A Muslim Brit nails it again on the New Zealand attack

Tommy, you have made a veritable career here out of defending Muslim child rape gangs, calling people names if they care to oppose them
With your revelation regarding all these Islamic friends of yours, and your continuous defense of the mass rape of British childen, is it safe to assume this is the sort of behavior towards which you see no need for reform?
Pretty interesting, huh?

They're willing to discredit a man trying to create peace, and they're willing to defend fundamentalist Islam.

Right here. Pretty amazing.
Tommy, you have made a veritable career here out of defending Muslim child rape gangs, calling people names if they care to oppose them
With your revelation regarding all these Islamic friends of yours, and your continuous defense of the mass rape of British childen, is it safe to assume this is the sort of behavior towards which you see no need for reform?
Pretty interesting, huh?

They're willing to discredit a man trying to create peace, and they're willing to defend fundamentalist Islam.

Right here. Pretty amazing.
......and after doing EXACTLY what you say they do, they turn around and deny anybody does it.
I've also said that the Regressive Left doesn't want Islam to reform. You're happy the way it is.

You really, really think the more often you repeat that lie, the truer it gets?

The alternative would be you are boneheaded and mindbogglingly stupid to such a degree, you actually confuse disagreeing with Nawaz with disagreeing with Muslim societies' need to reform.
So typical
Right on cue, the repulsive Islamist plays the race card.
This is who the Regressives are. They try to put me on the defensive, cloud the issue, make this about me, avoid any hopeful conversation.

Look how they're behaving about a guy who's trying to bring some peace and sanity to this mess. What are they afraid of, do you suppose?

Fact is, they want him to fail - that's how protective they are of their chosen pet constituent oppressed religion - Fundamentalist Islamism.
When you look into his funding it brings up questions about his integrity and his motives. You seem to discount that completely Everybody can agree that some Muslim societies need to be dragged into the modern era but this guy lacks the credibility to do so. And I remember the Tommy Robinson farce.

My muslim friends dont need to reform, certainly not at the behest of someone who is bought and paid for.
I know you have a pet constituent oppressed religion to protect.

No doubt you're just as forgiving and tolerant and open-minded with Christians.

Yuk yuk.
Well I am a Welsh Methodist so I am not sure where you are coming from with that. But I see you do not want to discuss the concerns that many have with Mr Nawaz. Stand by your man Mac.
That's what the whole thread is about.

I've also said that the Regressive Left doesn't want Islam to reform. You're happy the way it is.

So you're attacking the messenger. You're not talking about what he is saying or what he is doing. You're trying to discredit him so that he fails.

It's all right here on these pages. You're changing the subject by going after him.
Well you would classify me as "regressive" I suppose. But I have always believed that Islam needed to shift. Although I do believe that is mostly driven by culture than faith. My Muslim friends are modern Europeans who dont stone gays or chop hands off.They would tell Mr Nawaz to fuck off and sort out his own shit.

All of which tends to undermine your theory. You seem to be happier attacking sceptics than making your case. Is that because you havent got a clue what you are talking about ?
I've also said that the Regressive Left doesn't want Islam to reform. You're happy the way it is.

You really, really think the more often you repeat that lie, the truer it gets?

The alternative would be you are boneheaded and mindbogglingly stupid to such a degree, you actually confuse disagreeing with Nawaz with disagreeing with Muslim societies' need to reform.
So THAT'S why you are a member of the Milli Gorus

You are all about the reform.
You really, really think the more often you repeat that lie, the truer it gets?

The alternative would be you are boneheaded and mindbogglingly stupid to such a degree, you actually confuse disagreeing with Nawaz with disagreeing with Muslim societies' need to reform.

Mac likes Nawaz because he validates his Islamophobia...

Pretty interesting, huh?

They're willing to discredit a man trying to create peace, and they're willing to defend fundamentalist Islam.

Right here. Pretty amazing.

He doesn't have any credibility to start with. He's an ex-Jihadist who has all the credibility of Winston Smith publicly praising Big Brother at the end of 1984.

Here's a crazy idea. Instead of all us western people telling Muslims (whose religion most of us couldn't pass a quiz on) what their faith should be about, or taking sides about what their faith is about (Because they are a monolithic group, except for the Sunnis, Shi'ites, Wahabbis, Alawites, Sufis, etc.)

Let's try something crazy like looking at what we are doing that creates the problems we whine about.

I give you a great example. Iran.

Iran was kind of lucky for the Islamic World. It managed to mostly resist Western Imperialism, mostly by playing Russia and Britain off against each other. Then in WWII, we overthrew their Shah and put his generally worthless son on the throne.

In 1953, sensible well-educated Iranians tried to reform their government into the kind of western, secular democracy you all say you want to see. And as a result the CIA and British Petroleum overthrew Mossedeqi (The Prime minister) and put the Shah back in power as an Autocrat.

