A Most Dangerous Theory

Do I really care whether your deity is called God, Allah or Yahweh?

No, because all three religions believe that there is only a single deity and if that is true then all 3 are correct.

Do the various texts differ? Of course they do. That is why there are so many religions in this world and there will probably be more to come in the future. The texts all differ because they are written by men and men write what they want to convince others to believe. Those writings may go by many names but they are all just the words of men trying to express their convictions and none of them are any different to the others.

How do I know this?

Because when I look at people they are all the same inside. They have questions and are looking for answers. Children have questions and their parents provide answers. That is how basic knowledge is passed on. The problem arises when some try to assume the role of the "deity parent" and "speak for God". No one was "raised by God" as their "parent" so they cannot pass on "knowledge" they never received in the first place.

There are no answers in the words of men in my opinion no matter how old or venerated those words might be through the ages.

The answers lie inside ourselves. We become our own parents and must find our own answers for ourselves. We are wasting our time squabbling over whose words are more pious when we should be examining ourselves instead. Many of the stories of these holy words are told as parables so I am going to provide one here too and then I am going to ask you some questions about that parable just as Jesus did of his disciples.

My wife's uncle was the CEO of an oil company in the Lebanon after WW2. My wife's uncle was the son of a Lutheran minister who was from a long line of missionaries. One of the Lebanese men who worked for my wife's uncle was an accountant and they used to see each other socially outside of the work environment. The accountant told him that when he and his wife were first married they were living in a tiny one roomed house. One very cold night there was a knock on the door and a man, his wife and their newborn were outside. They were pilgrims on their way to Mecca and they were both too sick to continue. So they were given food and shelter and a place to sleep. The next day both the man and his wife died of their illness. So the accountant and his wife raised the baby as their own child. They cared for him, taught to say his prayers, sent him to school and university and when he came of age the accountant gave his adopted child his inheritance from his birth parents that he had invested for him. They kept nothing for themselves because they believed that God had handed them that life to care for in accordance with their beliefs. They were Muslims.

So what did you learn from that parable? Are Muslims any different from yourself? Do they behave any differently when it comes to having the same values as you do? Are they any less caring or loving than you are? Did they adhere to their beliefs just as you do your beliefs? Are those beliefs that they acted on any different to yours? Do you think that they would be denied a place in heaven just because they don't share your beliefs?

Of course they aren't. People are just people. They do what is right. The normal ordinary everyday Muslims are the same as the normal ordinary everyday Christians, Jews, Hindis, Buddhists, etc. They go about their lives caring for their loved ones and trying to make a living.

Those who try to claim that their god and/or religion is only one or better than the others are the wrong doers. No one actually knows which religion or deity is the right one. So let's stop being divisive and try to find the common ground, our shared humanity, the things that We the People can all believe in. Our Freedom of Religion means that others must be free to have their own beliefs and they deserve just as much respect as we want for our own beliefs.

And yes, even those of us who have none at all respect your right to believe just as you should respect our right to be free of your beliefs.


So what did you learn from that parable? Are Muslims any different from yourself? Do they behave any differently when it comes to having the same values as you do? Are they any less caring or loving than you are? Did they adhere to their beliefs just as you do your beliefs? Are those beliefs that they acted on any different to yours? Do you think that they would be denied a place in heaven just because they don't share your beliefs?
Those Muslims are the kinds of people who we admire and occupy a warm a place in our hearts.

But they are being used by the Muslim Brotherhood in America to qualify for and justify greater power in the US system of government.

More constituents, more power.

With more warm bodied constituents and more political power they will also be able to lobby for changes to laws and special provisions for their Muslim constituents.

Have you heard of the plans discovered in the basement of an MB big wig in the Virginia area which outlines their plans to conquer America from within and without firing a shot?

As Brigitte Gabriel said a few weeks ago at a Heritage Foundation panel discussion, moderate Muslims are irrelevant when it comes to the threat of global conquest and violent Jihad. Just as the moderate, average, everyday German people were irrelevant to the buildup and the horrors of the Third Reich.

But we can't identify the Jihadists. So, the only thing we can do is limit the numbers of ALL Muslims in America so that their total populations in America don't reach the Stage 2 level.*

* - Articles The Five Stages of Islam
Jesus is not G-d

To say that he is G-d is pure blasphemy.

