A national monument in the wrong place, 19th century tech.

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
So they couldn't even get this right yet the AGW cult wants us to believe old guys wearing bifocals could read and record thermometers to the tenth degree let alone to the degree accurately a 100 plus years ago?

The National Monument That's in the Wrong Place

  • The “Four Corners,” where Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico meet, is the only quadripoint of its kind in the United States. Canada has had its own Four Corners since 1999, when the new territory of Nunavut was carved out of the Northwest Territories. There probably hasn’t been an international quadripoint since 1961, though there’s some disagreement about one in southern Africa.

  • So it is a fairly rare geographical oddity, which helps explain why Four Corners gets over 250,000 visitors a year.

  • Unfortunately, 19th-century surveying technology wasn’t precise enough to follow the meridians and parallels precisely. The Utah-Colorado state line, for example, wanders a mile and a half away from the legislated border at one point. The Supreme Court ruled in 1925 that the initial survey should remain the official border (and the Navajo Parks and Recreation Department has gone to lengths to remind everyone of that), even where it was screwed up, but the fact remains that Four Corners is not where Congress tried to put it in 1863. The real spot, we can now see with GPS, is 1,807 feet to the west
Let's see, navigate across thousands of miles of deserts, forests, mountains and read a thermometer. VERY similar operations. I can clearly see how a failure to do one with sufficient accuracy proves the other could not.

But wait, what was that accuracy? From the east coast of the United States to Four Corners is just about 1,900 miles. That would be 10,032,000 feet. 1.807ft / 10,032,000ft is 1.801236044657097e-4 or 0.018%. We were looking for a thermometer reading of 0.1 degree on a scale (and I'll be generous here) 0F to 212F. 0.1F / 212F is 0.047%. The Four Corners Monument was placed with over 2-and-a-half TIMES as much accuracy as would be required to read a thermometer to a tenth of a degree.

So, fuck off, stupid.
So they couldn't even get this right yet the AGW cult wants us to believe old guys wearing bifocals could read and record thermometers to the tenth degree let alone to the degree accurately a 100 plus years ago?
They had magnifying glass back then. ANYONE, young or old, could EASILY read temps to 1/10th of a degree.
Let's see, navigate across thousands of miles of deserts, forests, mountains and read a thermometer. VERY similar operations. I can clearly see how a failure to do one with sufficient accuracy proves the other could not.

But wait, what was that accuracy? From the east coast of the United States to Four Corners is just about 1,900 miles. That would be 10,032,000 feet. 1.807ft / 10,032,000ft is 1.801236044657097e-4 or 0.018%. We were looking for a thermometer reading of 0.1 degree on a scale (and I'll be generous here) 0F to 212F. 0.1F / 212F is 0.047%. The Four Corners Monument was placed with over 2-and-a-half TIMES as much accuracy as would be required to read a thermometer to a tenth of a degree.

So, fuck off, stupid.

Oh did I offend your cult again, ignorant no common sense little one?

The year prick is 2016 and your so called experts can't even FUCKING measure snow right.

Washington, D.C., snowfall total called into question after improper measurement
Let's see, navigate across thousands of miles of deserts, forests, mountains and read a thermometer. VERY similar operations. I can clearly see how a failure to do one with sufficient accuracy proves the other could not.

But wait, what was that accuracy? From the east coast of the United States to Four Corners is just about 1,900 miles. That would be 10,032,000 feet. 1.807ft / 10,032,000ft is 1.801236044657097e-4 or 0.018%. We were looking for a thermometer reading of 0.1 degree on a scale (and I'll be generous here) 0F to 212F. 0.1F / 212F is 0.047%. The Four Corners Monument was placed with over 2-and-a-half TIMES as much accuracy as would be required to read a thermometer to a tenth of a degree.

So, fuck off, stupid.

Oh did I offend your cult again, ignorant no common sense little one?

The year prick is 2016 and your so called experts can't even FUCKING measure snow right.

Washington, D.C., snowfall total called into question after improper measurement

Well, you've caught it red-handed. The snowfall totals were wrong, therefore every one of the millions of temperatures measurements, from satellites, from ARGO buoys, from the thousands of automated weather stations - all wrong.

