A Must See: David Duke Exposes Why The Jewish Media Hates Donald Trump

Because Trump is playing them for fools.

It is no accident that Trump is endorsed by David Duke- and by every racist here at USMB.

I in no way think that Trump is a racist or an anti-semite- but he certainly appeals to racists and anti-semites.

I do not think that Trump is a racist --------He speaks in a very brash manner-----
loose tongue-----he will mellow

I do not think that Trump is a racist- I think he is appealing to racists.

You dropping your claim that "every racist here" endorses him?

I exaggerated- I am sure that there are exceptions- for example- you may not support Trump.

support TRUMPEES vs oppose TRUMPERS ----------someone should write
a folk song about the ongoing feud

Duke had detailed his support for Trump in a Facebook post on Thursday.

"I think he deserves a close look by those who believe the era of political correctness needs to come to an end," Duke wrote.

He touted Trump's strength on immigration, breaking up "Jewish dominated lobbies and super PACS that are corrupting and controlling American politics," preventing war with Russia, exposing media "lies" and ensuring "that White-Americans are allowed to preserve and promote their heritage and interests just as all other groups are allowed to do."

Donald Trump stumbles on David Duke, KKK - CNNPolitics.com

You and Duke- racist anti-semite Trump fanboys.

Two peas in a pod.

You follow Duke on Facebook?

That's weird.

You're not "friends" with him I hope?

And where did I say I follow Duke on Facebook?

I know it is hard for folks like you to look at the facts- but make that little bit of extra effort and read the link to the article that I posted.

DUke has ZERO credibility with me..

Duke has no credibility with me- just as Stevie the racist here doesn't.

But the racists like Duke and Stevie sure do love Trump.

Trump is not a racist- but it is no coincidence that the racists love Trump.

No, it's not.

I already pointed out the obvious reason for that.

Like you, they assume (or hope) that the reason for Trump policies that are good for America at the expense of non-white people (mexicans,chinese/muslims) are

not because they are GOOD for America, but because of Race.

In that, you and Duke are on the same page.

There is no evidence of that.

The vast majority of Trump supporters do not share that view.

There is no reason to think that about Trump.

And considering how relevant David Duke, is, who cares what he thinks?

Answer. LIberals, because they can use it to advance their agenda.

They miss the part that Duke's world view is disturbingly like their own.
Well Zionist wants to get rid of all religion, esp Christianity and Islam. The biggest neocons are secular jews in and around our government. Trump has 2 kids married to jews and jew grandkids , so I think he might me saying what everyone wants to hear, also he has put money in Israel. It may be just a stunt, but Hilary also has a son in law who is jewish, so there is one thing jews hate and that is Christianity and Islam and truthfully even Judaism.

you got a link, penny dear? I have read LOTS of islamo Nazi propaganda---and so far you have parroted lots of the stuff I read as far back as the mid 1950s-----but I never came across your concept of jews wanting to get rid of Islam and Christianity---
EXCEPT from muslims---educated in muslim lands who are taught EARLY ON --that jews want to DESTROY ISLAM-------but then again----so do Christians (I learned that one in a mosque) Do jews oppose Buddhism and Hinduism TOO? Do you have any idea what is "preached" in synagogues about this matter of getting rid of the religions of the world? In the course of my life I have learned
that well into their teens---CHILDREN express the ideas they learn at home. Did
you get your ideas from jewish children educated in "jewish day" school?

I have given you links ad nausea, heres one more, and atheist (jew) killing RC's in Mexico.
calles, plutarco elias - Google Search

do I have to put this in my sig line again, so you don't forget:

This section became known as Yevsektsia (alternative spelling: Yevsektsiya — the acronym of the department name in Russian) and was run by Jews.

