A Most Dangerous Theory

Check out your State is on the list, Ravi. Yes, Florida will burn. See the prophecy I was making reference to yesterday and realize that this is no joke. Had you kept your boasting to yourself yesterday you would not have caught my attention but I thank God you did what you did because you do need prayer. What man or woman doesn't? Right?

I am thankful to Jesus Christ for putting you directly in my path. I will be faithful in my interecession for you and all those who are in your life. Now hear about what is going to happen to Florida and realize that this could happen in your life time. Very likely it will.

You said in an hour, and that hour is long past.

And no, I don't need your prayers. I doubt anyone does.

I will be praying for you day and night until the breakthrough comes. Count on it, Ravi. There is no such word as break down in my world. It is break through. Whatever it takes. That is what I'm praying. Whatever it takes. For all of you. Not just you. Every single one of you. Now let us watch and see how Jesus Christ is going to answer it. Because He is most definitely going to answer my prayers for this board. He already is!
As I was recently discussing this topic I was once again amazed to find this sermon posted by Michael Boldea Jr. yesterday. It is brand new - his most recent sermon and he posted it just yesterday! Is God's timing amazing or what? It is more evidence that when the Holy Spirit is speaking to the church on a certain matter we will find it coming up again and again and again at the same time! Have you ever noticed a sermon on the radio playing - you get to church and the preacher is preaching on the exact same sermon? After church you go to lunch with some friends who say my Pastor preached on such and such this morning and you say to yourself, That's odd! So did mine!

That is the Spirit of God confirming that it's His message! He is speaking that to the body of Christ and as everyone is getting that message through various sources the Word of God is confirmed!

Now something that the Spirit of the LORD has been speaking to my heart for some time is the lukewarm church - the wide road let's go along to get along church - has been telling the body of Christ a big fat lie!

What is that lie?

That the God of the bible is the god of Islam! Nothing could be further from the truth! The god of Islam is the antithesis of the God of the Bible! Our bible teaches the exact opposite of what the Koran teaches. The followers of Jesus Christ are taught to love their enemies, do good to those who persecute them, to pray for their enemies!

The Koran teaches the followers of Islam to hate their enemies, return evil for those who persecute them, pray death to their enemies and judge them with their very own hands!

This goes on in Mosques all over the world - do not marvel that they hate you! Jesus said we should not marvel that the world hates us. They hated him too! If Jesus were on the earth today ISIS would crucify Him all over again. So would Hamas. So would Al Shabob. So would Al Qaeda. So would the Islamic Jihad. So would Hizbollah. Why? Because they take their book literally and their book clearly instructs them to kill the infidels.

Jesus did not come to condemn the world but to save it. Who are they to condemn what God has come to save? You see where this is going? Here is a clip from Mike Boldea's message which is 100% correct. The body of Christ has been lied to. These people are not following the God of the bible. The god of Islam is not the God of the Bible and in this message it shall be proved beyond a shadow of a doubt!

Hand of Help Ministries
And a clip from the Sermon.............

I’m sorry to be blunt, but if you believe the dad trying to keep a roof over his family’s head and food on the table while teaching his kids a sense of morals in an world absent morals by taking them to church on Sunday morning is on par, and on equal moral footing with guys who go around crucifying people and beheading them, then you’re an idiot and there is nothing I can do to help you.

Yes, I know, the overly sensitive will be all aflutter because I called a certain and by my estimation quite large segment of the population idiots, but it’s a little late in the day to sugarcoat things for the sake of sparing the crazies their feelings.My next article will be called ‘The Sad State of Affairs’ and it will tackle how we got here, and yes, a large, overwhelming part of it has to do with promoting, elevating, and honoring the crazies and the perverts of our society rather than seek to show them the error of their ways.

But back to today’s rant….

To the proponents of moral equivalency, and those who continue to trumpet the lunacy that there is no difference whatsoever between Christianity and Islam, perhaps it will take some goat herder or failed rapper standing behind your kneeling form, cupping your chin, and gleefully sawing away at arteries and viscera to make you realize that the danger lay elsewhere, and not in the group of individuals whose only form of condoned killing, is to kill folks with kindness.