Even the Jew's know that Jesus isn't G-d .... :cool-45:

Yeah and those Jews and Muslims sure are doing great things for the world aren't they?

"It's a free world; you don't have to like Jews, but if you don't, I suggest that you boycott certain Jewish products, like the Wasserman test for syphilis; digitalis, discovered by a Dr. Nuslin; insulin, discovered by Dr. Minofsky; chloral hydrate for convulsions, discovered by Dr. Lifreich; the Schick test for diptheria; vitamins, discovered by Dr. Funk; steptomycin, discovered by Dr. Z. Woronan, the polio pill by Dr. A. Sabin and the polio vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk.

"Go on, boycott! Humanitarian consistency requires that my people offer all these gifts to all people of the world. Fanatic consistency requires that all bigots accept syphilis, diabetes, convulsions, malnutrition, infantile paralysis and turberculosis as a matter of principle.

"You want to be mad? Be mad! But I'm telling you, you ain't going to feel so good!"
Sam Levinson
Jesus is not G-d

To say that he is G-d is pure blasphemy.

Even the Jew's know that Jesus isn't G-d .... :cool-45:
Jesus is not G-d

To say that he is G-d is pure blasphemy.

Even the Jew's know that Jesus isn't G-d .... :cool-45:

Yes He is God. And Yes the Jews know that He is God. Just as many ex-Muslims know He is God! Watch this!

We jews do NOT believe his is a god, he is a mazmer you fucking idiot
Jesus is not G-d

To say that he is G-d is pure blasphemy.

Even the Jew's know that Jesus isn't G-d .... :cool-45:
Jesus is not G-d

To say that he is G-d is pure blasphemy.

Even the Jew's know that Jesus isn't G-d .... :cool-45:

Yes He is God. And Yes the Jews know that He is God. Just as many ex-Muslims know He is God! Watch this!

We jews do NOT believe his is a god, he is a mazmer you fucking idiot

The word you are looking for is "Mamzer" you frigging Khazarian troll. You should hope that your mongrel blood could be even half as pure as Christ's.

Worship me instead.

Let us unite and destroy all of your "religious leaders". Let Muslims and Christians and Jews unite together against Mecca, the Vatican, and Jerusalem, and do what must be done!

Let there be one religion. One vision.

My vision.
Ravi, God is very involved in what goes on "down here". You'll see that soon enough. As to whom God loves best? What is that to you? You made clear you have a problem with Christians. You have a problem with Jews too? You're really looking for problems with God I see. Here is some very wise advise for you, Ravi. When it comes to Gods children? Mind your own business. We belong to Him. Not you. Satan is the accuser of the brethren. You want to be his mouthpiece you'll have to face the consequences for it. *( 2 Thessalonians 1:6 - God's warning for those who falsely accuse his servants - try to create trouble for them, etc - just a fyi )
Why do you fail to answer questions and instead twist everything to suit your agenda?

I do my best not vindicate myself against false accusations, Ravi. If you've read my posts you already know that. I have given you God's Word on the matter. 2 Thessalonians 1:6 the word of God says this:

Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to those who trouble you.- 2 Thessalonians 1: 6

What that means is that the Christian does not need to vindicate themselves and indeed they should not do it. They should allow God to recompense tribulation to those who trouble them. That is the opposite of how the world does it but when God is my defense why would I need to respond to false accusations? I don't. Indeed it would eat up all my time and my time belongs to Jesus. I bless my enemies. I bless you in Jesus name. I pray God's best for you, Ravi.
Why do you fail to answer questions and instead twist everything to suit your agenda?
Trying to get a straight answer out of Jeremiah is like pulling teeth. ..... :bang3:

By straight answer I'm supposing you mean trying to get me to vindicate myself is like pulling teeth and I'm glad you realize that, Sunni Man. So stop trying. It's a waste of time and an act of futility. Seek the LORD instead, Sunni Man. God loves you and desires you to call upon the Lord Jesus so do that and you shall find no need to bang your head against a wall or live in frustration. In Jesus Christ there is true rest and peace that is not fleeting - rest for the weary and all those who are heavy laden with burdens. Jesus Christ is true peace and the answer for every soul.
Ravi, God is very involved in what goes on "down here". You'll see that soon enough. As to whom God loves best? What is that to you? You made clear you have a problem with Christians. You have a problem with Jews too? You're really looking for problems with God I see. Here is some very wise advise for you, Ravi. When it comes to Gods children? Mind your own business. We belong to Him. Not you. Satan is the accuser of the brethren. You want to be his mouthpiece you'll have to face the consequences for it. *( 2 Thessalonians 1:6 - God's warning for those who falsely accuse his servants - try to create trouble for them, etc - just a fyi )
Why do you fail to answer questions and instead twist everything to suit your agenda?

