A new, ethical, church proposal

I don’t need your origin story.
You don't want- that is a negative desire. Needs are air, water, food, shelter and clothing, the last two being optional depending on climate.
Educate yourself
Official Church of Satan Website | churchofsatan.com
They call it the church of satan because true individualism and liberty is often defined as evil by the religious nutters.
I will accept your apology.
Why don't you ejumacate me. Show me what I say isn't true- with facts, not religious nutter dogma. If THEY didn't have someone (Individual) to do their thinking they wouldn't exist as a group. Period.
I will apologize to no one for practicing and believing in the Golden Rule, especially "religious nutters" (notice the plural?) who profess some sort of esoteric knowledge and dogamtize it as truth- that they have no respect for others proves a point I'm making- they- group- demand others see things their way or else-
You do realize where the Golden Rule came from, right?

And? That means what? That being Christ like is sinful vs idolotry, as in man's word?
So much for making the world a better place through secular humanism.
How many have been killed through religious conviction? And you still have answered the questions I've asked?
Why is that? Are you afraid to?
They worship the created rather than the creator.
Why worship vs just appreciate? BTW, since you claim you believe that your god creates man, what do you have against believing he didn't endow them with rights?
Yes I am good at getting tired of explaining myself.
You didnt bother to read what i posted. I have no desire to explain myself multiple times when the person I am talking to doesnt want to hear something that goes against his beliefs. Like a religious nutter does ;)
Enjoy yourself, old man. Your wilfull ignorance should keep you company.
But I did read what you posted- links affirming your assertions- that hold no water- I don't believe in Satan, nor do I believe in a God- both are figments of imagination (man said) so what "they" say holds no water for me- and again, nutter, tell me where I'm wrong in my beliefs- how is what I'm proposing unethical? Is it immoral? To cast no stones, to not want to cause harm to another- to respect others simply because they exist? Or, is it more because it goes against religious dogma?
What man says evolves with knowledge- Truth is constant- the Truth is, all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- it was true yesterday, it is true today and will be true tomorrow- religion and God's so called word has evolved for eons from one language to another- translated by, get ready, man, with absolutely no proof other than man said it's god's word- which God I'd be interested in knowing? The christian God? The jewish God? Allah? Which one said what to who when?

And, the so-called believers are the ones waging war in the ME as we speak- and all rely on god to take care of them- then why in the world are they killing each other? That is resounding illogical? And it isn't because the Islamist hate our way of life, it's because we won't respect their's. That stems from not accepting and living by the Truth.
OMFG you didn't read it.
They dont believe in a satan or a god of any type except themselves.
Iy is about individuality and personal liberty.
Arent you too old to lie?
Everyone worships something.
Define worship- enjoy? Despise? Take pleasure in? Act in reverence toward? How about acting in reverence to being glad I'm alive? A good cup of coffee? Sunshine? A strong southwesterly breeze? Thunderstorms? Delight in seeing others laugh? Or a smile from a stranger?
I used to respect you Gdjjr
Now I know you are just a liar and a intellectual hack
BTW, the Christian Jewish and Islamic god is the same one.
What a stupid fucking thread
I don't worship him, but he was one smart Individual- I only learned about the below lately- he also penned the words, all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- the Truth- it was true yesterday, it's true to day and will be true tomorrow- while knowledge will evolve- as does religious dogma and is the cause of conflict because many take it seriously enough to kill just to show their morally superior belief is, well, morally superior- (think the only good Indian is a dead Indian for example) and that, my friends, is from an alleged Christian nation who believes it's god is superior to others gods- yet, defend with their life jews, whose beliefs don't align with christianity = confusion on my part- but, I digress

Jefferson's Religious Beliefs | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

Thomas Jefferson’s religious beliefs have long been a subject of public discussion, and were a critical topic in several of his important political campaigns as he was viciously and unfairly attacked for alleged atheism.

Jefferson took the issue of religion very seriously. A man of the Enlightenment, he certainly applied to himself the advice which he gave to his nephew Peter Carr in 1787: "Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because, if there be one, he must more approve the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear."1 Jefferson read broadly on the topic, including studying different religions, and while he often claimed that religion was a private matter “between Man & his God,” he frequently discussed religion.2

If he were alive to day, I wonder which God he's subscribe to? Christian, Jewish, Islamic?
Oh wait!

