A Nation Under One Party Rule

If Conservatives continually declare they will not compromise with the other side, they are forcing voters to decide on one side or the other.

Looks like they are losing that one

And creating the “one party rule” which seems to be the OPs bete noire.
One party rule is inevitable if compromise between the two parties is capitulation.
Which is exactly what you Leftist turds want. The GOP to completely cave in. No, the job of the opposition is to oppose. Not compromise, not negotiate, not play nicey nice. But oppose at all costs!

I do not speak for “leftist turds”, but your argument creates the problem you are lambasting!

If “oppose at all costs” is the GOP mantra, than by default you have one party rule. There is no way around it when one side loses an election and weaponizes obstruction.
As it should. I don't want the GOP to be butt buddies with the DemocRATs.

I understand that, but that POV creates the “one party rule” that you are railing against. By not serving as the loyal opposition and finding areas of agreement you are forcing the one party to rule by itself.
So why the fuck should I, or any other REAL American give any consideration to the enemy?

To obviate the ”one party rule”, which is the subject of your OP.

Let’s recapitulate here. According to you, The problem is the Democratic Party being the sole arbiter of power in government.

If the GOP will not contribute to legislation, than it allows the majority to usurp the same power you are complaining about.

Is any of this resonating?
Do these leftist idiots really think America would be better off with them in total 100% and permanent rule over the vast unwashed masses?

The bigger and greater question is why was the left allowed to treat Trump and his supporters as some sort of "threat" to be stamped out while accusing Trump of being a dictator, tyrant, autocrat, et al., when really, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THE LEFT IS ABOUT:
  • Eliminating threats to their autocratic rule in government, industry AND media.
So why the fuck should I, or any other REAL American give any consideration to the enemy?

How's the belligerent sore-loser act been working out for you? Not so well? Gee, then maybe you should change.

Or you can remain angry and irrelevent. Your choice. I'm sure you get a big emotional rush from your raging purity act. Makes you the big hero in your own mind, right? Your feelings of purity are the important thing, not practical results, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
If Conservatives continually declare they will not compromise with the other side, they are forcing voters to decide on one side or the other.

Looks like they are losing that one
There IS no compromising with the enemy!

Then you force the voters to choose one side or the other
Not working out too well for your team.
Without fraud it would have worked out fine. You people are not the majority. You just have the media, Big Tech, and the biggest mouths. Your numbers are manufactured and nowhere close to the majority.

Not engaging in your election fraud fantasies
Do these leftist idiots really think America would be better off with them in total 100% and permanent rule over the vast unwashed masses? Do they really think that by eliminating Conservatives that we would usher in prosperity, rainbows, and unicorns? Geewillikers, wasn't that tried and failed already in every Leftist shithole country throughout history? And these Communist scumbags want to do it here?

No they do not, but unless and until the Republican Party dumps Trump, and his entire MAGA Mob, this is what you have.

No one is trying to eliminate conservatives, but the MAGA crowd isn't conservative at all. They don't believe in small government, balanced budgets, or personal freedoms. They lie endlessly, and they're not interested in governing the country for the American people. If they can't win an election honestly, they will overthrow the elected government to retain control

The MAGA Party is corrupt, criminal, and incompetent. They have no agenda, no platform, and no plans other than to get and keep power. There is nothing to vote for but fear and hate.
Oh and in Liberetard speak, " get serious" means agree with the far Left agenda 100%

If you want a reasonable discussion, you can speak respectfully, A$$hat The only "retarded" people are people like you who think that their shit doesn't stink, when you can't buy a seat in either the House or Senate.

Your party is offering nothing but more of what American people already rejected in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DON'T WANT A WHITE NATIONALIST DICTATORSHIP.
No they do not, but unless and until the Republican Party dumps Trump, and his entire MAGA Mob, this is what you have.

No one is trying to eliminate conservatives, but the MAGA crowd isn't conservative at all. They don't believe in small government, balanced budgets, or personal freedoms. They lie endlessly, and they're not interested in governing the country for the American people. If they can't win an election honestly, they will overthrow the elected government to retain control

The MAGA Party is corrupt, criminal, and incompetent. They have no agenda, no platform, and no plans other than to get and keep power. There is nothing to vote for but fear and hate.
"Conservative" as the term is used in America, simply means "rightwing."

The media isn't comfortable w/the harsh-sounding word "rightwing", so they just use the term "conservative" instead.

So when you hear them say things like "So and so is very conservative" understands that it means "so and so is very rightwing."
Do these leftist idiots really think America would be better off with them in total 100% and permanent rule over the vast unwashed masses? Do they really think that by eliminating Conservatives that we would usher in prosperity, rainbows, and unicorns? Geewillikers, wasn't that tried and failed already in every Leftist shithole country throughout history? And these Communist scumbags want to do it here?
And yet you would welcome a one party rule by those you support, so are you any different?

Before you say you wouldn’t name someone that wasn’t Republican that you voted for in 2020 or 2022?
And yet you would welcome a one party rule by those you support, so are you any different?

Before you say you wouldn’t name someone that wasn’t Republican that you voted for in 2020 or 2022?
Republicans aren't out to "fundamentally transform" America into some Euroweenie socialist shithole. Republicans aren't supporting sexual deviancy and perversion including paedophilia, Republicans (at least the good ones) don't support killing babies at the altar of "choice".

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