A new, ethical, church proposal

Yes I am good at getting tired of explaining myself.
You didnt bother to read what i posted. I have no desire to explain myself multiple times when the person I am talking to doesnt want to hear something that goes against his beliefs. Like a religious nutter does ;)
Enjoy yourself, old man. Your wilfull ignorance should keep you company.
But I did read what you posted- links affirming your assertions- that hold no water- I don't believe in Satan, nor do I believe in a God- both are figments of imagination (man said) so what "they" say holds no water for me- and again, nutter, tell me where I'm wrong in my beliefs- how is what I'm proposing unethical? Is it immoral? To cast no stones, to not want to cause harm to another- to respect others simply because they exist? Or, is it more because it goes against religious dogma?
What man says evolves with knowledge- Truth is constant- the Truth is, all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- it was true yesterday, it is true today and will be true tomorrow- religion and God's so called word has evolved for eons from one language to another- translated by, get ready, man, with absolutely no proof other than man said it's god's word- which God I'd be interested in knowing? The christian God? The jewish God? Allah? Which one said what to who when?

And, the so-called believers are the ones waging war in the ME as we speak- and all rely on god to take care of them- then why in the world are they killing each other? That is resounding illogical? And it isn't because the Islamist hate our way of life, it's because we won't respect their's. That stems from not accepting and living by the Truth.
But the primary distinction between secular humanism and traditional religions is a belief in a power greater than man.

But man said it, so, yes- that people want to believe it doesn't make it not so- I want to believe people are basically good- that don't make it so- I believe if people lived by the Golden Rule the world would be a better place, but, since I'm just a man no one wants to believe it- I don't get it- just because one isn't in ancient times doesn't mean what they say is of any less import- of course if somebody can show me how abiding by the Golden Rule wouldn't be "Christ like" I'm more than willing to read their opinion- if someone can show me how respecting another simply because he exists isn't Christ like, again, I'm more than willing to read their opinion- if I had said I received word from your God would you believe me?
Feel free to worship the created. It’s your choice.

You called me an asswipe, do you really think you should be discussing respect?
Do you really believe you are living by the golden rule when you call someone an asswipe for making a sincere observation.
You bet- do unto others as you would have them do unto you- when someone tries to insult my intelligence I respond in kind- sincerely.
How did I insult your intelligence exactly?
You called me an asswipe, do you really think you should be discussing respect?
I respond in kind- don't try to insult my intelligence I won't insult you. Not that hard to figure.
How did I insult your intelligence exactly?
Pretending you know something only one of your stature can comprehend- NOW- answer the questions posited-
How is abiding by the Golden Rule unethical or immoral? How is believing the Truth unethical or immoral?
How did I insult your intelligence exactly?
Pretending you know something only one of your stature can comprehend- NOW- answer the questions posited-
How is abiding by the Golden Rule unethical or immoral? How is believing the Truth unethical or immoral?
You read way more into that.

You have a different interpretation of the golden rule than me.

It is literally being demonstrated in this exchange.
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Educate yourself
Official Church of Satan Website | churchofsatan.com
They call it the church of satan because true individualism and liberty is often defined as evil by the religious nutters.
I will accept your apology.
Why don't you ejumacate me. Show me what I say isn't true- with facts, not religious nutter dogma. If THEY didn't have someone (Individual) to do their thinking they wouldn't exist as a group. Period.
I will apologize to no one for practicing and believing in the Golden Rule, especially "religious nutters" (notice the plural?) who profess some sort of esoteric knowledge and dogamtize it as truth- that they have no respect for others proves a point I'm making- they- group- demand others see things their way or else-
You do realize where the Golden Rule came from, right?

It was for good reason that Karl Marx said that communism is naturalized humanism.
It was for good reason that Karl Marx said that communism is naturalized humanism.
Karl Marx chose to divorce God but not the ethics of Christianity. He thought that the poor needed help, for example. However, Niettzsche came along and saw this as hypocritical, and thought time was wasted on those who needed charity and sought to write a new morality for which he never completed. His view was that if you don't divorce the morality of Christianity, you may as well stay religious.

The most troubling aspect of Marx and Nietzsche is that their philosophy was hijacked by both the former USSR and Nazi regime which murdered millions last century.

So much for making the world a better place through secular humanism.
It was for good reason that Karl Marx said that communism is naturalized humanism.
Karl Marx chose to divorce God but not the ethics of Christianity. He thought that the poor needed help, for example. However, Niettzsche came along and saw this as hypocritical, and thought time was wasted on those who needed charity and sought to write a new morality for which he never completed. His view was that if you don't divorce the morality of Christianity, you may as well stay religious.
Socialism is a religion. Human secularism is a religion. They worship the created rather than the creator. That’s what it means to be a materialist.
It was for good reason that Karl Marx said that communism is naturalized humanism.
Karl Marx chose to divorce God but not the ethics of Christianity. He thought that the poor needed help, for example. However, Niettzsche came along and saw this as hypocritical, and thought time was wasted on those who needed charity and sought to write a new morality for which he never completed. His view was that if you don't divorce the morality of Christianity, you may as well stay religious.
Socialism is a religion. Human secularism is a religion. They worship the created rather than the creator. That’s what it means to be a materialist.
Agreed. Socialism/communism are both 100% materialistic as they reduce human existence down to dollars and cents.

For example, the those who practice their faith give far more of the charity and time to those in need than those who don't practice their faith or those who don't have any faith. But those people who don't give their time and money to those in need feel guilty, so they spend all their time trying to elect people who will force them to give more of their time and money to those in need. Naturally, this is problematic since the state only gives about 9 cents on the dollar to those in need, assuming we can even agree that those in need actually need it as where those of faith can see who needs it and 100% of their giving goes to them.

At the end of the day, when those of faith give in the name of their God it is a blessing to those who give as it is a form of worship to their God and those that receive it are grateful for the gift. However, those that pay taxes spend all their time trying to get out of paying those taxes and those that receive government hand outs don't view it as a gift, rather, it is and entitlement. What's worse is, those who are entitled are not grateful, no, they think they should be getting more.

That is the consequence for divorcing God.
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