To those believers who continue to insist upon this theory and support it, I say stop embarrassing yourselves and making yourselves look the fool. If you believe these two opposing religions to be on equal moral footing, then you don’t know Jesus, you don’t know the message of the cross, nor do I believe were you truly saved and renewed in mind and heart. Take a long hard look in the mirror, contemplate the things you have been saying, and for the sake of all sane, rational folks who are trying their utmost to continue pointing the way to Jesus, and highlighting the fact that He is unique, one of a kind, Lord, King, and Master, shut up.

continue reading on link above........

I liked this passage:

I’m sorry to be blunt, but if you believe the dad trying to keep a roof over his family’s head and food on the table while teaching his kids a sense of morals in an world absent morals by taking them to church on Sunday morning is on par, and on equal moral footing with guys who go around crucifying people and beheading them, then you’re an idiot and there is nothing I can do to help you.
Right? I totally agree with you! Michael Boldea Jr. nailed it! The church that says Islam serves the God of the bible is off its rocker, Mojo! Totally off its rocker!

These televangelists like Osteen, Rick Warren, Kenneth Copeland, Cardinal Dolan, Joseph Prince, Tony what's his name who is pals with the Pope, have done us no favors with their lies about a religion of peace that serves the same God we do! What nonsense! Seriously!

These people are following a god that is the antithesis of the God of the bible and it is none other than Satan himself! I have had Satanists tell me before they didn't serve Satan - they served Lileth. Then later they fess' up and tell everyone, yes, I made a soul pact with hell - I did this and that......as if I didn't know this already? Please. The Holy Spirit points these things out before they even open their mouth!

Yet it is a blessing for me to hear them finally come out with it because these very same people defend Islam as if it were their best friend! Defend those who defend Islam as if it were their own coven.

Why are Satans children defending baal allahs children? Because they have the same father. That's why.
A synopsis by author Brian Wilson regarding Islam:

Islam poses a greater threat to the freedom and stability of modern society than any force in the world today. It is not a religion in the traditional sense. Islam is a system of Satanic, cultural imperialism melded into a seventh-century warrior code bent on subjugating the world-by force if necessary.......

The Cult of the Moon God Brian Wilson 9781414119977 Amazon.com Books
The interfaith movement of "Co-exist" is just another word for let's all pray without Jesus Christ and His Word having any effect! The only religion that got excluded was Christianity as taught in the bible because the follower of Jesus Christ cannot have any part with the workers of darkness and Satan - demon worship and such. God forbid! I'm not a part of the interfaithism movement and never will be. Interfaith is another word for abandoning the faith. Interfaith is another word for Ichabod - The Spirit of the Lord has departed. God is not sharing his throne with Baal. It is not happening. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever. Those who want to serve Baal are going to have to do it with their eyes wide open because God isn't playing any games here. God means business. People are either going to stand with Jesus Christ? Or they are going to stand against him. It is one or the other. The middle ground is gone. Time for people to make up their minds.
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A synopsis by author Brian Wilson regarding Islam:

Islam poses a greater threat to the freedom and stability of modern society than any force in the world today. It is not a religion in the traditional sense. Islam is a system of Satanic, cultural imperialism melded into a seventh-century warrior code bent on subjugating the world-by force if necessary.......

The Cult of the Moon God Brian Wilson 9781414119977 Amazon.com Books

It is a pre-islamic baal god and one of 360 of that time. Dr. Robert Morey did a book on the history of it's pre - islamic rituals which are still done by Islamists today. Luna means moon. Which is where the term, "Lunatic" comes from.
Jews do NOT think Jesus is God. They think He is the bastard son of a whore.

Not all Jews and why single out the Jews anyhow? Do you not realize that Salvation is of the Jews? That without the Jews you would have absolutely no chance of Salvation? Furthermore, do you not realize that it is because God chose to save the world through their rejection of Christ - that God even allowed their eyes ( some ) to be covered - to not see so that you and other Gentiles could be graffed in?

Do not boast against the natural branches. For what God has cut off He is able to graff in again and if this were not so then how could the Apostle Paul remind us of the promise God gave through the Hebrew prophets that all Israel shall be saved?

