidates under oath about "deeply held personal convictions."

March 26, 2013
John Brennan's Spooky Swearing-In
By Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison

Articles: John Brennan's Spooky Swearing-In
True religion isn't imposed on anyone. It's voluntarily adopted by those who have learned the truth and apply it in their life.
True religion isn't imposed on anyone.

To Avatar 4321. I agree if participation remains voluntary.

I disagree in that Godless socialism is an involuntary true religion. See number 4.

religion (noun)
Abbr. rel., relig.

1. a. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe. b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.

2. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.

3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.

4. A cause, a principle, or an activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

Socialists impose their religion on everyone with tax dollar tithing derived from the XVI Amendment.
If socialism is classed as a religion, how can one say capitalism is not? Such a definition destroys the meaning of the word.

Be serious!
Socialism / Communist IS a religion. That has already been proven. -Jeremiah

To Jeremiah: Right on. The trick is getting the SCOTUS to confirm it.

If socialism is classed as a religion, how can one say capitalism is not?

To there4eyeM: Easily.

Capitalism is an economic system that works to perfection in a limited form of government. Socialism is a parasitic form of government. The two will always be incompatible no matter how hard Socialists try to combine them.

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