a new opportunity

to go and find a job ... it will be easy, so easy.

thank you Trump.

More than 6,300 stores are shutting down — here's the full list
From your article: "Retailers are closing thousands of stores following years of declines in sales and customer traffic."

Nice indictment of your messiah, Chicago Jesus.

Posts as stupid as the above should go into a stupid bin somewhere on the site.
Says the dufus moron who has no problem with blaming Trump for the stores closing.
I was wondering how long it would take for somebody to blame Obama.
Oh STOP. Barry blamed Bush for 8 years. Snowflakes still invoke Bush's name nearly a decade after he has been gone when they need to blame someone. So stop the overdramatic theatrical hypocrisy.
as Trumps sad little bitches scramble ....

to go and find a job ... it will be easy, so easy.

thank you Trump.

More than 6,300 stores are shutting down — here's the full list

Just by chance do you even bother to read your fricken links/posts.

"Retailers are closing thousands of stores following years of declines in sales and customer traffic."

sure I read them ... Obama kept those stores open, Trump didnt.

easy huh.


What did he do to keep them open?

Here's what President Obama did to help US businesses.

But I will admit that Republicans are doing a lot to shut down small businesses on line by working to end net neutrality. That will help Amazon, Walmart etc but small businesses will completely die off. Trump will sign that so fast, your head will spin.
to go and find a job ... it will be easy, so easy.

thank you Trump.

More than 6,300 stores are shutting down — here's the full list
From your article: "Retailers are closing thousands of stores following years of declines in sales and customer traffic."

Nice indictment of your messiah, Chicago Jesus.

Posts as stupid as the above should go into a stupid bin somewhere on the site.

But most of your comments have filled that bin.
to go and find a job ... it will be easy, so easy.

thank you Trump.

More than 6,300 stores are shutting down — here's the full list

Just by chance do you even bother to read your fricken links/posts.

"Retailers are closing thousands of stores following years of declines in sales and customer traffic."

sure I read them ... Obama kept those stores open, Trump didnt.

easy huh.


What did he do to keep them open?

Here's what President Obama did to help US businesses.

But I will admit that Republicans are doing a lot to shut down small businesses on line by working to end net neutrality. That will help Amazon, Walmart etc but small businesses will completely die off. Trump will sign that so fast, your head will spin.

In other news the chocolate ration has been increased from 30 grams to 25 grams, and we have always been at war with Eastasia.

Linking unlinked stats isn't linking.

How does net neutrality or lack thereof favor wal-mart and such over smaller businesses?
as Trumps sad little bitches scramble ....

Thank you for the demonstration of the definition of 'projection'.

Democrats continue to scramble:
- To come up with any evidence to support their Witch Hunt Conspiracy Theories against Trump
- To lie, deny. justify, and hide from all the Democrat crimes they themselves have exposed in their failed attempts to 'get Trump'.

The Democratic party is now the 'Wiley Coyote' Party:

upload_2017-8-2_11-21-44.jpeg [URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2F4c%2F69%2Fd5%2F4c69d54933aa830d7dc6559aca905f11--road-runner-looney-tunes.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fjpstexas%2Fwile-e-coyote%2F&docid=E0_yBgn_TLOlBM&tbnid=5NVTCUUdJh3V3M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiBpb2K7bjVAhUh7oMKHWwhBA8QMwhLKBwwHA..i&w=720&h=720&bih=783&biw=1122&q=wile%20e%20coyote%20fails%20to%20get%20roadrunner%20again&ved=0ahUKEwiBpb2K7bjVAhUh7oMKHWwhBA8QMwhLKBwwHA&iact=mrc&uact=8']

as Trumps sad little bitches scramble ....

Says the Obama stooge.

youre a Trump bitch ... I'm not

now whos the stooge ?

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 38% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Sixty-two percent (62%) disapprove.

The latest figures for Trump include 25% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 50% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -25. (see trends).
as Trumps sad little bitches scramble ....

Says the Obama stooge.

youre a Trump bitch ... I'm not

now whos the stooge ?

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 38% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Sixty-two percent (62%) disapprove.

The latest figures for Trump include 25% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 50% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -25. (see trends).

Great, you're an Obama bitch.
as Trumps sad little bitches scramble ....

Says the Obama stooge.

youre a Trump bitch ... I'm not

now whos the stooge ?

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 38% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Sixty-two percent (62%) disapprove.

The latest figures for Trump include 25% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 50% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -25. (see trends).
Shitforbrains thinks popularity is more important than doing the right thing.
as Trumps sad little bitches scramble ....