You see you should be grateful, thankful to the Jewish people for this gift instead of boasting against the natural branches as if you were something special.

Do you serve Christ? Have you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation? Do you realize the time of the Gentiles will be fulfilled shortly and then will come that time for the Jews?

Do you realize that there are many Jews who have already believed? Yet you single them out as unbelieving? Have you believed? No. You have not believed or you would not do what you do.

You are yet another example of the truth of this message in that those who judged others were found guilty at the exact same point. Jesus warned of this. Go and learn what that means, Old School.
The first part of the message from - A Most Dangerous Theory -

There is a most dangerous theory making its way through the ether infecting both believers and non-believers alike. It would seem at the height of political correctness, it decided to couple with utter idiocy, and this theory is their lovechild. It pains me to hear anyone spout such nonsense, but it pains me doubly so when I hear believers defend this nonsense in their never ending quest to be relevant, edgy, cool, non-offensive, and all inclusive.

The theory I speak of is that of moral equivalency. In the eyes of the proponents of this theory, there is absolutely no difference between the little old lady dressed in her best outfit making her way up the church steps on a Sunday morning clinging to her Bible, and the bloodthirsty brute who in the name of his god slaughters innocent men, women, and children with no more a dilemma regarding the matter than one would have between ordering the chicken or the pasta on a transatlantic flight.

Even to one who could never be accused of brilliance or genius, the stark difference is evident between the two. One of these things is not like the other, yet many, some even within Christendom insist on the notion of moral equivalency, as though that is some excuse for murder and mayhem.

We are reticent to call things by their proper name in this country due to political correctness, and I fear the day will come when our insistence upon this foolishness will be our own undoing.

I’m sorry to be blunt, but if you believe the dad trying to keep a roof over his family’s head and food on the table while teaching his kids a sense of morals in an world absent morals by taking them to church on Sunday morning is on par, and on equal moral footing with guys who go around crucifying people and beheading them, then you’re an idiot and there is nothing I can do to help you.

Yes, I know, the overly sensitive will be all aflutter because I called a certain and by my estimation quite large segment of the population idiots, but it’s a little late in the day to sugarcoat things for the sake of sparing the crazies their feelings.
continue reading on the link below.....
Hand of Help Ministries
Jews do NOT think Jesus is God. They think He is the bastard son of a whore.

Not all Jews and why single out the Jews anyhow? Do you not realize that Salvation is of the Jews? That without the Jews you would have absolutely no chance of Salvation? Furthermore, do you not realize that it is because God chose to save the world through their rejection of Christ - that God even allowed their eyes ( some ) to be covered - to not see so that you and other Gentiles could be graffed in?

Do not boast against the natural branches. For what God has cut off He is able to graff in again and if this were not so then how could the Apostle Paul remind us of the promise God gave through the Hebrew prophets that all Israel shall be saved?

You see you should be grateful, thankful to the Jewish people for this gift instead of boasting against the natural branches as if you were something special.

Do you serve Christ? Have you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation? Do you realize the time of the Gentiles will be fulfilled shortly and then will come that time for the Jews?

Do you realize that there are many Jews who have already believed? Yet you single them out as unbelieving? Have you believed? No. You have not believed or you would not do what you do.

You are yet another example of the truth of this message in that those who judged others were found guilty at the exact same point. Jesus warned of this. Go and learn what that means, Old School.

You were the one who singled out Jews. Look at the post that my post was in reply to.
Check out your State is on the list, Ravi. Yes, Florida will burn. See the prophecy I was making reference to yesterday and realize that this is no joke. Had you kept your boasting to yourself yesterday you would not have caught my attention but I thank God you did what you did because you do need prayer. What man or woman doesn't? Right?

I am thankful to Jesus Christ for putting you directly in my path. I will be faithful in my interecession for you and all those who are in your life. Now hear about what is going to happen to Florida and realize that this could happen in your life time. Very likely it will.

You said in an hour, and that hour is long past.

And no, I don't need your prayers. I doubt anyone does.

