A Nation Under One Party Rule

Republicans aren't out to "fundamentally transform" America into some Euroweenie socialist shithole. Republicans aren't supporting sexual deviancy and perversion including paedophilia, Republicans (at least the good ones) don't support killing babies at the altar of "choice".
So you do support one party rule but only if it is the political party of your choice.

Oh, writing about Pedophilia can you name the Democrats convicted of it?

I can name a former Republican House Speaker that was found guilty of raping young males…

So, now you have admitted you will vote for one political party rule and have no issue with Republicans that abuse boys.
No thanks to the indoctrination centers masquerading as schools, we have a citizenry dumber than a bag of rocks who vote for free shit.

Thanks to FOX News and the billionaire owned right wing media, you have a right wing electorate, who believe in conspiracy theories and every lie emanating from the mouths of Republican leaders.

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