I do my best not vindicate myself against false accusations, Ravi. If you've read my posts you already know that. I have given you God's Word on the matter. 2 Thessalonians 1:6 the word of God says this:

Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to those who trouble you.- 2 Thessalonians 1: 6

What that means is that the Christian does not need to vindicate themselves and indeed they should not do it. They should allow God to recompense tribulation to those who trouble them. That is the opposite of how the world does it but when God is my defense why would I need to respond to false accusations? I don't. Indeed it would eat up all my time and my time belongs to Jesus. I bless my enemies. I bless you in Jesus name. I pray God's best for you, Ravi.
IMO you're a tool of Satan. Quit thinking about me, it's creepy.
Worship me instead.

Let us unite and destroy all of your "religious leaders". Let Muslims and Christians and Jews unite together against Mecca, the Vatican, and Jerusalem, and do what must be done!

Let there be one religion. One vision.

My vision.

I will not bow to you.

But I do enjoy reading your stuff.

It's very entertaining — not ignorant and haughty, like everything the OP of this thread says.

Odd, that: I've noticed that arrogance and ignorance have a special symbiotic relationship with one another.

Now stupid — that's a whole 'nutha animal right there.

I'm genuinely afraid that Jeri just might be that — and not merely ignorant.

No matter how many times one tells her that this or that translation is exigetically incorrect, she keeps on keepin' on makin' more of the same BS threads.

Keep making' this board a fun place to visit, Ashy. :thup:
What about stoning a woman to death for adultery? What did Jesus say about this?

Several years ago I stumbled onto televangelist Billy Sol Rubin* who was delivering sermon on this very subject!

In summary:

And lo Jesus did come upon a murmur of those who were gathering stones to kill a woman of ill repute. He gathered stones with them but, when they had an ample pile and paused, He admonished them: "Let he who is without sin among you cast the first stone!".

Reflecting, the throng muttered among themselves and began to drift away.

All except one very old woman, stopped with the years. She selected a particularly large stone and, while Jesus was consumed watching the multitude slink away she silently tottered under the weight on the stone and CRUSHED the woman's skull.

At the sound Jesus turned, aghast, and proclaimed: "MA! Sometimes you really GET MY ASS!"

* Billy Sol Rubin - pastor of The First Church of The Gooey Death and Discount House of Worship
Several years ago I stumbled onto televangelist Billy Sol Rubin* who was delivering sermon on this very subject!

In summary:

And lo Jesus did come upon a murmur of those who were gathering stones to kill a woman of ill repute. He gathered stones with them but, when they had an ample pile and paused, He admonished them: "Let he who is without sin among you cast the first stone!".

Reflecting, the throng muttered among themselves and began to drift away.

All except one very old woman, stopped with the years. She selected a particularly large stone and, while Jesus was consumed watching the multitude slink away she silently tottered under the weight on the stone and CRUSHED the woman's skull.

At the sound Jesus turned, aghast, and proclaimed: "MA! Sometimes you really GET MY ASS!"

* Billy Sol Rubin - pastor of The First Church of The Gooey Death and Discount House of Worship

Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. :laugh:
Jeremiah when caught in a blatant lie always falls back on........"You need Jesus.....blah, blah,......call on Jesus,...... blah, blah, blah,........ :lol: :lol:
Uh, and that's supposedly bad because...???
In most social circles.....lying is a bad thing.

Just saying....... :cool:

So far you're "just saying" nothing about what's so bad about Jeremiah saying...

."You need Jesus.....blah, blah,......call on Jesus,.."
Jeremiah when caught in a blatant lie always falls back on........"You need Jesus.....blah, blah,......call on Jesus,...... blah, blah, blah,........ :lol: :lol:

mojo2 said:
Uh, and that's supposedly bad because...???

sunni man said:
In most social circles.....lying is a bad thing.

Just saying....... :cool:

So why the hell do you Muzzies continue to lie about your faith's being a religion of peace, then, hmmf? :badgrin:

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