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia. (by Rabbi Berel Wein)



yes---of course I read your siggy------I am fully aware of the fact that SOCIALISM
is very attractive to jews--------in fact biblical law contains LOTS of socialistic
concepts and actual LAWS. No one is supposed to starve in the land of Israel.
In fact----if you believe that which Christian theologians claim about
Jesus-----he was an ardent socialist. The jewish community of Russia never got
destroyed I do not know Rabbi Wein but I have ---in the course of my life---become acquainted with lots of Russian jews -----and even some who ESCAPED
catholic Adolf Hitler by fleeing to Russia. I do not agree with R' Wein's
"history" The big time murderer of------JEWS, before, during and after world war II ---was STALIN (eastern orthodox which is a sect of Catholicism)
Stalin was an equal opportunity murderer----he murdered anyone who dissed
his policies----lots of whom were jews.
You managed to find a jewish Mexican murderer???? MAZEL TOV------the only Mexican jews I have known are physicians and surgeons.

Here read this article and tell me what you think, they didn't want religion in Israel, and ever took children away from their parents to take the Judaism out of them.

Ahavat Israel - Missing Jewish Children

Without any doubt, stealing children from their parents is a horrendous crime. But, how is it possible that the goverment conducted such activities? The government policy was to create a modern Jew, a new Israeli. To leave the Jewish isolation behind, and start living like all the other nations in the world, to build a normal country. High ranking politicians would say: "The day we see Jewish criminals and Jewish prostitutes walking the streets of Israel, then we will have succeeded in our goal of creating a normal state, just like the rest of the nations in the world." And regretfully, they succeeded in this issue.

The main reason Jewish children were stolen from their parents, was to provide them with a non-Torah education. The ruling class saw Torah Law and Jewish traditions as primitive, and tried to erase this from the Jews. They created a large number of Jews who have no idea of what it means to be Jewish. They have never seen a Jewish prayer book. And as a consequence of this, they cannot understand what they are doing living in the Land of Israel, and in their first opportunity the will move overseas. The "modern" Jewish education this children were given, included a deep hatred for everything that has to do with the Jewish religion, including religious Jews.
Last edited:
If they hate him so much why does he get so much free publicity?

Because Trump is playing them for fools.

It is no accident that Trump is endorsed by David Duke- and by every racist here at USMB.

I in no way think that Trump is a racist or an anti-semite- but he certainly appeals to racists and anti-semites.

I do not think that Trump is a racist --------He speaks in a very brash manner-----
loose tongue-----he will mellow

I do not think that Trump is a racist- I think he is appealing to racists.

Trump appeals to people like me who's ancestors FOUND,FOUNDED,EXPLORED and BUILT this country only to see it be stolen and taken over by non white scum thanks to the influence in media/finance/politics of a foreign race that's been kicked from EVERY country its ever settled in.

On another note I wonder what butt hurt bitch moved this to conspiracies....one day the few leftists that we can't track down will rant and rave about the NEW American Genocide aka CLEANSING of the SCUM elements of society and we will all claim well its all just a conspiracy! You are nuts! You are crazy! Of course it would be true but hey what's good for the leftards is good to use against them as well.
Well Zionist wants to get rid of all religion, esp Christianity and Islam. The biggest neocons are secular jews in and around our government. Trump has 2 kids married to jews and jew grandkids , so I think he might me saying what everyone wants to hear, also he has put money in Israel. It may be just a stunt, but Hilary also has a son in law who is jewish, so there is one thing jews hate and that is Christianity and Islam and truthfully even Judaism.

you got a link, penny dear? I have read LOTS of islamo Nazi propaganda---and so far you have parroted lots of the stuff I read as far back as the mid 1950s-----but I never came across your concept of jews wanting to get rid of Islam and Christianity---
EXCEPT from muslims---educated in muslim lands who are taught EARLY ON --that jews want to DESTROY ISLAM-------but then again----so do Christians (I learned that one in a mosque) Do jews oppose Buddhism and Hinduism TOO? Do you have any idea what is "preached" in synagogues about this matter of getting rid of the religions of the world? In the course of my life I have learned
that well into their teens---CHILDREN express the ideas they learn at home. Did
you get your ideas from jewish children educated in "jewish day" school?