The Shah, with the backing of the CIA and US Government, proceeded to oppress every liberal minded person in Iran, but he couldn't touch the Clergy without serious repercussions, so they became the focus of revolution against him.

We've spent the last 40 years since then fucking with Iran because of it.

But, no, no, it's those nasty Muslims who need to "Reform".
......and after doing EXACTLY what you say they do, they turn around and deny anybody does it.
This happens so often here it's incredible. Yeah, this is another example.

But truth be told, this has gone farther than I expected. They really don't want or care about reform. They're that closely aligned with the fundamentalists.

Next I want to figure out why. It may be that their opinion of the West is even lower than I knew.
This happens so often here it's incredible. Yeah, this is another example.

But truth be told, this has gone farther than I expected. They really don't want or care about reform. They're that closely aligned with the fundamentalists.

Next I want to figure out why.

It's been explained to you numerous times. This is just another example of "White Man's Burden" bullshit, where we are told that "those people' are "Barbarians' and we need to "Civilize" them in the process of taking their shit

And we dress a few of them up in nice suits and they praise how wonderful and civilized we are making them.


It's an old story, really. Going back to the Greeks and Romans, before there were ever Christians or Muslims arguing about who was more civilized while they killed each other to please their imaginary pixie in the sky.

"Look, they are throwing gays off roofs! Let's go in there and save the oil... I mean the gays."

"Um, that dude was a child molester, not a gay. And it's not our problem."
I have to admit I was quite impressed with Ms. Ardern in the aftermath of the Christchurch massacre. She comported herself with decency and dignity throughout, and resolutely and compassionately resolved to err on the side of inclusion. The apparent aim was to thwart the exclusionary message the massacre was intended to send, and the reporting appears to indicate the Kiwis are by their large majority going along. Moreover, she avoided every hint of victim-shaming and victim-blaming, which seem to be the entire intent and aim of this thread.

So, a hearty congratulation to the Kiwis for their choice of leader. Well done! The contrast to the sorry excuses others have chosen could hardly be any starker.
......and after doing EXACTLY what you say they do, they turn around and deny anybody does it.
This happens so often here it's incredible. Yeah, this is another example.

But truth be told, this has gone farther than I expected. They really don't want or care about reform. They're that closely aligned with the fundamentalists.

Next I want to figure out why. It may be that their opinion of the West is even lower than I knew.
The monkey trainers are stealth jihadists.

The monkeys are fodder for them because they are cases of arrested development .They hate their own culture because they hate themselves.

It's all just acting out like a teenager .
......and after doing EXACTLY what you say they do, they turn around and deny anybody does it.
This happens so often here it's incredible. Yeah, this is another example.

But truth be told, this has gone farther than I expected. They really don't want or care about reform. They're that closely aligned with the fundamentalists.

Next I want to figure out why. It may be that their opinion of the West is even lower than I knew.
The monkey trainers are stealth jihadists.

The monkeys are fodder for them because they are cases of arrested development .They hate their own culture because they hate themselves.

It's all just acting out like a teenager .
Clearly there's some self-loathing involved. This has to be strong - they're willing to align themselves with, protect and defend people who so powerfully represent and implement so many blatantly anti-liberal and anti-Western characteristics and behaviors. And then, of course, you'll see the same people saying vicious things about Christians.

There's a serious and profound disconnect here.
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......and after doing EXACTLY what you say they do, they turn around and deny anybody does it.
This happens so often here it's incredible. Yeah, this is another example.

But truth be told, this has gone farther than I expected. They really don't want or care about reform. They're that closely aligned with the fundamentalists.

Next I want to figure out why. It may be that their opinion of the West is even lower than I knew.
The monkey trainers are stealth jihadists.

The monkeys are fodder for them because they are cases of arrested development .They hate their own culture because they hate themselves.

It's all just acting out like a teenager .
Clearly there's some self-loathing involved. This has to be strong - they're willing to align themselves with, protect and defend people who so powerfully represent and implement so many blatantly anti-liberal characteristics and behaviors. And then, of course, you'll see the same people saying vicious things about Christians.

There's a serious disconnect here.
Maybe you are so caught up in your self delusions you aren't really comprehending the message your man is laying down.

The New Zealand Mosque Massacre Blame Game Is Out of Control
Already, ISIS spokesman Abu Hassan al-Muhajir has broken six months' silence after the group’s recent humiliating series of defeats in Syria to encourage Muslims to take revenge for New Zealand. But this obviously does not mean critics of right-wing extremism or the war in Syria are in league with ISIS.