Why don't you come back when you have something real. Till then, as I said, fuck off stupid.
God I love watching you warmer wackos trying to defend the ineptitude of modern climate science...The fact is that by mismeasuring the snowfall, they very well may be simply dismissing as a heavy snowfall one of the top 3 heaviest snowfalls ever recorded...just another example of skewing numbers that don't agree with the AGW wacko narrative...lets just make it a heavy snowfall...can't be having one of the top 3 heaviest snowfalls ever recorded in the area right after the hottest year evah.......
As I understand it, the snowfall totals were wrong - or MAY have been wrong - at ONE location. So far the denier crowd has argued that such mistakes refute the contention that global weather records from the 19th century couldn't possibly be accurate (and, if inaccurate, must have been warmer) and now SSDD informs us that the misread at National Airport is part of the Grand Climate Change Conspiracy.

You people are funny. Stupid, but funny.
Let's see, navigate across thousands of miles of deserts, forests, mountains and read a thermometer. VERY similar operations. I can clearly see how a failure to do one with sufficient accuracy proves the other could not.

But wait, what was that accuracy? From the east coast of the United States to Four Corners is just about 1,900 miles. That would be 10,032,000 feet. 1.807ft / 10,032,000ft is 1.801236044657097e-4 or 0.018%. We were looking for a thermometer reading of 0.1 degree on a scale (and I'll be generous here) 0F to 212F. 0.1F / 212F is 0.047%. The Four Corners Monument was placed with over 2-and-a-half TIMES as much accuracy as would be required to read a thermometer to a tenth of a degree.

So, fuck off, stupid.
noun, plural analogies.
a similarity between like features of two things, on which a comparisonmay be based:
the analogy between the heart and a pump.
similarity or comparability:
I see no analogy between your problem and mine.
Biology. an analogous relationship.​
  1. the process by which words or phrases are created or re-formedaccording to existing patterns in the language, as when shoon wasre-formed as shoes, when -ize is added to nouns like winter to formverbs, or when a child says foots for feet.
  2. a form resulting from such a process.
Logic. a form of reasoning in which one thing is inferred to be similar toanother thing in a certain respect, on the basis of the known similaritybetween the things in other respects.​
Let's see, navigate across thousands of miles of deserts, forests, mountains and read a thermometer. VERY similar operations. I can clearly see how a failure to do one with sufficient accuracy proves the other could not.

But wait, what was that accuracy? From the east coast of the United States to Four Corners is just about 1,900 miles. That would be 10,032,000 feet. 1.807ft / 10,032,000ft is 1.801236044657097e-4 or 0.018%. We were looking for a thermometer reading of 0.1 degree on a scale (and I'll be generous here) 0F to 212F. 0.1F / 212F is 0.047%. The Four Corners Monument was placed with over 2-and-a-half TIMES as much accuracy as would be required to read a thermometer to a tenth of a degree.

So, fuck off, stupid.

Oh did I offend your cult again, ignorant no common sense little one?

The year prick is 2016 and your so called experts can't even FUCKING measure snow right.

Washington, D.C., snowfall total called into question after improper measurement

Well, you've caught it red-handed. The snowfall totals were wrong, therefore every one of the millions of temperatures measurements, from satellites, from ARGO buoys, from the thousands of automated weather stations - all wrong.

Why don't you come back when you have something real. Till then, as I said, fuck off stupid.

We are talking ancient 100 year old technology retard. Ya know the one you base your fear mongering off of saying it is the Hottest year on record.

God you drink the kool aid and Argo wasn't even put in operation till 2004.
The mercury thermometer was invented in 1714, so over 300 years old. And maybe you just don't get this, but neither the freezing point of water nor the boiling point of water nor the human eyeball nor the human brain has changed in the intervening years. With regards to reading a thermometer, what PRECISELY do you believe folks from 100 years ago could not do that we can today ?
The mercury thermometer was invented in 1714, so over 300 years old. And maybe you just don't get this, but neither the freezing point of water nor the boiling point of water nor the human eyeball nor the human brain has changed in the intervening years. With regards to reading a thermometer, what PRECISELY do you believe folks from 100 years ago could not do that we can today ?