I have given you links ad nausea, heres one more, and atheist (jew) killing RC's in Mexico.
calles, plutarco elias - Google Search

do I have to put this in my sig line again, so you don't forget:

This section became known as Yevsektsia (alternative spelling: Yevsektsiya — the acronym of the department name in Russian) and was run by Jews.

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia. (by Rabbi Berel Wein)



yes---of course I read your siggy------I am fully aware of the fact that SOCIALISM
is very attractive to jews--------in fact biblical law contains LOTS of socialistic
concepts and actual LAWS. No one is supposed to starve in the land of Israel.
In fact----if you believe that which Christian theologians claim about
Jesus-----he was an ardent socialist. The jewish community of Russia never got
destroyed I do not know Rabbi Wein but I have ---in the course of my life---become acquainted with lots of Russian jews -----and even some who ESCAPED
catholic Adolf Hitler by fleeing to Russia. I do not agree with R' Wein's
"history" The big time murderer of------JEWS, before, during and after world war II ---was STALIN (eastern orthodox which is a sect of Catholicism)
Stalin was an equal opportunity murderer----he murdered anyone who dissed
his policies----lots of whom were jews.
You managed to find a jewish Mexican murderer???? MAZEL TOV------the only Mexican jews I have known are physicians and surgeons.

Here read this article and tell me what you think, they didn't want religion in Israel, and ever took children away from their parents to take the Judaism out of them.

Ahavat Israel - Missing Jewish Children

Without any doubt, stealing children from their parents is a horrendous crime. But, how is it possible that the goverment conducted such activities? The government policy was to create a modern Jew, a new Israeli. To leave the Jewish isolation behind, and start living like all the other nations in the world, to build a normal country. High ranking politicians would say: "The day we see Jewish criminals and Jewish prostitutes walking the streets of Israel, then we will have succeeded in our goal of creating a normal state, just like the rest of the nations in the world." And regretfully, they succeeded in this issue.

The main reason Jewish children were stolen from their parents, was to provide them with a non-Torah education. The ruling class saw Torah Law and Jewish traditions as primitive, and tried to erase this from the Jews. They created a large number of Jews who have no idea of what it means to be Jewish. They have never seen a Jewish prayer book. And as a consequence of this, they cannot understand what they are doing living in the Land of Israel, and in their first opportunity the will move overseas. The "modern" Jewish education this children were given, included a deep hatred for everything that has to do with the Jewish religion, including religious Jews.

you lose again AHAVAT is an ultra religious group that creates scandals against what they consider the non-religious-----its been going on for more than 100 years.
There is no realistic evidence that children were stolen-----but LOTS OF STORIES----try to keep in mind------I IS MARRIED INTO A YEMENITE FAMILY----FROM THE MOST CITED in these libels. Were these stories true-----there would have been DNA evidence of this MASSIVE abduction tale long ago. There was no governmental push to secularize children----BUT there absolutely WAS such an effort by some ---INTELLECTUALS-----amongst them some of your FAVES-----the people you like to parrot-----eg Israel Shahak ----remember? you love his scribbles Hubby is a Yemenite from RISHON-----epicenter of the scandal stories------he was hospitalized--for many months----somehow he survived the ABDUCTION ATTEMPTS as did his nine sibs------what he did experience were people who opposed religion-----but not THAT much. Now go and recheck those anti-Zionist sites full of stories by Satmar Chassidim. Your other faves
If they hate him so much why does he get so much free publicity?

Because Trump is playing them for fools.

It is no accident that Trump is endorsed by David Duke- and by every racist here at USMB.

I in no way think that Trump is a racist or an anti-semite- but he certainly appeals to racists and anti-semites.

I do not think that Trump is a racist --------He speaks in a very brash manner-----
loose tongue-----he will mellow

I do not think that Trump is a racist- I think he is appealing to racists.

Trump appeals to people like me who's ancestors FOUND,FOUNDED,EXPLORED and BUILT this country only to see it be stolen and taken over by non white scum thanks to the influence in media/finance/politics of a foreign race that's been kicked from EVERY country its ever settled in.