I will be praying for you day and night until the breakthrough comes. Count on it, Ravi. There is no such word as break down in my world. It is break through. Whatever it takes. That is what I'm praying. Whatever it takes. For all of you. Not just you. Every single one of you. Now let us watch and see how Jesus Christ is going to answer it. Because He is most definitely going to answer my prayers for this board. He already is!

Again, I don't need your prayers. I no more need your prayers than I need the prayers of an Islamic terrorist. You are a phony and Jesus disapproves of you.
What went wrong? Why did we sugarcoat things for the sake of sparing "the crazies" their feelings as Boldea mentions?

I'll tell you why. We had men in leadership positions telling the American people that Islam was a religion of peace and that we shared the same God. We do not share the same God. Why didn't anyone pick up on this? Because they either didn't read the bible and know what was in there or they denied Jesus Christ before men in order to get along with the world. It is one or the other.

Considering that Rick Warren is supposed to know the bible what is his excuse? I don't know but you can be sure he has already paid a dearly high price for his departure of the truth. Same goes for Joel Hunter in Orlando who denied Jesus Christ and told his congregation that Islam served the God of the bible. That wasn't the truth. He lied to his own people just as Rick Warren did to his, just as Cardinal Dolan did to his own people - Cardinal Dolan was the president of the USSCB United States Catholic Bishops - he was over all of them - imagine the responsibility of that man! Yet his friendship with Imam Majid - a former early member of Muslim Brotherhood and president of ISNA - one of the 300 or so un-indicted co - conspirators in the HLF trials - a friendship spanning over 20 years - between Cardinal ( who denied Jesus Christ repeatedly ) and the Muslim Brotherhood supporter Imam Majid (who has always denied Jesus Christ and is an infidel ) - together they told the Catholic people the God of the Bible was the God of Islam. Not true at all. Yet they both lied. Why? Because both men have denied Jesus Christ and the truth is not in either of them. That is why.
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Jews do NOT think Jesus is God. They think He is the bastard son of a whore.

Not all Jews and why single out the Jews anyhow? Do you not realize that Salvation is of the Jews? That without the Jews you would have absolutely no chance of Salvation? Furthermore, do you not realize that it is because God chose to save the world through their rejection of Christ - that God even allowed their eyes ( some ) to be covered - to not see so that you and other Gentiles could be graffed in?

Do not boast against the natural branches. For what God has cut off He is able to graff in again and if this were not so then how could the Apostle Paul remind us of the promise God gave through the Hebrew prophets that all Israel shall be saved?

You see you should be grateful, thankful to the Jewish people for this gift instead of boasting against the natural branches as if you were something special.

Do you serve Christ? Have you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation? Do you realize the time of the Gentiles will be fulfilled shortly and then will come that time for the Jews?

Do you realize that there are many Jews who have already believed? Yet you single them out as unbelieving? Have you believed? No. You have not believed or you would not do what you do.

You are yet another example of the truth of this message in that those who judged others were found guilty at the exact same point. Jesus warned of this. Go and learn what that means, Old School.

You were the one who singled out Jews. Look at the post that my post was in reply to.

You had better have a look at the OP. Your claim is false. I didn't single out the Jews. I singled out Islam as being the religion whose god is not the God of Christianity or Judaism. Judaism and Christianity share the same God - The God of Israel. Hear O Israel the Lord thy God is One. That is my God. That is the God of the Hebrews. I am justified by faith as Abraham was justified by faith. I do not deny a single verse from the Torah or Tanach - I believe every single word of my bible which is a Jewish book, my faith, which is a Jewish faith I fully embrace - you are the one trying to alienate the Jews and it simply will not work, Old School. You see the god of Islam is not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is not even the God of Hagar or Ishmael as Islam was not invented until after 570 A.D. when Mohammad was born. To round it up perhaps you could claim its beginning around 622 A.D. It has nothing to do with Christianity other than that he plagiarized verses and claimed them for the Koran. It does not negate the fact that the Koran is a lie and should not be followed by anyone. Those who follow the teachings of the Koran are perishing and will end up in hell if they do not leave it and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to save them. Understand? I hope so. Your eternal life is important and depending upon it.
Jews do NOT think Jesus is God. They think He is the bastard son of a whore.