So then would you care to explain why you believe that the massive adjustment to the historical temperature record that climate science is engaging in makes it "more accurate"....it is after, all, just reading a thermometer and writing down the result.....why would such massive changes to the past make the record more accurate?
So they couldn't even get this right yet the AGW cult wants us to believe old guys wearing bifocals could read and record thermometers to the tenth degree let alone to the degree accurately a 100 plus years ago?
They had magnifying glass back then. ANYONE, young or old, could EASILY read temps to 1/10th of a degree.
show me how you can read that on this thermometer?
The mercury thermometer was invented in 1714, so over 300 years old. And maybe you just don't get this, but neither the freezing point of water nor the boiling point of water nor the human eyeball nor the human brain has changed in the intervening years. With regards to reading a thermometer, what PRECISELY do you believe folks from 100 years ago could not do that we can today ?
Hey Crick, show me the 1/10th of a degree on this thermometer?

If man made global warming was a scientific fact they would call it a fact but they don't. MMGW is a theory promoted by the scientific community in order to gain recognition or lucrative research grants. MMGW opinions (and that's what they are) are more often than not a result of wishful thinking and peer pressure. Just because the liberal media calls a MMGW activist a "scientist" it doesn't make him smart. In the early days of DNA research, genetic PHD scientists patted themselves on the back and published grand scientific journals claiming that they had obtained DNA from dinosaur fossils when what they were getting was the DNA from the many human hands that handled the fossils. The point is that placing the word "scientist" in an argument about the theory of global warming doesn't prove a thing.
If man made global warming was a scientific fact they would call it a fact but they don't. MMGW is a theory promoted by the scientific community in order to gain recognition or lucrative research grants. MMGW opinions (and that's what they are) are more often than not a result of wishful thinking and peer pressure. Just because the liberal media calls a MMGW activist a "scientist" it doesn't make him smart. In the early days of DNA research, genetic PHD scientists patted themselves on the back and published grand scientific journals claiming that they had obtained DNA from dinosaur fossils when what they were getting was the DNA from the many human hands that handled the fossils. The point is that placing the word "scientist" in an argument about the theory of global warming doesn't prove a thing.

It isn't even a theory...it is a hypothesis...and a pretty shabby one at that.....not backed up by the first bit of empirical evidence to support even its most basic claim.
If man made global warming was a scientific fact they would call it a fact but they don't. MMGW is a theory promoted by the scientific community in order to gain recognition or lucrative research grants. MMGW opinions (and that's what they are) are more often than not a result of wishful thinking and peer pressure. Just because the liberal media calls a MMGW activist a "scientist" it doesn't make him smart. In the early days of DNA research, genetic PHD scientists patted themselves on the back and published grand scientific journals claiming that they had obtained DNA from dinosaur fossils when what they were getting was the DNA from the many human hands that handled the fossils. The point is that placing the word "scientist" in an argument about the theory of global warming doesn't prove a thing.

It isn't even a theory...it is a hypothesis...and a pretty shabby one at that.....not backed up by the first bit of empirical evidence to support even its most basic claim.
SSDD, it is amusing how the left doesn't understand the difference between Theory and Hypothesis. And yet they lecture about scientific this and that. Well I say take the first step and learn the fkn difference between theory and hypothesis and how you achieve a theory.
BTW, I hear crickets concerning using that magnifying glass to read 1/10th of a degree off the thermometer I posted up?

So to the point of the OP, how can you see 1/10th of a degree on the thermometer that I posted?
I've tried to explain the statistics of large numbers to deniers before, but it's like trying to teach Latin to a chimp. Most of the deniers are simply too dim to grasp such basics.

Now, there's nothing wrong with being stupid, as long as you understand your limits. Half the human race is stupid, and most of them are very nice. I don't understand the math behind String Theory or the Higgs Boson, but at least I know I don't understand it, therefore I don't hysterically scream that scientists in those fields are frauds.

Alas, the denier moron-narcissists here refuse to acknowledge their own stupidity, refuse to believe that anyone else could be less stupid themselves, and thus declare that any intelligent person must be fraud. That's belligerent stupidity, almost all deniers display it, and it's repulsive and dangerous.
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