On another note I wonder what butt hurt bitch moved this to conspiracies....one day the few leftists that we can't track down will rant and rave about the NEW American Genocide aka CLEANSING of the SCUM elements of society and we will all claim well its all just a conspiracy! You are nuts! You are crazy! Of course it would be true but hey what's good for the leftards is good to use against them as well.

the jewish media hates Trump? ------ok----"EVERYONE KNOWS" dat da joooos control ALL OF THE MEDIA------gee----poor trump
Because Trump is playing them for fools.

It is no accident that Trump is endorsed by David Duke- and by every racist here at USMB.

I in no way think that Trump is a racist or an anti-semite- but he certainly appeals to racists and anti-semites.

I do not think that Trump is a racist --------He speaks in a very brash manner-----
loose tongue-----he will mellow

I do not think that Trump is a racist- I think he is appealing to racists.

Trump appeals to people like me who's ancestors FOUND,FOUNDED,EXPLORED and BUILT this country only to see it be stolen and taken over by non white scum thanks to the influence in media/finance/politics of a foreign race that's been kicked from EVERY country its ever settled in.

On another note I wonder what butt hurt bitch moved this to conspiracies....one day the few leftists that we can't track down will rant and rave about the NEW American Genocide aka CLEANSING of the SCUM elements of society and we will all claim well its all just a conspiracy! You are nuts! You are crazy! Of course it would be true but hey what's good for the leftards is good to use against them as well.

the jewish media hates Trump? ------ok----"EVERYONE KNOWS" dat da joooos control ALL OF THE MEDIA------gee----poor trump
I don't have you on ignore because you are merely the insignificant crazy jewish cat lady...nothing you say makes sense we just kind of mumbling and ranting.

A great friendship.
Because Trump is playing them for fools.

It is no accident that Trump is endorsed by David Duke- and by every racist here at USMB.

I in no way think that Trump is a racist or an anti-semite- but he certainly appeals to racists and anti-semites.

I do not think that Trump is a racist --------He speaks in a very brash manner-----
loose tongue-----he will mellow

I do not think that Trump is a racist- I think he is appealing to racists.

Trump appeals to people like me who's ancestors FOUND,FOUNDED,EXPLORED and BUILT this country only to see it be stolen and taken over by non white scum thanks to the influence in media/finance/politics of a foreign race that's been kicked from EVERY country its ever settled in.

On another note I wonder what butt hurt bitch moved this to conspiracies....one day the few leftists that we can't track down will rant and rave about the NEW American Genocide aka CLEANSING of the SCUM elements of society and we will all claim well its all just a conspiracy! You are nuts! You are crazy! Of course it would be true but hey what's good for the leftards is good to use against them as well.

the jewish media hates Trump? ------ok----"EVERYONE KNOWS" dat da joooos control ALL OF THE MEDIA------gee----poor trump

Oh they sure applauded over him at AIPAC, as he groveled to them , he is a suck up
Well Zionist wants to get rid of all religion, esp Christianity and Islam. The biggest neocons are secular jews in and around our government. Trump has 2 kids married to jews and jew grandkids , so I think he might me saying what everyone wants to hear, also he has put money in Israel. It may be just a stunt, but Hilary also has a son in law who is jewish, so there is one thing jews hate and that is Christianity and Islam and truthfully even Judaism.

you got a link, penny dear? I have read LOTS of islamo Nazi propaganda---and so far you have parroted lots of the stuff I read as far back as the mid 1950s-----but I never came across your concept of jews wanting to get rid of Islam and Christianity---
EXCEPT from muslims---educated in muslim lands who are taught EARLY ON --that jews want to DESTROY ISLAM-------but then again----so do Christians (I learned that one in a mosque) Do jews oppose Buddhism and Hinduism TOO? Do you have any idea what is "preached" in synagogues about this matter of getting rid of the religions of the world? In the course of my life I have learned
that well into their teens---CHILDREN express the ideas they learn at home. Did
you get your ideas from jewish children educated in "jewish day" school?