Let us continue to debate all the hot issues in defiance. But in doing so there is one principle I would ask that we all remember: just as no idea should be above scrutiny, no person should be beneath dignity. If this line between critiquing ideas and seeking to humiliate people is not drawn clearly, any one of us could become the next Chelsea Clinton.
You know, Mac, I cannot remember a thread of yours where you didn't claim proof for your pet theory. It's what you do.

You promulgate the scribbling of a bought and paid-for propagandist as an honest attempt at reform. Objections to him, you claim, prove your point. Then you invent attacks on Christianity, and favoring fundamentalist Islam - neither happened - and again claim it proves your point.

I, for one, am wary of oh-so enlightened Westerners taking it upon themselves to reform the savages in the dark corners of this earth. That usually didn't end all that well for the savages. I am particularly wary in case these oh-so enlightened Westerners cannot see the beams in their own eyes.

Most Muslims, I am convinced, want nothing to do with the likes of daesh, or their ideology. They will, on their own, reform. Western meddling is very, very likely a way to thwart, discredit, and delay their efforts. That is why Mr. Nawaz's advocacy, even if it were less disingenuous, is not helpful at all.

You should know by now that liberals can see through the crap you are promulgating. You've been exposed for months. I find it quite bone-headed that you would nonetheless try the exact same shtick time and again, and blame your bloody nose on those who expose you for what you are.
So typical
You know, Mac, I cannot remember a thread of yours where you didn't claim proof for your pet theory. It's what you do.

You promulgate the scribbling of a bought and paid-for propagandist as an honest attempt at reform. Objections to him, you claim, prove your point. Then you invent attacks on Christianity, and favoring fundamentalist Islam - neither happened - and again claim it proves your point.

I, for one, am wary of oh-so enlightened Westerners taking it upon themselves to reform the savages in the dark corners of this earth. That usually didn't end all that well for the savages. I am particularly wary in case these oh-so enlightened Westerners cannot see the beams in their own eyes.

Most Muslims, I am convinced, want nothing to do with the likes of daesh, or their ideology. They will, on their own, reform. Western meddling is very, very likely a way to thwart, discredit, and delay their efforts. That is why Mr. Nawaz's advocacy, even if it were less disingenuous, is not helpful at all.

You should know by now that liberals can see through the crap you are promulgating. You've been exposed for months. I find it quite bone-headed that you would nonetheless try the exact same shtick time and again, and blame your bloody nose on those who expose you for what you are.
Right on cue, the repulsive Islamist plays the race card.
This is who the Regressives are. They try to put me on the defensive, cloud the issue, make this about me, avoid any hopeful conversation.

Look how they're behaving about a guy who's trying to bring some peace and sanity to this mess. What are they afraid of, do you suppose?

Fact is, they want him to fail - that's how protective they are of their chosen pet constituent oppressed religion - Fundamentalist Islamism.
When you look into his funding it brings up questions about his integrity and his motives. You seem to discount that completely Everybody can agree that some Muslim societies need to be dragged into the modern era but this guy lacks the credibility to do so. And I remember the Tommy Robinson farce.

My muslim friends dont need to reform, certainly not at the behest of someone who is bought and paid for.
Tommy, you have made a veritable career here out of defending Muslim child rape gangs, calling people names if they dare to oppose them

With your revelation regarding all these Islamic friends of yours, and your continuous defense of the mass rape of British childen, is it safe to assume this is the sort of behavior towards which you see no need for reform?
Every time you trot this out I ask you for a link and every time you fail and move on to deflection.
So here we go again......do you have a link to these accusations ?
......and after doing EXACTLY what you say they do, they turn around and deny anybody does it.
This happens so often here it's incredible. Yeah, this is another example.

But truth be told, this has gone farther than I expected. They really don't want or care about reform. They're that closely aligned with the fundamentalists.

Next I want to figure out why. It may be that their opinion of the West is even lower than I knew.
The monkey trainers are stealth jihadists.

The monkeys are fodder for them because they are cases of arrested development .They hate their own culture because they hate themselves.

It's all just acting out like a teenager .
Clearly there's some self-loathing involved. This has to be strong - they're willing to align themselves with, protect and defend people who so powerfully represent and implement so many blatantly anti-liberal characteristics and behaviors. And then, of course, you'll see the same people saying vicious things about Christians.

There's a serious disconnect here.
Maybe you are so caught up in your self delusions you aren't really comprehending the message your man is laying down.

The New Zealand Mosque Massacre Blame Game Is Out of Control
Already, ISIS spokesman Abu Hassan al-Muhajir has broken six months' silence after the group’s recent humiliating series of defeats in Syria to encourage Muslims to take revenge for New Zealand. But this obviously does not mean critics of right-wing extremism or the war in Syria are in league with ISIS.