Jefferson and Christianity
While Jefferson was a firm theist, the God in which he believed was not the traditional Christian divinity. Jefferson rejected the notion of the Trinity and Jesus’ divinity. He rejected Biblical miracles, the resurrection, the atonement, and original sin (believing that God could not fault or condemn all humanity for the sins of others, a gross injustice).10 In neither the eighteenth century nor today would most people consider a person with those views a “Christian.”

Given these views, Jefferson’s relationship with Christianity was complicated. He believed that Jesus was the “first of human sages,” noting that his philosophy, “freed from the corruptions of later times” – including Jesus’ divinity, resurrection, and miracles – “is far superior” to others because Jesus preached “universal philanthropy, not only to kindred and friends, to neighbors and countrymen, but to all mankind….”11 With this in mind, Jefferson said that Christianity would be the best religion in a republic, especially one like the United States with a broad diversity of ethnicities and religions. “[T]he Christian religion when divested of the rags in which they [the clergy] have inveloped it, and brought to the original purity & simplicity of its benevolent institutor, is a religion of all others most friendly to liberty, science, & the freest expression of the human mind,” he explained.12

It was a “benign religion … inculcating honesty, truth, temperance, gratitude and love of man, acknowledging and adoring an overruling providence.”13 Based on these understandings, Jefferson demonstrated a deep, even devout, admiration of Jesus, “the purity & sublimity of his moral precepts, the eloquence of his inculcations, the beauty of the apologues in which he conveys them...”14 At times, Jefferson described these moral and ethical teachings of Jesus as “primitive christianity” before its perversion by church leaders seeking temporal power.15

It was in this context that Jefferson said that “I am a Christian,” a quote which is often repeated or referred to without context. What he said was “I am a Christian, in the only sense in which he [Jesus] wished anyone to be; sincerely attached to his doctrines, in preference to all others; ascribing to himself every human excellence; & believing he never claimed any other.”16 What he embraced was Jesus’ moral and ethical philosophy, a “rational creed . . . universal & eternal,” what he elsewhere terms “Christianism.”17 Similarly, at one point he seemed to endorse “deism,” but only after defining the term as simply a belief in one god, more accurately “monotheism.”18
They worship the created rather than the creator.
Why worship vs just appreciate? BTW, since you claim you believe that your god creates man, what do you have against believing he didn't endow them with rights?
Probably because man is hardwired for it. The only choice you get is in choosing what you will worship.

What do I have against believing we don’t have inalienable rights for no other reason than we are God’s creatures? Because that’s the rule of capture.
Everyone worships something.
Define worship- enjoy? Despise? Take pleasure in? Act in reverence toward? How about acting in reverence to being glad I'm alive? A good cup of coffee? Sunshine? A strong southwesterly breeze? Thunderstorms? Delight in seeing others laugh? Or a smile from a stranger?
In your case, whatever the created thing that your life revolves around. It could be any number of things but it’s the thing that you obsess over.
I used to respect you Gdjjr
Now I know you are just a liar and a intellectual hack
Sorry to hear that- I'm intellectually honest- you can call me or it what you like but you won't change anything anymore than anyone else who doesn't present hard evidence for me to consider- you can kill, or ignore, or disrespect the thinker but you'll never get rid of the thought- or the Truth- all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- it was true yesterday, it's true today and it will be true tomorrow- that thought ain't going away simply because you ignore and/or disrespect it- knowledge evolves- mine has because I have and maintain an open mind and consider all opinions before rendering a conclusion- my conclusion is- what was true yesterday is true today and will be true tomorrow- my knowledge is it isn't biased in its origin and can manifest itself in ways unimaginable- I know for a fact that not acquiring knowledge or using prejudice to consider it means a conclusion is incomplete, rendering it subjective which is biased.
Well, I will say a prayer for you.
I do unto others as I would have them do unto me- that, my dear reader IS the Golden Rule-
No. You don’t. We already established that when you called me an asswipe for no good reason.

Unless of course you would like others to call you an asswipe. In that case you would be doing to others as you would have them do to you.

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