I have given you links ad nausea, heres one more, and atheist (jew) killing RC's in Mexico.
calles, plutarco elias - Google Search

do I have to put this in my sig line again, so you don't forget:

This section became known as Yevsektsia (alternative spelling: Yevsektsiya — the acronym of the department name in Russian) and was run by Jews.

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia. (by Rabbi Berel Wein)



yes---of course I read your siggy------I am fully aware of the fact that SOCIALISM
is very attractive to jews--------in fact biblical law contains LOTS of socialistic
concepts and actual LAWS. No one is supposed to starve in the land of Israel.
In fact----if you believe that which Christian theologians claim about
Jesus-----he was an ardent socialist. The jewish community of Russia never got
destroyed I do not know Rabbi Wein but I have ---in the course of my life---become acquainted with lots of Russian jews -----and even some who ESCAPED
catholic Adolf Hitler by fleeing to Russia. I do not agree with R' Wein's
"history" The big time murderer of------JEWS, before, during and after world war II ---was STALIN (eastern orthodox which is a sect of Catholicism)
Stalin was an equal opportunity murderer----he murdered anyone who dissed
his policies----lots of whom were jews.
You managed to find a jewish Mexican murderer???? MAZEL TOV------the only Mexican jews I have known are physicians and surgeons.

Here read this article and tell me what you think, they didn't want religion in Israel, and ever took children away from their parents to take the Judaism out of them.

Ahavat Israel - Missing Jewish Children

Without any doubt, stealing children from their parents is a horrendous crime. But, how is it possible that the goverment conducted such activities? The government policy was to create a modern Jew, a new Israeli. To leave the Jewish isolation behind, and start living like all the other nations in the world, to build a normal country. High ranking politicians would say: "The day we see Jewish criminals and Jewish prostitutes walking the streets of Israel, then we will have succeeded in our goal of creating a normal state, just like the rest of the nations in the world." And regretfully, they succeeded in this issue.

The main reason Jewish children were stolen from their parents, was to provide them with a non-Torah education. The ruling class saw Torah Law and Jewish traditions as primitive, and tried to erase this from the Jews. They created a large number of Jews who have no idea of what it means to be Jewish. They have never seen a Jewish prayer book. And as a consequence of this, they cannot understand what they are doing living in the Land of Israel, and in their first opportunity the will move overseas. The "modern" Jewish education this children were given, included a deep hatred for everything that has to do with the Jewish religion, including religious Jews.

you lose again AHAVAT is an ultra religious group that creates scandals against what they consider the non-religious-----its been going on for more than 100 years.
There is no realistic evidence that children were stolen-----but LOTS OF STORIES----try to keep in mind------I IS MARRIED INTO A YEMENITE FAMILY----FROM THE MOST CITED in these libels. Were these stories true-----there would have been DNA evidence of this MASSIVE abduction tale long ago. There was no governmental push to secularize children----BUT there absolutely WAS such an effort by some ---INTELLECTUALS-----amongst them some of your FAVES-----the people you like to parrot-----eg Israel Shahak ----remember? you love his scribbles Hubby is a Yemenite from RISHON-----epicenter of the scandal stories------he was hospitalized--for many months----somehow he survived the ABDUCTION ATTEMPTS as did his nine sibs------what he did experience were people who opposed religion-----but not THAT much. Now go and recheck those anti-Zionist sites full of stories by Satmar Chassidim. Your other faves

Hey I believe in the separation between church and state and also in public schools, but stealing kids and doing whatever with them, that is a way overboard. Its just unbelievable and I believe the Arabs and Muslims know who they are really dealing with.
you got a link, penny dear? I have read LOTS of islamo Nazi propaganda---and so far you have parroted lots of the stuff I read as far back as the mid 1950s-----but I never came across your concept of jews wanting to get rid of Islam and Christianity---
EXCEPT from muslims---educated in muslim lands who are taught EARLY ON --that jews want to DESTROY ISLAM-------but then again----so do Christians (I learned that one in a mosque) Do jews oppose Buddhism and Hinduism TOO? Do you have any idea what is "preached" in synagogues about this matter of getting rid of the religions of the world? In the course of my life I have learned
that well into their teens---CHILDREN express the ideas they learn at home. Did
you get your ideas from jewish children educated in "jewish day" school?