Not all Jews and why single out the Jews anyhow? Do you not realize that Salvation is of the Jews? That without the Jews you would have absolutely no chance of Salvation? Furthermore, do you not realize that it is because God chose to save the world through their rejection of Christ - that God even allowed their eyes ( some ) to be covered - to not see so that you and other Gentiles could be graffed in?

Do not boast against the natural branches. For what God has cut off He is able to graff in again and if this were not so then how could the Apostle Paul remind us of the promise God gave through the Hebrew prophets that all Israel shall be saved?

You see you should be grateful, thankful to the Jewish people for this gift instead of boasting against the natural branches as if you were something special.

Do you serve Christ? Have you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation? Do you realize the time of the Gentiles will be fulfilled shortly and then will come that time for the Jews?

Do you realize that there are many Jews who have already believed? Yet you single them out as unbelieving? Have you believed? No. You have not believed or you would not do what you do.

You are yet another example of the truth of this message in that those who judged others were found guilty at the exact same point. Jesus warned of this. Go and learn what that means, Old School.

You were the one who singled out Jews. Look at the post that my post was in reply to.

You had better have a look at the OP. Your claim is false. I didn't single out the Jews. I singled out Islam as being the religion whose god is not the God of Christianity or Judaism. Judaism and Christianity share the same God - The God of Israel. Hear O Israel the Lord thy God is One. That is my God. That is the God of the Hebrews. I am justified by faith as Abraham was justified by faith. I do not deny a single verse from the Torah or Tanach - I believe every single word of my bible which is a Jewish book, my faith, which is a Jewish faith I fully embrace - you are the one trying to alienate the Jews and it simply will not work, Old School. You see the god of Islam is not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is not even the God of Hagar or Ishmael as Islam was not invented into after 570 A.D. when Mohammad was born. To round it up perhaps you could claim its beginning around 622 A.D. It has nothing to do with Christianity other than that he plagiarized verses and claimed them for the Koran. It does not negate the fact that the Koran is a lie and should not be followed by anyone. Those who follow the teachings of the Koran are perishing and will end up in hell if they do not leave it and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to save them. Understand? I hope so. Your eternal life is important and depending upon it.

I will not defend Islam but I must say that though you believe in the Torah and Tanach the Jews do not feel the same about our New Testament. You are a gentile Jeremiah.
Check out your State is on the list, Ravi. Yes, Florida will burn. See the prophecy I was making reference to yesterday and realize that this is no joke. Had you kept your boasting to yourself yesterday you would not have caught my attention but I thank God you did what you did because you do need prayer. What man or woman doesn't? Right?

I am thankful to Jesus Christ for putting you directly in my path. I will be faithful in my interecession for you and all those who are in your life. Now hear about what is going to happen to Florida and realize that this could happen in your life time. Very likely it will.

You said in an hour, and that hour is long past.

And no, I don't need your prayers. I doubt anyone does.

I command Satan to take his hands off of your mind and I call forth the angels of God to do warfare now and clear your mind of all demonic influence and to understand that you can be free from the occult and all that you are involved in.!!!

These people are following a god that is the antithesis of the God of the bible and it is none other than Satan himself! I have had Satanists tell me before they didn't serve Satan - they served Lileth. Then later they fess' up and tell everyone, yes, I made a soul pact with hell - I did this and that......as if I didn't know this already? Please. The Holy Spirit points these things out before they even open their mouth!

Yet it is a blessing for me to hear them finally come out with it because these very same people defend Islam as if it were their best friend! Defend those who defend Islam as if it were their own coven.

Why are Satans children defending baal allahs children? Because they have the same father. That's why.

Hmm are you attempting to twist my words against me, Jeremiah? I am not a "Satanist"... as that term is too watered down to even begin to describe what I have become.

I never said that I " serve" Lilith, either. The evocation or invocation of a deity does not have to involve "serving" or worshipping them.
Check out your State is on the list, Ravi. Yes, Florida will burn. See the prophecy I was making reference to yesterday and realize that this is no joke. Had you kept your boasting to yourself yesterday you would not have caught my attention but I thank God you did what you did because you do need prayer. What man or woman doesn't? Right?