Let us continue to debate all the hot issues in defiance. But in doing so there is one principle I would ask that we all remember: just as no idea should be above scrutiny, no person should be beneath dignity. If this line between critiquing ideas and seeking to humiliate people is not drawn clearly, any one of us could become the next Chelsea Clinton.
Well, at least you tried to make a point, as vague as it may be.

Perhaps you could address something I have actually said, or something that Nawaz has actually said.

And perhaps you could do that with some clarity.
......and after doing EXACTLY what you say they do, they turn around and deny anybody does it.
This happens so often here it's incredible. Yeah, this is another example.

But truth be told, this has gone farther than I expected. They really don't want or care about reform. They're that closely aligned with the fundamentalists.

Next I want to figure out why. It may be that their opinion of the West is even lower than I knew.
The monkey trainers are stealth jihadists.

The monkeys are fodder for them because they are cases of arrested development .They hate their own culture because they hate themselves.

It's all just acting out like a teenager .
Clearly there's some self-loathing involved. This has to be strong - they're willing to align themselves with, protect and defend people who so powerfully represent and implement so many blatantly anti-liberal characteristics and behaviors. And then, of course, you'll see the same people saying vicious things about Christians.

There's a serious disconnect here.
Maybe you are so caught up in your self delusions you aren't really comprehending the message your man is laying down.

The New Zealand Mosque Massacre Blame Game Is Out of Control
Already, ISIS spokesman Abu Hassan al-Muhajir has broken six months' silence after the group’s recent humiliating series of defeats in Syria to encourage Muslims to take revenge for New Zealand. But this obviously does not mean critics of right-wing extremism or the war in Syria are in league with ISIS.

Let us continue to debate all the hot issues in defiance. But in doing so there is one principle I would ask that we all remember: just as no idea should be above scrutiny, no person should be beneath dignity. If this line between critiquing ideas and seeking to humiliate people is not drawn clearly, any one of us could become the next Chelsea Clinton.
Well, at least you tried to make a point, as vague as it may be.

Perhaps you could address something I have actually said, or something that Nawaz has actually said.

And perhaps you could do that with some clarity.
It's simple.

Understand that Nawaz is not above critique and stop denigrating those who do it. Let's have an open dialogue.
This happens so often here it's incredible. Yeah, this is another example.

But truth be told, this has gone farther than I expected. They really don't want or care about reform. They're that closely aligned with the fundamentalists.

Next I want to figure out why. It may be that their opinion of the West is even lower than I knew.
The monkey trainers are stealth jihadists.

The monkeys are fodder for them because they are cases of arrested development .They hate their own culture because they hate themselves.

It's all just acting out like a teenager .
Clearly there's some self-loathing involved. This has to be strong - they're willing to align themselves with, protect and defend people who so powerfully represent and implement so many blatantly anti-liberal characteristics and behaviors. And then, of course, you'll see the same people saying vicious things about Christians.

There's a serious disconnect here.
Maybe you are so caught up in your self delusions you aren't really comprehending the message your man is laying down.

The New Zealand Mosque Massacre Blame Game Is Out of Control
Already, ISIS spokesman Abu Hassan al-Muhajir has broken six months' silence after the group’s recent humiliating series of defeats in Syria to encourage Muslims to take revenge for New Zealand. But this obviously does not mean critics of right-wing extremism or the war in Syria are in league with ISIS.

Let us continue to debate all the hot issues in defiance. But in doing so there is one principle I would ask that we all remember: just as no idea should be above scrutiny, no person should be beneath dignity. If this line between critiquing ideas and seeking to humiliate people is not drawn clearly, any one of us could become the next Chelsea Clinton.
Well, at least you tried to make a point, as vague as it may be.

Perhaps you could address something I have actually said, or something that Nawaz has actually said.

And perhaps you could do that with some clarity.
It's simple.

Understand that Nawaz is not above critique and stop denigrating those who do it. Let's have an open dialogue.
I've been expressing my opinion from post 1.

Perhaps you might consider asking others here to stop denigrating, as well.

And maybe stop denigrating Nawaz and address his point.

Looking forward to it.
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No muslims worship a false god.

This is where your utter stupidity bites you in your fat arse. With gusto.

Wrong. Mohammed preached the sword, Jesus taught peace. Allah is a fictional creation. Those are facts.

Wrong. Batman preached the grappling hook, Silver Surfer taught nobility. Jar Jar is a fictional creation. Those are biglier facts.

Those are fantasies/comics.
No muslims worship a false god.

This is where your utter stupidity bites you in your fat arse. With gusto.

Wrong. Mohammed preached the sword, Jesus taught peace. Allah is a fictional creation. Those are facts.

Wrong. Batman preached the grappling hook, Silver Surfer taught nobility. Jar Jar is a fictional creation. Those are biglier facts.

Those are fantasies/comics.

So is religion.

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