I have given you links ad nausea, heres one more, and atheist (jew) killing RC's in Mexico.
calles, plutarco elias - Google Search

do I have to put this in my sig line again, so you don't forget:

This section became known as Yevsektsia (alternative spelling: Yevsektsiya — the acronym of the department name in Russian) and was run by Jews.

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia. (by Rabbi Berel Wein)



yes---of course I read your siggy------I am fully aware of the fact that SOCIALISM
is very attractive to jews--------in fact biblical law contains LOTS of socialistic
concepts and actual LAWS. No one is supposed to starve in the land of Israel.
In fact----if you believe that which Christian theologians claim about
Jesus-----he was an ardent socialist. The jewish community of Russia never got
destroyed I do not know Rabbi Wein but I have ---in the course of my life---become acquainted with lots of Russian jews -----and even some who ESCAPED
catholic Adolf Hitler by fleeing to Russia. I do not agree with R' Wein's
"history" The big time murderer of------JEWS, before, during and after world war II ---was STALIN (eastern orthodox which is a sect of Catholicism)
Stalin was an equal opportunity murderer----he murdered anyone who dissed
his policies----lots of whom were jews.
You managed to find a jewish Mexican murderer???? MAZEL TOV------the only Mexican jews I have known are physicians and surgeons.

Here read this article and tell me what you think, they didn't want religion in Israel, and ever took children away from their parents to take the Judaism out of them.

Ahavat Israel - Missing Jewish Children

Without any doubt, stealing children from their parents is a horrendous crime. But, how is it possible that the goverment conducted such activities? The government policy was to create a modern Jew, a new Israeli. To leave the Jewish isolation behind, and start living like all the other nations in the world, to build a normal country. High ranking politicians would say: "The day we see Jewish criminals and Jewish prostitutes walking the streets of Israel, then we will have succeeded in our goal of creating a normal state, just like the rest of the nations in the world." And regretfully, they succeeded in this issue.

The main reason Jewish children were stolen from their parents, was to provide them with a non-Torah education. The ruling class saw Torah Law and Jewish traditions as primitive, and tried to erase this from the Jews. They created a large number of Jews who have no idea of what it means to be Jewish. They have never seen a Jewish prayer book. And as a consequence of this, they cannot understand what they are doing living in the Land of Israel, and in their first opportunity the will move overseas. The "modern" Jewish education this children were given, included a deep hatred for everything that has to do with the Jewish religion, including religious Jews.

you lose again AHAVAT is an ultra religious group that creates scandals against what they consider the non-religious-----its been going on for more than 100 years.
There is no realistic evidence that children were stolen-----but LOTS OF STORIES----try to keep in mind------I IS MARRIED INTO A YEMENITE FAMILY----FROM THE MOST CITED in these libels. Were these stories true-----there would have been DNA evidence of this MASSIVE abduction tale long ago. There was no governmental push to secularize children----BUT there absolutely WAS such an effort by some ---INTELLECTUALS-----amongst them some of your FAVES-----the people you like to parrot-----eg Israel Shahak ----remember? you love his scribbles Hubby is a Yemenite from RISHON-----epicenter of the scandal stories------he was hospitalized--for many months----somehow he survived the ABDUCTION ATTEMPTS as did his nine sibs------what he did experience were people who opposed religion-----but not THAT much. Now go and recheck those anti-Zionist sites full of stories by Satmar Chassidim. Your other faves

Hey I believe in the separation between church and state and also in public schools, but stealing kids and doing whatever with them, that is a way overboard. Its just unbelievable and I believe the Arabs and Muslims know who they are really dealing with.

stealing children is both a muslim thing and a catholic thing----So many "people"
ignore the FACTS and are fascinated with libels from all sorts of nuts-----
I will investigate when I go to Rishon-----in a few weeks----I already know what the
Canadian trash did to the natives americans ----SCUM THAT THEY WERE AND
TO DO ------to your perverted delight

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