Sorry #7 your queen Obama will never be influential again. He will always be known as the anti American deep state creator and a treasonous bastard. He almost ruined the United States in just 8 short years. He is gone, his fucked up family is gone, his dream for American socialism is dead.

He tried to start a race war but he was rejected, he tried to destroy the undestroyable.

Yeah your queen Obama is gone for good and Trump is doing the repair and doing it well considering all of the opposition on the left the right and the uneducated overly compensated media assholes.

So go ahead and keep posting nonsense, it will help us win again and again and again.
to go and find a job ... it will be easy, so easy.

thank you Trump.

More than 6,300 stores are shutting down — here's the full list

Just by chance do you even bother to read your fricken links/posts.

"Retailers are closing thousands of stores following years of declines in sales and customer traffic."

sure I read them ... Obama kept those stores open, Trump didnt.

easy huh.


What did he do to keep them open?

Here's what President Obama did to help US businesses.

But I will admit that Republicans are doing a lot to shut down small businesses on line by working to end net neutrality. That will help Amazon, Walmart etc but small businesses will completely die off. Trump will sign that so fast, your head will spin.

In other news the chocolate ration has been increased from 30 grams to 25 grams, and we have always been at war with Eastasia.

Linking unlinked stats isn't linking.

How does net neutrality or lack thereof favor wal-mart and such over smaller businesses?

The right dos not seem to understand net neutrality. That's why they'll be in favor of it but why don't these people every look up facts on their own?

Net neutrality is fair to all businesses of all sizes and money.
Ending net neutrality will favor the mega businesses, like Amazon and Walmart. Use Google and quit demanding that liberals spoon feed you.
as Trumps sad little bitches scramble ....

Says the Obama stooge.

youre a Trump bitch ... I'm not

now whos the stooge ?

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 38% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Sixty-two percent (62%) disapprove.

The latest figures for Trump include 25% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 50% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -25. (see trends).
Shitforbrains thinks popularity is more important than doing the right thing.

If Trump would do the right thing, he would be more popular.

The right thing - like not trashing the US and the WH and the WH staff and just everything else except the chocolate cake his resort serves.

When will the last 25-39% of Trump followers finally get fed up with his lies and do the right thing?
If Trump would do the right thing, he would be more popular.

The right thing - like not trashing the US and the WH and the WH staff and just everything else except the chocolate cake his resort serves.

When will the last 25-39% of Trump followers finally get fed up with his lies and do the right thing?
What lies? everyone points to lies but can't seem post any. Just like a parrot repeating stupid stuff it hears without thinking it through.
The right dos not seem to understand net neutrality. That's why they'll be in favor of it but why don't these people every look up facts on their own?

Net neutrality is fair to all businesses of all sizes and money.
Ending net neutrality will favor the mega businesses, like Amazon and Walmart. Use Google and quit demanding that liberals spoon feed you.
Do you know why your statement is so stupid? Because under net neutrality Amazon and Walmart have tripled in sales and size. It does the opposite of what you claim it does. Another thing it did was to increase global internet crime and scams. Just like we warned it would.
Just by chance do you even bother to read your fricken links/posts.

"Retailers are closing thousands of stores following years of declines in sales and customer traffic."

sure I read them ... Obama kept those stores open, Trump didnt.

easy huh.


What did he do to keep them open?

Here's what President Obama did to help US businesses.

But I will admit that Republicans are doing a lot to shut down small businesses on line by working to end net neutrality. That will help Amazon, Walmart etc but small businesses will completely die off. Trump will sign that so fast, your head will spin.

In other news the chocolate ration has been increased from 30 grams to 25 grams, and we have always been at war with Eastasia.

Linking unlinked stats isn't linking.

How does net neutrality or lack thereof favor wal-mart and such over smaller businesses?

The right dos not seem to understand net neutrality. That's why they'll be in favor of it but why don't these people every look up facts on their own?

Net neutrality is fair to all businesses of all sizes and money.
Ending net neutrality will favor the mega businesses, like Amazon and Walmart. Use Google and quit demanding that liberals spoon feed you.

It's just a lack of trust in leftists and all their ploys. No matter what "Net Neutrality" is claimed to be somehow the left will use it to stifle speech and information they don't like,
to go and find a job ... it will be easy, so easy.

thank you Trump.

More than 6,300 stores are shutting down — here's the full list
From your article: "Retailers are closing thousands of stores following years of declines in sales and customer traffic."

Nice indictment of your messiah, Chicago Jesus.

Posts as stupid as the above should go into a stupid bin somewhere on the site.

But most of your comments have filled that bin.

Grow up.

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