I am thankful to Jesus Christ for putting you directly in my path. I will be faithful in my interecession for you and all those who are in your life. Now hear about what is going to happen to Florida and realize that this could happen in your life time. Very likely it will.

You said in an hour, and that hour is long past.

And no, I don't need your prayers. I doubt anyone does.

I will be praying for you day and night until the breakthrough comes. Count on it, Ravi. There is no such word as break down in my world. It is break through. Whatever it takes. That is what I'm praying. Whatever it takes. For all of you. Not just you. Every single one of you. Now let us watch and see how Jesus Christ is going to answer it. Because He is most definitely going to answer my prayers for this board. He already is!

Again, I don't need your prayers. I no more need your prayers than I need the prayers of an Islamic terrorist. You are a phony and Jesus disapproves of you.

Wrong. What Jesus disapproves of is your approval of Satanists distributing their literature to school children in Orlando, Fla. and not only that but making a thread about it - even boasting of it! You are an enemy of the cross and an enemy of Jesus Christ by your very own actions. You need to repent.

You can repent of your sins. People do it every day. You can call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved according to Romans 10: 9,10 - you will then get your mind straightened out and quit calling evil good and good evil, Ravi. It will be a new beginning for you. That is the up side. If you refuse to repent and call upon Jesus - you'll be in hell at a moment you least expected to go - because no one knows our days except the LORD and the wicked are suddenly destroyed so be advised repentance is the only answer for you. You must repent.
Check out your State is on the list, Ravi. Yes, Florida will burn. See the prophecy I was making reference to yesterday and realize that this is no joke. Had you kept your boasting to yourself yesterday you would not have caught my attention but I thank God you did what you did because you do need prayer. What man or woman doesn't? Right?

I am thankful to Jesus Christ for putting you directly in my path. I will be faithful in my interecession for you and all those who are in your life. Now hear about what is going to happen to Florida and realize that this could happen in your life time. Very likely it will.

You said in an hour, and that hour is long past.

And no, I don't need your prayers. I doubt anyone does.

I command Satan to take his hands off of your mind and I call forth the angels of God to do warfare now and clear your mind of all demonic influence and to understand that you can be free from the occult and all that you are involved in.!!!


There is nothing funny about those who are perishing, Valerie. Jesus Christ shed his Blood on the Cross so that you could be forgiven of your sins and receive His life for yours which is the exchange life - He gives you His righteousness for your filthy rags - because you have nothing righteous in yourself - no hope in yourself - you cannot save yourself - only Jesus Christ can do that. The Blood of Jesus Christ is what washes your sins away if you are willing to repent of your sins - but all mockers shall be in hell - it is written:
Isaiah 29 20 The ruthless will vanish the mockers will disappear and all who have an eye for evil will be cut down--

Sanctification to the Godly
19The afflicted also will increase their gladness in the LORD, And the needy of mankind will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. 20For the ruthless will come to an end and the scorner will be finished, Indeed all who are intent on doing evil will be cut off; 21Who cause a person to be indicted by a word, And ensnare him who adjudicates at the gate, And defraud the one in the right with meaningless arguments.…
What hope does the sinner have without the Blood of Jesus Christ washing his sins away? What hope does the sinner have of escaping hell if he rejects so great a salvation? What hope does he or she have? None. What torment it must be to know that the moment you leave this earth there is nothing but hell awaiting you and eternal torment. I cannot imagine living like that. It would be like walking on a tightrope over a bottomless abyss looking up at you. Every single day. No wonder the wicked live in such fear. It must be awful.
Hebrews 2 3 how shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation This salvation which was first announced by the Lord was confirmed to us by those who heard him.

Pay Attention to Salvation
…2For if the word spoken through angels proved unalterable, and every transgression and disobedience received a just penalty, 3how will we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? After it was at the first spoken through the Lord, it was confirmed to us by those who heard, 4God also testifying with them, both by signs and wonders and by various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit according to His own will.

Imagine knowing that you could have been saved only you rejected the opportunity of salvation and now you are surrounded by the hopeless cries of the damned surrounding you in the lowest part of hell. No end to the torment, the terrors of demons who perhaps once did your bidding - if you have partaken in the occult - but now are ripping you to shreds each moment anew and your indestructible body continues to bear these torments throughout eternity because you were foolish enough to believe Satan while disbelieving God Almighty who is the Creator of heaven and earth! Why would anyone ever trust Satan to reward them for services rendered upon the earth once he kills them by some unexpected happening - and they now are of no use to him? Wouldn't he laugh at such a one that actually believed he was going to do anything other than keep his reputation as a liar and deceiver and a destroyer? It will be the ultimate double cross. Even Anton Lavey learned of it albeit too late as he cried out, Something is wrong! Something is wrong! Yes. Something is wrong, Anton. You denied Jesus Christ, chose to serve Satan and now you are in hell forever more eternally tormented by the very demons you conjured up to assist you in your evil desires on earth. What a something! Eh?

Here is the difference. You're alive. He's dead. You have a chance to call upon the Lord and he will save you and give you eternal life. This world is passing away quickly. Think about eternity and think about the fact that only Jesus Christ can give you the peace that passes all understanding. Only Jesus Christ can remove all your fears! What liberty there is in Jesus Christ! What wonderful news is in the Gospel of Jesus Christ - in the Holy Bible! Is it any wonder God would want His book to be distributed to the public schools in Orlando? In other schools as well? Of course God wants His Word to cover the whole earth! Surely that is the Will of God! Who would be so foolish as to not want the will of God to be fulfilled in the earth? Only an enemy of God would not want the Bible to go forth to all people, all nations, all places. Only an enemy of God would not want the Words of Jesus Christ to be known. Only an enemy of God will find himself in hell when he dies. If you are an enemy of God? You're going to hell. Repent. Today is the day of Salvation. God saves witches, God saves Satanists, God saves Muslims, God saves Hindus, God saves those who have sold their souls to the devil and made pacts with hell, God saves whosoever will call upon the name of the LORD.
Whosoever means WHOSOEVER. Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved! Today is the day of salvation! Today is the day!
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Check out your State is on the list, Ravi. Yes, Florida will burn. See the prophecy I was making reference to yesterday and realize that this is no joke. Had you kept your boasting to yourself yesterday you would not have caught my attention but I thank God you did what you did because you do need prayer. What man or woman doesn't? Right?

I am thankful to Jesus Christ for putting you directly in my path. I will be faithful in my interecession for you and all those who are in your life. Now hear about what is going to happen to Florida and realize that this could happen in your life time. Very likely it will.

You said in an hour, and that hour is long past.

And no, I don't need your prayers. I doubt anyone does.

I will be praying for you day and night until the breakthrough comes. Count on it, Ravi. There is no such word as break down in my world. It is break through. Whatever it takes. That is what I'm praying. Whatever it takes. For all of you. Not just you. Every single one of you. Now let us watch and see how Jesus Christ is going to answer it. Because He is most definitely going to answer my prayers for this board. He already is!

Again, I don't need your prayers. I no more need your prayers than I need the prayers of an Islamic terrorist. You are a phony and Jesus disapproves of you.

Wrong. What Jesus disapproves of is your approval of Satanists distributing their literature to school children in Orlando, Fla. and not only that but making a thread about it - even boasting of it! You are an enemy of the cross and an enemy of Jesus Christ by your very own actions. You need to repent.

You can repent of your sins. People do it every day. You can call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved according to Romans 10: 9,10 - you will then get your mind straightened out and quit calling evil good and good evil, Ravi. It will be a new beginning for you. That is the up side. If you refuse to repent and call upon Jesus - you'll be in hell at a moment you least expected to go - because no one knows our days except the LORD and the wicked are suddenly destroyed so be advised repentance is the only answer for you. You must repent.

I've been waiting over 24 hours to be suddenly destroyed after you posted that I was going to be within the hour yesterday.

I didn't express approval of the Satanists, btw. I do think they do have the right to do it. All or nothing. You keep your crap beliefs away from my kids and they keep their crap beliefs away from my kids. Allowing yours and disallowing theirs is unconstitutional. And if you don't like that, move to Saudi Arabia.

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